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Everything posted by bmercier

  1. If you previously had the ISY Smart Home V1, and just swith to V2, some users have reported having an issue where devices were duplicated. It is the result of Alexa discovering the V2 devices, but somehow, also requesting the V1 discovery. After a "Forget All" and a fresh discovery, do you seem to have such an issue? Are they doubled? Are you missing devices? Benoit
  2. The account linking works differently with the echo. In ISY Portal, under "My Profile", you need to link with an Amazon ID. Then, when enabling the ISY Smart Home skill V2, you will get an Amazon login page; you need to enter the same Amazon ID as above. Note that the upcoming ISY Smart Home V3 linking will be just like Google Home. When enabling the skill, all you will have to do is enter your ISY Portal credentials. Benoit.
  3. Hello, There's unfortunately no plans to implement an import functions at this time. It's a lot more complex to do an import, than a simple export like this. Benoit
  4. Yes, you should disable the ISY skill. There is no real need for it anymore. All you need is the ISY Optimized for Smart Home V2. (Or soon V3) However, this is not the source of your problem. Can you control your devices from the admin console? What do you have in the echo app? Do you see devices offline? You may want to click on "Forget all devices", and redo a discovery ("Alexa, discover my devices") Benoit
  5. Hello everyone, We will have a maintenance this Sunday 10-22-2017 at 5:00 AM PDT which will last 1 hour. During this period, ISYs will drop their connection from ISY Portal for a duration of anywhere between a few seconds to a maximum of about 2-3 minutes. There are no visible changes planned. The maintenance is mostly to apply security and stability fixes. With kind regards, Benoit
  6. Unfortunately, no.
  7. >One last thing, when you update the portal and refresh, then refresh within gh app, how long does it take for gh to update its responses? It's immediate. >I only ask because I’ve replaced the work lamp with lights and gh still responds “turning off living room lamps” but the word lamps is no where to be found. Not in spoken or device names. You do have a "living room lamps". This is one of your alternate spokens for the scene 50565. In ISY Portal, use the search. Type "living room lamp", and edit the entry. Benoit
  8. > QUESTION: Within UD in GH app, are the devices my spoken words? In Google Home, all you will see is the spoken. > Also, I do use the assign room feature. Would this cause an issue? It depends on your chosen device and room names. If you have a room named "Living room" you can turn all the lights in that room by asking "Alexa, turn on the living room lights". Now, what if you have a device named "living room lights"? I'm not sure what GH would do, but I'm guessing one would have precedence over the other.
  9. The name of the ISY scene that you see in ISY Portal is the one sent to GH. The ISY scene name is the one that you had for that scene when you added the spoken. It is not refreshed unless you delete the spoken and re-add it. Now, I would try to change the spoken and see if GH understands it. The issue is that if you have a room named 'living room' enabled, then asking 'Alexa, turn on the living room lights' would be used to turn on all the lights in that room. I would bet that the room is enabled, with no devices in it. Either way, please try a different spoken. Thanks, Benoit Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Currently, in ISY Portal, I'm seeing the following spoken "living room lights" with alternate spoken "living room", which is currently mapped to scene 50565. I can see that this ISY scene was once named "All LR Lamps" but is now named "All Livingroom Lamps". That name does not really matter though. What matters is that the spoken "living room lights" is mapped to scene 50565. In the device SYNC, I'm seeing that this is what is sent to Google Home. Now, are you saying that "living room lights" in Google Home is not controlling scene 50565? What scene is it controlling? Benoit
  11. Hi, I looked at your ISY Portal spokens. I do see your "living room lights" under "ALL LR Lamps" ISY Scene, Could it be that you deleted the scene, but left the spoken in ISY Portal? I don't see your "all living room lights" (Although there is one close, "living room lights") There may be some devices with a room name GH may not like, if you are using rooms in GH. It may confuse a device with a room. I don't think you need to reset everything. But I think it would help troubleshooting if you had less devices configured in ISY Portal. Benoit
  12. Do you know what resolved your duplicate device issue? Benoit
  13. After investigation, it appears that the device SYNC are working correctly. The device "living room" is not returned by the device SYNC. I suspect that there may be 2 Google accounts involved, one for the initial SYNC, and a different one now. I would recommend a factory reset of the Google Home. A more detailed response should follow on the ticket. Benoit
  14. @JSP0155, please open a ticket referencing this thread, and let us know your UUID. I will investigate and see what we can find in the ISY Portal logs. Thanks, Benoit.
