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Problem setting up notification


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New to ISY. Trying to set up notification. Unsuccessful.


ISY 994i

Windows XP

Microsoft Security Essentials


Linksys WRT54GL


Followed instructions carefully on pages 57 and 58 of users guide.


1. When use my own SMTP settings I get following error message: Mail Server DNS error. In addition, prior to running test, my Outlook Express works. I can check/receive mail. After running test in UD Admin console, get errors in Outlook Express as well. Only way to get my Outlook Express to work again is to exit program and re-open. But errors continue in notification within ISY. Also, tried using with "From*" box blank, also with data input into box. In addition, tried using with TLS checked, and uncheck (don't have a clue what this is ... not addressed in users guide). Have reviewed the other settings very carefully to ensure they agree to account settings in Outlook express. Feel confident that SMTP Server, SMTP Port, UserID and Password are all entered correctly. Just can not get this to work.


2. When check "Use Default", get same error: Mail Server DNS error.


Don't have a clue how to examine logs or any other steps that can help determine where error might be. Tried looking through users guide to understand, simply too confusing.


Can anyone give me guidance as to what to do to try to identify issue and resolve?

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New to ISY. Trying to set up notification. Unsuccessful.


ISY 994i

Windows XP

Microsoft Security Essentials


Linksys WRT54GL


Followed instructions carefully on pages 57 and 58 of users guide.


1. When use my own SMTP settings I get following error message: Mail Server DNS error. In addition, prior to running test, my Outlook Express works. I can check/receive mail. After running test in UD Admin console, get errors in Outlook Express as well. Only way to get my Outlook Express to work again is to exit program and re-open. But errors continue in notification within ISY. Also, tried using with "From*" box blank, also with data input into box. In addition, tried using with TLS checked, and uncheck (don't have a clue what this is ... not addressed in users guide). Have reviewed the other settings very carefully to ensure they agree to account settings in Outlook express. Feel confident that SMTP Server, SMTP Port, UserID and Password are all entered correctly. Just can not get this to work.


2. When check "Use Default", get same error: Mail Server DNS error.


Don't have a clue how to examine logs or any other steps that can help determine where error might be. Tried looking through users guide to understand, simply too confusing.


Can anyone give me guidance as to what to do to try to identify issue and resolve?


Hello jwilliams-


Under Configuration, System, what do you have set for a DNS server? It sounds to me like the ISY is unable to resolve the server name due to a DNS lookup error.


EDIT: Here are my SMTP settings using Gmail: https://www.dropbox.com/s/t9alkfuyvm1m35p/Gmail_SMTP.jpg Something else to look at is the actual content of the notification. The ISY does not like to send messages if either or both of the subject and/or body fields are blank.



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Thank you for trying to help me Xathros. I am still not having any success.


1. I did look at your settings. I just don't see any obvious errors in mine. Plus, my settings agree with the settings set up in my email program - Outlook Express. My Outlook Express works fine on my computer after initial boot up, so it's not like I've got the wrong server name or password. And, I've typed and retyped and checked and rechecked each SMTP setting within the ISY. In addition, it does not matter whether I use my SMTP or the default settings ... I am getting the same DNS error. So there is a breakdown somewhere between my ISY and my network.


2. I did look under Configuration, System. I thought at first that this may be my problem. My main gateway is However, my ISY is connected to a secondary router ... The DNS is set as But I tried both, and, again, error message after error message.


Mail Server DNS Error


It simply should not be this difficult, and take this much time, to get an ISY set up so that it works.


Is there anyone out there who has encountered these problems getting notifications set up?

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Please note that if you have setup your ISY with a static IP address, some routers might NOT like to allow ISY to get to the internet because the IP was not provided by them. The best test would be to go back to DHCP.


If you are sill having problems, PLEASE contact our support (below) as I am sure this must have become too frustrating.


With kind regards,


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Additional info:


My ISY is connected to secondary router The DNS setting on this router is pointed to my gateway router ... My gateway router has a DNS1 setting of and DNS2 of


In my ISY Admin Console, under Configuration, System, DNS ... I have tried all three possible settings:


None of these worked when I hit the "Test" button under tabs Configuration, Email/Notification. I get the error message: Mail Server DNS Error.


There has got to be a solution. Surely someone has faced this issue?


By the way, to UDI developers. You have yet another software problem, of the many I have encountered. Under Configuration, System, when you type in a new DNS number and hit the save button, you get a message that the ISY needs to reboot. When that reboot is complete, you can get back to the Admin Console, but the log-in box will not pop up. And you can not select log-in under file. The only solution is a complete re-boot of your computer, or recycle power on the ISY.


Seriously, it should not be this hard. There should not be THIS many problems.

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Thank you Michel. But, it would be best to try to work through the issue on this board. Leaving a searchable trail may well help someone else facing these problems in the future. My search of the board did not find much in the way of help in solving problems with setting up notification.


I will not revert back to DHCP and see if that works.

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OK Michel, I went back to DHCP for assignment of IP address to the ISY. This time when I hit the test button, I get a completely different error message. I'm betting this one gives you a better idea where my problem resides:


Could not open config file to read /CONFIG/INSTENG.OPT

Mail Server Failure [From timed out]


Would appreciate any assistance anyone can provide.

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Yes, it was an issue with static IP vs. DHCP. In essence, if I want notification, I can not have static IP. Beyond that, the format of the input into the "FROM" box must be EXACTLY as indicated:




Even a space before or after the colon caused an error message.


I'm using Linksys WRT54GL routers. With those routers, you can't have both static IP and notification with your ISY.


That only took 4 hours of effort to determine.

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Sorry if this is not helpful, I only glanced down the thread. There is normally a spot in to assign a specific MAC address a fixed,static IP and the router will be happy.


Always informative around here, I did not know there were routers that didn't work with non router assigned IP addressed. I had to assign several fixed IP's on my network because the cable modem wont' let devices get DHCP after some window of time, and it's a pain to run around checking 20 devices to see if they got an address!

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Hi jwilliams,


I am so very sorry for tardy reply as I do not work on Saturdays.


Let me see if I get your configuration correctly:

1. You have two routers one is connected to the modem and the other is connected to ISY

2. The communicate via Ethernet


If above is the case, then it's quite possible that either one of your routers does NOT allow traffic through for IP addresses outside those it has served up. This is for security purposes and very much depends on the router itself.


I did have WRT54GL a long time ago and it certainly did NOT let traffic through. So, what is the other router and which one is connected to which?


I am sure we'll figure out the optimum configuration so that you have static IP AND ISY can get out to the Internet.


With kind regards,


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  • 1 year later...

I am reading this almost 2 years later and I marvel at the fact that I had to spend over 4 hours just to try it get notification to work in ISY. As far as I can tell, I never got it to work. Have any improvements been made for this feature in ISY over the last 2 years?

You stated earlier that you run two routers with different network page addresses on them. I doubt they will ever talk to each other. Most routers cannot support 512 addresses.  I  haven't found you stating  what your network subnet mask is and most routers will not allow you to cross IP address pages like that.



If you are running two routers and both are wireless with their WiFi radios turned on you are going to have problems unless one is configured as a bridge. Your Linksys router may not  have that capability.



If the notifications are your main problem perhaps a call to UDI tech help would likely get this sorted out for you in a a few minutes. Have you tried that, yet? I know you are frustrated but once things start to click it happens at an accelerated rate with lots of smiles...and some more frustrations sometimes. Hate to see you give it up.

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