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Everything posted by sanders2222

  1. Thanks for the response LeeG. You've certainly helped solve a number of my Insteon issues/problems and you're diagnosis and response is always right on. I will check for that next time I see it happen. To add to the above, my system is set up so a green LED is displayed whenever my doors are closed. I have one 2450 that is hooked up to 2 door's magnetic switches, in series. If either door is opened, the green LED goes OFF and the KPL button lights up. On at least one occasion, I noticed I could open the door (when the console showed my I/O Linc was ON) and the KPL would go from OFF to ON like it's suppose to. It's as though the ISY received a phantom ON signal that was not registered in the scene. This is puzzling as I have never received a notification when the doors are closed and my warning system has been very dependable. Conversely, I have found (maybe a handful of times over a 2 year period) that I could close the doors and KPL button would not turn OFF. The few times this has happened I found I could start to re-open the door and close it again. That would turn the KPL OFF. So that makes me think I may have an intermittent issue with one of magnetic contacts. I'll be sure to check the green LED next time this happens.
  2. For a couple of years I have had a simple program and scene that monitors the garage doors (open or closed). Program 'Garage Open' If Control '_Garage / _Garage Door 13.32.1D-Sensor' is switched On And Control '_Garage / _Garage Door 13.32.1D-Sensor' is not switched Off Then Run Program 'Flag Garage' (Then Path) Set Scene 'Utility Room / Garage Door' On Repeat 5 times Wait 30 minutes Run Program 'Garage Door Open' (Then Path) Run Program 'FlashLights' (Then Path) Else Run Program 'Flag Garage' (Else Path) Set Scene 'Utility Room / Garage Door' Off Run Program 'Garage Door Open' (Else Path) Run Program 'Garage Main Timer' (Else Path) The I/O trigger is ON when the doors are open. My convoluted logic controls a KPL button in the house that glows ON when the door is open. Plus, if the door is open more than 30 minutes the lights will flash and I get a text message. All this has worked as designed except lately I've noticed the Admin Console status of the I/O link sometimes is reporting ON even when the door is closed, the KPL button in the scene is OFF and the program status is false. Based on my understanding of the program language, why is this happening? If the 'Control' is switched OFF and the program is reporting false, how does the status of the 2450 become ON again when the door remains closed? Why doesn't this status change trigger this program? What am I missing?
  3. My motion detectors (2) failed within a week or two of each other. I did not get a low battery indication, and there has been a lot if ink spilled on that subject: http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=2896&highlight=2420 What I discovered is programs that were triggered by motion detectors either stopped working or were very erratic and my entire system became unstable. It seemed I was getting weird behavior from programs not related to the motion detectors. Replacing the batteries fixed the problems and restored the stability. A couple of notes I thought I'd share are: 1. I installed my detectors in November, 2009. So I think battery life was pretty reasonable. EDIT this was the first time I changed the batteries. 2. I added a 'Repeat every 12 hours' to my notifications related to the motion detectors. This was after I left my house for dinner and while my house was in the 'Away' mode, I started receiving emails every 30 seconds or so from my house. I had to turn my phone off! When I got home, I had over 100 repeating text messages to delete. UGH! 3. Communication or function of my Venstar thermostat was not effected. May the fourth be with you!
  4. Thank you again LeeG for your quick and right-on responses. It kind of wastes one button, but using one of the buttons to trigger ALL ON/ALL OFF ISY programs did the trick. BTW: I found a nice label template on the Smarthome page, so that raised the WAF! http://www.smarthome.com/manuals/2440temp.doc Now I need to work on my KPL labels, something a little better than a 'Post-it' on the wall next to the switch. (read somewhere that you have a KPL Word template).
  5. Thanks for the suggestions LeeG. I tried all that and each time would get an error message "Failure reading device link". But then discovered I needed to leave the RemoteLinc in link mode for the systems to communicate together. Someone probably states that somewhere but I missed it. So OK, I've added the RemoteLinc to my list of devices. If I understand it correctly, I must set up scenes for each button (1-6) to control other devices. Do I need a scene if I use a button to trigger a program? I successfully set up a few scenes and tested them, it WORKS! But the annoying thing is each time the ISY/PLM needs to write to the device (gray 1011), I have to make sure the remote is in the learning mode or I end up with red exclamation marks. That in itself complicated building each scene because it dropped out of learning mode after 4 minutes. EDIT: Also, did someone figure a scheme to make the ALL ON/OFF buttons do just that?
