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Everything posted by apostolakisl

  1. another way to do it is if $x is 0 or $x is not 0
  2. Pretty sure UD is going to say "sorry, can't do anything". I have noticed this at times and am confident it is an Insteon hardware issue.
  3. That is interesting. I wonder just how "shut down" it is and if a bad actor could know about that interface and turn the drives on. Personally, I have done shut down drives two ways, one is with ISY and appliancelinks, I do it like this for my church backups. It is very easy to setup. But someone who knew about it somehow could potentially hack ISY and turn the drives on remotely. For my business backups, I set up a webcontrol board, programmed it using its own internal language and then have relays control the power supply. The webcontrol board is unhackable, the device, once programmed, does not need an internet connection and thus I have it unplugged from the network. It is impossible to turn those drives on remotely. And the hard disconnect also protects against power line spikes and having zero electricity in the hard drive should give some resistance against a water event. Certainly the NAS with this built-in feature is going to be the easiest to configure. My webcontrol board required wiring up some relays in addition to programming it using a somewhat archaic language.
  4. I wrote a program that calculates Orthodox Easter. I am not positive how Western Easter is calculated, but Eastern Orthodox is a bit complex. It is the first Sunday, after the first full moon, after the spring equinox. Sounds easy enough to program, right? Wrong. The issue is they don't use the actual equinox and the actual full moon. They use predictions for when these things would be, not when they actually are. And the math was done thousand years ago and isn't accurate. Also, while these things happen at a moment in time that is the same everywhere, the date on the calendar is different depending on where you are on the planet. In short, it is easiest to just input the dates manually for the next 10 or 20 years or whatever. As far as being the last day of the month. This is not hard, though bulky. You could do this with fewer programs using a else wait 24hours for all of the 30 day months and skip the 31 day month program, also for leap year feb. But I prefer not to use wait 24 hour lines since a reboot will cause issues. If month = 1,3,5,6,8,10,12 and day = 31 Then do backup If month = 2 and leap year =0 and day = 28 Then do backup If month =2 and leap year = 1 and day = 29 then do backup If month = 4,6,7,9,11 and day = 30 then do backup EDIT: You could also ask the maker of the node server to add a field "last day of month" that is either true or false.
  5. The other option if he doesn't want to change firmware or start using node servers is to install the programs I wrote over a decade ago and are on the wiki that do the same thing the node server does. Those programs work perfectly and for the most part I still use them because . .. they work perfect. But if I were starting from scratch, I would do the node server. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i_Generic_Calendar_Using_Programs_and_Variables
  6. This only picks one day. You would have to set an "if" line for every single day you want.
  7. I have similar concerns and manage it similar to what you have suggested. First, installing node servers is a pretty good idea. You will need to upgrade to the newer hardware UD sells (Eisy). There are probably 100 or more node servers now that create nodes on your ISY for boat loads of things that aren't Insteon or Zwave switches. So many things you just need to peruse the list. I have node servers that track my electricity usage from Emporia energy monitor, my water usage via a Flume, my Tesla, my alarm systems, my Blue Iris security camera software, and a bunch of other stuff. The one node that pertains here is one that creates nodes for a bunch of calendar stuff. So you can make a program that turns something on every 15th of the month, every June 3rd, or you get the idea. Each of the items in the screen shot below is a node that you can use in a program. You can also make something happen every 3rd day or whatever using the days since epoch (ie for 3, divide by 3 and run it when the remainder is either 0,1,or 2 depending on your preference). Anyway, back to the data threats, I have a series of hard drives that backups are saved to on a schedule. The hard drives are powered by Insteon appliance links. The hard drives are only powered up while the backup is being made. Furthermore, new backups do not overwrite old backups, so if I get encrypted, I don't ruin my non-encrypted backup I previously made. The appliance link creates a hard disconnect between the hard drive and electricity which protects it from be accessed by anyone wishing harm. It also protects it from power surges. Furthermore, if you have a water event, often times hard drives will survive submersion if you properly dry them out before applying power. At least long enough to get your data off anyway.
