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Everything posted by bmercier

  1. These problems are now fixed and will be part of the maintenance release tomorrow morning. Thanks for reporting them! Benoit
  2. This is in our roadmap. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. Thanks for the detailed description. Which browser were you using? Benoit
  4. Hello everyone, We will have a maintenance on Sunday 07-16-2017 at 5:00 AM PDT which will last 2 hours. During this period, the ISY Portal node server is expected to be down for a few minutes which will be affecting those using the Node Server Occupancy module. Enhancements - Node server security enhancement: ISY to ISY Portal Node server will now use a new Node Server key instead of the ISY Portal user credentials. Fixes - Other ISY Portal servers operating systems will be patched, but no downtime is planned. The change to the node server is backward compatible. If you are already using the node server, it will continue to work as is. In order to increase security, after the change, you can use Select Tool/Node Server/Configuration and click on "Configure connection". This will enable the new communication method. You will not lose your occupancy configurations. With kind regards, Benoit
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  5. ISY Scenes are shown as devices in the Alexa App, this is normal. Also, each spoken variations you entered will result in an individual device in the Alexa app. This would explain why you have 28 devices instead of 8. If you want to reduce it to 8, keep only one spoken per scenes. Benoit
  6. Good question. I looked at the logs, searching specifically for device discovery requests. Those are sent every hour or so for every ISY. I can see erratic request for about 5 hours, and definitely 2 major drops in that period. I don't see spikes after it recovered. It may be that device discoveries were blocked before hitting our lambda function. Benoit
  7. Are you using your ISY Portal username and password?
  8. It's not possible. A smart home skill has a finite set of utterances which only Google can control. You need another scene or a program with a "tricky" name.
  9. My apologies, you're right, we can't set a value to a scene. Benoit
  10. Alexa does not have something like fast on utterances. However, you could ask to turn on to 100%. That should work. Alternatively, you could also create additional scenes, or even programs that would do a fast on on your scene. If the scene is complex, you may want a program instead of duplicating the scene. Benoit
  11. Find the program ID in the admin console, then type it in the search box in ISY Portal. I think that you may once had a program with that same ID entered in the spokens. If you delete that program from the admin console, and later on create another one which would reuses the same ID, you would observe this behavior. Benoit
  12. I don't know much iRule, but you seem to be doing it right. I think the issue is that it is trying to do straight HTTP over port 443. You need to use HTTPS. This is an excerpt from the support page: If your IP address or URL require Secure socket connection, you simply put HTTP:// in front of the IP address or URL ( Benoit.
  13. You can do the following; Boomark https://my.isy.io On the login: Click "Remember me", so you don't have to login anymore Instead of clicking on "Portal Login", click the down arrow and select "Go to my ISY". This will bring you directly to the UDAjax page. This preference will be saved for the next time. NOTE: You need to set your preferred ISY under My Profile for this to work. Benoit
  14. Unfortunately, it's not possible to brighten/dim scenes with Google Home. The Google Home API only allows to set an absolute brightness, which cannot work with a scene. You may notice that you can brighten or dim a regular light, but under the cover, GH determines what the absolute level should be and sends that command. Benoit
  15. Yes, but they will use the same spokens, just like if you have 2 echos. You will probably want to use sub-accounts to have different sets of spokens. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. Hello Dave, This should be working. We can investigate the logs in order to see what's happening. Could you open a ticket with the following information: UUID Program ID (You can see it in the programs lisy, in the far right column) ISY Portal User profile Date and time of your test, and please specify time zone. Thanks, Benoit.
  17. I asked Google for clarifications, and I'm told that thermostat support has been released TODAY. It's possible that Google worked directly with others with an early release of the API, but as of yesterday, that was not available to us. So thermostat support is coming. At this point, it's a matter of priorities. Thanks, Benoit.
  18. You may also want to try turning on and off individual devices. Maybe you have an insteon or ZWave communication problem? If the problem is indeed the scene, I'm not the best suited to help you as I personally don't use scenes much. But I know that those who could help would need more informations like what you have in the scene exactly, and we you are experiencing. They will also want to know what there is in the event viewer. I would suggest a new post in Questions and answers. Benoit
  19. In the admin console, are you able to turn on/off the scene reliably? When you issue a command using Alexa, only a single REST API is called for the scene. Devices in the scene should all follow the settings, or not at all. In other words, either the scene on/off works, or not. If it does not work, I suspect that echo is understanding another device, and turning it on/off. But first, make sure the scene works as expected using the admin console. Benoit.
  20. Response time with chunked encoding should be faster than without it. I measured it with my own ISY in the prod environment, and for /rest/nodes, it was 20% faster. I was getting 850ms from request to completed response, vs 1.05s without chunked encoding. That's the round trip from browser< -> ISY Portal <-> ISY. While testing I found a subtle bug that was fixed this morning. This may be what you experienced. Benoit
  21. You should have a main device for your thermostat. Could you try with this one, instead of the AC sub device? That should work. Benoit
  22. Yes, I confirm chunked encoding is now supported. I will investigate the response time. Thanks, Benoit
  23. For Amazon, this is though for a thermostat, which is implicitly "inside". An outside sensor is probably not a use case they though of. Benoit
  24. When you make a change to the spoken name, it needs to be re-discovered by Alexa first. So, you can go to the alexa app, and click "Discover" again. Alternatively, you can simply say "Alexa, refresh my devices". Also, I must add that Alexa does an automatic refresh every +/- 1 hours. So, it's probably already refreshed by now. Benoit.
  25. Just a quick note to let you know the problem has been fixed in dev. It should be live on the next deployment to production.
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