  6. I've tried a half dozen time to link my RemoteLinc to the ISY and no luck. I am able to link the RemoteLinc to a 2457D2X plug-in dimmer, and I've linked the plug-in to the ISY. But whether I try auto or manual link approach on the ISY, it is not discovered. I've even held the thing next to both Access Points I have and while I can see the response on the AP, the signal doesn't seem to get through my PLM to the ISY. Another interesting behavior is that while I can control the plug-in with my RemoteLinc, the ISY console does not show the change is status. I find I have to query the plug-in device to get the ISY to report the correct status. Hmmmm. This seems like reporting and adding this device should be pretty straight forward. What am I missing? Anyone have a suggestion? EDIT: Oh I am using 3.1.2 Beta so I hope that's not my issue (solution too simple).
  7. I like it nstein! For now, I'm using text message alerts to my cell phone. I would like to use my Russound whole house audio system for announcements and I think the ELK M1 Gold systems are compatible with this device.
  8. I have a program that over rides my 3-way hallway lights. Normally, a motion detector by my stairway turns them on and a timer turns them off. But my media closet is in the hallway too and sometimes, I need to pull things out to work on it. Once the Geek Squad was here working on my system. Every time they would run out to their truck, the lights kept going out on us, To over ride the timer and keep the lights on, I just use the fast on feature on my hall light switches: Hallways On If Control 'Rec Room / Hall Main Load 06.E2.F5.1' is switched Fast On Or Control 'Hallways / Hall Main Slave 12.5E.3A.1' is switched Fast On Then Disable Program 'Stairs Up' Set Scene 'Entry / Ent Stairs' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Turning the light off manually restores the motion/timer program. Hallways Off If Control 'Rec Room / Hall Main Load 06.E2.F5.1' is switched Fast Off Or Control 'Hallways / Hall Main Slave 12.5E.3A.1' is switched Fast Off Or Control 'Rec Room / Hall Main Load 06.E2.F5.1' is switched Off Or Control 'Hallways / Hall Main Slave 12.5E.3A.1' is switched Off Then Enable Program 'Stairs Up' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  9. I just did, SH was good and replaced my original v1.0 with a new one due to some known firmware issue. First, I had to try several times to link the new switch to the ISY. It was not difficult to rename each button on the new KPL and add them to the scenes I had from the old KPL. But then I had communication issues where writing the updates to switch would continually fail, giving me a red exclamation mark for the device. A query would immediately restore the link status to 1101. Oddly, I could push the buttons and all seemed to work fine. It took till the next day and about 10 tries to get rid of the 1101. It's been about a week now, the system seems solid and I have not seen one pop-up communication message. I used to get one or two a day before the KPL was replaced. I'd like to think the new switch has improved my systems dependability.
  10. Thanks for the tip LeeG. I have some of those cords with plug on one end in my garage already. I've salvaged them from the past and have been looking for some use for them. In another recent post, Michel wrote I noticed my Keypadlinc shows up as a v35 on the ISY console. But the little sticker on the switch is v5.1. I also have another switch that show v35 on the console. Is the version shown on the ISY that which Michel is referring? My symptoms are identical to 1 & 2 above.
