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Everything posted by Algorithm

  1. jcthorne, This: If Control 'Bedroom Fan' is switched Fast On Then Wait 15 minutes Set 'Bedroom Fan' 45% Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') should do what you want. It can be re-triggered; double tapping the switch again will restart the timer. Hope this meets your needs.
  2. Algorithm

    Night Scene

    Hi Andrew, Yes, that is correct. The KPL H button can be made a controller of this scene, so no program is required for this portion. Great! If you have placed the KPL H button into non-toggle off mode as suggested earlier, then please change your If condition to: If Control 'Deck KPL H Nighttime' is switched Off Hope this helps.
  3. Algorithm

    Night Scene

    Andrew, Thanks so much for the feedback. I'm pleased that it is what you were looking for; always happy to be of help. Please do keep us posted.
  4. Mark, Wow! That really looks great. It's too bad the buttons aren't rounded in IE... how does it look in Firefox, Opera or others?
  5. Algorithm

    Night Scene

    Hi Andrew, Unfortunately, a KPL button turned 'On' to 'zero' still turns on--it does not recognize level zero as being off. Two possible workarounds come to mind, each of which require one additional scene and one additional program (but both of which still operate by a single button press, as requested). 1. You could make your Night KPL button a non-toggle off button, so it would always send an Off command. Then you place as responders in the Night scene, all of the devices which you wish to turn off. This should cause other KPL buttons which are linked to those lights, to also turn off, since they are seeing an Off command rather than an On (to zero) command. You would have a separate scene for the devices which you wish to go to a low level, and use a program to turn that low-level scene on. The program would be triggered by the Night KPL button. 2. You could keep your present scene, and add an additional scene which contains as responders (only) all of the KPL buttons which you wish to go off. Write a program which triggers on the Night KPL button, and turns that button scene off, in order to turn the KPL buttons off. If the load of the KPL which has the Night button is part of the Night scene, then include it in the button scene, to turn its button off. Either of these should do what you want. Feel free to try them both, and to experiment. Let us know which you prefer.
  6. Algorithm

