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Everything posted by simplextech

  1. I had a similar issue tonight a KPL. I replaced once that was throwing errors every now and again. After I added the new one to the ISY the "replace" option was on the "New" KPL not on the Old one. Which is backwards. Possible bug?
  2. If any event/action takes longer than 1-2 seconds I'm annoyed up to the 3-5 seconds and I'm throwing it out. It's pricey but quality generally is. Free is what it is and like you said you can checkpoint and restore and all is well. I prefer not having to babysit which is also why I like the ISY. The CQC UI builder is easy to stat with using the Auto Generated via templates. It's Windows point and click.... add a light, media, hvac, to a room look through devices select them and click the generate button and wait.... done. Nice interface template that you can then with point and click editing change around and be as creative as you want... did I mention point and click? Auto gen just for example: That's running in my web browser (FireFox) so it will run on essentially any device. Yeah that's a Concrete Blonde album that's in the music library. All of that was auto generated no code. I clicked on the 'select room' at the bottom left to get the popup in the middle of the screen by the way. I'm still just tinkering and toying. I've been submitting bugs to Dean at CQC who has been fixing them left and right. UDI is the only other company that compares to customer support and quality that I know of. This is making me want to support both and throw money at Dean to keep developing, improving, extending CQC.
  3. BTW I'm a Unix Engineer by trade not a developer. As a Unix guy I learn what I need to as needed. Now I'm confused.... You're looking at HASS even though you say it was not performant for you? Or are you only looking at HASS for the UI only? I ran HASS for the UI integration and side-by-side systems and the ISY for a while and then HASS updates broke this and then broke that and then it was good then broke again... and again... and... I moved on. I still have it installed to play with but it doesn't actually do anything or really even display anything... but it gives me ideas for Nodeservers to write I'm looking at CQC for the UI aspect and to tie in other things that I can't integrate nicely with ISY. I'm still using the ISY and Nodeservers and keeping the ISY as CQC does not replace that it sits at a layer above device control and is the orchestrator to "glue" pieces together into a consistent interface. I don't think it requires being a developer to understand but it does help
  4. I don't follow the being over http is important part. HTTP is just a transport protocol. Do you mean web browser accessible?
  5. I'm looking at CQC for the same except I don't want pre-built I want to have full control of the interface the layout the functions and I want to integrate anything else that I want not just what there's an existing widget, panel, card for.
  6. Besides maybe go insane? I enjoy the challenge of playing with different tech and learning new things I fully agree with @mwesterthat having an idea or expectation of a single system "doing it all" is a bad approach and will end in failures and problems. However I like the approach of having systems do what they do best do the job. I have multiple systems and multiple interfaces and I'm looking for a way to nicely exchange data between them and integrate my AV stuff. Some of it can be done with nodeservers but a lot of it can't and I can't add a nice control interface to the system to bring all of that together along with my cameras and such. Some of the "cool" things that I will probably only look at in passing by but my family will enjoy and "see" what I'm doing. Plus... I just want to play with it and see what I can do. The UI builder is very nice and pretty easy to understand once past the basics of how it works. CQC is a very tight fitting system well developed and self contained everything is C++ so it's nice and fast. Downside today it runs on Windows but Dean is busy porting it to Linux which I think will make it even better.
  7. I went several rounds looking for the issue and I just stopped it wasn't worth the frustration with soooo little payoff from HASS. I'm instead torturing myself with CQC and Allonis to act as wrappers around everything. I've gotten much farther with CQC because Dean is very helpful and has actually fixed a few things very quickly (a day or two) in between me reporting issues as the CQC driver isn't up to date either for FW 5.x. Allonis has been not interested to say the least in end-user sales. I tried and was interested but their driver has problems too, so does a lot of their stuff that I tried and they are not interested in fixing things in a timely manner either. So... I'm playing with CQC with my 40 day trial. See how far I get with it. It's crazy!
  8. If it's on the first trigger of it then that's just internet congestion/latency and the solution is to NOT USE cloud based integrations. If it's on a repeated one there is a Amazon enforced cooldown for re-triggers. Depending on what it is there's likely a better local solution available. Of course it's probably not the cheap solution.
  9. I have the vi plugin for PyCharm
  10. Learn VI it's not that hard and like @MWaremansaid it's universally available across on *nix type systems. It's not like Emacs
  11. First.. how you enjoying the free fertilizer... EVERYWHERE!!!! I used to have a flock of about 2-3 dozen a few years back and wow.... As for the motion sensors and alarm with chickens running around??? Umm... no?
  12. That device is trying to do a security handshake and failing... remove power from it like @lilyoyo1recommended and see what happens.
  13. I don't think so. Not without something over both of the ISY's to encapsulate them like CQC or HomeSeer something like that and I dunno about the Mobilinc part. I think it supports multiple ISY's so it might be possible.
  14. Cool glad to hear they work. How about reliability? Any issues of them not firing a program?
  15. https://www.amazon.com/Aeotec-Window-Contact-sensors-Battery/dp/B07PDDX3K6/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=aeotec+door+sensor&qid=1578191896&sr=8-3 Anyone have one of these yet? How well does it work? What's the reaction/reporting timing like for program executions? I've ordered one to test out but I wanted to see if anyone had any insight before it arrives.
  16. Probably. However I've been told SOAP is being replaced by the REST interface and websocket. So why develop something new for something that's supposed to be going away. Of course that "going away" is probably like 5 years from now. But wanting to find out and mostly to see if it's possible from a nodeserver. I'm thinking it's not.
  17. 2020/01/03 13:38:03 System -170001 [UDSockets] RSub:32 error:6 Can someone provide more details on what that error is? I'm pretty confident it's network related and is likely I'm overloading the ISY network....
  18. Perhaps clear the log if you don't need it and then see if it loads. I view my logs through the portal mostly and I haven't had a problem.
  19. Oh that easy huh? Smells like a recipe for disaster of a single oops and that's all she wrote... The download of the xml is it available to any local machine? How about the upload process? Or does that require uploading through the admin console?
  20. I think you're suggesting you did it? hmmm...
  21. That's a part of the problem. I don't know when it happened. I've been on 5.0.16B since a day or so after release and I just noticed this missing devices yesterday.... so who knows when it vanished.
  22. Yes. that was only for installing UDX. If UDX is already installed and running DO NOT do that.
  23. For step 2. SSH into the Polisy and change to a temp directory like /tmp wget https://udx.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/pkg/1.0.26/udx-1.0.26_4.txz If wget is not installed then: sudo pkg install wget then do the pkg install of the file as shown in step 3.
  24. Yes. Polyglot Cloud requires ISY Portal.
  25. I'm not sure either I'm waiting for a "store" so I can assign a "price" to the work In the meantime if you have ISY Portal then you will have access to the Polyglot Cloud where there is a button at the top named "store". https://polyglot.isy.io/
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