  11. After converting from x-10 to Insteon over a 2 year period, for the most part, after my initial communication woes, my installation has been pretty stable. But I have noticed the same occasional random errors pop up on my Console that porscheguy is experiencing. However, a query or other action on that device shows that it is working just fine. But I share porscheguy’s concern that Insteon is not the robust, dependable system Smarthome touts. https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B3JB9HSAQ97hNWZmNzA5YmItYzEyYi00ZGFlLTk2M2MtYTVlYTNlMmIzOGM0&hl=en Further, it seems to take an inordinate amount of time to resolve all the issues that may pop up. For example, I have a v1.0 Keypadlinc that has operated fine for years with no communication issues. That device finally failed and Smarthome stepped up and did replace the device due to known issues with that version. However, after swapping out the device with a new v5.1 Keypadlinc (and no other changes), I am having inconsistent communication issues with the new device. I’ve been scratching my head trying to resolve the problem, by the ISY just keeps cycling me through a loop and the errors that pop up are not understandable. What I see after linking the new device and adjusting scenes, I get a ‘cannot communicate with device’ message or other errors pop up every time I try to write to the device. (see link above). The error log shows: When I tried writing to the device later this morning, I got an error:6. But what is weird is it appears all links and scenes were written to the device, I can control the lights from the console and from the keypadlinc. But the icon status of this device goes from 1101, to Writing, to a red exclamation (errors pop up). I can clear the red explanation by querying the device and it’s status goes back to 1101. I am wondering if there is some element of this device (related to communication) that may be defective. But how does one figure this out?
  12. sanders2222

    Garage Door

    I did not know you could reverse the trigger from the ISY. Thanks for the tip.
  13. I'm interested. I've set up an HVAC folder in my ISY that runs 1 furnace. But it controls heating when I'm away and fan for air filtering. My floor heating is controlled by a line tstat and Venstar does not make one with Insteon control. I'm interested in solutions as I'm always forgetting to turn that down when I'm away.
  14. sanders2222

    Time Flags

    Good information C Martin, without variables, flags are our only option. I follow similar logic and established time flags for all sorts of things: Flag Away Flag Awake Flag Dark Flag Garage Flag Leaving Flag Outdoors Flag Party Flag Prime Flag Rain Flag Vacation Flag Watering Name convention beginning with 'Flag' allows me to sort/find them when troubleshooting. None of my ‘flag’ programs have conditions or then/else actions. They merely track TRUE or FALSE condition. Like C Martin, I use these flags as conditions on a number of folders and/or other programs I have. Other programs are necessary to control their condition. Here is one example: Following C Martin’s form, I could combine this condition in Flag Prime program, eliminating the need for this example. However, some flags have multiple triggers and/or conditions. I guess I just need to keep things simple.
  15. sanders2222


    Has anyone integrated Control4 with the ISY or Insteon? I'm considering replacing a Universal RF remote with a Control4 system. The interface apps for this device are pretty cool and it does a lot of neat things. One thing I would like to do is control lighting scenes with the Control4 system. I understand I can set up IR commands with my old Universal MX-850 remote to control lighting. But I have yet not been able to do that. One problem I have is RF interference I because I have an old MRF-250 receiver. The results with my remote control are totally undependable. I could upgrade my Universal remote and RF receiver that should allow me to control lighting with that system. But for about the same price, I can get Control4. But its' ZigBee based technology so working with Insteon would require some sort of workaround, if that is at all possible. There is also the software issue as both systems require distributors to program them. But I know I have some ability to at least tweak the Universal programs through their MX-Editor application. I'm not sure what level of tweaking I could do with a Control4 system.
  16. Thanks all for the input (course this was polexian's post to start with). What do you mean by 'turn the outlet on remotely'? Sorry for the confusion, by remotely I meant through the console, not a switch. 1) When a command is sent to an individual device to turn on/off or whatever, it and only it will change. It does not matter what the device might be linked to, none of those other devices will be affected. When you perfom remote operations you should be controlling the scene not the individual devices in the scene. By controlling the scene all linked devices go to the assigned state in the scene. That was my problem. Some of my earlier programs were controlling only the load device, not the scene. A number of my 3-ways were behaving this way too. I’ve updated one of my programs to work with the scenes instead. That solved my issue! Thanks everybody.
