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Everything posted by Xathros

  1. You need to adjust both the Device On Level (Local) and the Device's On Level within the scene. The terminology is a bit different between 4.x and 5.x firmware branches. What firmware are you on? I don't think you need the scene at all given the description. Just modify the device's on level with your program. Hope this helps. -Xathros
  2. Cool. I'll let you know after I get it up and running. I believe the resolution will be 800x480. Thinking either a larger number of buttons or a split screen with buttons on half and info (Clock / weather / custom status info) on the other half would be good. Dimming isn't important on this one as this will be a desk based unit. For the bedroom, I will probably go with a 3.5" screen like yours. That will be round 2. Does this depend on the Raspbian GUI or will this run on a CLI only setup? -Xathros
  3. Well, I just ordered another Pi3 with a 7" capacitive touchscreen and case. Hoping I can make this all work on a 7" screen when my parts arrive. I enjoyed reading through this thread again today and look forward to getting this up and going on my ISY. Has anyone tried this with a 5.X ISY yet? Are there settings that allow for landscape vs portrait display? -Xathros
  4. I don't believe this is correct. I have been able to set a device's local on-level to 0 to prevent the device from turning on with a single on tap. A fast on will override this and go directly to 100% and holding the on paddle will ramp up at the specified locally applied ramp rate but a single tap of the on paddle will go to the locally applied on-level. -Xathros
  5. For the devices in the scene, you can adjust 2 on-levels. On of them is the Scene On-Level which affects what happens when the scene is commanded on by any controller, the other is the Device's On-Level (Applied Locally) which controls how the device responds to it's own paddle when tapped. You will need to set both to 0 for the device in question. Select the scene, set the on-level for the device, then select the device and set the on-level there as well. Hope this helps. -Xathros
  6. Xathros

