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Everything posted by Xathros
Yes, there is a web interface for control but not for configuration and programming. -Xathros Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hi Stu- I'm 'm quite familiar with that list. You will notice that it does not list -101 -Xathros Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hi Michel- I will turn on debugging and watch the logs. Nothing new on my network. The errors were exactly as I posted, -101. My ISY does make extensive use of my network so this could be related to something I have done. I will post back when I know more. Thanks. -Xathros Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Can anyone tell me what these errors are: Wed 2015/01/28 06:09:19 PM System -101 http Wed 2015/01/28 06:09:19 PM System -101 http Wed 2015/01/28 06:09:19 PM System -101 http Wed 2015/01/28 06:09:19 PM System -101 http Wed 2015/01/28 06:09:19 PM System -101 http Wed 2015/01/28 06:09:19 PM System -101 http Wed 2015/01/28 06:09:19 PM System -101 http Wed 2015/01/28 06:09:19 PM System -101 http Wed 2015/01/28 06:09:19 PM System -101 http My ISY has locked up 3 times in the last 3 weeks. Each time the lockup was preceeded by thousands of these entries withing a 3-5 minute period. -Xathros
The instead would be the True/False status of a program. Useful mostly for boolean functions. My preference would be a variable instead of a program but there have been a few cases where using the state of a program seemed more elegant to me. For instance, if you have a program that sets a variable to 1 in the then and 0 in the else, the true/false status of the program is identical to the variable and unless your doing math with the variable's value, makes it just extra and unnecessary. For me a variable seems more flexible. It has a current and init value, can do math, has more than 2 possible values and if named well can actually help document a program. Mostly though, it's a matter of preference. -Xathros
In my experience, it's the salesmen that promise the world and me as the technician that has to deliver and make it work. Just sayin... -Xathros
As long as 5.X breaks the date into separate month/day/year fields, then I think we have what we need to do calendaring - just not pretty. -Xathros
You are correct. This will require 2 programs. This: Run Program 'Front Door2' (Then Path) is the problem. Should be If Path. You are bypassing the time test by calling the Then directly. A few suggestions: 1) Make a new notification address group that contains both Gary and Sandy's addresses/Numbers. That way you can issue a single transaction to notify both. 2) You programs will turn the light off when triggered during the day even if you turned it on manually. Try something like this: If Control 'Front Porch / MS (DD)' is Switched On Then Send Notification to 'Text Gary/Sandy' content 'FrontDoor.Motion' Run Program 'Front Door2' (If Path) $FrontDoor.Triggered = 1 Else Wait 10 seconds $FrontDoor.Triggered = 0 Sub Program ---------------------------- If From Sunset - 3 hours To Sunrise (next day) Then Set 'Front Porch / Front Porch Switch' On Wait 5 minutes (Adjust this delay to your needs) Set 'Front Porch / Front Porch Switch' Fast Off Else The program summary is showing how the programs last ran. The FrontDoor2 program was forced to run tue by your runThen call. Hope this helps. -Xathros
Larry- The variable must be a State variable and it's value must change for it to trigger an evaluation. Integer variables are evaluated when a program is triggered but they do not trigger a program when their value changes. -Xathros
Lets say that after modifying the unit with an external probe and testing against a known accurate thermometer, the unit is reading 3 deg above actual. (ie: 80 deg actual reads as 83 deg on the multi sensor) Lets say we want to keep the temp between 80 and 85: If Status 'ZWave MultiSensor' < 83° F Then Set 'Heater' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') and If Status 'ZWave MultiSensor' > 88° F Then Set 'Heater' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') So - simply move your decision points up by 3 degrees. Make sense? -Xathros
I'll have to dig out the docs that came with it. I vaguely remember a way to adjust the unit but can't say for sure. At worst, you could just deal with the reading being off and adjust for it at the ISY. -Xathros
Excellent! Glad we could help. -Xathros
I opened up my Everspring unit and it appears to use a thermistor for temp sensing. The thermistor is nestled together with the humidity sensing grid and may be somewhat difficult to remove and replace with leads to and external sensor. If done, you would likely need to recalibrate the unit to account for the added resistance of the leads to the external probe. The sensors fit tightly into a molded area of the front case that is vented to the outside and fairly well sealed from the inside when the sensors are in place. -Xathros
Hello arndtk86- As you have likely figured out, my program does not really disable the response to the motion sensor at all, it simply changes how the linked device responds to a motion event to make it appear that nothing happened. For daytime, simply turning off an already off light seems to do nothing. However, as you have discovered, it you were to manually turn on the light, the motion sensor will turn it back off when in this psudo-disabled state. The solution is to modify the responder link record to match what you want the light to be set at. So, if you manually turn the light on to 40%, then you will want to issue an adjust scene for the light when controlled by the motion sensor and set it to 40%. That way when the sensor is tripped, it turns the light on to 40% (where it already is, ie - no change.) Larry's programs above are an example of this concept using several different on levels based on time of day. When the 5.X firmware is released, this will become much easier. We will be able to monitor the for the manual control of a device, capture the current on level to a variable and use that variable in an adjust scene statement. -Xathros
