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Release 3.3.8 (RC5) Is Now Available

Michel Kohanim

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It seems that with the most recent releases, I've experienced a 15 second delay between issuing a command to arm the ELK and the ELK actually responding to the command. This is true whether the command is issued through a program or admin console. I cannot figure out what could be causing this. Has anyone else experienced this delay?

I am on 3.3.8 - Everything is fast here.

Sounds like it maybe some DNS lookup issues? Try dotted quads for the IP address instead of a name that needs to be resolved.


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More on the LED brightness issue:


1. Devices turning their load on to 6% happens only when adjusting LED brightness from a program. Doing the same operation from the device's page on the Admin Console does not cause the problem. At least, I've not been able to replicate it from the console.


2. Setting a device LED brightness from a program does not produce consistent results, brightness can vary. Setting the brightness from the device's page on the Admin Console always produces consistent results.



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Hi Tom,


I appreciate your input and your expertise and no doubt you are a master at what you do. As such you can certainly use your network management expertise and do a traffic capture (Wireshark?) between your computer and ISY during the upgrade process and then send it to us. We'll surely review and try to figure out what's causing your problems.


From ISY's perspective, you should be able to upgrade remotely or locally via http or https.


With kind regards,




I will try to do this tomorrow evening and send it.


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It seems that with the most recent releases, I've experienced a 15 second delay between issuing a command to arm the ELK and the ELK actually responding to the command. This is true whether the command is issued through a program or admin console. I cannot figure out what could be causing this. Has anyone else experienced this delay?



No, I have not experienced this. I use a KPL next to my bed to arm the system and it happens faster than I can turn my head to look at the alarm keypad on the other side of the room. Currently running 3.3.6


I had issues when I went to SSL, but that was fixed by removing the xep username password. I am still a bit uncertain what impact removing that has on overall security. The only authentication method now is the user code.

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Tom and Michael, maybe I missed it and feel free to ignore the noise if I did, but how about running some checksums on the file(s) zipped and unzipped as well.


Could Tom have some firmware in the ISY that is a little flaky maybe, a EEPROM that isn't reliable. Any way to run a MD5 on that file itself on the ISY?

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Hi Tom, thank you so very much and very much looking forward to it.


sanders2222, please open the Event Viewer, send ELK commands and then observe the events as they happen in the Event Viewer. What do you see? Do you see any ELK-ERR entries?


1. Devices turning their load on to 6% happens only when adjusting LED brightness from a program. Doing the same operation from the device's page on the Admin Console does not cause the problem. At least, I've not been able to replicate it from the console.

Hi JMC, cannot produce. Can you please send a screenshot of the program you are using + your KPL version to support@universal-devices.com?


2. Setting a device LED brightness from a program does not produce consistent results, brightness can vary. Setting the brightness from the device's page on the Admin Console always produces consistent results.

Again, cannot reproduce.



Unlike other devices, ISY firmware is not just a binary that's flashed into the flash. It has more than 50 different files each one of which are inspected for integrity before being installed. In all cases, unless something goes terribly bad, you will not be left with a device that does not work.


With kind regards,


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Hi Tom,


I appreciate your input and your expertise and no doubt you are a master at what you do. As such you can certainly use your network management expertise and do a traffic capture (Wireshark?) between your computer and ISY during the upgrade process and then send it to us. We'll surely review and try to figure out what's causing your problems.


From ISY's perspective, you should be able to upgrade remotely or locally via http or https.


With kind regards,




I will try to do this tomorrow evening and send it.



Wouldn't you know it, while running Wireshark it succeeded on the first try. If you want to see the trace I will send it to you, Michel (send me an email address), though I suspect a good one won't show anything useful. I will try to remember to run Wireshark during future updates to capture a failure.


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I would like to add that I have enjoyed this progression through release candidates to RC5 because of the valuable exchange of information between UD and the user community. As a user, I prefer the delay we are seeing as fine points are polished to circling a day on a calendar and pushing out new software, ready or not. Ultimately, this process of continuing to work on issues is better for everyone and results in higher customer satisfaction and fewer panics once the final release is made available. Thanks for all of the hard work and patience. It's cool to be an ISY user. :mrgreen:

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It's cool to be an ISY user. :mrgreen:



Ordered my ISY last month, installed it and replaced all my X-10 devices in the past few weeks. Having a great time configuring all the scenes and creating programs. All done by researching user collaboration here on the forum. It is cool to be an ISY user. :mrgreen:


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It's cool to be an ISY user. :mrgreen:



Ordered my ISY last month, installed it and replaced all my X-10 devices in the past few weeks. Having a great time configuring all the scenes and creating programs. All done by researching user collaboration here on the forum. It is cool to be an ISY user. :mrgreen:



Just installed mine too and working flawlessly... I am a kinda geek so beta's are fun for me to work with... Looking forward to finding out really just how much fun I can have...

