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Everything posted by Xathros

  1. +1 -Xathros Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. The timer program will only turn the lights on at the start of the window. If you turn them off after sunset-15, they'll stay off until sunset-15 tomorrow night. The override program watches for both on and off commands from the switch. On triggers the then section disabling the timer program. Off triggers the else and re-enabled the timer program. It does not run the timer however. Only trigger for the timer is sunset-15. -Xathros Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. No. Several reasons, Status changes during run causing re-evaluation, Control anded etc. I would not worry about the current status of the light. Does it matter if it was off to begin with? If it's already On, turning it on does no harm right? If you are trying to avoid it going off via program when it was turned on manually, there is a different approach that involves another program to enable/disable the time based program: Timer program: Pendants Timer - If Time is Sunset - 15 minutes Then Set 'Kitchen / Kitchen Pendants' On Wait 2 hours Set 'Kitchen / Kitchen Pendants' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Then the Override program: Pendants Override- If Control 'Kitchen / Kitchen Pendants' is switched On And Control 'Kitchen / Kitchen Pendants' is not switched Off Then Disable Program 'Pendants Timer' Else Enable Program 'Pendants Timer' Hope this helps. -Xathros
  4. This should only require a right click and query of the motion sensor's LowBatt node. You should see the status of the node change to off instantly with the query. Interestingly, I just had an issue with one of mine yesterday. I replaced a battery after a sensor issued a low battery warning, queried the low batt node to reset. The node status changed to Off with the query as expected. My warning program however, did not see the status change and continued to issue the notice every 12 hrs until I manually forced the If to run this afternoon. At that point, it properly evaluated false and stopped the run. I'm on 5.0.4. Dunno if this is a bug or a fluke. Waiting for the next occurrence before officially reporting. Hope this helps. -Xathros
  5. Also, To answer the original question, you can right click the top of the program tree and select "Copy folder to clipboard", then paste into word or a text editor for a complete, human readable listing of all programs. Hope this helps. -Xathros
  6. Thanks Michel. I have to say, I really like not needing to select ISY to issue commands to the other ISY. Just may need to prefix a few things with "Office" to differentiate between similar items at home and the office. -Xathros
  7. V2 seem to be working nicely for the most part but I have discovered that the V2 connected home/smart home adapter does not support "Open" for "Turn On" or "Close" for "Turn Off". -Xathros
  8. Perfect! Thank you. -Xathros
  9. Thanks Michel, I'll see if I can locate the info at the CEC site. -Xathros
  10. Thanks Michel. Can you point me at any educational resources related to RATES and the benefits to CA rate payers? We don't even have any ADR stuff going here in VT yet and I would like to start bugging my congress critters about this but want to know more first. -Xathros
  11. Congratulation Michel! What are your plans for these funds? -Xathros
  12. I'm on 5.0.4 currently. I own my networking module and like you, prefer it that way. I also subscribe to the ISY portal for use with Amazon Echo, IFTTT and for linking my 2 ISY's together. I am also a Mobilink user (Without ML Connect) and continue to use the geofence features without issue. To be fair, I'm not using the portal with Mobilinc at the moment but still using port forwarding in my router for that. I don't believe it makes a difference other than access via the portal seems slower with Mobilinc so I decided not to use it for that. -Xathros
  13. I should modify a bung plug to accept these and market them as "Bunghole-I/O" -Xathros
  14. Looks like someone already had my idea! -Xathros
  15. I've been planning on setting a magnet on top of the indicator in my sight glass (Vertical cylindrical sight glass) and strapping an FET to the backside of the glass and using that to close an input on an IOLink or triggerlinc when the level drops to around 1/3. -Xathros
  16. Hi gonzo_007, Please repost all programs as they are now and I'll see what needs to change to get what you want. -Xathros
  17. Completely missed that line in the original post! Think we need another set of parens to make the logic logical... If Control 'Bedroom / Fan / Fan Medium Button' is switched On Or-( Or-( | | Control 'Bedroom / Remote - Fan Speed' is switched On | |Or Control 'Bedroom / Remote - Fan Speed' is switched Off | -) | And $FanSpeed is 1 -) -Xathros
  18. What kind of variable is: $FanSpeed ? Make sure your using an integer and not a state variable here. -Xathros
  19. @MWareman, No problem! Happy to share. The variations I've seen so far are only a problem when doing a light burn. When going deeper, it doesn't seem to be as much of an issue. @TheFallenAngel, I did an etch on a set of Apple ear buds (the backside of the mic/button thing) and the storage case. Both went pretty well. I didn't go deep enough on the storage case and see some variations in the burn but a but more burn time would have fixed that. I will be ordering some KPL buttons to work on soon. -Xathros
  20. Hi gonzo_007, Keeping your existing program for "Run in the Sun" as is, create a state variable called s.PoolRun. This program sets the daily required runtime of 8 hrs (480 minutes) daily one minute after sunrise. Program: SetPoolRunDaily If Time is Sunrise + 1 Then $s.PoolRun = 480 $s.PoolRun initTo $s.PoolRun Else This program tracks the pump run and decrements the requirement as it is running Program: TrackPoolRun If Status 'PoolPump' is On And $s.PoolRun > 0 Then Wait 1 minute $s.PoolRun -= 1 $s.PoolRun initTo $s.PoolRun Run Program 'TrackPoolRun' Then Path Else The following will run the pool pump from sunset until the requirement is met or a minute before sunrise the next day whichever comes first. Program: RunPoolExtra If Time is from Sunset to Sunrise -1 (Next Day) And $s.PoolRun > 0 Then Set 'PoolPump' On Else Set 'PoolPump' Off Note: These programs were hand written to convey concept and may not exactly match ISY syntax. Hope this helps. -Xathros
  21. Excellent! Glad you got it going. -Xathros
  22. You might also try connecting with the Dashboard when local and checking your SSL/TLS settings. Possibly something there given this message: Certificate does not conform to algorithm constraints -Xathros
  23. This sounds to me like your port forwarding may be the problem. You said you are able to access UDAjax via the remote URL? Another option is the ISY portal. You can use a portal URL in the ISY finder in place of the direct IP or DynDNS. -Xathros
  24. Yes! Download and install the console is the recommended way. Download the jnlp file here: http://isy.universal....4.6/admin.jnlp Double click the downloaded file. This will install an Icon on your desktop to connect to the ISY. When you launch the console, If your local to the ISY, the ISY finder may fall behind the console. Add your remote URL to the finder (You don't need to add the /desc part.) Hope this helps. -Xathros
  25. I'm afraid I have nothing else to offer on this. The only time I see the XML parse error is when the ISY is down, too busy or not yet fully booted. Since ML and UDAjax are working for you, I don't believe this is your problem. Is your UI version the same as the firmware version in the ISY? Maybe clear the java cache and reinstall the console? Sorry, kinda shooting in the dark here. I'm assuming you have added both the local and the remote version of the URL to the java security exceptions right? -Xathros
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