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Everything posted by bmercier

  1. Please open a ticket with the following informations. 1 - Your UUID 2 - The result of this command for the 3 devices: http://<your ISY IP>/rest/nodes/<your device address> And please reference this post. Thanks, Benoit
  2. Then I think the geofence radius is too small. I would recommend to increase the radius to at least 2-3 houses away. In most use cases, we don't that much accuracy. Unless you have family or friends real close. Benoit
  3. It would show true. The idea is that if anyone is home, then home is considered occupied. The status of the location is simply a OR of each members. If this is not useful, then one can simply not use a location. It's optional. Benoit
  4. An easier way to test is to just type the URL in a browser. https://my.isy.io/api/location/<insertkey here>/report/in The URL can be triggered either with a POST or a GET. Benoit
  5. It's coming back us as we speak Benoit
  6. You can use Mobilinc to connect to ISY Portal. Once on ISY Portal, if you want to use Geofencing, I would recommend to use ISY Portal node server occupancy module. You can create different fences that maps to virtual devices on ISY, representing occupancy for your various geo fences. Geo fence triggering can be done using Locative. Benoit
  7. I doubt this problem has anything to do the PLM replacement. The Alexa discovery process is independant from the ISY devices. If a device is visible in ISY Portal/Amazon echo, it should be discoverable, even if the ISY is not online, even if it does not exists anymore on ISY. Please check under My Profile. Make sure your preferred ISY is set. Also, I would try to redo the account linking on ISY Portal side, and Amazon echo/smart home skill side. Benoit
  8. Good point, I did not realize that. However, he may be using Mobilinc without Mobilinc Portal, either through ISY Portal, an open port, or locally only. But if he is using Mobilinc portal, then obviously this will work only if Mobilinc portal has thermostat support implemented. I do not know. Benoit.
  9. Then it should be really easy. First, can you confirm how you control you lights with echo? Alexa, turn on ... (You are using the smart home skill) OR Alexa, tell ISY to turn on... (You are using the ISY custom skill) If you are using the smart home skill, great, that's what you need. In ISY Portal, under Amazon Echo, just click Add devices, choose your thermostat, and give it a name. Then, say "Alexa, refresh my devices". And you're done. You can control your thermostat just like any other thermostat controlled by echo. If you are using the custom skill, you should instead use the smart home skill. Benoit
  10. No need to do anything. It's just fixes. Benoit.
  11. Thanks Andy. Can you confirm that when you set your thermostat using Alexa, it works correctly? Benoit
  12. Could you post the output of: http://<your_isy_ip>/rest/nodes/<your_thermostat_address> Thanks, Benoit
  13. It has nothing to do with the programs. Alexa's ability to understand depends on the spoken name that you assigned them in ISY Portal. Benoit
  14. I would try IFTTT instead. This would allow you to say: Alexa, trigger open shade Alexa, trigger close shade This is one extra word, but a but more natural than turn on/turn off Benoit
  15. Instead of tying spokens directly to your I/O modules, you could use a program in between. Create one program: On the then clause: Turn on the first I/O Module. On the else clause: Turn on the second I/O Module. Add this program to the spoken list. This will allow to turn on and turn off your skylight more naturally. Benoit
  16. Hello Tim, As I was saying, we dont have control over that. If Amazon releases such a feature, then we should support it. I have no clue what are Amazon's plans in that regard. For sure, that feature does not exists today. Benoit.
  17. Michael, No updates were done on portal, except for the announced update on sunday the 19th. I believe your ISY was offline during that period. I'm sending you a log in a PM. Benoit
  18. A 404 means that the request did not match any of the the portal endpoints. So this could be a typo in the URL path, or if using a GET instead of a POST.
  19. Hello Tim, This is something we don't have control over. If Alexa ever supports it, then we could implement it. As stus pointed out, you could use a program, and trigger it with something like "Alexa, turn off front door lock", with front door lock being mapped to a program where the else clauses unlocks your door. Benoit.
  20. Michael, I tested it, and it worked just fine. I also see plenty of successful requests in the logs. Please make sure to use a POST in your recipe. GET will not work. Benoit
  21. The maintenance was on the 19th, in the morning. There were no changes to IFTTT APIs. I will test that and get back to you. Benoit
  22. If we see that it still has a use, we will keep it. We would not remove it before doing a usage survey and analyzing the logs for usage. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. I think I know what is happening. Try a search with the device address instead of the name. If you renamed the ISY device name in the admin console, it will be different than the one shown on ISY Portal. When you add a device in your spoken list, the original ISY device name is used, but it is never refreshed. I believe it is refreshed only when you edit your spoken and save it again (with or without a change). Benoit.
  24. If you are running a 5.x firmware, this is a known bug. 5.0.9 will hopefully solve that. This is due to the fact that the REST API in 5.0.x does not properly return the temperature. Benoit.
  25. True. But echo has an auto-discover that runs every 1-2 hours. So, most users should see those appear automatically. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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