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Everything posted by apostolakisl

  1. I had polisy "brick" a couple years ago and UD mailed me a boot loader chip that I plugged into some terminals on the PCB which recovered polisy. Probably that solution still works.
  2. I suggest you do a factory reset first, just to be certain it is clean, but otherwise yes. Be sure to NOT hit delete PLM.
  3. I have Polisy, have not gotten the courage yet to do this update. I have so much dependent on it and don't want it to go down. However, a good while ago, perhaps 2 years ago, I seemed to have "bricked" my polisy. UD sent me a boot loader to plug into the PCB and that brought it back to life. I still have that boot loader chip which makes me feel like perhaps I could still recover my Polisy in the event I do this update and it goes sideways on me.
  4. Did you run the java uninstall tool? If not, download the uninstall tool from the java website which will completely remote it. Then reinstall and it should configure everything.
  5. I could probably use network resources to have some functionality. But I wouldn't have nodes to monitor the status of things.
  6. I don't find any webhooks in Access section. I find this: API Getting Started The Site Manager API was created to enable developers to monitor and manage UniFi deployments programmatically. It provides robust tools to access and control your UniFi devices’ data, allowing you to retrieve detailed information, monitor performance, and manage your infrastructure efficiently.Site Manager API Allows you to access application data from the local network. For high-level monitoring of multi-site deployments, please see our Site Manager API . AuthenticationAn API Key is a unique identifier used to authenticate API requests. These keys are crucial for ensuring secure access. Each key is tied to the UI account that created it, allowing for secure and personalized API interactions. Obtaining an API Key Open your Site in UniFi Site Manager at unifi.ui.com. Click on Control Plane -> Admins & Users. Select your Admin. Click Create API Key. Add a name for your API Key. Copy the key and store it securely, as it will only be displayed once. Click Done to ensure the key is hashed and securely stored. Use the API Key. Use the API KeyIncorporate the API key into the X-API-Key header. Follow the Example, replacing YOUR_API_KEY with your actual API key. Example curl -k -X GET '' \ -H 'X-API-KEY: YOUR_API_KEY' \ -H 'Accept: application/json'
  7. This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. <editors> <!-- Custom Status (CST) Editor --> <editor id="cst"> <range uom="25" subset="0,1,2" nls="CST"/> <!-- Handles the status of the node server --> </editor> <!-- Temperature Status Editor (CST1) --> <editor id="cst1"> <range uom="25" subset="0,1" nls="CST1"/> <!-- Status: OK (1) / Not OK (0) --> </editor> <!-- Future Status Editor (CST2) --> <editor id="cst2"> <range uom="25" subset="0" nls="CST2"/> <!-- Future, for future usage --> </editor> <!-- Heartbeat Editor (Updated UOM to 25) --> <editor id="hb"> <range uom="25" min="-1" max="2" prec="0"/> <!-- Heartbeat (-1, 0, 1) --> </editor> <!-- Updated Temperature Editor to handle both Fahrenheit and Celsius --> <editor id="tempf"> <range uom="17" min="-100" max="200" prec="1"/> <!-- Temperature (Fahrenheit) --> <range uom="4" min="-100" max="200" prec="1"/> </editor> <!-- Generic Text Editor (For IPs, Variable Text, etc.) --> <editor id="text"> <range uom="56" min="0" max="100000" prec="2"/> <!-- Generic text fields, like names or numbers --> </editor> <editor id="ONOFF"> <range uom="78"/> </editor> </editors>
  8. @Javi bump.
  9. Access would have lots of use case situations for ISY assuming the api gives you full access. Unlocking doors, triggering events when a door is unlocked, you could have different things happen depending on who unlocks the door, or what time it is when the door is unlocked.
  10. As mentioned, Access.
  11. I'm using the local IP address and port 443. I get a hit on my cell phone from ubiquiti to approve a login every time I restart the node. I approve it, but the node server doesn't connect. Is there some trick here or does this just not work?
  12. I would like to put in a request for integration with Ubiquiti Unifi ecosystem. I see there are a couple of nodes out there but they aren't supported and don't seem to do much, and do nothing with unifi access (which is what I really want sync'd). Ubiquiti has published the api so I think it should be quite doable. I just have no clue how to write a node server.
  13. @Javi any update?
