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Everything posted by simplextech

  1. OJ is not providing any information on the ojelectronics.com site about their thermostat or Wifi access. They don't even have a link to a mobile app. I'm sure it could be possible but they aren't providing any information on how. You can contact OJ and see if they will provide you with information. I also do not have this thermostat so it would make testing/verification difficult and time consuming
  2. Yeah I tried Kodi... I've never been real impressed with it even from XBMC days.... I have J.River MC and it plays everything nicely I'm just looking for less maintenance than running a PC to stream movies from my NAS.
  3. Off topic.... what are you using on your HTPC? Recently I've been testing out JRiver and Kodi but I'm not thrilled about having a full PC running for JRiver (but it plays great and has full BD menu support). I'm thinking I may look at Dune.
  4. Welcome to the club @kewashi good to see you here.
  5. As much as I like this discussion I think it should be moved to a thread of it's own?
  6. What's interesting with this example is the HomeSeer Insteon plugin was a In-House HomeSeer plugin. THEY were not able to provide quality support and features for their own developed plugin. Because of this lack of ability Mark stepped up and developed a independent Insteon Plugin which is BTW Awesome and still VERY WELL supported. HomeSeer is a interesting model where they actually have a store where the plugins are sold from. Independent developers and some companies develop and sell plugins through this mechanism. This method has it's pros/cons as any method does. HS gets an additional revenue stream as they take 30% of each sale and developers get to make some money from their time. The reality is that nobody except HomeSeer makes a profit from this. It generally takes weeks to months to develop a HomeSeer plugin and then sell it for very little for each install. Hubitat is purely community and apps drivers done as a hobby. This in particular being a hobby DIY system is very clear in the fact there is no QC or QA of the apps drivers at all from anyone and there's no organized repository or installation. Apps come and go with the wind and some are good and some will crash your hub. CQC has an entirely unique model. Their drivers are all included with the system. All of them. You don't pay extra for any particular driver for any use. Most drivers are developed in-house by CQC but some are developed by individuals or installers. Those drivers are then QC/QA by CQC and if they meet standards are then included in the next release. The pricing structure of CQC is an upfront you pay for X number of drivers and if you want more you upgrade your Tier or you buy additional driver counts. It's an interesting model but it doesn't provide any sustained revenue. What kind of model UDI adopts is yet to be seen. Generally there's this unspoken association of "quality" when we have to pay for something and the more we have to pay the "higher quality" we think or believe the product to be. Which also entails the more we pay the more features/functions and higher quality of support. The price of something does setup some expectations. As with any individual or company life or business aspirations may change or events may happen to cause changes in their lives or business. Business go out of business especially from lack of profit. One person buying one copy for $20 one time and getting support for X months or years and maybe getting 3-4 upgrades during that time and fixes, patches etc. Doing this for free when it's something you personally use is one thing as there's personal interest and motivation. I don't know any developers that code.
  7. There's many ways to look at and decipher human nature and emotion. However with Home Automation the predominant driver has always been WAF or now as some say SAF. With this comes a want or need for things to actually work and to know or at least have a feeling (people are all about feelings these days) that what they are using will be supported in some way by someone maybe someday if they have time or feel like providing support on that day or hour. By nature if we pay for a product there's this unwritten idea that some support of the product will be provided and that it functions to a minimal degree. Conversely we naturally understand that if something is free there's no inherent expectation of any support nor even if whatever it is will function or even work correctly. With these human inclinations we also like to be charitable and if someone provides something for free or paid and it works well or makes us happy humans like to show appreciation and this comes from showing appreciation verbally, written or sometimes through money or other gifts. You will see that some (I have also) have a method of either donating, buying a coffee, or sending funds easily to them. Some may view the use of this differently but it's a convenience really for those who are grateful and want to contribute so they don't have to go ask how they can and then if/when a gift arrives it's always a nice surprise. A rarity really but none the less a nice surprise. There are of course those who only use free products, because they are free and why should they have to pay for anything. People are giving it away so why not consume it. The fact of life is nothing is free, you pay with money, time or today with privacy or without realizing you are actually the product that is being sold to others by the fact that you agreed to it perhaps unknowingly by using that free product.
  8. I just went around to the deck doors and garage entry doors putting the door sensors into link mode to change them to two node and creating scenes for those lights... ohhh hopefully the bane of lights NOT coming on is over with.
  9. I had to test this and yay.... two node is working... miracles...
  10. Good to hear. I know there's also the branch that @shbatmmaintains pyisy_beta and I contributed to that some z-wave updates. However I've even tried HACS with his version of PyISY and it's the same error for me. No idea at the moment. I started to go through the code but I keep getting side tracked. I know it's in the nodes/groups.py where it's having an issue though. I had to backdown several nodeservers I was running because it was too much network traffic to the ISY. I need to find alternatives for that information I was getting.