    Night Scene

    Andrew, You should be able to do what you want with a single button press to activate a scene; except, obviously, for turning off the two remaining lights at sunrise, which will require a program. Try this: create your 'Night' scene, place in it the KPL button G as a controller, and place in it all the lights you want as responders, including the two dim level ones. Set the on-level of those two dim level ones to your desired level (you mentioned 18%). Set the on-level of all the remaining lights in that scene to zero. Make sure you are setting the levels that will be used by the KPL button (see the Working With Scenes wiki article). You may also choose to set the same levels for the scene as used by ISY. Now, when you press your KPL button to turn the scene on (or turn it on from ISY), all the lights should go off (level zero) except the two dim ones, which should go to your preset level. If you press the KPL button again to turn the scene off (or turn it off from ISY), all the lights should go off, including the two dim ones. Create a small program to turn the two dim lights off at sunrise. You may use another scene with just those two lights in it, and have the program turn that scene off. Or you can have the program turn each of the two devices off in turn. You could also just have the program turn off the Night scene to turn those two lights off at sunrise, but that will also turn off all the other lights in that scene (if you had turned any of them on). Please let us know how this works.
  7. Dave, you are correct. Whether at startup or any other time, if a program with no condition is run using Run (If), the Then clause is executed.
  8. You could create a scene containing your lights, and have a program turn the scene on at sunset. At 9pm another program could do a Fade Down on the scene, followed by a pause and then a Fade Stop to bring the lights to 50%. The length of the delay would control the level that the lights would stop at, and can be determined by experimentation. At 10pm another similar program could do another Fade Down (with different delay) to bring the lights to 25%. If any lights had been turned off, they would not be affected by the fades, since they are already at zero.
  9. Andrew, Are you using a program to catch the double-tap and turn on a scene? Try placing the SwitchLinc as a responder in the scene that is triggered by the double-tap, set at the level you want.
  10. Its just a scene called panic. If you press the keypad button those 6 or 7 lights should just turn on. Simple enough...... but it doesnt work. When we had a scope on the line there was a ton of traffic when this occurred. Again at the moment no program just a scene. Its wierd..... but I am sure I can doa workaround. For the record I am not complaining just stating an observation. Apologies for the misunderstanding. There was actually an original X-10 Maxi-controller which included a 'Panic' button that when pushed did exactly that--it sent repeated All-Lights-On/All-Units-Off commands to turn all lights on and off, until it was unplugged! I wasn't sure whether you were attempting to emulate that behavior. As you are not, please disregard my question.
  11. Pardon my confustion: Digger, is it your intention to have the lights flash on and off repeatedly when the Panic button is pressed? If so, are you achieving that by use of a program?
  12. Hello Digger, Yes! And that was also part of what he mentioned--receiving notifications when certain actions did/did not occur. I forgot that part--thanks so much for reminding me!
  13. Hello All, Here's a novel idea which may be of interest to some of you. I was talking with a potential ISY user who's intended purpose was to in install the ISY in his elderly mother's INSTEON-equipped home. Then, instead of frequent calls to check on her, which always have the possibility of waking her or otherwise disturbing her, he could remotely login to ISY and check the logs/program summary to see if there had been recent activity, whether certain lights had been manually operated, and so forth. This would let him know whether she had been active, without disturbing her. She has a medic/emergency alert system, and the ISY is in no way intended to replace it, but only to supplement it for the son's peace of mind. I won't post his name, but if the idea's author is reading this, please do feel free to post and claim credit for a very original idea.
  14. Hi Illusion, In ISY programming, using Status in the condition tests the current state of the device: is it On? Is it Off? Is it at a particular level (eg. 48%)? And so forth. Using Control tests for a change in the status of the device: did it switch On? Did it switch Off? And so forth. [strictly speaking, Control does not actually require a change in status, since a switch can be off and still tested for being switched off. But it does require an event (eg. a paddle or button push, etc.), as opposed to Status which simply tests the current condition of the device.] Does that help clarify the difference between the two types of conditional tests? By the way, thanks so much for the accolades, but there are many on this forum who are far, far more skilled than I! Some of them post frequently, and some rather infrequently.
  15. brobin, Thanks so much for the report. Excellent troubleshooting! I'm so glad all is well with your ISY now!
  16. HokiePerogi, No apologies necessary. I'm so glad you have it working. I've not used the ToggleLincs, but can well imagine that it would be a little more difficult to do a quick double-tap with toggles as opposed to paddles.
  17. HokiePerogi, Does single-tap on the switch work? When you double-tap the switch, does it operate at the single-tap settings, or does it do nothing at all?
  18. Mark, that's a good thought. But the on-level does not apply for a FastOn (double-tap). If a single tap turns the load on, and a double tap does not, that does sound like a bad switch to me.
  19. hchucky, my pleasure. Thanks for the update; I'm so glad it fits your needs. UpstateMike, you're absolutely correct. That would be an excellent addition to the code.
  20. First of all, thanks so very much for the very kind thoughts expressed by you both! Rest assured that if your PMs got through, they will be answered, and if they did not, the problem will be found. Please see this topic, and add your opinion as to what changes you would like to see made to the forum structure. Personally, I agree with you that a forum for topics about the site would be a good idea, but really don't want to implement any changes unless our wonderful community of members are happy with them.
  21. Hi Ron, After upgrading the first step, before trying to open My Lighting, should be to clear the Java cache. After upgrading from 2.6 or lower to 2.6.1 or higher, update any bookmarks/favorites to remove the port number and the portion of the address which follows it. If your previous address was:'> local LAN access, or http://external.IP.address:12345/0/x external (Internet) access, then change your address to: local LAN access (uses default http port 80) https://external.IP.address (note https) external access (uses default https port 443). If you are using external access, you will want to update your router to stop forwarding your previous port, and start forwarding port 443 only--do not forward port 80. Please let me know if this helps.
  22. Hello hchucky, If your mudroom lights are set to respond directly to the X-10 ON and OFF commands sent by the X-10 motion sensor, then you have described exactly how the X-10 motions work. Unfortunately, many of the X-10 motion sensors do not re-trigger the timer, so when the set time has expired, the sensor sends an OFF command. And every time the motion sends a command, it goes dead for approximately 10 seconds before it will send another command, even if there is motion throughout the entire period. But, you can work around this by having ISY act upon the X-10 motion ON command and turn on the mudroom lights with an INSTEON command (or an X-10 command with a different address than the motion sensor). The trick is to ignore the motion's OFF command, and let ISY do the timing. It could be as simple as: Program 'Mudroom Motion Timer' If X10 M1/On (3)' is Received Then Set 'Mudroom Lights' On Wait 10 minutes Set 'Mudroom Lights' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Each time the X-10 motion sensor ON command is received (approximately every 10 seconds if there is continuous motion), the program runs, starting the timer anew. The problem with this, though, is that the command to turn on the lights will also be sent every time motion is detected, even when the lights are already on. This will place unnecessary traffic on the power-line. If there is frequent motion, you can eliminate this extra traffic by breaking the program apart into two programs: Program 'Mudroom Motion Start' If X10 'M1/On (3)' is Received And Status 'Mudroom Lights' is Off Then Set 'Mudroom Lights' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Program 'Mudroom Motion Timer' If X10 'M1/On (3)' is Received Then Wait 10 minutes Set 'Mudroom Lights' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') When motion is detected, the first program turns the lights on, but only if they are currently off. The second program runs every time motion is detected, resetting the timer, until motion stops, the timer expires, and the lights are turned off. One final note. When using ISY for timing as above (either version), the motion sensor's OFF command is no longer required, and can therefore be set to its longest possible duration (several hours). This will reduce power-line traffic by eliminating the unneeded OFF command every 10 minutes.
  23. jswedberg, thanks so much for the update. I'm so glad all is working well for you now.
  24. I changed the button to a responder, and that helped a lot. I notice, however, that the programs are not triggered if I click on the On or Off buttons in the scene. The KPL button LED changes, but the programs are not run. Clicking a Scene command must not be literally the same as pressing the KPL button. You are correct. The only way INSTEON allows one to remotely turn on or off a KPL button LED, is to place that button in a scene and then control the scene. But as you discovered, controlling the scene only controls the button LED; it does not propagate through the KPL.
  25. Hi jswedberg, First, if you placed the programs into a folder, make sure that the folder has no conditions. Next, it appears to me that the only purpose of the scene you created is to turn the KPL button LED on and off; is that correct? If so, then the button should be placed into the scene as a responder rather than a controller. Then, your first two programs are triggering on the KPL button, then sending an X-10 on or off command (fine so far) followed by an X-10 status request, but your second two programs are triggering on receiving the X-10 on/off command which the first program just sent, or on the X-10 status reply. Try changing your second two programs to trigger on the KPL button (same condition as the first two programs) or on the X-10 status reply. Also, in the first two programs, try inserting a delay between the sending of the two X-10 commands. Finally, is there a reason you need to have the KPL button in non-toggle mode? If it were in toggle mode, your second two programs would only need to test for the X-10 status reply to toggle the button's LED, since it would toggle itself when it was pressed.
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