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Everything posted by bmercier

  1. When you unlink/re-link, yes. When only updating, it should not. Benoit
  2. For now, rooms set in ISY Portal are not used by Google Home. It's useful only for you to categorize in ISY Portal. Eventually, this will be used by Google Home, but they don't use it yet. Benoit
  3. Could you try to unlink/re-link? When we link, this sends a unique ID to Google. Then, when we synchronise, I pass that ID to Google. The error that we see happens when Google reports that it could not find the ID. Benoit
  4. Yes, i think so. But with so many error reports, there may be an issue, I will investigate further. Benoit
  5. Hi Michael, Please make sure to be logged it with the same ISY Portal user that you used for linking. Benoit
  6. Jimbo, Seno, The email address used to login to ISY portal is irrelevant. In the Google Home App, when you link with Universal devices, you need to enter an ISY Portal user and password. When you want to sync in ISY Portal, you must be logged in using the same ISY Portal user and password. @Jimbo, room support, although available in the API, is not yet implemented at Google. I got a confirmation from a Google engineer. Whenever they support it, we will. Benoit
  7. Seno, For GH, in order for the Sync to work, you need to be logged it with the same ISY Portal user profile used when you linked. If it does not work, there might be something else going on as several users seems to have issues too. For Alexa, you don't need Smarthome skill V3. For sure, you are not using it as it is not released yet. You are probably using V2. You can check in alexa.amazon.com, click on "Smart Home" then "Smart Home Skills". Benoit
  8. Hi Seno, What is the error message exactly? No new spokens should not cause an error message. GH and Echo uses completely separate UI, APIs and database tables. Are you having an issue with Alexa also? Benoit
  9. "Devices are not available" is related to the ISY devices lookup. When you choose to add a device from ISY, the list of available devices comes from that lookup. A typical case where you could see that is when you get into the Google Home spokens window, but ISY is offline. Normally, you can't get to that window if it the ISY is offline, but there is a delay before it is detected. Benoit
  10. This message normally means that the ISY Portal user profile you are currently using is not recognized by Google Home. Are you using the same user profile that you used when linking Google Home? Could you try to unlink, re-link, then request a sync on ISY Portal? Benoit
  11. This is fixed now. Thanks for reporting it. Benoit
  12. Yes, PST. FYI, this is live now. Benoit
  13. Hi Seno, I don't know what you noticed last week, but yes, this will allow to add or update devices to Google Home without having to unlink/re-link. Benoit
  14. Hello everyone, We will have a small maintenance tomorrow 11-12-2017 at 5:00 AM PDT which will last a few minutes. During this period, no downtime is planned. Changes: In your Google Home spokens page, a new button will allow you to send your devices to Google Home. You will no longer have to unlink/re-link. With kind regards, Benoit
  15. Hi Seno, What device did you try to turn on that did not respond? I see that you have only 3 devices for GH, and a lot more for Alexa. I see the device discovery for GH Worked, and I don't see any failed requests for any device actions Benoit
  16. Please try again. There was a bug introduced recently that is now fixed. Z-Wave devices should now appear correctly. Benoit
  17. What type of devices are they? Can you let me know what is the device address? Some device types are filtered.
  18. Hello everyone, We will have a maintenance this Sunday 10-29-2017 at 5:00 AM PDT which will last 1 hour. During this period, ISYs will drop their connection from ISY Portal for a duration of anywhere between a few seconds to a maximum of about 2-3 minutes. There are no visible changes planned. The maintenance is mostly to apply security and stability fixes. With kind regards, Benoit
  19. There must be other ways to say it. At the API level, I can assure you this is supported. Unfortunately, the speech recognition is not perfect, Benoit
  20. I'm not aware of any Amazon plans to facilitate this. Each echo can have the skill linked to an ISY Portal user profile, which can be different. So today, the only way to achieve this is to have sub-accounts, with each having a user profile used by each echo. Note that in V3, account linking is simplified. When you enable the skill, you link directly to an ISY Portal profile, not an amazon account. So, to support multi-room, you no longer need to have multiple amazon accounts. Benoit
  21. I'm not sure why it would be slow. FYI, I have both an echo and Google Home. My personal opinion, if it matters, is that they are fairly equivalent in terms of speech recognition. Except when I call google "Alexa" and vice-versa Both have their strength and weaknesses, but I would say that Alexa currently has an edge over Google Home, at least in the smart home space. And especially with V3. So, I think it's a better idea to troubleshoot this issue than switch, especially given the investments that you had in echo. This is my personal opinion. I think the issue may lie at the network level. Do you have high ping? packet loss? It could be at Amazon too. If you want, if you open a ticket, I could check if I see something in the logs. I will need your uuid. Or you may want to wait for V3 too. It may help. Benoit
  22. When asking to change the setpoint, just ask google to set the heat setpoint. Example: Ok google, set heating to 19 on <thermostat> If you are in Auto, only your heating setpoint will be set, and it will have the temp requested. Benoit
  23. There is no notion of rooms in the smart home API. That was initially developed for Google Home, when the same UI handled both Echo and Google Home. This was left only for convenience or organizing the spokens. Amazon can handle rooms using groups. Using groups in V2 was not recommended. In V3, it's slighty better. It's still multiple API calls for as many devices as there are in the group. But the API now allows for "aysnchronous responses", and our implementation is able to detect the use of groups and handle delays properly which prevents triggering alerts. But still, turning off 30 lights at bedtime will take time to complete. A program or scene would be much faster. Benoit
  24. The new Smart Home skill is developed. At this point, we are entirely dependent on Amazon. It may take a while still. Benoit
  25. In ISY Portal, at the top right, you can click on "My Profile". It's just beside "Logout". When My profile is open, just click on "Link this profile to an Amazon account" Benoit
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