    Disable Device

    With the exception of the period of time between the ISY booting and the first signal received from the MS during which the ISY will show NO status for the MS. -Xathros
  7. Another question would be: Is the ISY aware that the light is on? Check the status of the light in the admin console to see what the ISY thinks. If the ISY is unaware of the state change of the bulb, there may be other things affecting the bulb. I on occasion have devices that will start responding to other devices or scenes due to what I believe is a corrupted link table on the affected device. A restore device issued from the ISY against the problem device usually fixes this. I too think a review of the programs is in order. Hope this helps. -Xathros
  8. It does not matter. The ports are per IP address and the devices should have different addresses. Sounds mode like the ISY is being bogged down with lots of traffic at times. -Xathros
  9. Larry, delete your the ac from your desktop and re download it from the 5.0.10 announcement post. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I understand the limitations of the apps based on the APIs but there are some things that could be done in-app to improve the functionality. Specifically, remember the state of each geofence and if it's state is wrong when transitioning a different fence, update the state and call whatever web hook/notification/action is associated with it. I'm doing this to some extent in the ISY right now. If I enter a geofence and the ISY shows that I'm still in a fence that does not overlap with the one I just entered, this means that I missed the exit notification from the other fence and it needs to be updated to show me NOT there. An option like "Exit non-overlapping fences when entering a fence." would suffice. Earlier this week I had a situation where the ISY saw me at Home, Work and the supermarket all at the same time. The home and work fences are 10 miles apart with the supermarket roughly half way between. Both home and work often miss the exit as both are in weaker cell coverage areas and I'm often making the transition from WiFi to Cell at the time of exit. The supermarket fence in a good coverage area hasn't failed once that I'm aware of. More likely because I'm not switching between networks as I come and go from there. -Xathros
  11. I have no hard data but it seems to be about the same to me. Biggest issue I have with geofence using my phone is that my phone will often miss a fence transition (mostly exit) due to weak cell service or because I'm transitioning from WiFi to cell as I leave the fence. Using Mobilinc or state vars called from Locative via the portal allows for me to update the other fences status whenever another boundary is crossed (If, I'm here, I'm not in the other places...). With the Nodes, that update is not currently as easy. Now, if Locative or some other geofence application could update all of the fences with each fence transition or even on a timed basis, that would be a better solution in my opinion. Any iOS coders out there wanna build a better mouse trap geofence app? -Xathros
  12. Happy to help! Using the portal and occupancy nodes on V5.xx makes for a simpler setup. Otherwise the functionality is mostly the same with one exception that it makes it a little harder to correct for missed fence transitions when using the nodes vs variables. -Xathros
  13. Hi Michel, Yep! I switched over to using portal nodes for my geofence applications a while back. I love the simplicity and using the portal for all of my external interfaces keeps my ISY happily behind the firewall and secure. Still, the weak link appears to be the phone and geofence tracking in iOS. I often have a node stuck true because I had weak cell service when I exited the fence or was transitioning between WiFi and LTE or whatever. When I was using state vars to track my fences, I was able to rest all other locations when entering/leaving a fence so if one of the others was previously missed it could be updated. With the nodes, I have no way to reset a locations status without leaving/re-entering or entering/leaving that nodes fence again. It would be nice if we could set the true/false status of the node under program control as a workaround but that seems to go against the ISY's design philosophy I think. I suppose I could write some network resources to call the other nodes in/out URL's at the portal from the ISY but this just seems silly. Your thoughts on this are most welcome. -Xathros
  14. Yes. The ISY has a very powerful and compete RESTFUL interface among other methods of connectivity. Full documentation can be found at: Full Web Services/REST SDK, Java SDK, and Documentation with Open Source UDAjax for the currently released firmware version. Hope this helps. -Xathros
  15. That method gives you a fixed 5 minute window to get out of the geofence before chancing disabling the alarm. There is the possibility that the phone/isy will miss the fence exit as well. Here is what I do for some of my proximity based features: Define 2 fences: Home (a small radius around the house), Neighborhood (a larger radius centered on the house but extending out maybe 250 yds) Define an integer variable as a flag: i.ArrivedHome This gets set to 1 when you enter your home fence area and 0 when you exit the larger neighborhood fence area. I do this mostly due to my phone drifting in/out of the smaller area and defined the larger area to exceed the nominal drift by a margin. Then have your program take the var into account: If $sPaul.Is.Home is 1 and $i.ArrivedHome is 0 Then Disarm $i.ArrivedHome = 1 Here is the prog to manage the integer var: If $sNeighborhoodFence is 0 Then $i.ArrivedHome = 0 This way, you have to leave the larger neighborhood fence then come home again before it will auto disarm. There is still the possibility that it will miss fence crossings but in this scenario it fails secure rather than insecure. Hope this helps. -Xathros
  16. I can confirm the same problem from Vermont. -Xathros
  17. I see the ISY can Enter/Exit Vacation mode via the 469's options but there appears to be no way to access the options from within an ISY program. Maybe this is something that could be added down the road, or there may be a way to do it through parameter setting from within a program. Someone with more understanding of the parameters will need to chime in on that aspect. -Xathros
  18. There are a number of apps available that will do GeoFencing based on your phone's GPS location. This thread is referring to one called Locative. Mobilinc also provides GeoFencing capabilities along with several other apps. Locative is free to use and can post to the ISY's rest interface or via the UDI portal if you subscribe to that. Hope this helps. -Xathros
  19. Same here. I ended up having the ISY send a pushover notification to me. Better this way as now I get confirmation that the ISY received the boundary crossing. -Xathros
  20. I am also using the BlueStation 100's and can echo elvisimprsntr's experience with ranging. I have noticed recently that iOS appears to be making use of my household beacons to provide app recommendations based on where I am in the house and my past app usage in several locations. -Xathros
  21. About the same for me. False triggers are way more frequent than they used to be both on those called "Echo" and the one I call "Alexa" Recognition accuracy has gone way down hill. Last night, I had to rename my "gym" to "workout room" because Echo didn't know how to turn on Jam, Jan, Jen or Gin... Oddly enough, the same echo could turn off the Gym without fail. Trying to turn on the lights in my garage, called "bay one" and "bay two", now results in music being played instead of my lights coming on. So, yeah.... Not just you. -Xathros
  22. Well, most of us prefer the opposite but you can work with it either way. My programs were designed for the opposite. You would need to change the reed switch to a normally open type if you wanted to change that behavior. My question though was more to determine if you were properly receiving status updates from the IOLinc and from your reply it appears that you are. What do you have on the ML dashboard for operating the door? Program #1 or the IOLinc relay device? Your Program #2 in the quote above is written for use with a normally open sensor switch which from your description is not what you have. I assume you have since modified that program to match your sensor states. -Xathros
  23. The second program quoted should be dealing with the status regardless of how the door is operated. I have had occasions where ML has taken a longer time than expected to process program statuses and properly display them but usually it will display no status at all until it completes it's processing. Does you IOLinc sensor status properly update in the Admin console when you open and close your door? What ISY Firmware are you running? There have been some status update issues with IOLincs in the 5.X branch. -Xathros
  24. Hi Rob Hi Rob, I don't think it matters if you have a Gen1 or newer smart energy switch. As long as you have one and it reports to the ISY then you can do what you are wanting to do as follows: First, Find out what the node name is and dump the node XML to get the info you need about the location of the data. Mine is "ZW003_143" as seen below it's title in this screenshot: Then I used Firefox to get the node dump by entering: and was prompted for my ISY user/pass then the following was returned: My Sensor has the current wattage in the Status (.ST) field with the kWh in the TPW field. I happened to be monitoring voltage in my setup so the following resource is referencing the CV field but you can modify to grab ST or TPW as fits your requirement. This resource is grabbing the value from the sensor and using the rest interface to place that value into my integer variable #8. You could just as easily use a state variable instead. NOTE: the .raw following the field identifier in the substitution variable is important. Without the .raw, the value returned will be formatted and may include the letters "Volts" or "kWh". You only want the value for this and the .raw forces it to drop the formatting and return a clean value. Next you will need a program to run the resource: VoltageMonitor - [ID 0014][Parent 0003][Not Enabled][Run At Startup] If From 12:00:00AM To 11:59:50PM (same day) Then Repeat Every 10 seconds Set 'ZW 003 Energy Meter' Query Wait 5 seconds Resource 'OfficeLineVoltageMonitor' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') As Michel pointed out above, you can get direct access to these values in programs in 5.0.4 and later without the need to place into a var first. And then it is as simple as: VoltageMonitor Direct - [ID 0025][Parent 0003] If 'ZW 003 Energy Meter' Current Voltage is not '$OfficeLineVoltage Volts' Then $OfficeLineVoltage = 'ZW 003 Energy Meter' Current Voltage Volts Do whatever... Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Hope this helps. -Xathros
  25. All of what you want can be accomplished using one of these: https://www.amazon.com/Aeon-Labs-Aeotec-Z-Wave-Switch/dp/B00VQISOCG/ref=sr_1_sc_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1471979206&sr=8-2-spell&keywords=aotec+smart+energy+switch I do this for both my Windows AC and my Pellet Stove to monitor function and disable either when appropriate. -Xathros
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