  8. It is crazy scary how this think really seems to understand. I asked it to accomplish a task in python code and it just spit it out with notation and everything. I asked it some professional questions and it spit out excellent answers. Several paragraphs of explanation organized perfectly and concise with very human like phrasing and word selection. I asked it to help me make a scene in my isy, and it gave a perfect answer. And of course it was far easier to ask openai than to try and dig this information out of the wiki. To create a scene using your ISY controller and Insteon switches, you will need to follow these steps: Log into the web interface for your ISY controller. Navigate to the "Scenes" page. Click on the "Add Scene" button to create a new scene. Give your scene a name and select the Insteon switches that you want to include in the scene. Configure the actions for each switch by specifying the desired state (e.g. on or off) and the level (if applicable). Save the scene. Once you have created the scene, you can activate it by clicking on the scene name in the web interface or by using any other control methods you have configured (such as a mobile app). Note: The above steps are general and depend on the ISY firmware version and UI, it's recommended to check the specific instructions for your device.
  9. I don't know about Fisker. Not convinced they will be around. The Lyriq looks nice, but we'll see. Waiting for Monroe live to tear one apart. Most of the legacy auto guys are just putting electric motors in their ice chassis. Other issue is the chargers. Hands down, the Tesla network kills. But I believe Elon was talking about opening up th Tesla network to other car companies. While I don't hardly ever use superchargers, man are there a lot of them and they are so easy to use and fast.
  10. It does. So you need to set the long poll to something really long. I set it to every 24 hours. The short poll is 15 seconds for me. I believe the short poll only polls Tesla server, not the car. The long poll definitely wakes up the car and will kill your battery if you do something short.
  11. If you are in Florida and drive less than 150 miles per day, you will never need to do anything but plug your car into a 240v 50amp outlet. Even a 30amp outlet would probably suffice. 120v 20a not so much. Only adds about 1kwh per hour, or about 3 to 4 miles per hour of while charging. 50a 240v give you about 8kwh/hour as it will self limit to 36amps. If you are going to install an outlet, I would highly recommend a hubbell receptacle. The $12 Leviton ones at HD are not any good. I had one of those and it would get extremely hot, so hot you could barely touch it. Switched to a Hubbell and there is no perceptible warming at all. Probably if I measured it might be a few degrees above ambient. The dedicated charges of course work great, but only give you, I want to say 48 amps. So only about 1/3 more than a 240v 50a standard outlet using the included charging cable and an adapter which, I think cost about $20.
  12. Started playing around with it a week or so ago. It is a bit creepy that a computer can really seem so human in spontaneously reacting to your input. Has anyone used it to write code or do anything interesting in the HA world? Maybe it can write ISY code for us?😀
  13. The Tesla node server is pretty spot on. I was the Guinee pig for a lot of it. Having said that, you may not need to have your tesla connected to isy. I do. I use it to "peak shave". I use the emporia energy monitor at my office to track current kw usage. There is a node for that as well. So, in short, I charge my Tesla at the office ramping up or down the amps depending on what emporia tells me about current usage, using isy programs I wrote. Other than that, I have not figured out how having my tesla connected to isy is of any use to me. The Tesla app is mostly what you would use. But if you want to integrate your Tesla with any sort of conditions that your ISY is privy to, then you would find it useful. The node server can do pretty much everything from control charging, honking the horn, opening the windows/trunk/frunk, turning on the hvac, basically everything. Although it can't currently make the car ****, only the app seems to have that. Since that is new to the app, perhaps the node server could add that. Anyway, I'm sure you'll want to spend the $10 and get the isy node, even if you barely use it. I am sure you will love your Tesla. I got the S plaid. Holy crap it is insane. I use to have ice muscle cars and am embarrassed by how pathetic they are compared to the plaid. Your model 3 won't be quite so crazy, but the smooth, silent, instant power and torque can not compare to an ICE. There is very little chance I will ever buy another ICE. I do not live in the great white north. Perhaps if I lived where it is insanely could I would have issues. It is quite hot here a lot of the time, I have found it to work no different than an ice regarding hot weather hvac. It was 14 degrees here a couple days and I had no issues at all, car worked totally normal without any unusual battery draw. Mine has the heat pumps (I think they all do now), and had it parked outside. I set it to preheat about 2 minutes before getting in the car and it was actually almost too hot, in just two minutes. But I do have it garaged most of the time. I have taken a couple of longish road trips and the supercharges are very effective.
  14. I set it to trigger the geofence node already created by the portal's occupancy function. So both UDI mobile and/or Alexa can set it now. So, no need to change any geofence programs since they already used that node.
