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Everything posted by bmercier

  1. If it still works with with Google Assistant, it proves that the device still exists. The problem is the lookup. It seems that it would have worked in the past, but now the devices are no longer appearing in the lookup. It may be due to an ISY Portal update, or perhaps a firmware update. I can investigate further with a sample /rest/nodes with devices not appearing.
  2. Can you check the output of http://<isy>/rest/nodes, and see if your device is in the list? It has to have the same address. If so, and it still does not work, please PM me the output and I will investigate. Some devices are filtered from the lookup. Technically, this node should not. Benoit
  3. Hi Michael, I tried that, but it did not help. It works for when you ask for weather information. But it does not seem to apply to the Google Assistant. Benoit
  4. James, I think you uncovered a new issue. ISY Portal is supposed to detect the UOM of the thermostat, but I think that in your case, it did not do it correctly. Let me look into that. Benoit
  5. James, Google Home thinks you want to work in Celsius. It reports the temp to you in Celsius When you request 72, it us understood as Celsius, and well.. 72 celsius is out of range. Now, I don't know how to change the user setting to Fahrenheit. You are a programmer, here's more info; API Doc: https://developers.google.com/actions/smarthome/thermostat-schema You can see at the API level that all temps are normalized to Celsius. This is the request ISY Portal received: { inputs: [{ intent: 'action.devices.EXECUTE', payload: { commands: [{ devices: [{ customData: { address: '11 93 4F 1', category: 'thermostat', type: '', uuid: '00:21:b9:02:07:ff' }, id: '5835f0c62dc9c25a649e2e44' }], execution: [{ command: 'action.devices.commands.ThermostatTemperatureSetpoint', params: { thermostatTemperatureSetpoint: 72 } }] }] } }], requestId: '6932436822782406037' } It is not converted from F to C. This is why I think there is a configuration issue. Just to be sure, anyone else got it working in Fahrenheit? Benoit
  6. Google Home and Amazon Echo have a few things in common, but they have their own set of capabilities. Google Home does not support locks yet. Alexa's query capabilities, at least in the V2 API, are limited to thermostat (setpoint, mode, temp), and locks. This is about to change with V3 though. > More importantly, it would be great if in a future version of the ISY skill, you could ask echo/home about variables This should already work with Google Home. This is coming with Amazon Echo V3 soon. If you are like me, you probably talk to your Google Home using "Alexa, ... " and vice-versa! Benoit
  7. James, Can you try again? It should work better now. With the help of the device address on the screen shot, I was able to locate the error in the logs and make a fix. Thanks, Benoit.
  8. @stusview, MWareman FYI, at the API level, there is only one thermostat query, and it returns both the thermostat temperature, the mode and setpoints (2 if in auto). Google Home decides what it will speak. By experimentation, saying "Ok Google, what is <device> set to" can return either the thermostat inside temp, or the mode + setpoint. It seems to alternate between the 2.
  9. I unfortunately do not know. At the API level, everything is always handled in Celsius. Google must translate that to Fahrenheit, or keep it in Celsius, based on user preferences. Anyone knows how to change that? I could not find it. Thanks Michael!
  10. Hello everyone, ISY Portal Google Home now supports thermostats. Here's what you can do with it. Query thermostat: what is <device> set to what is <device> inside temperature what is <device> humidity (If your thermostat supports it) Change mode: Set <device> mode to <off|heat|cool|auto|on> Turn off <device> Turn on <device> Change temperature: Set <device> to <temp> Increase <device> by <tempDelta> Multiple thermostat commands: What is the inside temperature Set heating to <temp> Set cooling to <temp> Set the thermostat modes to <mode> WARNING: - Please note that increase/decrease temperature do now work well IMHO. As an example, if the thermostat is set to cool, and you ask Google to "increase <device> temperature", it may very well set your thermostat to heating. - If you increase/decrease temperature without specifying a delta, it may increase/decrease the setpoint more than you would like. Benoit
  11. Hello everyone, We will have another maintenance this Sunday 10-01-2017 at 5:00 AM PDT which will last 1 hour. During this period, the proxy servers, subscription servers and the web servers will be restarted. Due to the restart of the proxy servers, your ISY will be offline for a few seconds. Changes - Google Home Thermostat support. - New code in preparation for Amazon Echo Smart Home V3 New Amazon Echo Smart Home V3 features are not yet available. We are about to get into the certification phase. With kind regards, Benoit
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  12. db2ace2, I just though of another possible cause. Perhaps one of the spoken has a character Alexa does not like? Perhaps processing stops at the 302nd entry? I know it could be tedious, but could you check your spokens, see if you have any special characters in them? There should only be letters and spaces. I may need to enhance spoken validation. Benoit.