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It's cool to be an ISY user. :mrgreen:


I've been an ISY user for maybe 4 years now and have been on these forums most of that time. I have never before or since found another community as welcoming and friendly as this. After all this time I still learn something new here almost everyday. I'm proud to be a part of this community and a member of the ISY family.



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It's cool to be an ISY user. :mrgreen:


I've been an ISY user for maybe 4 years now and have been on these forums most of that time. I have never before or since found another community as welcoming and friendly as this. After all this time I still learn something new here almost everyday. I'm proud to be a part of this community and a member of the ISY family.





I went through the learning curve the same as everyone else but found a lot of good information and ideas here which allowed me to answer most of my own questions. I echo your sentiment about this being a very open and welcoming community. People here are just great. When MacRumors floated the idea that Apple might be thinking of buying a startup home automation company (which has yet to produce a real product), I mentioned the ISY and UD over there and what I can already do from my phone and iPad. Members pounced on me to learn more. There may be a market for a plug and play type of very basic control but I see the real growth coming from geeks like us who see the utilitarian value but also the fun of creating a custom system.


My cable company advertises that they can wire my house so I can set my alarm from work and then they get really vague about anything else they can do. Well, the time to set the alarm is when leaving and if one forgets, it is highly unlikely that one would remember halfway through the day. The ISY is the best engine for home/building control yet invented and the fact I can recycle some of my old X10 stuff for lower priority tasks as I replace through attrition is a real plus. This is my 5th home controller (3, X10, 1, 2414U, 1, ISY) and holy sox, Batman, this is great. Being able to keep on learning, experimenting and adapting is really cool, especially when the end result is never having to touch a light switch and hundreds a year in energy savings.

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Following up on an issue i first reported under 3.3.7, I am still getting NTP timeouts even after updating the NTP Server to time.nost.gov.




Sun 2013/01/06 05:37:45	System	-60006	Stopping retries/next cycle	
Sun 2013/01/06 11:38:03	System	-60006	n/a	
Sun 2013/01/06 18:00:01	System	-140005	Net Module Rule: 23	
Sun 2013/01/06 18:00:01	System	-140005	Net Module Rule: 23	
Sun 2013/01/06 18:00:02	System	-140005	Net Module Rule: 30	
Sun 2013/01/06 20:38:28	System	-60006	n/a	
Sun 2013/01/06 20:38:28	System	-60006	Stopping retries/next cycle	
Mon 2013/01/07 00:00:01	System	-140005	Net Module Rule: 25	
Mon 2013/01/07 00:00:01	System	-140005	Net Module Rule: 28	
Mon 2013/01/07 00:00:02	System	-140005	Net Module Rule: 30	
Mon 2013/01/07 00:00:03	System	-140005	Net Module Rule: 36	
Mon 2013/01/07 00:00:03	System	-140005	Net Module Rule: 39	
Mon 2013/01/07 00:00:04	System	-140005	Net Module Rule: 41	
Mon 2013/01/07 02:38:38	System	-60006	n/a	
Mon 2013/01/07 02:38:43	System	-60006	n/a	
Mon 2013/01/07 02:38:48	System	-60006	n/a	
Mon 2013/01/07 02:38:53	System	-60006	n/a	
Mon 2013/01/07 02:38:58	System	-60006	n/a	
Mon 2013/01/07 02:38:58	System	-60006	Stopping retries/next cycle	
Mon 2013/01/07 05:00:01	System	-140005	Net Module Rule: 24	
Mon 2013/01/07 05:00:01	System	-140005	Net Module Rule: 23	
Mon 2013/01/07 05:00:02	System	-140005	Net Module Rule: 30	
Mon 2013/01/07 05:00:02	System	-140005	Net Module Rule: 35	
Mon 2013/01/07 05:00:03	System	-140005	Net Module Rule: 34	
Mon 2013/01/07 05:00:03	System	-140005	Net Module Rule: 41	
Mon 2013/01/07 18:00:00	System	-140005	Net Module Rule: 23	
Mon 2013/01/07 18:00:01	System	-140005	Net Module Rule: 23	
Mon 2013/01/07 18:00:01	System	-140005	Net Module Rule: 30	
Mon 2013/01/07 20:39:35	System	-60006	Stopping retries/next cycle	
Mon 2013/01/07 22:00:38	System	-5012	0	

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Upgraded to 3.3.8 RC5 without noticeable issues.


Regarding the "UTF8/Internationalization issues" I have made some tests by adding accented letters to the device and program names and the web interface of my ISY-99i does not return the "parsererror" like it did with the prior versions.


Thanks again for a quick and working fix!!




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Upgraded from 3.3.6 and Web Interface locked up at end of process (I think this is where the isy reboots). Instead of the page refreshing I got a blank page. When I tried to reconnect I had no response. Down to the basement the isy99i had Power / RX / TX on solid (all other lights off). After a power cycle the isy booted up and everything appears to be fine. I do not remember having to power cycle on any of the other updates.


Running using Chrome with Java 7u10.



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