  17. In general it is best to create a new scene, add the outlet as a responder, and finally add the switch as a controller. I have a setup like this, but if I turn the outlet on remotely (not from the switch) the switch LED does not go on. It doesn't appear I can set the outlet as a controller in the ISY either. Do I need a program (something like this) if I want the LED on if the outlet is on/off when the outlet is off? if outlet is switched on and outlet is not switched off then turn on switch else turn off switch
  18. Thanks Subroutine, your response helps me eliminate one cause to "programs not completing execution". Today I've come & go a couple of times and those events associated with that all seem to work fine today. I'm thinking my problem may be a communication issue. When I installed my t-stat, I had to relocate an Access Point into my PLM so it would be recognized (that is were it is now). However, since then, I occasionally get a "Can not communicate with" error statement that pops up every other day or so. The time of day and device seem to vary each time this happens. When I Query those devices, the status is updated on the console and the red exclamation mark goes away. So that is making it difficult to track down. For the last year, Insteon has been pretty stable (no errors) before I installed the t-stat. But if I move the AP back where it was, I loose communication to the t-stat. Since the clock on the t-stat doesn't keep time, I have to control it from the ISY, and that seems to be working most of the time. I've ordered a 3rd AP (in the form of a dual band plug-in dimmer) and hope that will straighten out communications throughout the house (if that's even my issue). One other issue that could be effecting the system is my furnace. I need to sort out an intermittent drop in the power supply to the t-stat. It appears to cut out from time to time, a couple of times I even observed the display on the t-stat went completely blank for 60 seconds or so. Consequently, the clock won't keep time and I'm sure when the RF interface looses power, the ISY must note that, even if I'm not logged into the console. For the time or two I noticed the ISY did not update the t-stat, it may have been during one these power drops. I suspect the supply from my furnace has always done this. But my old Honeywell had a battery backup, so intermittent blackouts did not effect the operation or clock. The Venstar does not have a back-up, so I need to see what my options are. Sorry about the long post, but this is 'hard' to figure out.
  19. As clarification on how the logic in the ISY works, is this assumption True of False? I have some routines that execute some of the time, but not always. Hopefully it's because my wait statement is too short and not a communication issue?
  20. I just installed a T1800 thermostat and after a little help from this forum, was able to set it up: http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=5229 Since then, I was able to figure some things out. I have one program that sets the temp down when I leave home and another that turns the heat back up when I arrive home. But I find I have more questions than answers about programing this thing. 1. If I have 7 days (Morning, Day, Evening and Night) programmed into the t-stat, then run a program control from my ISY, will the t-stat programs take over control at some point? 2. If not, how does the ISY turn control over to the t-stat programs? 3. Is there any advantage to programming all t-stat functions and operations by the ISY instead of the using the t-stat features? 4. There are 4 entries on my Main tab device list (main, cool, fan and heat). The 'main' device seems to show all adjustments and HVAC functions. What are the other 3? 5. What is the difference between Auto and Program Auto, Heat and Program Heat on the 'MODE' pull down list? 6. Are there definitions somewhere for the Insteon t-stat controls and triggers? 7. Does anyone out there have ISY programs set up to run their thermostat (or vice versa) they may be willing to share?
  21. Michel, Thanks for your quick response to my problem. As always, your support is unsurpassed by anyone! Since my previous message, I was able to restore notifications through a new Gmail account I set up today. I also have to be careful that my garage door notification program stays disabled. When enabled, it loops in the else path, sending repeating notifications. If disabled, the If statement is called by another program. Then sets the home in the ‘Away’ mode. The else path buzzes me twice that I drove off and forgot to close the garage door. If there is a better way to code this logic, I’m open to suggestions. Program Away Set If Program 'Flag Leaving' is True And Program 'Flag Away' is False And Program 'Flag Garage' is False And Program 'Leave' is True Then Run Program 'Flag Leaving' (Else Path) Run Program 'Flag Away' (Then Path) Run Program 'Leave' (Else Path) Send Notification to 'Migrated' Else Run Program 'Flag Leaving' (Else Path) Run Program 'Flag Away' (Else Path) Run Program 'Leave' (Else Path) Repeat 2 times Run Program 'Garage Door Open' (Then Path) Wait 10 seconds NOTE: THIS EVENT MUST BE DISABLED TO PREVENT LOOPING! If conditions set by 'Leave' when KPL Go button is pushed (True). Checks if: Garage door is closed (flag is False): - Then path sets Away flag true, Leave flag false, then notifies AWAY SET successful. Garage door is open (flag is True): - Else path sets Leave flag false and notifies GARAGE DOOR OPEN twice, away failed.
