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Everything posted by apostolakisl

  1. I'm using Levelor blinds. They are proprietary for reasons that are hard to understand. Why they don't release the API makes no sense, it isn't like they are protecting some future expansion into an entire HA system. Anyway, they did release their API to Alexa and IFTTT. In addition, both IFTTT and Alexa have skills that let you use a URL to execute actions. So I have network resources on ISY that trigger an action in Alexa which in this case will open/close the blinds. Downside is you don't get the status of the blinds and you don't have full control from ISY. Like you can't decide to open the blinds 34% unless you have a network resource set to open the blinds to 34%. You can only execute the specific actions you created in Alexa (or IFTTT) that the url triggers, which for me is just two, open/close. It also takes a few seconds for it to execute after you issue the command. But I have never had it fail to execute after many months of use now. If they would just release their API someone could make a PG node for them and we would have full integration, but whatever, in truth, I would still never do anything but open or close all the way. But it would be nice to have instant response. I have never felt the need to check the status of my blinds remotely or even control them remotely. I just like being able to use Insteon devices and ISY programs to control the blinds. For example, when I set the alarm system to night mode, ISY closes the blinds. When I wake up, I can use UD mobile or an Insteon switch to open the blinds without the need for dedicated blind controllers.
  2. Found a 6 button KPL on ebay that already had custom fan button labels and picked that up. I paid too much considering it is 10 years old, but the fan button labels made it just too easy, even had them in the correct place. Did a "replace with" command and it works. That icon switch is crazy old. Must have been part of my very first ever Insteon order. @IndyMike
  3. The problem is not with links. ISY programs turn off the lights using the PLM and your mobile device turns off the lights using the same PLM. Since your mobile device works, it can't be bad links. So restoring the device won't have any affect. Same thing with bad comm. If your mobile device works, then the comm is fine since it is following the same path from the PLM to the device. That pretty much just leaves the program. Try deleting the program completely and create a brand new program. Perhaps something got scrambled when you did the backup of your old ISY and restored it to your new one.
  4. Or use the motion sensor as the trigger in the if clause. A motion sensor triggers a "control" upon sensing motion. "Control" means the origin of the signal is that device, however it might detect the world. So a switch -> you pushed it, a motion sensor -> detected motion, a water sensor -> detected water, an iolinc -> had the "i" part detect a change, etc.
  5. Everything you said, combined with the fact that it does execute correctly when the controller of the scene is not ISY makes me think there is some glitch in the firmware. If I use a scene controlled by a KPL button on this same KPL, it works correctly. But I give up. Just gonna a buy a new one. I appreciate your insight.
  6. I don't know, I feel like this is an error in the firmware. I really am not experiencing any issues writing to the device. And every time I write new instructions to the device, they all take as expected EXCEPT, when on level is set to off it still turns on when controlled by ISY. I tried creating a test scene with the device and just added a single KPL button to the scene. I set the on level to off. And the same problem. Turn that scene on, and the button turns on instead of off. ISY reports it as turning off, but a query corrects the true status to on. Turn the scene off, and the button turns off. So, it is either a new kpl or I use programs to do it.
  7. Yes, it is old. It is like a first gen device. But it seems to work except for on level "off" when the ISY controls. All the scenes as controlled from ISY work, they just turn all 4 buttons on instead of turning 3 off and one on. So the com and addresses are all working, it is just the KPL seems to not be accepting on level off for the PLM as controller. Anyway, I guess I'll just buy a new one and use this one somewhere I don't have on levels of off.
  8. But if Alexa controls the fan directly, the wall switch will not be coordinated with it.
  9. I deleted the KPL from ISY and factory reset it again (air gap, then push it in and hold). Indeed, this did a successful reset as all setting were gone. I then added back to ISY and setup all the scenes again. Same thing. Works fine when I push the KPL buttons, but when I control the scenes from ISY, all 4 buttons turn on even though 3 of them are supposed to turn off. And yes, it is set to "Insteon". I did not change the toggle mode this time, it is default on/off. Perhaps it is just an old KPL that for whatever reason this doesn't work with. But I don't get why it works fine when I use other buttons on the KPL as the scene controller. My issue here is that I wanted to use Alexa to control this scene so I can be on the bike or rower or whatever and just tell Alexa to change the fan speed.
  10. So, basically, it is a failure of the KPL. The KPL "hears" turn scene on, and then it is supposed to know what that means. Funny thing is, when it "hears" turn scene on where the other KPL button is the controller, it does the right thing. Or perhaps, ISY is not setting the on levels correctly and the KPL is doing what it is programed to do.
  11. I'll get rid of the toggle on only mode for the kpl, but somehow I doubt that is going to fix it. The toggle on only really isn't necessary anyway. But I don't have high hopes. Regarding how scenes work, is the responder to a scene's behavior programmed into the responder, or the controller? In other words, when you initiate a "scene on" command from ISY, does the PLM send out specific instructions to the responding switch (ie on, off, 15%, etc), or does the PLM just send a "scene on" command and the switch then responds according to programming on it.