  13. db2ace2, I looked at the logs and was able to trace the device discoveries. Not too many users have > 300 devices. From ISY Portal's perspective, 497 devices are being returned to Amazon. It dropped to 496 yesterday in the evening, probably due to having removed the program from the list of spokens. Now, this may be a limitation at Amazon, or perhaps there is a bug somewhere in the format of the data sent. Would you be able to find a case where it is not reported. Is it a program? If so, do you have other programs working? Thanks, Benoit
  14. Open is a word used to invoke a custom skill, like in "Alexa, open izzy" It's probably the reason why we can't use it to "open" a device. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. This is not specific to programs. In the Smart Home skill V2, programs, state vars, scenes and regular devices are all exposed to Alexa as devices. Alexa has no way to know this is a program. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Hello everyone, We will have a maintenance this Sunday 09-10-2017 at 5:00 AM PDT which will last 1 hour. During this period, the subscriptions through ISY Portal are expected to be interrupted for a few minutes. Changes - Separation of Amazon Echo / Google Home user interfaces. - New code in preparation for Amazon Echo Smart Home V3 Yes, you read correctly! A new version of the Amazon Echo Smart Home skill is coming out in the next few weeks. Stay tuned. The main change for this update which will be visible is that Amazon Echo and Google Home UI will be separated. Both devices share many identical features, but each also have their own particularities, so we felt that a separate configuration page with only the relevant features would be best in the long run. In particular, on the Amazon Echo page, you will see a new "Live Update" button. This is a feature that will be relevant only with the new Smart Home Skill V3. The Google Home spokens and Amazon Echo spokens will be the same initially. If you use only an Amazon echo, feel free to delete the Google Home spokens. The same goes if you are using only Google Home. With kind regards, Benoit
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  17. Thanks for the detailed write-up. I think what may have fixed your problem is what you disabled on Login With Amazon. For others who may have the issue, here's how in more details: Login to www.amazon.com Go to "Your account" Under Other Accounts, click on "Login with Amaxon" Disable anything related to ISY Portal. If anyone has this problem, please try this to see if it helps. It must be that you were using the Smart home skill "ISY Optimized for Smart Home", commonly called V1. The ISY Custom skill is something else, and it does require "Tell ISY to..." This is the root cause of the duplication problem. Even without a skill enabled, doing a discovery still makes a discovery call to ISY Portal, in the V1 format. It's like there's a shadow skill still enabled. Those with the (device) are the good ones, coming from the V2 skill. Hopefully this will help others. Benoit
  18. A room is simply a group of devices. I would suggest to simply not assign those devices to the room. ISY Portal does not know which ones are lights or not. A user let's say with an IO linc may want it to turn on and off like the other devices in the room. Same goes for scenes, programs and state variables. Benoit
  19. Sub-accounts will still be required. ISY portal user profile in those sub-accounts will still be required. However, the ISY portal user profile will no longer need to be tied to an amazon account in "My Profile". The Echo relationship will only be from the Echo smart home skill to ISY portal user profile directly. Benoit
  20. Here's the mapping: Echo <-> Echo is tied to an account <-> ISY Smart Home skill is linked with same or another Amazon account <-> ISY portal user profile is tied to the amazon account of the smarthome skill <-> ISY portal profile is in an account/sub-account <-> Spokens are tied to an account/subaccount Now if you want to support multiple echo, all of the above need to be unique for each echo, except for the amazon user profile the echo is tied to (second item in the list) The next version of the Smart Home skill (V3) will be simpler, as this will be: Echo <-> Echo is tied to an account <-> ISY Smart Home skill is linked with an ISY Portal user profile <-> ISY portal profile is in an account/sub-account <-> Spokens are tied to an account/subaccount So in V3, you will no longer need multiple Amazon accounts. Benoit
  21. Yes you can do that with ISY Portal. However, with the current smart home skill version (V2), you need to have as many Amazon accounts as you have echo. All of your echos can use the same Amazon account, but when you enable and link the skill, you need to provide and Amazon account which needs to be different for each echo. On ISY Portal, you need sub-accounts with a user profile which is mapped to the corresponding amazon account. In V3, this will be simpler. Each echo, when enabling the ISY smart home skill, you will be able to map it directly to a corresponding ISY user profile (each in their own sub-account). Benoit
  22. Thanks for the details. Re-adding the ISY will not help. I looked again at the logs this morning, and it clearly shows that there are multiple calls to the API for each device discoveries. I also see traces of the Smart home V1 skill. This is why devices are doubled (V1 and V2 deviceIDs are different, so they are treated as different devices by Alexa). We will need to report this to Amazon for further investigation.
  23. This is really really strange. Looking at the logs, I can see pairs of requests that are very close together, less than a second. It's for your ISY, for your account. It's a different messageId generated by Amazon. Is it possible that the skill V1 is still enabled? Please disable all smart home skills, then enable "ISY Optimized for Smart Home V2"
  24. With the help of your UUID, I was able to trace the logs. The discovery does return 6 devices. Are you sure that you did a Forget all devices? Do you still have the issue? Benoit
  25. IFTTT events are ISY specific. They are not sub-account specific like the echo is. So what you are seeing on ISY portal is by design. Now, are you trying to trigger the same event name from different echo to trigger different things? If so, I believe you will need an IFTTT account per echo. You can create all of your IFTTT events on ISY Portal all in the same place. Then, in IFTTT, each of your events in every accounts will need to map to an ISY Portal IFTTT event. Benoit.
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