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Everything posted by Xathros

  1. Many of us use WiFi proximity in ways like this. This long thread describes how I and some others do it: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/9172-howto-proximity-notification-wifi-phone-ipad-laptop/?hl=%2Bwifi+%2Bproximity Enjoy! It's a long read. -Xathros
  2. The wireless stat also has to conserve energy to prolong battery life. The wired one need not worry about that. -Xathros
  3. I certainly have no idea why your program folders have the blues. I have yet to see that on either of my ISYs. As for the socket errors - don't worry. I believe they are unrelated to the backup process. I see this as well. You and I both have l network connections to the ISY from external devices making frequent calls and these can suffer when the ISY is busy doing other things (like backing up). The console will throw up a notice about these failures. The backup should still be progressing underneath the error dialog. If you stop those external devices from connecting and backup again, you should see few to none of those errors. In no case have these messages resulted in a bad backup (or restore) for me. -Xathros
  4. I believe the Ramp Rate is really what you want. Set on level and ramp rate in the scene and just use Scene On and Scene Off in the program. -Xathros
  5. Thats more or less what I'm doing with my Venstar T1800 stat. It runs on 24v from my furnace. ISY monitors the temp as reported by the stat and uses that info to control my Pellet stove via a relay. -Xathros
  6. Yep. Sure can. Here is how I would do this: (LeeG started down this road above) 2 Scenes: GarageOpen and GarageClosed. GarageOpen has 2 KPL Buttons (G & H) as responders only. Button H has it's OnLevel set to 0% Button G has It's OnLevel Set to 100% GarageClosed has 2 KPL Buttons (G & H) as responders only. Button H has it's OnLevel set to 100% Button G has It's OnLevel Set to 0% Then a program to deal with them: If Status 'GarageDoor IOLinc Sensor' is On Then Set Scene 'GarageOpen' On Else Set Scene 'GarageClosed' On Depending on the type of mag switch used, you may need to swap the contents of Then and Else above. Or swap your definition of G & H ): Added value here: You can use the True/False value of the above program in other programs that may need to know the status of the garage door. Hope that works for you. -Xathros
  7. You are correct. You can use the same 12V supply that yu power the DinRelay with and simply switch it through one of the relays for the amp. I would use NC and Com and switch the positive side with the relay. I suspect the amp will want a certain polarity but without additional data cant say much more about that. -Xathros
  8. He upgraded from a 99 to a 994. ZWave is not available for the 99. -Xathros
  9. Simply setting a variable at the same time as I send a command to the relay. As far as I know, there is no way to query the relay state. You are welcome to quote me. -Xathros Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I printed my own as well. I don't think they look quite as nice as the custom etched buttons can but at least all of mine are the same color. And, yes, you can still do it this way. -Xathros Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Congrats! I thought I was there 4 years ago but these damn Black and Decker X10 weather proof relay modules keep finding their way back to my seasonal exterior lighting. Just can't bring myself to spend the $90+ to replace them with the outdoor appliance modules since they still work so well. -Xathros
  12. I don't know for sure but I bet thats it. -Xathros
  13. I should have caught that! -Xathros
  14. You are missing more than just setpoint up/dn, also missing schedule and options buttons. Are you sure they just aren't off the screen? you screen shot does not include the very bottom of the interface where the buttons appear for me. -Xathros
  15. If the button is a controller of a scene, you can't. Remove the button from the scene and use programs to activate the various scenes based on the type of button press instead. -Xathros
  16. Anytime. Happy to help. -Xathros
  17. Exactly What that does is any time the button is pushed, it checks the sensor state (variable value) and sets the button LED accordingly. Sensor on, LED on, sensor off, LED off. The program is triggers when the button is turned on or off and uses the value of the integer variable to decide the LED state. The variable is managed by the first program. NOTE: The variable in this case is an integer variable AND the button LED is also responder in a scene controlled by the sensor. Make sense? -Xathros
  18. Sounds to me like a mislabeled Switchlinc Relay. -Xathros
  19. I think EricK's point was that a KPL offers additional buttons for additional functions. -Xathros Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. EricK- I see 2 programs for this using an integer rather than state variable: If Control 'Door Sensor' is Switched On Or Control 'Door Sensor' is Not Switched Off Then $i.DoorSensor = 1 Else $i.DoorSensor = 0 If ( Control 'KPL_Button' is switched On or Control 'KPL_Button' is switched Off ) And $i.DoorSensor = 1 Then Wait 2 seconds Set Scene 'KPL_Button' On Else Wait 2 Seconds Set Scene 'KPL_Button' Off -Xathros
  21. The only way I see to accomplish this would be to move the control of your load off of the dimmer and onto a micro module. Then use programs to monitor the dimmers various control messages and do whatever you want from there. -Xathros
  22. I've only done this once so far and don't feel fully comfortable with my memory, but I believe it was a total reset and I needed to delete the unit from the ISY and re exclude/include to get it going again. This was at a time that I was doing a fair amount of other ZWave testing so I may be mixing memories here. If I get a chance this weekend, I will reset one of my less critical unites and confirm. -Xathros
  23. You got it sir! -Xathros
  24. Solid advice. This is exactly how I got to where I am now. -Xathros
  25. In that line of thinking, one could place a normally closed reed switch in series with the IOLinc relay so that the circuit to the relay is broken when the door is closed. -Xathros
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