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Everything posted by apostolakisl

  1. Just installed 1.1.79 and am happy to report the issue is fixed.
  2. I am on 1.7.77 but do not know how to initiate an update to a newer version. Can you tell me where to initiate that update? Never mind, I got it updated to 1.7.78 and like the others, it still has the same issue.
  3. I just checked my wife's phone (s24). it is exactly the same. top two right tiles and 3rd row on the left.
  4. curious how this just happened. Was there a software update that happened without my knowledge in the last couple days? I first noticed the issue a couple days ago, perhaps it was Saturday? I forget, I was busy when I first noticed it and just ignored it at the time. Here is another example, again the top 2 right tiles, but this time not the 3rd row on the left. On this occasion, the 4th row is of a different format, so perhaps that is why the row above is not affected?. What you can't see on the screenshot, is the top two right tiles still have the icon, but it is almost invisibly hidden behind the favorites banner.
  5. This started out of the blue. See photo. Tried restarting ud mobile then the phone. Samsung s22. Tried editing tile size. Tried moving the tiles and whatever tile is in the spot gets affected. This is on multiple folders but not the same location.
  6. Never mind. Figured it out. Here are the settings where is the LAN address for the computer running nodelink.
  7. I have two CAI webcontrol boards connect to ISY. Both track status changes in the board just fine. But when I try to control the outputs, I get the following error. Not sure what credentials I am missing or if this is an error of ISY talking to nodelink or nodelink talking to CAI. Ideas?
  8. Again, I would say that probably the SSD is not broken, but just data corrupted. Perhaps you have done some testing and know otherwise. That happened to me and UD sent me a bootloader chip that allowed me to restore the drive. I just plugged it in, powered it up, and then I could log in and install all the latest from the updates pages.
  9. Did you put a ticket in to UD regarding your failed Polisy? I don't think they have a hard drive, I believe it is an SD card, not sure, but I am confident it is a solid state device. How do you know the drive is bad and not just corrupted? UD sent me a boot loader chip when my Polisy got scrambled and then I was able to restore the entire device.
  10. 5.0.16C is the final release for 994i that supports zwave 300. Upgrading from 4 to 5 may cause some quirks that you need to manually correct. Go through all of your devices and make sure they all communicate and look through your programs. When I updated, I recall very little in the way of issues. As far as I know, it is totally stable, free of bugs, and supports polyglot. If you don't have z-wave 300, you can update to 5.3.4. I have a 994i running 5.0.16c with polyglot running on an rpi and it keeps working without any surprises. v5 has a lot more features and aside from not supporting the latest version of polyglot, it has all the functionality of the most recent EISY. Make a backup, then download the update from the below link and follow instructions.
  11. Is this actually going to happen? It really has been a very long time. Perhaps someone else who owns a Tesla should take it over?
  12. Looks like it is working.
  13. Still can't connect. Same thing as before.
  14. Started 2 days ago here as well, but there were no updates or any changes to anything in the system or network.
  15. Same issue with me as well. Didn't notice this thread and already submitted a ticket. I have two ISY's on the same login for the portal. One works fine, the other does not. Everything works fine using a local connection. I get a 404 error in UD mobile for just the one ISY. Other users on the same ISY with their own portal accounts also are seeing the error. Despite the error, UD mobile still displays the device list and I can still control the devices, but the status isn't populating correctly. I can also synchronize UD mobile to ISY without error. I tried rebooting ISY to no avail. Using the portal on my pc to login with the java console, I get authenticated and loads the device tree, but then gets stuck at "starting subscription" and just swirls and swirls.
  16. I have a situation where I would like a youtube channel that goes live to trigger an ISY program. Is that possible? Even better, it would also trigger when it stops being live.
  17. Suggestion to change the name of the plugin from hunterdouglas to HunterDouglas. The plugin store does not alphabetize the lower case letters where you would expect it to be. I didn't realize the node existed until I saw this thread and used the ctrl-f "hunter"
  18. The instructions I provided above is indeed to allow for Alexa to also control the scenes.
  19. There is no reason that 2 kpl's can't control a fanlinc any different than one kpl. You set up 4 scenes, one for high, med, low, and off. First add the fanlinc to each scene as a responder. Then add all 4 buttons to each scene for both kpl's (8 buttons). All of the buttons are responders except the button for that scene. Shown below, you see for fan low, the KPL low button is red, meaning it is a controller. With two KPL's in the scene you would have 8 KPL buttons in each scene and two of them would be red. Then set the on-level to "off" for all of the non indicated buttons in that scene (in this case, high, off, and medium). In the below example you can see that only "KPL Low" on level is set to "on", the others are all "off". Remember that you need to set the on-level for all responders when controlled by each controller. In my case, that is the master scene and the one button in each scene designated (the one shown in red in the tree). In your case, it will be 3 (the main scene and each of the two KPL controller buttons). It will take you a while to set all that up having to go through 4 scenes with 8 buttons in each scene and 3 controllers. In addition to setting the on-level for each KPL button, don't forget to set the fanlinc level to low/med/high/off for each scene 3 times (once for each controller).
  20. You can use windows task scheduler to create a task that 1) under general tab check runs with highest privileges 2) under triggers tab select at startup 3) action tab select to run a program (nodelink)
  21. you may need a flash chip. They sent me one for my polisy. You have to open it up, plug in the flash chip, then issue some commands from an ssh session to reflash the firmware.
  22. When I do that, the one line I see there is blank in the runtime parameter column. Do I just add that?
  23. just finished an online session with Michel. We deleted the whole wrong uuid pg3x instance and restored the backup to the correct uuid, except it didn't work. The restore created the same wrong uuid instance. No doubt, this is how it happened in the first place. I suspect I will have to go through and copy down all the config parameters of every node and move them over manually, but Michel is thinking about it for now.
  24. I tried changing to and the nodes still all seem to work fine, but the uuid is still wrong. I was thinking I could back up this instance of pg3, delete it, and then upload the backup to a new instance of pg3 with the correct uuid. I'm not really sure how the backup and restore works, if it only backs up the nodes or if it backs up and reloads the entire configuration including the uuid. The issue I fear with this is that I will have to re-save every program that has a node server condition within the if clause. Anytime I delete and re-install a node, I have found that despite everything looking correct in ISY, that programs that contain that node within the if clause don't work without opening the program, then clicking on any item in any clause, then clidk "update" even though nothing changes, it causes the program to have the little green arrow meaning it needs to be saved, then I click save, and then it works. I have a lot of programs that use node server items so doing this for every program will be a pain.
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