  22. Am I a problem? Saturday I started adding programs for an EZFlora and by Monday, I had everything wired up and working. But I noticed my notifications stopped. I checked the forum this week and following some of the recommendations above, I tried to set up my ISY messages to route through Hotmail, then Comcast. All produced various 50001 errors. So I set up a gmail address to check that option. The test worked. However, I started to get 2-3 'Garage Door Open' notifications every minute. After five minutes of that, I changed the SMTP settings back to Default. I still was getting the messages from the gmail account. I checked my console and there was no activity showing on the program list or in the event viewer. So I closed my console and reopened it to discover a program (with notifications) was looping! I disabled the looping program, set the SMPT server with a false password and removed the notification from my 'Garage Door Open' program and deleted all my notification addresses. A half hour later, I was still getting notifications, but that may be a due to a backlog of hundreds of messages than may have been sent in a 10 minute span. Hopefully, damage control has succeeded in stopping new messages. Things have been quite for the last 15 minutes or so. But what I find with 2.7.15, I can leave my 2 computers for some time, come back later, log on, the console window is already open and the logon comes up. While this is convenient, what I find is, sometimes, all functionality of the console does not work or behavior seems strange. This may have something to do with having the console open on 2 computers at the same time, I’m not sure. I find closing the console and re-opening it seems to correct the problems and restore full functionality. Lessons learned!
  23. Here’s what I have. Only instead of a motion detector, I use a low voltage I/O unit that monitors the garage door. If my home is in the ‘Away’ mode, outdoor and indoor lighting scenes are activated when the door opens. If I’m home, the outdoors lights go on when I open the garage door from the inside. This is nice for those long winter nights when I have to run the garbage up to the street. My ISY programs include ‘Flags’ to indicate away and night time modes. The programs can execute (or not) based on the flag settings. Here is a sample program that sets the nighttime flag to True when it is dark: Otherwise, the flag is False. Upon arrival, my ISY executes the following to turn on basic interior lighting & heating. The outdoor lighting is controlled with an independent program that is filed in my ‘Outdoors’ folder that contains these parameters; So if it’s dark the Flag Dark is true (providing we aren’t in a party mode) the outdoor entry lights come on with the following program. When the door closes, the else path executes which puts the outdoor lights on a 15 minute timer Hope this helps.
  24. Michel, Thank you again for your prompt reply providing me direction on solving my IP Address problem. I think you were correct in diagnosing that I had unintentionally set both the HTTP and HTTPS Ports to 443. Following your instructions, I found I could connect to my ISY via Telnet (I have Vista). And while it appeared I could change the IP addresses , the ISY always seemed to default back to the ‘bad’ settings. Even after several reboots of the ISY and my PC, I still could not access my ISY through the web browser. I decided to try the factory reset (FR) option. After this last reboot, the problem was gone! I could access the ISY through ‘My Lighting’ and I was able to perform a complete Restore from my backup, All looks right now. You helped solve my problem but I have one last question. I noticed under the Configuration tab, instead of blank information under the Network Settings, the box was checked for Automatic (DCHP), the IP Address was and the HTTP and HTTPS Ports were set at 80 and 443 respectively. The NetMask, Gateway and DNS Server addresses are blank. Are these the correct settings for a static IP Address? (Which is what I was trying to do in the first place). If they are not, then I probably need to call Tech Support cause apparently, I’m just not getting it. Thank you for all your help! Jim
  25. Michel, Thanks again for your quick response to help me solve my latest ‘self-inflicted’ problem. The first link could not be found and the 3rd link opens a Find ISY window that asked for a URL. When I enter the response is invalid URL. The 2nd link opened the console, but produced an error message. “XML Parse Error†The URL in the message is the one I entered under the Configuration tab, which has me locked out when I saved the setting. When I press OK on the message, the console seems stuck and will not fully load. Does this mean the factory reset is my only option? Jim
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