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Everything posted by Xathros

  1. Hello everyone, I just tried to take a backup of my system this afternoon and ran into a problem. See attached screenshot. I have tried multiple times and the backup failed at the same point on each try. Any advice? Here is an excerpt from the error log at the point of failure: Thu 2023/09/07 12:35:56 PM 0 -170001 <s:Envelope><s:Body><u:GetSysConf xmlns:u="urn:udi-com:service:X_IoX_Service:1"><name>./FILES/CONF/NODES/UN0109.BIN</name></u:GetSysConf></s:Body></s:Envelope> Thu 2023/09/07 12:35:56 PM 0 -110007 0 Any advice? Thanks in advance. -Xathros
  2. Hello GSutherland, Open the Terminal app on you Mac. It's a native app provided with MacOS. Type: ssh admin@<the-ip-address-of-your-eisy> (and press return) Password is admin unless you have changed it. You wont see the password characters as you type them. (and press return) From there, enter the commands that bmercier posted above. (followed by the return key) There may be errors or warnings reported, don't worry. When completed, type: exit (and press return) Then, return to the PG3x dashboard and start your noderserver(s) Hope this helps. -Xathros
  3. I also have performed the reinstall of aioquic and also had build errors along the way (log excerpt below). My node servers are also now reconnected and appear to be working as expected. Thanks! -Xathros
  4. I just discovered a better place for this at: Sorry for the extra topic. Admins feel free to delete this thread. -Xathros
  5. Ditto. Just created a new thread on the subject before I discovered this thread. Sorry for muddying the waters. Here is the text of my other post: I saw the announcement for 3.2.3 and decided to upgrade packages. I waited 35 minutes then logged into PG3x to find all my node servers disconnected. I have tried restarting the node servers, reinstalling all node servers and finally a full system reboot but all remain disconnected. Any advice? Thanks in advance. -Xathros
  6. I saw the announcement for 3.2.3 and decided to upgrade packages. I waited 35 minutes then logged into PG3x to find all my node servers disconnected. I have tried restarting the node servers, reinstalling all node servers and finally a full system reboot but all remain disconnected. Any advice? Thanks in advance. -Xathros
  7. I love how things get done around here! Issue discovered and a change in the pipeline less than 6 hrs later. Nowhere else does this happen! What about updates/new versions to/of already installed node servers? Or re-installs of existing node servers? Just curious. I suspect I'll/We'll be fine with 30 days of logs as long as they aren't set to debug for normal ops. -Xathros
  8. After this, I will endeavor to only set debug level for debugging and not for normal daily operations. 10Gb of uncompressed text is still an awful lot of text. It should be more than enough. I do think 1 to 2 weeks of retained logs should be sufficient. Just curious though, why not compress on rotation? -Xathros
  9. I totally agree. During setup of a new poly, I like to see everything to get a feel for what's going on under the hood. I know the logs would be larger but, it's just text and compresses well and it's on a *nix platform so they'll rotate and it will be fine - or so I thought. Everything is set to error now and I've learned once again to never assume anything As usual, Michel and UDI's support is second to none. -Xathros
  10. Thanks all. Michel remoted in and helped me out today. It was mostly my Kasa node server. I have 7 polys running and had all of the logs set to debug. Kasa with 50 nodes is *VERY* chatty and filled the 10G allotment for the polyglot filesystem. Between Kasa and the other 6 polys, it ran out of space with less than 2 weeks of logs! With no free space, pg3 would not start. It appears to me that in the current version, logs are not being compressed daily if at all. We deleted all the logs and I have set my log levels to error instead of debug. I think there will be some changes coming to prevent this sort of thing from happening again. -Xathros
  11. Hello everyone, pg3 is down on my eISY. After some research, I have determined that pg3 is not starting because it has exceeded its disk quota. Looks like the database has ballooned and I've reached the 10G limit. Pretty sure this is my fault for having the log level set to debug on my Kasa node server. I didn't realize that the log data was stored in the database. My bad. How to clean up the log data, compact the DB and get back online? Any assistance is greatly appreciated. -Xathros