  11. Not bothering me. jeez. I'm a unix geek I'm picky ok.
  12. BSD jails and Docker are nothing alike and "jails" have existed forever and are closer to a "chroot" environment.
  13. HASS + Plex with the memory usage makes sense. I've also found that there's some spurious 404 errors out of the ISY and it's in how the client side is handling the subscription to the ISY. This is something I debugged with Dean from CQC when I first started messing with CQC. I'm not exactly sure what was done on the CQC side as I don't have access to that code but the polling rate for the driver was increased for for the async nature of the connection. Or at least that's all I was told. I think PyISY needs some updates in this area as well to handle this. However I also understand there are still other inconsistent timings that I have just with the ISY and programs where sometimes things are very fast in execution of the program and other times very slow 2+ seconds up to 5 seconds or they just don't happen. There's no log or anything which is very frustrating. In an attempt this last week to try and see why things were sometimes slow I removed all nodeservers and all z-wave devices that were noisy just to try and see if I could find something in the event log. Nothing. so I have no idea why sometimes things are fast and slow other times and why sometimes a light just doesn't come on when it's supposed to. I even replaced a switch this weekend from a suspicion it may be the switch. It was an older KPL that none of the buttons were in use anymore so I replaced it with a new switch. I'll see if that garage light not turning on "sometimes" is resolved from the hardware change. I don't know. Yeah for $300 that's a good piece of kit for running HASS on.
  14. There are merits and benefit to this. However HASS using that much RAM is worrisome. I'm going to guess you have all of your automations in HASS as well? I wonder how quick they are to respond to changes with that much happening in HASS.
  15. I have a 20K+ core HPC at work... I think I can handle it
  16. It's not a ARM vs x64 issue because it's all Python. Python doesn't care too much about the underlying system. However Python is not the most speedy of code in large globs like HASS. One thing to be aware of is that HASS actually is very heavy in the way it handles components. A portion of all those 1000+ builtin components gets loaded on startup of HASS regardless of them being used or not. They are part of the base. Even though they are small pieces they really add up. A couple years ago I hit the size limit with HASS which led me out to HomeSeer and other systems because of size and limits. There's a size limit with the ISY too except they tell you upfront what it is and it's based on the ISY and PLM limitations. Polisy eventually will help this on the ISY limits (CPU/Memory/Net) but it's still a single system with finite resources the same as any other monolithic system or hub based system.
  17. It used to be very solid. I have no idea what has changed or broke it. But I can't tear my home apart trying to find what it could be and with Insteon and the ISY I don't have a spare serial PLM to use. Over the weekend I went as far as to backup my ISY and I actually did remove all of the scenes from the test ISY... and the component still would not load. So it has to be some device in my system but I don't have any idea what it could be.... I even backed out firmware levels and still had issues. Maybe I'll try again after I'm done playing with CQC but by then I don't think I'll have a reason for HASS.
  18. It's either some device or some scene. I have two other ISY's that I've tested against. One with some nodeservers and one with NOTHING in it and the component loads fine. But an ISY with no devices is not much use. I already tore my whole system down to zero nodeserver and removed z-wave and still it's broken... I'm not going to go and start deleting scenes and insteon devices one by one hoping to find the unicorn. Not when I have alternatives that just work and have support. I had a couple issues and Dean from CQC fixed them fast. I have a few requests that he's accepted but he's busy on a major code overhaul so I'll have to wait... that I can accept. Silence and ignoring a problem I can't.
  19. It's not all volunteer... A large amount of it is from community providing the components out of their own interests/needs. However there are also backers to the core team through the Nabu Casa company and funding of that. There's also the subscription fee for the tunnel service to provide Alexa/Google voice control. A lot of open source is funded by larger entities that utilize the code. You would actually be amazed by how many of those "free" projects are funded by Wall Street. I used to do Wall Street consulting for high performance computing design/optimization that's actually what Simplex Technology used to be focused on... now I'm broke
  20. I was thinking maybe like the claw thing... or a roulette wheel? Pay X amount and you get something... don't know what you get but something... then if it's not what you want then you have to pay again? Sound good? How about support? Should that be X per character in support messages? X per line of code?
  21. Not really sure where to start or answer so I'll piece it up..... "store" in name only. we got a free Polisy for testing... oh yeah free beta testers There's no compensation. There's questions, problems, complaints and sometimes appreciation. I can't speak for others but most of my development comes from personal need or interest. If I have a need for something I develop it and share it. If I have an interest in something that others ask for or bring up and it doesn't cost too much to develop I may look into it. I have been asked for some special requests but as noted there's no "store" or any way for me to earn any residual income from the effort so I would have to charge for full development cost for something custom. That's A LOT as I'm not cheap... easy yeah I think most developers here are donating their time based on their availability and interests and again it goes back to personal need and or interest in the integration as to whether it gets done or not. The on going support of nodeservers is generally more demanding than initial development as it is with all products. This is where most profit (there is none) is lost with software in the nature of sell a license once and support it forever. That's not a bad idea at all. It's actually similar in lines with my company with doing integrations. I had setup a paypal pay.me for people to "donate" not really donating because I'm a for profit but you get the idea. However human nature is against paying for something when it's free. It just is. Why pay when you get it for free is the argument for why people use Home Assistant versus HomeSeer or CQC. Why pay for a nodeserver when it's free and why pay a service fee for something... oh yeah that pays for support of the product. Ok now I feel like I'm ranting..... you get the point.
  22. Ohhhh I could add a micro-payment to the nodeservers where each "node" or function costs something
  23. Sounds like a good time to me.... I'm happy exploring the land of CQC
  24. Very good point... so how do I charge for Polyglot Nodeservers?
  25. The ISY Portal subscription gives you access to Polyglot Cloud. This is ISY or Polisy.
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