  12. Previously I had tried a restore device without a factory reset. Coincidentally I was messing with it this morning having no idea you would be responding to my post. I did a factory reset and restore, it did not give any write errors and it wrote everything on the first go around. It did take it a few minutes to do the writes. After the restore, it behaves the same as before. When I operate the fan from the KPL, the KPL buttons do what they are supposed to do. For example, if the fan is off, KPL D is lit, If I then push KPL A (high fan) it shuts off button D and sets the fan on high and lights KPL A. It works the same for all 4 buttons, whichever button you push, it shuts off whichever button was on and turns the one you pushed on in addition to setting the fan speed accordingly. If I activate any of those same scenes from ISY, it turns on all 4KPL buttons. It does operate the fan correctly despite all 4 KPL buttons being lit. I do not have any issues with my ISY (Polisy) that would make me think there is a problem with the sd card. Perhaps I do need to remove it completely from ISY and start over.
  13. I don't really know how to interpret this, but here are the links tables. I did a factory reset, but did not remove and re-add it to ISY.
  14. I had some issues with my polisy that are quite possibly falling into this same category, though they seem to have been fixed. I use Automation Shacks Nodelink program and per Michelle it was overwhelming Polisy with open sockets and causing ISY to reboot and then in a later firmware was causing it to freeze. Reboots were about once a day and were preferred to freezing. After sending a bunch of logs to Michelle and having him remote into my machine, it appears that a few ISY updates later the problem was solved. Nodelink I do not believe has had any changes in a long time, perhaps years, so at some point it would appear that a change in ISY was the source of the compatibility issue.
  15. I have a somewhat older KPL that I believe is working fine, but have repurposed and am not getting it to work right. It is a 6 button unit and I am using the 4 middle buttons to run a fanlinc. I have setup 4 scenes and put all 4 buttons in each scene. The 4 scenes being high, med, low, off. I have the buttons to toggle on only. In each scene, I set the 3 buttons that aren't for that scene to have on-levels of off. That way they are exclusive, only one button will be on at a time. This is working great when I control the scene from the KPL buttons. Push "high" and the "off" kpl shuts off for example. However, when I control the scene from ISY (or in other words from the PLM) it turns all of the buttons on even though I have it set to be off. I have tried restoring the device from ISY and changed the on-level to "on" and then back to "off" and still. This should work . . . right?
  16. If you deleted them in the portal, then I don't believe that it is possible for Alexa to make them do anything. All Alexa commands go through the portal. There is a sync button or something like that in the portal, I assume you tried hitting that?
  17. Alexa only knows what you enter in the portal.
  18. You log into the isy portal and map scenes (or whatever) to spoken commands. It is under your isy, connectivity, Amazon Echo. You could also map the program itself to the Alexa spoken command. This would not turn the kpl light on, but it would run the 5 minute fan or whatever.
  19. I assume you have Alexa turning on the scene, but that won't trigger the program since I believe the program is a "control turned on". "control turn on" is only a trigger when that device is the origin of things (for a kpl or any switch that means you pushed it). So if the KPL is responding to Alexa, it isn't a "control" device, and the program isn't running. You would need to add "status" of the KPL button in the if section of the program to trigger the program when KPL isn't the origin of things.
  20. You must have some orphan links on the office switch. I assume the office light shuts off if you use the ISY admin console to shut the same scene off that the 10/15 min program is shutting off. This would mean that the office light is programmed to respond to that scene and here is how to fix it. 1) factory reset the office light switch. Now test shutting the scene off from ISY admin console. If the office light doesn't shut off, then you know you had a bad link on the office switch. 2) Restore the office switch from ISY and test again. If all is good, then you are done. If not 3) Take notes for the office light switch with all of its settings and any scenes it is in. 4) Delete the switch from ISY 5) Factory reset the switch 6) Add it back to ISY and manually put all the settings back into it.
  21. Try downloading the offline java uninstaller. Then run the offline java installer. Then download the start.jnlp file from this forum. Java (at least in the format supporting ISY) is just crappy. I regularly have to mess with it. Back in the day, using ctrl/alt/delete to end some non responsive program was a regular thing, but those days are long gong . . . except for Java. And not on just one computer, but all of my computers. And not just once a year or something, but like once every couple weeks. And I have had to do the offline uninstall/install now about 3 times as well.
  22. I assume you set it to non-toggle off. The reason it took two presses is because the first press was turning it on. Which can work if you set the on-level as off for all the other devices, but still that kpl button itself will alternate from lit to unlit and not correspond to the status of the fan. if you set the off button as a responder to all the other scenes, it will light up when ever you turn on any of those scenes so it will look like something to press to when you want to turn something off.
  23. You could make the "on level" be "off", but it would be better to do what I said and make that button a non-toggle off button.
  24. If you made one button whose only job is to turn everything off, then yes, just make a scene, make that button as the controller, add all the other buttons to the scene as responders (and the fan switch also). Then go into the kpl settings and set the button mode to toggle off only. So pushing that button always sends an "off" command. EDIT: and you can also make that same button a responder in all of the other scenes so that if you turn on any of the other scenes, that button will light up. As a responder to a scene, you can turn the button on (backlight), but that does not execute the scene that the button is a controller for. The scene only executes when you push the button. That is what "controller" means, it means you actually controlled the item directly.
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