  15. Perhaps I am missing something. I added alexa to isy and synchronized some devices and can control them from the alexa app. I set up a routine with a geo fence and then when to add an action using "skills". It says no skills are active. I go to the skills and games section and it says ISY is active. Plus, I have Insteon switches linked to ISY that actually work, so clearly the ISY skill is active. What am I doing wrong? EDiT: NEver mind. I see it isn't under skills, it is under "lights".
  16. what are you using for geofence then? I understand that macrodroid is basically a simpler version of tasker (never used marcodroid). With tasker I have used the wifi connected as a pseudo geofence to trigger a tasker task. The udi mobile is great except that randomly it doesn't work . . . which kind of means it isn't great.
  17. I had this setup years ago, hadn't used it but am using it again. I was able to keep udi mobile even though it is no longer on the app store because it transfered over from an old phone. I don't know if you can set up occupancy without the app. If not, you would have to use ifttt/webhook section and use a variable or program or something. There is a tiny little blue symbol at the left edge of the webhook (just to the right of the red x) (also on the occupancy 2.0 screen) that you click on and it gives you a url. You can enter that url into a generic geofence app. Also, you can use tasker. So for example if you connect to wifi at home, it can trigger the url that says you are at home. I have been told the udi mobile app is no longer up to the latest security, not sure in what way, I still use it. But it isn't 100%. EDIT: It looks like you can use the occupancy 2.0 without the UDI Mobile app. This is just a node server. When you set this up, you will have nodes in isy that can be turned on/off by a url that gets created by this process. You first need to use the configure button to create the node architecture on your ISY. Then you add a mobile device. Your just putting a name into ISY here, there is not actually a need a for a real device. Then you add a geofence. Again, this is just a name. Without the app, the geofence doesn't have any geography associated. After you sync this up with your ISY, you will have a node(s) named with the geofence name(s) and a sub node(s) for the device(s). Now you can copy that url I mentioned above and put it into anything you want that is capable of sending a url. Likely that means either tasker or a 3rd party geo-fence app.
  18. They must have multiple servers. Just pulled up the 7 day and definitely no holes in data. I also have ISY set to email me after 5 minutes of no new data and I never got any emails.
  19. Just checked and my wireless tags are online and pulling up the graphs, I don't see any holes in the data.
  20. Or maybe a breakout board with all the caps that fail on it. Mount it outside the device and then you can just unplug it and plug a new one in every couple years.
  21. It isn't that. I have an IoP and a 994i on the same internet connection. The 994i works just fine with the default 1000ms but the IoP does not.
  22. I beat my head against the wall as well until I out of desperation increased the time out. The 1000ms timeout worked fine for 994i, but not Polisy. Obviously there is some issue with Polisy sending and receiving acknowledgement since it is certainly not gmail being slow or my old 994 and another 994 that is still using 1000ms would not all work fine. In short, UD either needs to fix whatever their internal delay is, or they need to change the default to something longer. I ended up going with 3000ms which always works for me.
  23. I thought I would share this as a data point. A few days ago, I had an issue with my Elk and needed to change a rule. I logged in and made the change. I also decided while I was there to change the mail server Elk was using. After I finished and logged out, the Elk PG3 node server no longer worked. I was able to log into Elk via ElkRP without issue and confirmed the IP address and port numbers. Next step was trying a power cycle on Elk Ethernet adapter. Nothing changed. Then I tried a restart of the Elk node. No change, Then I tried a PG3 restart. Nothing changed. Then I tried Polisy resart, nothing changed. Then I tried "update packages" from the admin console. After what seemed like an eternity, I got the 4 beeps. But now nothing worked. ISY finder would not find ISY and I could not log into PG3 or PG2 from a web browser. I could login via Putty to Polisy. Finally, after an hour and half of messing around, I did a power cycle on PolISY and things came back online.
  24. I'm pretty sure you get the same result by putting the "then" clause of program 3 into the "else" of program 2 and deleting program 3. Since your variable seems to have only two possible values (0 and 1) the result will be the same. In other words, program 2 will run false on a 1 to 1 basis with program 3 running true.
  25. If you intend to bench test them like @MrBill suggested, then it is easier to factory reset them by holding in the set button while you plug it in. In my case, my bench test setup has an on/off switch which makes it easier yet. I push the button in and flip the switch on. Tends to be a PITA to pull out the air gap and then another PITA to click it back down without your finger slipping off requiring you to start all over.
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