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Re: Release 3.3.10 (RC7) Is Now Available

Michel Kohanim

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Hello all,


I am happy to announce the availability of our 3.3.10 (RC7) release! For a list of changes, please take a look at this post. This is a very minor release fixing minor bugs.


IMPORTANT If you have not already done so, please upgrade your Java to 1.7.11: viewtopic.php?f=44&t=10409 .


Know Issues

- None


Things to test:

- List in 3.3.7

- List in 3.3.8

- 2xx error code returns by a client to Network Resources should not cause an error

- Thermostat scene issue


Important Information

1. Important Brultech module is no longer supported on ISY99 Series. Please contact sales@universal-devices.com for options

2. Important NetBios removed from ISY99 Series. You can no longer access ISY by going to http://isy on Windows

3. Important If you have a 994, you will need to re-install a certificate. Please review ISY994 Series Advanced Network Security Configuration for more information.

4. Important We have removed SSLv2 support (very insecure) from ISY99/ISY994. Unfortunately, the only protocol supported by MAC with Java 1.6 is SSLv2. As such, you MUST upgrade your MAC to Java 1.7.11 (Software Update)


4. Please note that Safari does not support SSL session reuse and thus might take an exorbitant amount of time to communicate with ISY. As such, when using 2048 bit SSL, it's best not to use Safari.


5. If you are using the Irrigation Module and are upgrading from releases prior to 3.1.5, you must edit the programs using Irrigation variables and save the programs again. Irrigation module is no longer on promotion


6. Upgrading from 3.1.3 and below: If you are using WeatherBug Module's Rain Today in your programs, please note that the precision has changed from 1/10 to 1/100 and thus your programs might not run properly


7. For a discussion of variables, please look at our Program Variables forum.




1. Please backup your ISY (File | Backup ISY). If you are backing up a 3.1.6 system, please note that the backups are corrupted. If you have a backup from prior releases, you should be OK


2. Please download the firmware for your platform - please do not unzip

ISY 99i Series

ISY 994i Series

ISY 994i Z & ZS Series


3. Login to the Admin Console and choose Help | Manually Upgrade [the name of your system]


4. Choose the file saved in step 2


5. After the upgrade, ISY reboots. Please do ensure to clear your Java Cache


6. IMPORTANT Once upgrade is completed and ISY reboots, use any of the following methods to access your ISY's Admin Console:

a. Enable Java Plugin: http://www.java.com/en/download/help/di ... rowser.xml

b. http://your.isy.ip.address/admin.jnlp - Java application

c. http://isy.universal-devices.com/99i/3.3.10/admin.jnlp

d. Disable Java Plugin: http://www.java.com/en/download/help/di ... rowser.xml


Please note that both methods above should install an icon on our desktop which should be used instead of using a browser to access ISY.



- http://isy.universal-devices.com/99i/3. ... board.jnlp


8. Please backup your system again


Thanks and with kind regards,


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Thanks LeeG;

I also used the step 'c.' web link and also got the UI of 3.3.9 and not 3.3.10.

I removed the incorrect application in the Java Control Panel. Then manually used the modified link information you gave.

Now both my Firmware and UI say 3.3.10.

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I was reluctant to upgrade my code but knew I had to address the java issue. After my update last night to 3.3.9 I was surprised to see there is yet another new release now. :(


I am not very knowledgeable on java usage. Can someone please help me understand the new access method?


As I think I understand that we required java to be active previously because we went into the program via a browser.

Now we need an application on our computer so we can access it without a browser. This then allows us to disable java in the browser for better security?


After I followed the procedure I am having a small error yet that I would like to correct. I now have the 99i icon on my desktop. When I click on it it states "error". I need to use the isy finder and type in the address.


I used this: "http://your.isy.ip.address/admin.jnlp " but it would not work. If I left off the "/admin.jnlp" It recorded a find. However now every time I try to access the program I still get the error and need to click on the one entry that was found previously and was retained in the window. But of course that entry is missing the "admin.jnlp" on the end.


Is this a problem with not knowing the path to find admin.jnlp?

What might be my best bet at fixing this issue?

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I believe that the Java 1.7.11 update fixes the big hole and you can once again use the browser plugin. That said, your are still likely more secure without the plugin but also less functional when it comes to web based java apps.


The path is: http://your.isy.ip.address/admin/admin.jnlp to download the app from the isy.


I am running 3.3.10 with Java 1.7.11 and plugin enabled on my MAC's



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Hello everyone.


I do apologize for all the beta releases. We had a long discussion to decide whether or not we should release yet another beta. At the end, the thermostat scene issue became the only driver for this release.


