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Everything posted by Algorithm

  1. Dave, well stated, thanks so much. Yes, that is exactly what I had in mind, and you are correct that without any Wait or Repeat statements, the entire Then (or Else) clause should be atomic, and therefore should complete before the If conditions are reevaluated. My suggestion was merely to test this.
  2. While that may be possible, I suspect that only Smarthome would have the ability to do so. Is your PLC within the 30 day return window?
  3. Hello Bernhard, Your ISY has firmware version 1.0.0.
  4. Hello Andrew, Unfortunately, no. The ISY requires the 2412S PLM.
  5. Michael, thanks for the update, and for the idea--I never thought of doing it that way before. It should aid organization by keeping the code together in one program rather than two. Did the Wait in the Then turn out to be necessary?
  6. Hello Paul, At present, the Adjust Scene command applies only to the scene as controlled from ISY, not from any other controller in the scene. I'm not sure whether parameter adjustments for individual controllers is planned for a future release, or not. Unfortunately, there is no way for ISY to work around the reboot requirement for local settings to take effect on most INSTEON devices--that is an issue with the device firmware.
  7. Hello Michael, Good question. The program will switch from the Then to the Else as soon as it encounters the Wait, so the Wait will not be executed. However, you could put the Wait in the Else, like this: If • Status '0A.43.29-Sensor' is On • And Status 'Garage - Can Lights' is not On Then • Set 'Garage - Can Lights' On • Wait 10 minutes Else • Wait 10 minutes • Set 'Garage - Can Lights' Off I haven't tested this. The Wait in the Then may still be required, or may not be; try it both ways, and let us know how it works.
  8. I suspect you meant "This lights turn on, but not off?", and that your program actually is: If • Status '0A.43.29-Sensor' is On • And Status 'Garage - Can Lights' is not On Then • Set 'Garage - Can Lights' On • Wait 10 minutes • Set 'Garage - Can Lights' Off If that is so, then the reason the lights don't turn off is because when the lights turn on the If becomes False, and when the Wait is reached, the program stops executing the Then and begins executing the Else. The solution is to break it into two programs: Program 'Garage Motion' If • Status '0A.43.29-Sensor' is On • And Status 'Garage - Can Lights' is not On Then • Run Program 'Garage Lights' (Then Path) Program 'Garage Lights' If Then • Set 'Garage - Can Lights' On[/n] • Wait 10 minutes • Set 'Garage - Can Lights' Off See our wiki article on motion sensors.
  9. Algorithm


    Unfortunately no, because the links are different. What you will need to do is remove each device from the scene, then add it back into the scene as a controller.
  10. Thanks, Rob. It is here, and linked from the Programs section of the How-To Guide. Yes, you are 100% correct.
  11. Thanks, Rob. It is here, and linked from the Programs section of the How-To Guide.
  12. Hello Rob, Excellent tutorial on using variables, as well as a countdown timer. If you don't mind, I'll place this on our wiki as well. One question: shouldn't the Wait time in each timer program match the desired countdown time (eg. 30 minutes in the 30 Minutes program, etc.)?
  13. Hello Paul, Excellent tutorial on using variables, as well as a multi-sceen button. If you don't mind, I'll place this on our wiki as well.
  14. Hi Guy, It's very interesting to know that the Houselinc2 PLM works with ISY. Please do let us know if you experience any issues (or update us if it works well without any issues).
  15. Joe, As MikeB indicated, ipconfig /all will give you your gateway address. If the DNS Server address it shows is the same as the gateway address, then it is not the actual DNS Server address the router uses. To find that address, you must log on to your router. Do so by typing the Gateway IP Address into your browser's address bar. Once in the router, find your actual DNS Server address. If you need help, post your router make and model.
  16. Guy, the previous posters are correct. Did you just update your ISY's firmware? If so, you must clear your Java cache--note that the cache will not be cleared unless all browser windows are closed! If that is not the case, then it is most likely a firewall issue.
  17. Joe, this wiki article describes assigning ISY a static IP address. The Gateway is almost always the IP address of your router. Your router's IP address will certainly begin with 192.168.1 (based on the IP address it is giving your ISY), and the last byte may be 1 as MikeB indicated, depending on your router. It will be the IP address that you use to log on to your router. If you are not sure, let us know the make and model of your router. As indicated, the Netmask is usually, but should be the same as the Netmask in your router. Likewise, the DNS Server is usually the IP address of your router (same as Gateway), but may also be set to the DNS Server address in your router. What Michel is suggesting is the latter (the DNS Server address in your router). Try it both ways. Again, if you're having trouble locating these addresses in your router, let us know the make and model.
  18. Hello Jim, We are working on a serial expander for ISY which, when ready, will allow you to attach your W800RF (among other things) directly to ISY. We are also working on an IR transmitter add-on for ISY which, when available, will allow you to fully replace all IR functions now handled by the Ocelot. I too have an Ocelot (now decommissioned in favour of the ISY), and in my opinion the ISY's present IR receive capability is far superior to the Ocelot's (though the Ocelot is very good at IR transmit).
  19. Hello Paul, On our wikie we have the Event Viewer Reference, as well as Errors and Error Messages. Thanks so much also to Bob for that link.
  20. My pleasure. I'm glad that it fits your needs.
  21. Algorithm