I don't believe we will see very many more 4.x releases before we see a 5.X beta. I expect there will be a final 4.X in the next week or two then we are on to 5.X betas. Lots of awesome stuff coming in the 5.X series: New variable types, the ability to get/set values to/from devices, two way network communications, multi channel ZWave, and the ability to link multiple ISYs are just some of the things we have been teased with over the last year. 2015 looks like it will be a great year for the ISY community. -Xathros
The ethernet port on my 994 has both Link and Act LED's As do most switches I have seen. The OP stated that there was no blinking, I took that to mean there was a Link but no activity. If neither Link LED's are lit then, I have to agree and suspect fried port(s). -Xathros
ISY programs are event driven. The if section of a program does two things: Define Triggers and evaluate True/False. Both are critical. A time based program (From to...) triggers twice. Once at the beginning of the time range and once at the end. When triggered, the if clause is evaluated for true/false. True runs then, False runs else. Once triggered at the From time, the if is not re-evaluated again until the To time is reached (unless there are other triggers in the if section other than the time range) It is important to understand what triggers an if and what doesn't. Time From/To, Device Status changes, Device Control events, State variable value changes, Elk, Energy and Weather module variable value changes will can trigger an If. Integer variable changes DO NOT trigger an if but ARE evaluated when used in an if that gets triggered by other means. With regard to variable value changes, the value has to change to trigger, not just update to the same value. Same with the status of a device. The If section of a program will always be evaluated when called by another program or when manually called. When the if is evaluated, the evaluation follows what one would expect from other languages in terms of And, Or and the use of (Parens to group items). Given the above, in your example, if the ISY were started up at Noon on Monday, nothing would happen until Sunday @ 10PM when the program would trigger and run the Then. It would then trigger again at Sunday @ 11:55Pm and run the Else. As Shannong points out above, the function of the Then is not undone when the else runs at 11:30. You would need to deal with that in the else section if necessary. Hope this helps -Xathros
I haven't opened up my Everspring unit but I suspect it's using something like the Dallas one wire sensors (DS1822) or similar. If it is, there are a number of nicely packaged external probes that could be used in place of the internal sensor. -Xathros
Hi Gregg- Thats very much the same as my setup. I agree - IP conflict is unlikely here. When you get home, unplug the PLM (From the wall) and remove power from the ISY. Plug the PLM back in, wait 5 seconds then repower the ISY and watch for activity on the switch port as well as ISY blue light activity. Post results. -Xathros
Hi Gregg- Power down the ISY again and replug the power. Watch the link/Act light on your switch to see if there is any activity during the ISY startup. If there is, it's possible you have an IP conflict with another device on your LAN. Was your ISY assigned a static address? If so, was that done by hard coding the address in the ISY or by MAC reservation in the router? -Xathros
smokegrub- First, try changing your screen cap to a jpg file. Open it in Preview and save as a jpg. Then you can post the jpg. I have changed my default screen cap to jpg as it saves me a step of converting. To do that: You can change the default file type for screen captures by using a terminal command. Every installation of Mac OS X includes the Terminal application in Applications > Utilities. Most major image formats are supported including PNG, PDF, GIF, TIFF, and JPG, we’ll go with JPG since that is a common type of web graphic: defaults write com.apple.screencapture type jpg Then you must kill the SystemUIServer for changes to take effect: killall SystemUIServer Screen captures will now be saved as JPG files. To change back to PNG, just run through the process again setting 'png' as your type in the first Terminal command. Hope this helps. -Xathros
You are using the dusk-dawn node rather than the motion sensor node. No wonder its not working for you. Each sensor should have 3 nodes (Sensor, DuskDawn, and LowBatt) Change your program to use the Sensor node. The Dusk/dawn node turns on/off when the ambient light level in the vicinity of the sensor has crossed the configured threshold for more than 3.5 minutes. It's doing roughly the same thing you are with sunset/sunrise but based on light level rather than time of day. In no case does the dusk/dawn node send an on/off message in reaction to motion being sensed - thats what the Sensor node does. There is a save button on the event viewer. Once saved, you can open the resulting file in a text editor and copy / paste relevant data to the forum. Hope this helps. -Xathros
Oops! I missed one item: In Safari Preferences, Select Security Tab, Check in Allow Plugins, then click Website settings next to that check box, Select Java on the left and find the ISY url on the right, set that to run in Unsafe mode. Where is it attempting to save the zip file? Make sure its to a location that you have write privileges. Have you installed the Java application to your desktop or do you access the admin console via the browser each time? If via browser, I recommend that your install the application instead. -Xathros
Hi Gina- In Safari Preferences, General Tab, Uncheck "Open safe files after downloading" In System Preferences, Java, Security, add your ISY's url to the exception list. Hope this helps. -Xathros