  15. I did not notice the announcement, but I can tell you that at the API level, there is nothing related to rooms or grouping. Grouping can be done, but it will result in multiple independent API calls, just like it is now. This means that every lights will turn on or off in sequence, and it can take a while if there are many. The only difference with V3 regarding groups is that in V2, this triggered alerts as the response to each API calls were taking too long. This is why it was not recommended. In V3, there is a concept of deferred responses which helps handle such use case. There will be no more errors. On the end-user side, the experience will be almost identical, in other words, it will still work. Benoit
  16. Other than using the new Smart Home V3 API, the main features are: 1 - Proactive state update; this will allow to see the state of your devices on the echo mobile app, in real-time. This requires the live update to be active. 2 - A/V Support 3 - Color bulb support (Aeotec, Fibaro) 4 - Thermostat an be turned on (to the previous heat/cool/auto mode) 5 - Slow devices like lock will no longer return an error, unless it's very long. 6 - Locks will tell you if the lock is Jammed, or if the battery is low. Benoit Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. It will support any A/V device that you can control from ISY. If you look in ISY Portal, Select tool, Amazon Echo, add A/V, you can see how the mapping works. For every Alexa A/V commands, you can map to a network resource, state var, or program. Benoit Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. The infrastructure is in place to receive subscriptions and dispatch this to push services, but other that proactive state update for smart home skills in V3, there is nothing else in the roadmap for now. Benoit
  19. Thanks for the update. I'm glad to see the problem is resolved!
  20. Exactly. This is developed and we are currently getting into the certification process. If you look carefully, you will also see a new "A/V" Button. This is also a V3 feature. This can give you a good idea of this upcoming feature. Benoit
  21. Ok I found it. I did not realize you were trying to add it for Google Home. I was testing it for Amazon Echo, where it worked. This is now fixed. Benoit
  22. James, Jimbo, After pulling my hair out, I finally resolved the mystery of C/F setting. We could not find it because there are none! The C/F setting is determined when you first enter the device in ISY Portal. Then, when you sync your devices (Unlink/Link), the C/F setting is passed along with the other device parameters. Based on that setting, GH will give you the setpoints or temperatures accordingly. Also, when you speak a setpoint, it has to be in that C/F setting. In other words, you have to talk in the same unit of measure as the thermostat. BUT, if you ever change your thermostat C/F setting, you will have to remove it from ISY Portal, add it again, then sync Google Home. For those who entered your device before it went live, you may have to do it again. I also found some bugs relater to the unit of measure that have been fixed. Please consider thermostat support in Google Home as beta code. Benoit.
  23. I'm not able to reproduce that problem. This node should appear in the lookup. I simulated with the content of that node, and I'm able to lookup. I simulated that spoken, and the UI reacts correctly too. Can you try this: Open your browser console (F12) Open the spoken window. Under the the network tab, you can see a few URLs, one of them will be: https://my.isy.io/api/nodes/lookup?uuid=<youruuid> Look at the response returned. Can you see your TiVo node in there? Based on my testing, it should Based on your screen shot, it should not. Also, please look at the browser console. Are you seeing any error? Thanks, Benoit
  24. Jimbo, Also please let me know what the addresses are for "family room thermostat", "master thermostat" and "outside thermostat". It's really odd! Benoit
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