  14. I have two webcontrol boards and you can only do one of them per node, so the node is installed twice, slot 6 and 8. Slot 6 is the one I am customizing for ud mobile.
  15. What paul said. The only caveat, if shut one of them off it will also turn all of them off. So if you only want them to all turn on when you turn one of them on, but not all turn off when you turn one of them off, you won't be able to use a scene. Regardless, the program should work. Unless you are not doing a switched on but rather a press and hold for dim up or a double click for fast on. My mother in law kept saying my stuff wasn't working because she kept pressing and holding instead of just clicking. Follow the admin console to see if the program is running (use the summary page to see last run time and true/false) and watch the devices themselves in the device tree to see that they are tracking when you turn them on/off.
  16. @hart2hart You can track state using a program status and get rid of variables. This program status is false when armed. You could do the logic backwards if you want it to be the other way, This program will run the then/else when the alarm system changes between armed/disarmed. Other programs that have this program status within the "if" clause will also trigger on a change. If you want to reference this program state from another program but don't want it to be a trigger, then you will need an integer variable. You can also use "status" instead of "switched" for some things, but not disarming, it is only a "switched" control value with this node. Office Alarm Cadiz Water - [ID 014A][Parent 0157][Not Enabled] If 'Alarm Panel / Keypad Cadiz' is switched Partition Disarmed And 'Alarm Panel / Keypad Cadiz' is not switched Partition Armed Then Run Program 'Office Alarm Turn ON Water Valve ' (If) Else Run Program 'Office Alarm Turn OFF Water Valve' (If) This program will track armed (any state of being armed) vs disarmed (any state of being disarmed). Which I think is what you are doing. Also, not sure why you have the "and variable is not 0" "then set variable to 0" The and not 0 isn't necessary. It does no harm, but to clutter up programs. If the variable is already 0 (or 1) and you set it to 0 (or 1) nothing happens. It won't trigger anything.
  17. I would hold your horses here. I suspect you will see a lot of rapid developments in the days and weeks to come. Most of these tariffs will not last long, some may, but I think most won't. Deals will be struck. I wouldn't be surprised if a few of the tariffs stick, just to make examples of somebody, but I doubt it will be Canada. EDIT: Speak of the devil. The Mexico tariff just got settled, at least for a while, but probably long term.
  18. <profiles> <profile family="10" id="3"> <files dir="editor"> <file name="portedit.xml"/> <file name="PORTEDIT.XML"/> </files> <files dir="nls"> <file name="EN_US.TXT"/> <file name="en_us.txt"/> </files> <files dir="nodedef"> <file name="portndef.xml"/> <file name="PORTNDEF.XML"/> </files> </profile> <profile family="10" id="4"> <files dir="nodedef"> <file name="nodedefs.xml"/> </files> <files dir="editor"> <file name="editors.xml"/> </files> <files dir="nls"> <file name="en_us.txt"/> </files> </profile> <profile family="10" id="5"> <files dir="editor"> <file name="custom.xml"/> <file name="editors.xml"/> </files> <files dir="nodedef"> <file name="nodedefs.xml"/> <file name="custom.xml"/> </files> <files dir="nls"> <file name="en_us.txt"/> </files> </profile> <profile family="10" id="6"> <files dir="nodedef"> <file name="nodedefs.xml"/> </files> <files dir="nls"> <file name="en_us.txt"/> </files> <files dir="editor"> <file name="editors.xml"/> </files> </profile> <profile family="10" id="7"> <files dir="editor"> <file name="editors.xml"/> </files> <files dir="nls"> <file name="en_us.txt"/> </files> <files dir="nodedef"> <file name="nodedefs.xml"/> </files> </profile> <profile family="10" id="8"> <files dir="nodedef"> <file name="nodedefs.xml"/> </files> <files dir="editor"> <file name="editors.xml"/> </files> <files dir="nls"> <file name="en_us.txt"/> </files> </profile> <profile family="10" id="9"> <files dir="nodedef"> <file name="nodedef.xml"/> </files> <files dir="editor"> <file name="editors.xml"/> </files> <files dir="nls"> <file name="en_us.txt"/> </files> </profile> <profile family="10" id="10"> <files dir="editor"> <file name="editors.xml"/> </files> <files