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Everything posted by apostolakisl

  1. I would need to figure a way to shut down immediately (easy part) but have a delay for turning back on (hard part).
  2. It just occurred to me, maybe the issue is that the power outage/restore doesn't result in the 24ac transformer giving a clean on/off. Maybe if I put a relay that kills the 24vac when power goes out and thus gives a clean on/off? Obviously, don't actually need the thermostat to stay working when power is out, just need it to reboot when power comes back on.
  3. My Insteon thermostats (heat pump model) work great when letting ISY be the brains. However, they suck at managing a power outage. Every time the power goes out, several, if not all of them don't reboot properly. I need to open them and push the secret reset button and then they come back up fine. But this is very much less than ideal. They are powered by the 24vac from the furnace, so . . . how to UPS this? Obviously, they are rectifying and voltage regulating that down to something like 12vdc, or 3.6vdc or something. I am wondering, what if I just used 12vdc to the line that powers the thermostat? Do you suppose that this would just pass right through the rectifier and voltage regulator? I have used these Talentcell 12v ups units for a bunch of stuff with really great success and I could easily have a couple of those that backup things. Other ideas?
  4. If the device herein described is what is actually produced, I see no reason for anything else. Especially if the price is reasonable.
  5. How was your device going to compare to the proposed PLM Pro?
  6. This program stopped working. I think it started after I had some issues with PG3 nodes not connecting. I uninstalled and reinstalled blue iris node which fixed the failure to connect problem. But then this program stopped working: Driveway Entry Trigger - [ID 00AA][Parent 0172][Not Enabled] If 'Blue Iris / Front Entry' Triggered is True Then Run Program 'Driveway Entry' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') On the AC, the camera "triggered" field would change from 0 to 1 when the camera triggered, but the program would not run. I changed the if to "is not true", saved it, then changed it back and saved it, and now it works. In short, not sure how this mapping works, but I thought if you put the same node in the same slot, it would be like it never left. It appears that there are some issues with that.
  7. You might consider doing a whole lot of basic "how hvac works" videos or just hiring a professional. This isn't really something that someone who doesn't know the difference between an air handler and condensing unit should be doing.
  8. by "out there", I assume you mean this is in an outbuilding. Because if you are referring to something outside, that would be the condensing unit, not the air handler. The air handler would typically be in a basement, attic, or closet. Never outside.
  9. Like I said, you may need a new 24vac transformer. You need to locate it and check the voltage right at the transformer. Usually located mounted inside the air handler. They are cheap and easy to replace. Could be a fuse on the transformer also, but I suspect it is the transformer, these things are known to fail. EDIT: Could also be the 120vac going to the transformer. Either way, that is all checked out at the air handler.
  10. There is a low voltage transformer (24vac), typically located on/in your air handler box. It may need to be replaced.
  11. I suspected this was the issue. Custom mapping would be great. You could have generic formats for light switches, thermostats, outlets, that sort of thing and then let the user map the fields to the graphic. Ideally, you could save and load the mapping across devices so you don't have to redo it every time.
  12. To put a story to this. I have set up my church with Insteon and have given access to the priests and staff. Trying to teach them to use it is a bit overwhelming. And there are a lot of me having to say "don't mess with this, and don't mess with that" Like if you open a switch, you are presented with ramp rates and on levels and all kinds of settings which are confusing and should just not be there except when in "advanced" mode.
  13. This goes along with what I was saying regarding a simple interface. One where a switch looks like a switch and a thermostat looks like a thermostat.
  14. You must have the individual circuit detectors. Sense for me just isn't that reliable using their software detected appliances.
  15. @johnnyt I would start by watching your program summary page and looking for programs that are actively running. With 900 programs, that will be many screens of programs, so tough. But I really doubt ISY is hanging on device communications. I suspect it is a program or group of programs. You could also go through and disable folders of programs and see what happens. Might disable 1/4 of your programs at a time, then drill it down.
  16. So, we need to convince the powers to update the node to include this stuff.
  17. @Kevin What about the actual emporia app? Does it show power or only energy?
  18. OK, then this isn't going to work. I don't need energy (kwh), I need power (watts).
  19. @Kevin @tazman By any chance could one of you post a screen shot of what the ISY reporting looks like? When I load the node server up (without an actual device connected) it only lists kwh, not instant wattage. I realize that when you connect a device, you usually get more sub-nodes, but I just want to be certain. Thanks.
  20. That really wouldn't matter. Not super interested in kwh at the end of the month, assuming the error is just the exact moment the utility closes out the bill for the month vs when the Emporia closes out the month. Instantaneous wattage is what I need and it doesn't even need to be that accurate, even if it were off by a few hundred watts, though I would hope it would not be that inaccurate.
  21. So, in summary, ISY will display my real-time utility provider usage, the same thing the power company is billing me?
  22. So, in other words you are saying if solar is zero, it just shows you your current wattage usage on your ISY?
  23. @tazman @Kevin @TJF1960 @bpwwerI was looking at getting the Emporia device. I don't really need the channels, I just want the total. Can you confirm that the node server as it currently is will tell me total wattage? EDIT: And I too would like to put a plug in for CAI webcontrol board node server. I am using nodelink and would prefer to use Polisy.
  24. I uninstalled and reinstalled and it now works.
  25. Yes, it is very large. I will.
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