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Everything posted by simplextech

  1. I don't see it documented in the wiki but is there a way to create Variables either via the REST interface or from a Nodeserver via Polyglot api?
  2. I did not see anything today. However I also don't know when this device vanished. As it's a lesser used device I have no time period of knowing when it vanished. It just wasn't there when I was specifically looking for it today. No errors like those that I've seen.
  3. @Chris JahnI'm not sure if this is a 16B related issue or something else. However I just noticed that one of my switches was missing. Just gone, no longer in the ISY device list at all. No errors, warnings, nothing. Switch was just gone. I noticed this before with 3 devices with 5.0.15A as well but those were noticed immediately as it was 3 of my primary lights. This one went unnoticed for a few weeks now as the light isn't in any program currently.
  4. Isn't this so true and always the case. In the past I used a ethernet -> wifi bridge but having built in wifi will make this much easier/cleaner.
  5. Use a laptop with AC loaded on it. Or if you "must" use an iPad use a remote desktop tool to connect back to the computer that has the AC loaded.
  6. This weirdness actually isn't weird as the node definition you're using has both UOM 4 and UOM 17 listed so when the UI reads the profile and builds the resulting UI it includes BOTH in the list. Ideally (and I hoped) that it would allow a easy way to support both measurement types but it does not.
  7. If you haven't modified your dashboard or web layout like @paulbatesprobably has then your URL should NOT include USER try: /WEB/INDEX.HTM
  8. Possible Admin Console bug with 5.0.16B If a Nodeserver sets a driver to a value and the value does not change the admin console will display a blank/empty box for the value. A proper value is set and is visible from Polyglot for the driver. Changing the nodeserver to "force" the update makes the values visible in the Admin Console. This is affecting multiple NodeServers where they have an existing value set that may not change frequently and the Admin Console display's a blank/empty value in the GUI.
  9. One odd thing I've noticed since the 5.0.16B update with TriggerLinc's is that I get a fast pop-up query window in the Admin Console when "some" doors are opened and closed but I have not noticed it for all of them.
  10. I agree that is odd. I would notice as most of mine are controlling lights but I haven't noticed them coming on or weird things. I've had a long standing issue with them of some signals being "missed" or having seriously long delays before the lights do come on though... happens occasionally but not every time.
  11. They are all 43
  12. Did you open a support request or mention anything at all? I run this on Polisy daily without issue so without reporting something I don't know of any issues.
  13. What??? READ a FORUM???? I never heard of such blasphemy I want everything told to me I don't have time to read and learn something.
  14. Plot thickens... may need a new thread for this... with the Hue NS I actually get a message from HASS ISY component that Hue is not supported but the component still loads. Yet... on my Prod ISY even with Hue removed I still get the same error/failure on the ISY component loading... odd.... so it's not a NS per se but something else? in my Prod ISY that's the issue.... hmmm...
  15. I got through all of the NS's and hit a problem with Hue on my rPi dev box... not sure but since it wouldn't install I couldn't verify but that's the only one missing that I'm running in Prod as well. I'm installing a fresh rPi with latest of everything to try a new install of Hue and see if it works.
  16. Thanks for the offer of help. I'm stepping through the NS's on the dev platform and I'll find which is the problem. then I'll figure out the why and test/fix and submit it.
  17. I have... a few so this is going to be a slower process of elimination. I'm hopeful it is one of my own NS's and I can find and fix it. If not then I'll see if I can find the problem with whatever NS is the problem and submit a PR fix.
  18. @carealtorin a quick test I also installed HASS on my UnRAID server and in my development server. Both same results with my prod ISY which has several nodeservers. However with my dev ISY which currently only has 1 NS the Withings one I'm working on it loads and parses just fine. So the result stands that there is a problem with the HASS ISY component and Nodeservers. Now to find which nodeserver is the problem...
  19. Yes it runs as a docker container and no 0.103 doesn't run just fine. Not for my setup. I just updated to 103.4 and the same error. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/setup.py", line 172, in _async_setup_component hass, processed_config File "/config/custom_components/isy994/__init__.py", line 477, in async_setup log=_LOGGER, File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/PyISY/isy.py", line 82, in __init__ self.nodes = Nodes(self, xml=self.conn.get_nodes()) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/PyISY/Nodes/__init__.py", line 89, in __init__ self.parse(xml) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/PyISY/Nodes/__init__.py", line 288, in parse Group(self, nid, nname, members, controllers), File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/PyISY/Nodes/group.py", line 33, in __init__ for m in self.members File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/PyISY/Nodes/group.py", line 33, in <listcomp> for m in self.members AttributeError: 'Nodes' object has no attribute 'status' Now I'm just interested and I'll have to dig into this some more. However this is the error I get with my prod ISY with devices and nodeservers. This ISY is 5.0.16B (was A) and I've been having this error. I can change the configuration and point to my other ISY without nodeservers and everything works perfectly.