ELA, you can always call our tech support and have us walk you through all the details of Java.


With kind regards,


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In my opinion, this is getting a little ridiculous. First let me say I love the product and only bought an ISY994i (actually 2) after watching the forum and seeing how responsive and active everyone is in helping to make this product great. However, this is NOT the way to develop and support a product. Again in my opinion, QA is suspect and brand is at question due to the constant bugs that are being found by this community. Thank you all for your support and commitment, but I am done after 10 point releases upgrading because simple QA is not being performed by UDI. Beta releases are not for all of us to do basic QA, but to confirm our different configurations and custom programs operate. All I keep seeing is basic functionality broken. This should not happen in a beta or final release.

In my line of work I would have been fired by now if this many bugs from September till Now were still present. This is starting to become a brand issue and I hope UDI wakes up and decides to protect the once great product we have all come to rely on.



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Beta's can be buggy that’s why they are called beta's. Stick with Final Releases if you do not want to help contribute to them. Besides the fact that UDI had to recode everything just to support the curve ball Insteon's new protocol threw at them. Btw the only "brand issue" I see is Insteon..they should be doing a much better job of supporting and informing companies like UDI of upcoming changes.




I whole heartedly agree with you.

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I've been getting various error messages when I test network resources. It's not unique to 3.3.10





I am logged in from Safari + Java 1.7.11 using port 80. I have been through the advanced network procedure for certificates. In order to repeat the problem I have to reboot the ISY and I do not always get the same set of error messages, but the certificate file error and the failed request always come up.




What can I do to help diagnose this problem or what am I doing incorrectly?






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Hi fitzpatri8,


The scene issue is UI related and in a part of the code that would have made regression testing a huge task.


Hi Jim,


I do very much understand your concerns and it's precisely because of these concerns that we do not take beta releases lightly. Even though this cycle has become strangely prolonged, with all honesty, I cannot fathom a day when our own internal testing, regardless of the number of hours/testers, would produce better quality code/product. The reasons are quite simple:

1. This community is passionate for making things better

2. The sheer permutation of all different devices, their firmware revisions i1/i2/i3, different PLM versions makes it extremely difficult (if not impossible) to manage "full" regression testing internally


In summary, I want to thank the community again and again and a million times for your invaluable help and support without which ISY would not be what it is now.


Hi elvisimprsntr,


Please note that N/A, Request Failed, and all those errors you see could be completely normal depending on the device you're trying to communicate with. For instance, some might not respond at all and thus timeout. Some might respond with a status code not in 200 range. The best way to test would be to look at your error log and look for -140xxx error codes (http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index ... r_Messages ) . Once you have the exact error codes, and if you still have any questions, send the error log to support@universal-devices.com.


With kind regards,


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Hi elvisimprsntr,


Please note that N/A, Request Failed, and all those errors you see could be completely normal depending on the device you're trying to communicate with. For instance, some might not respond at all and thus timeout. Some might respond with a status code not in 200 range. The best way to test would be to look at your error log and look for -140xxx error codes (http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index ... r_Messages ) . Once you have the exact error codes, and if you still have any questions, send the error log to support@universal-devices.com.


With kind regards,




1. The N/A is the expect response from the RedEye IR controller. I wasn't concerned about that.

2. The only -140xxx error in the the WB error which is also in the video.

3. The network resources actually perform their function correctly. The error message seem to be related to previous errors from power up and not specifically related to network resources, but only appear when you attempt to use the test function.

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Beta's can be buggy that’s why they are called beta's. Stick with Final Releases if you do not want to help contribute to them. Besides the fact that UDI had to recode everything just to support the curve ball Insteon's new protocol threw at them. Btw the only "brand issue" I see is Insteon..they should be doing a much better job of supporting and informing companies like UDI of upcoming changes.




I whole heartedly agree with you.


I also agree. The ISY-99 and 994 makes up for the shortcomings of the insteon protocol and the manufacturer. With out UDI, my insteon devices would have been ripped out a long time ago. UDI should be getting a check from smartlabs for all the times bugs were discoverd in code not related to the ISY. UDI has always been ahead of the curve. If smartlabs makes bad decisions and UDI is stuck with the fallout how is that the fault of UDI. All of the bitching should be put in an email to smartlabs, where it belongs. (No offense to anyone, really, send the email. It can't hurt.)


BTW, 3.2.6 is still running strong on my system and does everything I need. I loaded every beta up until 3.2.6 because there was no immediate benefit.

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I agree 100% with your comments about UDI's role in the success of Insteon. I've been using ISY 99 since 2008. I've installed systems in three other homes and have upgraded my own system many times including upgrades to the new 994pro IR. In each case, the ISY makes the system easily possible.