dir="nodedef"> <file name="nodedefs.xml"/> </files> <files dir="nls"> <file name="en_us.txt"/> </files> </profile> <profile family="10" id="11"> <files dir="editor"> <file name="udmobile.xml"/> <file name="editors.xml"/> <file name="custom.xml"/> </files> <files dir="nls"> <file name="en_us.txt"/> </files> <files dir="nodedef"> <file name="nodedefs.xml"/> </files> </profile> <profile family="10" id="12"> <files dir="editor"> <file name="editors.xml"/> </files> <files dir="nls"> <file name="en_us.txt"/> </files> <files dir="nodedef"> <file name="nodedefs.xml"/> </files> </profile> <profile family="10" id="14"> <files dir="editor"> <file name="editors.xml"/> </files> <files dir="nodedef"> <file name="nodedefs.xml"/> </files> <files dir="nls"> <file name="en_us.txt"/> </files> </profile> <profile family="10" id="15"> <files dir="nls"> <file name="en_us.txt"/> </files> <files dir="editor"> <file name="editors.xml"/> </files> <files dir="nodedef"> <file name="nodedefs.xml"/> </files> </profile> <profile family="10" id="16"> <files dir="nodedef"> <file name="nodedefs.xml"/> </files> <files dir="editor"> <file name="custom.xml"/> <file name="editors.xml"/> </files> <files dir="nls"> <file name="en_us.txt"/> </files> </profile> <profile family="10" id="18"> <files dir="nodedef"> <file name="nodedefs.xml"/> </files> <files dir="editor"> <file name="editors.xml"/> </files> <files dir="nls"> <file name="en_us.txt"/> </files> </profile> <profile family="10" id="19"> <files dir="nls"> <file name="en_us.txt"/> </files> <files dir="editor"> <file name="editors.xml"/> </files> <files dir="nodedef"> <file name="nodedefs.xml"/> </files> </profile> <profile family="10" id="20"> <files dir="editor"> <file name="editors.xml"/> </files> <files dir="nodedef"> <file name="devices.xml"/> <file name="nodedefs.xml"/> </files> <files dir="nls"> <file name="en_us.txt"/> </files> </profile> <profile family="10" id="21"> <files dir="nls"> <file name="en_us.txt"/> </files> <files dir="editor"> <file name="editors.xml"/> </files> <files dir="nodedef"> <file name="nodedefs.xml"/> </files> </profile> <profile family="10" id="23"> <files dir="nls"> <file name="en_us.txt"/> </files> <files dir="nodedef"> <file name="nodedef.xml"/> </files> <files dir="editor"> <file name="editors.xml"/> </files> </profile> <profile family="10" id="24"> <files dir="nls"> <file name="en_us.txt"/> </files> <files dir="nodedef"> <file name="nodedefs.xml"/> </files> <files dir="editor"> <file name="editors.xml"/> </files> </profile> </profiles>
  19. I sync'd already. It is webcontrol832 on PG3x. I had it sync'd to ioguys nodelink node for the webcontrol board but had to switch since that is not supported anymore. It worked fine with that node server.
  20. What does this mean? Trying to set up to have a different icon depending on the state of the node. The display node is a PG3x node tracking the status of an output on my webcontrol board. When I click the icon, it runs a program that sets the state of several webcontrol outputs and displays the value of one particular output.
  21. For lease. I guess they moved to a new secret lair.
  22. You can run polyglot locally.
  23. If you have orphan links, you may need to factory reset everything and start over. Or just ignore the orphan links if they cause you no trouble. Orphan links can be on the pLM only in which case restoring from ISY will clear them, but I have had orphan links that were in the ISY database. Many years ago I deleted everything and started from scratch and haven't had any issues since. But I have a lot more stuff now than I had then. 70 devices is a lot of devices to redo from scratch. And you would have to redo programs as well.
  24. Oh man . .. I just spent a good bit of effort converting over to PG3 DSC and CAI webcontrol. I thought you had "retired" from this arena. The pg3x node for webcontrol worked out of the box, but I had to work with the DSC node author to get it to do what your node was doing. I had been running on a pc and I had an issue with the pc and needed to redo it. But I couldn't get nodelink to work after doing the pc redo. I would still love to have the nodelink files for pc if you could post them on a g-drive or something. Thx.
  25. What device wouldn't go into linking mode? I have not heard of that ever being an issue short of the device being completely dead.
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