    ISY26 vs ISY99

    Yes, I've had many pieces of Sony equipment that had discreet On/Off (and Input) codes, but only placed the toggle button on the remote. But beware, some of that Sony equipment actually does have the discreet codes, but they don't work (bad firmware)!! Two good resources are Hi-Fi Remote, and Remote Central.
  22. Hi Guy, There is presently no way to do this. Timers (which can be started, stopped, and read under user control) have been requested along with variables (and I'm hopeful they may make their appearance at about the same time). As a work-around to address this scenario, you could try: Program 'Bath Light On Time' If Status 'Bath Light' is not Off Then Wait 1 minute Run Program 'Bath Light Time Flag' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') When the bathroom light has been on your required amount of time, a flag is set. If the light is switched off before that amount of time, the program stops and the flag does not get set. Program 'Bath Light Time Flag' If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This program serves as a flag. Program 'Bath Fan Timer' If Control 'Bath Light' is switched Off And Program 'Bath Light Time Flag' is True Then Set 'Bath Fan' On Wait 5 minutes Set 'Bath Fan' Off Run Program 'Bath Light Time Flag' (Else Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') When the bathroom light is switched off, if the flag is true, this program turns on the fan for a specified amount of time, then turns the fan off, and finally it resets the flag in preparation for the next time.
  23. Hi Dave, Mutually exclusive buttons only affect the display of the LEDs for the buttons, meaning that at most one button (or no buttons) of the group will have its LED on at any given time. However, as Michel mentioned, if the LEDs get turned on by other scenes, that will break the mutual exclusivity. Further, having a mutually exclusive group does not cause anything linked to the buttons to turn off--only the button LEDs are automatically turned off by the grouping. So your scenes themselves (or programs) must take care of turning off any devices which you want to be off. In short, mutually exclusive button groups can be effective if the scenes they control do take care of turning required devices off as well as on, and provided no other links change the LED status. Otherwise, programs can be used to overcome the limitations and keep things in sync. If this hasn't resolved your problems, please do post (or e-mail me) some screenshots of your scenes (and any related programs), or better yet e-mail me your IP address and I'll have a look at them (please also include your phone number and a time that is convenient for you to receive my call).
  24. Hi Rand, Yes, it does change the parameters within the responder; but the settings which get changed, are the settings that the responder will use when responding to a particular controller, eg. a KPL button (as controller) within the scene, versus the ISY as controller of the scene.
  25. blartyo, As Rand said, if you are setting the level/rate of a device directly, most devices (except KPLs) must be rebooted for the settings to take effect. However, that does not appear to be the case here; it appears as though you are setting the 'MBR Closet' device within the 'MBR Closet Scene'. This should work. I've just tested it here and it does work for me. One thing to be aware of: setting the level/rate of a device within a scene as you are doing, will have effect only when the scene is controlled from the ISY (i.e. from a program), or from the controller for which you are setting the responder's settings. If there is another controller in the scene, the responders will have their own settings for that controller. I suspect that this is your situation; that the 'MBR Closet' device is a controller of the 'MBR Closet Scene' (and may in fact be the actual load-controlling device), but you are specifying the settings for the scene as controlled by ISY.
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