Yes, I have had my share of strange occurances but have always found good answers from members of this forum. Yes, Smartlabs should be paying a royalty to UDI for making Insteon a viable home system. I've tried some of the other controllers in the early years but only use ISY today.

I hope that Michel has been invited to sit-in on Smartlabs product strategy meetings. I just don't think that you can find a better performance / $$ home automation system than Insteon with UDI ISY 994iproIR controlling. I wish that Smartlabs would license the PLM to UDI and let UDI manage the link database within ISY.


My $0.02


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Hello all, thanks so very much for your support!




Ah, thank you. That's certainly a bug; the problem is that ISY is multitasking and, in most cases, it's very difficult (but not impossible) to pin down the task from which the error originated. So, currently, we have a class called LastError. All it does is to collect the last two errors from any tasks. What you are seeing are those errors.


In short, this has to be fixed.


With kind regards,


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Hi Michel,

When I run the jnlp I get "unable to create a shortcut" -- everything else works fine (i.e. I still end up with the admin program running), but I have to launch each time from the URL since I get no desktop shortcut. I'm running Safari on a Mac using Mountain Lion. Any ideas? [this is not new behavior in 3.3.10 -- I just hadn't gotten around to asking you about it before.]


One other minor annoyance: the "ISY Finder" window also is launched when I run the jnlp and it stays on the screen (usually behind the admin program).



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The "ISY Finder" running and ending up behind the Administrative Console when the jnlp program is run. Is normal on my XP system.


Do you have the Java Plug Ins enabled while trying to create the shortcut?

I believe it has to be enabled and then after the shortcut is created. You go back into the Java Control Panel and disable the plug ins.

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Hi Michel,

When I run the jnlp I get "unable to create a shortcut" -- everything else works fine (i.e. I still end up with the admin program running), but I have to launch each time from the URL since I get no desktop shortcut. I'm running Safari on a Mac using Mountain Lion. Any ideas? [this is not new behavior in 3.3.10 -- I just hadn't gotten around to asking you about it before.]


One other minor annoyance: the "ISY Finder" window also is launched when I run the jnlp and it stays on the screen (usually behind the admin program).



Hi jmesberg-


I am on the same platform. OSX 10.8.2 / Java 1.7.11. Here is what works for me:


1) Delete any old admin.jnlp files

2) Clear your Java cache

3) Get a new admin.jnlp file by downloading from: http://your.isy.ip.address/admin/admin.jnlp (Obviously you need to substitute your ISY's ip address in this URL) Save this file to your Applications folder.

4) Close the browser and launch the Admin.jnlp file you saved in the last step. This will download the admin console to your java cache and launch the console. (It will complain about not being able to create a shortcut. Just ignore this.)

5) Quit the admin console and relaunch. It should launch without downloading or complaining and go direct to the console and prompt for login from here on out.


Save this procedure and repeat after each ISY Firmware upgrade is installed.


Hope this helps.



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Xathros, thank you. Actually I had already gotten that far -- apologies, was not at all clear in my original note. My concern is that there is no way with the .jnlp approach to maintain the application in the OS X dock. While its not that important to me (I can always launch it from apps folder), having it in the dock is essential for domestic harmony! I've looked online and this is not a UDI specific problem of course, but there are ways for Michel to solve it for us.


I'm no expert in this but I believe we really need a java web start application that 'wrappers' the .jnlp so that we can treat it like a real application on the OS X desktop (and dock)?


Michel, your thoughts on this would be appreciated. More broadly I'd just comment, as others have, that Java is really a dead end for UDI. With Oracle's acquisition of Sun the support for Java is getting more and more proprietary and we can already see firms like Apple moving quickly away from any use or support of Java.


As a new ISY user (long-term INSTEON user), I've already developed a ton of respect for UDI and for you (Michel) in particular from spending time on this forum. However, its very obvious that UDI is missing some core UI skills in the firm and needs to fix this. The future is jQuery and it really shouldn't be a massive effort to rewrite this pretty simple UI in jQuery. You're going to run into market pressures to do this and I think its time to give the investment strong consideration.


Great company. Great product. Great forum. Glad to be part of this community.



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Ahhh! Yes. I deal with the same thing here. My solution, though not perfect, was to place the admin.jnlp file in my applications folder. I then created an Automator script to open the admin.jnlp file from there using the default application (java webstart). I copied the admin Icon and used it for the automator script and then placed the script into my dock.


See: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tvo1xdwtgemvc5d/Admin_Automator.jpg


Hope this helps.



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