  20. I don't mix installs. My nodeservers are running on Polisy for my production system and my dev box is dedicated. I'm currently running Hass.io on a rPi4 What version of HASS? I'm currently on 0.103.0 and tested with the native component and HACS component and they both throw the same errors. I've reported the errors to @shbatmas well.
  21. Version? I "have" run this configuration as well but in the latest it's broken....
  22. I have Hue and LiFX. I recently migrated mostly to Hue and I use Network Resources and the Hue Polyglot Nodeserver which is very good too.
  23. @EddieRocka single pane view would be nice I agree. Home Assistant is a way of doing this but as currently (verified again this morning) it doesn't load and work with NodeServers which is not good. The alternative would be then to move nodeserver functions out of the ISY and use HASS components to achieve the single pane view which is doable but now there are two systems to maintain and configure and dual automations to manage or to try and sync state from HASS to ISY for the ISY to manage/run the programs. A perfect setup would be a fully integrated web interface for the ISY which could integrate cameras and other devices into a single pane view. Why has this not happened yet? Nodeservers are still relatively "new". As they are new, the UI projects haven't caught up to speed yet with Nodeserver paradigm presentation, functionality is still in development which makes it hard for 3rd parties to support. There's many systems out there that can provide a "overall" view of a system and ISY devices... just not so well with Nodeservers... yet. If you don't mind running a multi-controller setup and maintaining multiple environments and the troubleshooting involved of figuring out which system is the issue then there's several options. Home Assistant, HomeSeer, Allonis MyServer, Charmed Quark (CQC). When will a nice integrated UI with nodeservers be available? My guess is when a developer with a personal need or interest decides to write it. Or there's enough demand to make into a product that can actually make a profit over the long term. Historically the ISY has been a Insteon, X10, Z-Wave device controller. These are devices, physical, static. Introduction of Polyglot expands the horizon to new devices, new concepts and requires a new presentation capability.
  24. You can... but... the current HASS components do not work correctly when you have Nodeservers in your ISY. The HASS ISY component (HASS native and HACS) error on startup and will not load. Which means none of the ISY devices are visible/usable which makes the interface non-functional, non-usable.
  25. I don't think you are or are trying to bash anything. Having strings support isn't a UI function actually it's lower level in the device status and variable. Presenting that is the UI and thus presenting it without having to restart the UI would be very nice. A "good" UI is all in the beholder as what some call ugly I call utilitarian and I like that it "just works" versus having to constantly baby sit it. As for HASS. Yes the Lovelace UI is very nice and if someone develops something even half as good that works with ISY that would be great and I would use it. Maybe I'll develop it... dunno I'm not a front end developer so that's challenging... but I have been thinking of it. But who's going to pay for it? Point is though as nice and pretty as the HASS UI is frankly they have spent the last year putting so much effort into making things "easy" and configurable through the UI that the real stability of HASS has suffered and for myself I can't have that. I can't have a pretty UI but unstable system because of the UI. I've been using HASS for several years and watched it grow and been through the upgrade pains and non-functioning system and starting from scratch... all because of UI changes for the most part. Given some were underlying core changes that were necessary and those I understand but when a system is made non functional because of the UI? No... not acceptable. I also was a user and developer for another big name and I moved on from that. Because of them changing the core to appeal to users wanting a "new UI"... and this new UI appeals to a fraction of existing users and is meant to attract new fresh users (read fresh fast money) but changing the core to match the UI is backwards and has and will lead to problems and I'm just glad it's not my problem. It probably sounds like I'm arguing and then agreeing. Kinda back and forth huh? I am. I think a UI would be a nice enhancement but I don't want it bad enough to sacrifice the reliability of the system which means I don't want UDI putting resources towards something which would take away resources from other areas. Now if UDI was made of money and had resources to spare then great... would love it! I doubt they do though. Today if I'm away from home and I need something simple to turn on/off or check something there's already Mobilinc, Agave, eKeyPad Pro or the basic web interface. If the use case is "basic" as you suggested... aren't your requirements already met?
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