2906 -
Everything posted by io_guy
What am I missing? Zen30 for fan/light control. Zen32 for multi-button.
An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. [hwalrm1]
io_guy replied to renatohtpc's topic in NodeLink
Appears to be the EVL closing the connection. That's the error I typically see when there are multiple device (or instances of a program) trying to connect to the EVL at the same time. -
Have you tried the default installer codes (5555, 5010, 1550, or 1500)? If it's locked out I don't think a 16XX series will allow the factory reset jumper hack. Might be easier to just buy a new 1832 panel for $50.
v0.11.3 released Auto-Update is fixed in this release but you'll have to update manually or by script (because it's broke in the last release).
Looks like you have multiple versions of NodeLink running (hence the 8090 port in use). Areboot should fix it. The package errors are likely to do with you still being on buster instead of bullseye. I wouldn't worrk about it unless you want to be brave: https://www.tomshardware.com/how-to/upgrade-raspberry-pi-os-to-bullseye-from-buster
I can't tell from your log the versions you're using. You cut off the first few lines. On the pi, run "sudo apt upgrade" to get your system updated, then give me the full NodeLink log
A 2 or 4 GB Pi4 is fine, no cooling required. Home Assistant doesn't use much CPU at all. I would recommend using a USB3 stick instead of an SD card - they're faster and more reliable.
Yeah something seems to be going on with the move over of the file. Rerunning the script is fine.
If someone wants to pay $400 for a Pi4 I have a 4GB version shipping to them tomorrow.
Yep, you're still on a version that uses Net Core 3. To upgrade you'll need to rerun the install script. It's simple, you won't loose any config or data.
I have 4 Pi4's running, none use or require a fan.
That's pretty ridiculous if that's the case. Polisy should be blind to it. I've updated the firmware on my SiLabs 700 stick 6 times and zwavejs/HomeAssistant couldn't care less.
v0.11.2 released.
PC Controller can be downloaded separately from the whole Simplicity Studio: https://siliconlabs.force.com/s/validatezwsdk?ContentId=0681M000006WUzV &ContentType=SDK&rURL=https%3A//www.silabs.com/products/development-tools/software/z-wave/embedded-sdk.html OTW:
The bugs are 700 chip related, no stick is better than another - they all use one of two SiLab chips. The difference is the SLUSB is the reference stick and uses the reference firmware, no questions. The vendor sticks "may" have slightly customized firmware and only release very few SDK stack updates. The thread mentions many people putting the reference firmware on the vendor sticks so it shouldn't be an issue.
Sorry my post got chopped. There is a very lengthy discussion on issues with the current 700 firmware here. https://github.com/zwave-js/node-zwave-js/issues/3906 Things appear to be cleaned up with the latest version, 7.17.1 which will likely never be handed out by the stick vendors (hence why I tell everyone to buy the SLUSB001A) . But if you're brave, the latest FW can be downloaded here: https://github.com/SiliconLabs/gecko_sdk/releases You need the correct file for your device and region. Devices: EFR32ZG14: https://github.com/SiliconLabs/gecko_sdk/raw/gsdk_4.0/protocol/z-wave/Apps/bin/gbl/ZW_SerialAPI_Controller_7_17_1_344_EFR32ZG14_REGION_US.gbl - Aeotec Z-Pi 7 - Aeotec Z-Stick 7 - Silicon Labs UZB7 (SLUSB001A) ZGM130S: https://github.com/SiliconLabs/gecko_sdk/blob/gsdk_4.0/protocol/z-wave/Apps/bin/gbl/ZW_SerialAPI_Controller_7_17_1_344_ZGM130S_REGION_US.gbl - Zooz ZST10 700 You load the firmware via PC Controller using the OTW function. If you want to get into this fun, I'd recommended reading the whole discussion to get familiar with the various devices and how to load the firmware, backup the stick, etc.
I have 40+ of the Zen77. In general, stick with MOSFETs (trailing edge) dimming, they're much more bulb compatible. The bulb count thing is because the 77 is rated 100W on LED. Which is a pretty bright circuit, no issue in my house.
Yep, every release including major revisions and minor patches. Here's the latest example with many maintenance releases: https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-2-3-0-available/83731/6
Note sure this is correct. Initial certification for 500 or 700 should cost this but maintenance releases shouldn't trigger a recertification. Take Hubitiat for example. They got 700 certification, which doesn't link to a specific software version, and they update their software as frequently as the wind changes. https://products.z-wavealliance.org/products/3921?selectedFrequencyId=2
Thanks, The wiki should probably be updated to reflect this. I'll get NodeLink updated.
Hi Michel, There seems to be an issue with the call (not the text inside the files). NodeLink's calls to download the nodedefs seem to be returning a 404. Is there a case issue with the call? It works fine on the ISY. profiles/family/10/profile/1/download/EDITOR/I_EDIT.XML Maybe polisy doesn't like the caps in the folder or extension? I'm copying my call from: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Developers:API:V5:Node_Server:Configuration