  12. Hello all- All working now for me too. I did need to enable SNI on all of my web hook resources which is new but now they work after IFTTT's patch rollout. Thanks all for the community support! -Xathros
  13. Hello guags99, My first failure was: Tue 2021/11/30 04:23:52 PM System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -256/-140002, Net Module Rule: 2 Also CST and was the first time a maker event was called since the week before as we were away and the events would not have fired while we were gone. I saw mention of 11/29 earlier in this thread as well so I suspect your right. -Xathros
  14. Found the dashboard - here are my client settings:
  15. Hello all, I have tested with SNI checked and unchecked. Timeout set to 20,000 - no noticeable difference in time to failure from timeout of 1000. Where do I find the Client settings to check (or uncheck) the Verify box? Seems like something changed outside the scope of the ISY for this to all of a sudden be affecting so many clients. Probably something at the IFTTT host side but that'd just a guess on my part. Thanks in advance for any guidance. -Xathros
  16. Hello all, I'm seeing the same thing with all of my outbound maker network resources. Get, Post, URL Encoded or not, SNI or not, they all fail. Every failure results in the same error in my error log - example follows: Wed 2021/12/01 04:45:49 PM System -170001 <s:Envelope><s:Body><u:TestNetResource xmlns:u= Wed 2021/12/01 04:45:49 PM System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -256/-140002, Net Module Rule: 5 I can call the web hook just fine from a browser on my computer. Any insight would be appreciated. -Xathros
  17. Me Too! Spent about an hour troubleshooting. Should have come here first... Thanks all!
  18. All, Thanks to everyone that jumped in here to help. I just completed a remote support session with UDI. Looks like the database had become corrupted likely due to a power failure. They very quickly had it repaired and I'm back up and running with no lost config or anything. As always, the support offered by UDI is unmatched by anyone! -Xathros
  19. Ugh. Lets see if my second attempt to open a ticket was a success... Thanks. -Xath
  20. Hi Bumbershoot, My polys are there with proper ownership. When I run top, I see one of them running - the KASA NodeServer. Must not be fully running though as the nodes are not making it through to the ISY. I have already submitted a ticket with UDI. I'll follow up here as things progress. Thanks! -Xath
  21. Sure did. Same result as with the user I had configured.
  22. Hello all, After a recent power outage at my lake house, I am no longer able to log into my Polisy via the web interface. I noticed I had no data from my node servers. I attempted to log into polisy and can't gat past the username/password page. No error or any other kind of feedback when submitting credentials. I used my PDU to remotely reboot the polisy and get the same result. I am able to login via SSH but only with the default reds admin/admin. The user I had created for myself no longer appears to exist. I followed the little bit if guidance I could find in the documentation to update and reboot from the CLI only to find everything up to date and no change after reboot. Any/all help here is appreciated. Thanks in advance. -Xathros
  23. Xathros

    Polisy question

    Nailed it! All better now. -Xathros
  24. Xathros

    Polisy question

    Thanks. I tried that and still showing the old FW version. -Xathros
  25. Xathros

    Polisy question

    Hello All, After a bit of playing with the forum search function I have decided this was the most appropriate place to ask my question. I have an ISY-994 Pro with Wave that was running 5.0.16C as I had the older Wave 300 module and couldn't't upgrade beyond that. Yesterday I received my Wave 500 module and installed. After getting my Wave devices re-registered on the new module I upgraded the ISY firmware to 5.2.0. (Screenshot below) I recently purchased a Polisy Pro and have had it working nicely with the ISY with 4 node servers running on it. After upgrading the ISY to 5.2.0, the Polisy still shows the ISY at version 5.0.16C. (Screenshot below) I have rebooted both the ISY and the Polisy. How do I get the Polisy to recognize the newer ISY firmware version? There doesn't seem to be any ill effect. All node servers are working as expected. Just mostly curious about this discrepancy. Thanks. -Xathros
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