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Everything posted by jerlands

  1. In time someone might develop a node server for this. That's the only way I see of getting it into ISY. Jon...
  2. From the computer that was able to access it go to Help > About in the admin console and check Firmware and UI versions. They should both be the same. From the computer that doesn't work clear Java Cache and download the correct UI version of .jnlp (java application) which will leave a desktop icon. Don't use the java applet (launches from browser.) Jon...
  3. Forgot to mention... I believe you need at least 4.3.26 for the portal but you should probably update to 4.4.6 in order to take advantage of network resources. Instructions to update are included in the release notes but if you have questions just post. Jon...
  4. Looks like quite a bit is missing in the console You might try verifying java version first. If that doesn't work hard reboot ISY (remove power for 30 sec then plug back in.) Jon...
  5. How does she want to do this? Displayed on TV, computer or phone? Jon...
  6. I had thought there was a Product Request for adding "date created/modified" to programs summary but must be my imagination Seems beneficial however to record the date a device was added, the date a program was created and the date a program was modified? Jon...
  7. Also, if you use Event Viewer at Level 3 you can observe the linking activity. It seems to me battery operated devices are sensitive to RF either too weak or if many RF devices are nearby can affect linking. Moving around the sensor until you see it writing the device can help. Jon...
  8. You could include a "Wait" after adjust commands and turn the scenes On You should also include "Control 'X10DenMovieIR' is Not switched Off" to conditions. Jon...
  9. Yes, same as during yesterday's maintenance on the Portal.. nothing works.. maybe they had to extend it? Jon...
  10. From Wiki... Complete and Comprehensive User Guides ISY994 Series User Guide (4.3.26) (PDF) (MS Word) ISY-99/994i PDF User Guide (3.3.10) - Last User Guide for 99 Series Jon...
  11. No, there's a thread devoted to current issues with spoken phrases being unrecognized. Hopefully this will soon be resolved. Jon...
  12. For the Firmware version (Help > About in admin console) go to the release thread and download the Java Application (.jnlp) file. This will create a desktop icon you can use to access ISY. On the remote computer do the same, copy the URL from the Portal in Select Tool > Information > ISY Information > Admin Console URL and paste that into ISY Finder during startup. You can test this locally by pasting the URL into the Finder (ALT TAB) and select the Portal URL on restart of Admin Console. Jon...
  13. I have the same setup with ISY powered off UPS but I've never noticed the problem losing contact after power outage (yesterday replaced a switchlinc that required power off to PLM circuit.) That said.. you could experiment and see if your Hops Left count drops (Event Viewer > Level 3 and operate a few devices.) Jon...
  14. Depending on number of devices and scenes this count could be in range. This calculator will provide an approximation of what you should be seeing. Edit: just noticed the calculator incorrectly lists the number of max links in PLM @ 417 which may be what the 2412 held. The 2413s holds over 900 (992?) Jon...
  15. Seems you do not have the Pro model and this limits the number of ISY links to 256 for devices and scenes. You may not have to worry about this depending on number of devices. PLM v9B <<-- Pretty certain this version is among those reported with failing capacitor issues. You should probably get a replacement ordered anyway. Yes, replace them with LED's or Halogen Jon...
  16. Yes, Hops Left=1 indicates comm issues. Things that cause this other than improper bridging of legs are devices that create noise on powerline (CFL's, electronics or failing devices) or devices that absorb signals like UPS. In either case use FilterLinc on outlet devices are plugged into and remove all CFL's. Best way to improve comms and bridge legs is use of Range Extenders / LampLincs or On/Off Modules. One on either leg and perform Beacon (4 tap test) to verify. Jon...
  17. All your symptoms could be related to comm issues so you might open Event Viewer to Level 3, activate a couple devices, copy to clipboard (clipboard icon lower toolbar) and paste into message. You'll be looking at Hops Left=(x) where 3 or 2 indicate good and less is poor. Losing device status can indicate loss of PLM links which could be sign of failing PLM. Running Show PLM Links Table and if count is extremely low then PLM could be failing. (when running test it's best to pick a period of inactivity or plug the PLM into a filtered outlet because network traffic can interfere with record. also.. run test a number of times to verify.) A two year old PLM puts you in the time frame of those with bad caps. in admin console Tools > Diagnostics > PLM Info/Status and info from back of PLM (have to unplug PLM... first unplug power to ISY, unplug PLM and take reading, plug PLM and wait to stabilize, plug power into ISY.) I'm unfamiliar with green pentagon shape? green 1011 icon indicates write to device pending. If you post a screen shot it'll help. Also, which model of ISY do you have Help > About > Product and what does the Firmware and UI version show? Jon...
  18. The Skill offers thermostat and lock control (I don't use either) and also you can do similar to what connected home does with the added "Tell Issy" prefix. Alexa, tell Issy to set the thermostat to 73 degrees. Alexa, tell Issy to unlock the front door Alexa, ask Issy to run <program name> (runs from if) Alexa, ask Issy to turn <device> on Connected Home Alexa, Foyer On (directly turns device On) The Skill doesn't affect Connected Home so there's really no reason to disable it. Jon...
  19. The best way to get Amazon's attention is to leave feedback. Jon...
  20. You have to invoke the Skill... "Alexa, tell Issy" so that shouldn't be your problem. A number of people in another thread reported issues today and it seems possibly Amazon did updates that are affecting things. Jon...
  21. Seems it's beyond just the thermostat but the basic way skills are written? Sounds a little like connected home to me though... What is the difference between the “Smart Home Skill” and “Custom Skill” skill type? With custom skills, you build a voice interaction model to handle customer requests. With the Smart Home Skill API, some of this work is done for you. The Smart Home Skill API taps into Amazon’s standardized language model so you don’t have to build the voice interaction model for your smart home skill. Plus, your customers don’t need to remember your skill name or a specific invocation phrase. Jon...
  22. This program should notify you only when you leave the geofence ($Matthew_Allen's_iPhone_Home is 0.) If you run geofence test programs concurrently it will tell if geofence drops out for some reason. Jon...
  23. Have you proven your geofence for both devices? If $Matthew_Allen's_iPhone_Home is 0 Then send notification I'd start from there. Jon...
  24. You might look at the Alexa App > Smart Home and see state of Groups and/or devices. Jon...
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