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Everything posted by Algorithm

  1. Has the load plugged into the OutletLinc changed? When a device turns On but not Off, it makes me wonder whether the load is generating noise when on. To reboot the device, you could toggle the circuit breaker. But to do a factory reset would likely require physically accessing the device (not sure about OutletLinc, as have never used one).
  2. jwagner, Please try this: from the Administrative Console File menu, disable Internet access. Then manually create the port forward rule in your router. Test. If the problem still exists, give ISY a static IP address, reconfigure the manual port forward rule, and test. If the problem still exists, allow ISY to loose power when the router does. Test. Sometimes it is preferable to allow ISY to loose power during a failure. I also prefer to have the router on a UPS.
  3. Hello Paul, and welcome to the forum. Do all the KeypadLincs which are failing, have the same version (eg 1.8 ), or do they vary?
  4. Hello Rob, That's a very good question! Yes, absolutely you can have a program run when ISY restarts. On the Program Summary tab, highlight the program, then from the drop-down box in the upper left corner, choose Enable Run At Startup and click the Apply button. The program will now run every time ISY restarts. Unfortunately, there is presently no way to tell whether ISY restarted due to a power failure, or to a reboot such as after updating firmware. That capability is on the request list, and should appear in a future version of the firmware. To detect a fast power 'glitch' that doesn't cause ISY to reboot would, I think, require some external hardware.
  5. Autodiscover. Please try removing the RemoteLinc from ISY and adding it back as an Icon RemoteLinc, to see if its buttons are added as controllers to the scenes.
  6. Unfortunately, since the old RemoteLinc wouldn't go into linking mode, I couldn't get the ISY to discover it, so it's not in the database. Yes, sorry. ISY cannot replace it if it is not in the database. At present ISY has no way of removing those dead links, though I believe that feature has been requested.
  7. Hello Bruce, If the program's status is False rather than True, then one of the If conditions must be False. If it occurs during the specified time range, then that only leaves the two Status conditions. When it next misbehaves, can you check the status of those two devices?
  8. Hello Eug, Simply link the new RemoteLinc to ISY, then under My Lighting right-click on the old RemoteLinc, choose Replace 'your old RemoteLinc name' with, and select the new RemoteLinc. ISY will do the rest.
  9. Hello Eug, Not sure how you have 2.6.8, as it's not yet released. When you linked the RemoteLinc using New INSTEON Device, did you Auto Discover, or did you select (2483) Icon RemoteLinc?
  10. Joe, The five-digit port number following the IP address is required only for firmware versions 1.0.0 (ISY-99i)/2.6 (ISY-26) and earlier (check your firmware version at Help-->About). For all later versions, the default ports are 80 (http) for local access, and 443 (https) for remote access. These may be changed if required.
  11. No, nothing has changed with programs. Are triggers not firing, or only schedules? If schedules only, check your time/location settings. Finally, did you clear your Java cache (all web browser processes stopped) after updating?
  12. Hello SomeWhat, You raise a very good point, in that the number of cycles should be considered. There are 86,400 seconds in a day, but not 86,400 cycles. At a 30 second interval, there would be 2,880 cycles per day. At that rate, one million cycles would be reached in 347 days, or just under a year. However, he didn't wish to cycle the fan every 30 seconds, but rather every 30 minutes (for a 30 second duration), and only at night. At that rate it would cycle twice an hour, so even if cycled throughout the entire day, there would be only 48 cycles per day, so it would take 57 years to cycle a million times.
  13. Program 'Control Baby Fan' If ( Control 'KPLb Baby Fan' is switched On Or Control 'KPLb Baby Fan' is switched Fast On ) And Control 'KPLb Baby Fan' is not switched Off And Control 'KPLb Baby Fan' is not switched Fast Off Then Disable Program 'Cycle Baby Fan' Else Enable Program 'Cycle Baby Fan' Program 'Cycle Baby Fan' If From 9:00:00PM To 6:00:00AM (next day) Then Repeat Every 30 minutes Set 'sBaby Fan' On Wait 30 seconds Set 'sBaby Fan' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  14. Hello Boots, May I ask whether, after you performed the upgrade, you cleared your Java cache before opening the Administrative Console? [Please note that the Java cache will not be cleared if any browsers are running--all browsers must be closed for the cache to be cleared.] Thanks so much.
  15. This is true of older KPLs. As I reported here, newer KPLs, when placed in non-toggle mode, will always send the configured command (On or Off), regardless of the state of the button's LED.
  16. Hello Joe, What you have discovered is correct; the present versions of the KPL do not allow the load to be set to a level of zero from a secondary button. The workaround is, as said, to set the level to the lowest possible non-zero level. In order to have the KPL main button LED go off when the secondary button turns the scene on, create an additional scene and place the KPL main button in the new scene as a responder. Then use an ISY program that watches for the secondary button being switched on, and turns off the new scene containing the KPL main button to turn off its LED.
  17. Hi Tom, My pleasure! I'm so glad you have it working to your satisfaction. The reason for the scene is because KPL secondary buttons cannot be directly controlled; they can be controlled only as members of a scene. Don't worry, you'll very quickly pick it up through usage and through reading the forums and the wiki!
  18. Hello Tom, and welcome to the forum. What you need to do is to create a scene which will be used to turn the KPL button LEDs off. Into this scene, place as a responder every KPL button which controls any of the loads being turned off by the All Off button. In the Then portion of your program, in addition to turning the My Lighting scene off, also turn off the KPL button scene just created. There are many other ways to created All Off KPL button controllers, some of which are discussed in this thread: 'All Off' button/status -- one more twist.
  19. Dave, Thanks so much for this. I have written it up for the wiki: Tracking X-10 Device Status.
  20. Algorithm

    writing code

    Dodger, In addition to the Wiki, there are many example programs to be found within the forums, which may be of help. [i find that examples are the best way to understand.] When you have questions, do post them here and we will help.
  21. Algorithm


    Dodger, Automatic updates are automatically enabled, you do not need to turn them on. However, they will inform you only of release version firmware updates being available; they will not inform you of beta firmware releases.
  22. drw, What you have observed regarding the ISY status of KPL secondary buttons being blank following a power failure, until the button is actually pressed (thereby sending a signal), is correct. This is because KPL secondary buttons cannot be queried in the same manner as load devices, and therefore ISY's boot-up query does not sense the status of those buttons. Perhaps in the future a different command may be used to query the secondary buttons. As a workaround, might I suggest that you use a program similar to the following: Program Run Schedule If Control 'KPLd' is switched On And Control 'KPLd' is not switched Off Then Set Program 'Run Schedule' To Run At Startup Else Set Program 'Run Schedule' To Not Run At Startup and then base the folder condition upon the state of the Run Schedule program (which normally follows the state of the button), rather than upon the KPL button itself. This way, when ISY reboots, the program will resume its former state before the power loss, and your schedule folder should be properly enabled/disabled.
  23. Hello Walter, First of all, you were 100% correct in your first post. If you use two programs as you described, with the second disabled, all should work as intended. Good job! Second, Mike's suggestion was excellent, and doesn't apply here only because of the added conditions that you noted in a following post. So do go ahead with the two programs, and please let us know how it goes.
  24. blartyo, If you disable the program, does the light then come on to 50%, or still to 100%? If the latter, have you rebooted the switch (pull air gap tab out for a few seconds) since setting the local on-level to 50%?
  25. My pleasure! Thanks for the update; I'm so glad it is what you needed.
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