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Everything posted by jerlands

  1. Range extenders simply repeat both powerline and RF signals and using two can help bridging issues and further extend network but not always required. You can test your network comms by opening Event Viewer to Level 3 and activating devices from the admin console. You'll be looking at Hops Left=(x) where 3 or 2=good and less=poor. The address isn't used for anything and may simply be part of the chip firmware as I believe it uses the same frame as the Lamplinc and On/Off module. Jon...
  2. jerlands

    New to ISY

    When first setting up your Insteon network the most common issues have to do with communication and that's usually a result of improper bridging of electrical legs or electrical noise on circuit. Using range extenders (2 recommended) to enhance communications and couple legs and also the use of FilterLincs ahead of all electronics and UPS will greatly help. Also, when adding new devices it's a good practice to connect them first to an extension cord, plug into same outlet as PLM, factory reset then link. This ensures good linking and operation. Jon...
  3. jerlands

    Scene Falures

    Tue 03/22/2016 05:24:06 PM : [std-Cleanup ] 31.E2.71-->ISY/PLM Group=1, Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0 <<-- Messages with Max Hops=3 will indicate comm issues. Max Hops=1 are direct messages between device and PLM. I don't fully understand the reason for the cleanup message but these you can ignore when looking for comm issue. Jon...
  4. The Wiki has pretty good instructions for setting up the Event Name in the Portal and creating the IFTTT recipe. Any other questions just post them back. Jon...
  5. jerlands

    Scene Falures

    Look over the general state of your network communications by operating a number of devices with Event Viewer open to Level 3 and see what your Hops Left=(x) is (3 or 2 = good, 1 or 0 = bad.) Jon...
  6. Are you using the same Dashboard version as the installed Firmware version? You need to download it from the same release thread. Also, you might check UI version as well. Help > About in admin console should show the same versions. If versions are different you need to clear Java Cache and install new UI as well as new Dashboard Jon...
  7. jerlands

    Scene Falures

    Also, you might look over this thread for more insight. Jon...
  8. jerlands

    Scene Falures

    You could do a "Restore Device" on all involved in the problem. This will rebuild links in PLM and device. I think though the comm issue is evident. Jon...
  9. jerlands

    Scene Falures

    I don't have any ICON's and believe them to be pre dual-band but in general replacing single band switch with dual band will improve overall comms. Your comms however seem to look good except for that one event but that may indicate you have something like a bad LED bulb or other electronics injecting noise into the line. Also, device 31.E2.71 isn't one of the devices that failed the scene test? You might first look over the circuit the device is on and see if there's a potential source first before replacing. A couple FilterLinc's might do more good than switch swap. Jon...
  10. Something's not configured properly. You may have to go into admin console and give ISY permission to communicate with the Portal. From Wiki... ISY Portal Account Setup There are three steps for having ISY communicate through ISY Portal: 1. Creating an account on " ISY Portal if one does not exist (click on the Create new account link). If one already exists, simply login 2. Registering ISY with your account in ISY Portal using ISY's UUID (Help | About - also included in your invoice). To do this click on the Add ISY button and copy/paste the UUID from your invoice or order notification 3. Giving permission to ISY to communicate with ISY Portal Login to the Admin Console Click Configuration | Portals tab You will see a request for access from your account in ISY Portal Approve it You are done! Jon...
  11. That's the java application (.jnlp) and you download it from the release thread for your firmware version. Jon...
  12. jerlands

    Scene Falures

    Tue 03/22/2016 05:24:06 PM : [std-Group ] 31.E2.71-->Group=1, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1 <<-- Overall your comms look good but this one occurrence might indicate you have something interfering occasionally with comms. Another thing you might do is run "Show PLM Links Table." However, as network traffic can interfere with reading either run several times or move PLM to filtered outlet (or behind UPS.) If you move PLM you'd want to power off ISY, unplug PLM, plug in PLM, wait for PLM to stabilize (10 sec or so) then power up ISY. Early signs of PLM failure can be indicated by failure of scenes but I think your issue might be intermittent noise. Jon...
  13. Eliminating LED and increasing heartbeat should help considerably. Send Cleanup is to supplement Group Broadcast Message but according to LeeG's post here checking it off makes no difference so I'd uncheck it. Low battery should send an On when it reaches the setting. You need to create a couple programs to monitor both heartbeat and low battery and that should notify of communication/operation issues or low battery condition. If 'Door Sensors / Laundry / Laundry - Door Sensor / Laundry - Low Battery' is switched On Or 'Door Sensors / Laundry / Laundry - Door Sensor / Laundry - Low Battery' is switched Off Then Send Notification to 'Jon Cell Phone' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') If 'Door Sensors / Laundry / Laundry - Door Sensor / Laundry- Heartbeat' is switched On Or 'Door Sensors / Laundry / Laundry - Door Sensor / Laundry- Heartbeat' is switched Off Then Wait 25 hours Send Notification to 'Jon Cell Phone' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Jon...
  14. To copy a program right click and at bottom "copy to clipboard" then paste into post. If the program executes via the admin console (right click run then) it'll run from Echo. Programs executed from Connected Home On=run Then, Off=run Else. (Alexa, Elk Stay On or Alexa, turn Elk Stay On) Programs executed from Skill run If (Alexa, ask Izzy run Elk Stay or Alexa, tell Izzy to execute Elk Stay) You can view history of what Echo hears by going to Alexa app > Settings > History Jon...
  15. I don't think circuit control will eliminate device control but I do think device control is going to go away from RF for a number of reasons. What I'm looking for is a wired solution that's extensible and not confounded by hard to implement interface like BACNet or the like. Jon...
  16. I don't know but with more moving to off grid solutions and Tesla envisioning solar sustenance I'm looking forward to more innovative features near term e.g., smart breakers incorporating CT and control that afford easy integration to management and monitoring (packaged smart load center.) I don't think we're that far out but maybe wishful thinking Jon...
  17. There aren't many packaged solutions for home energy monitoring that make it easy for people to incorporate. I'm sure we'll see more of this in time but I'm a little surprised it's not out there yet. Jon...
  18. As Larry pointed out.. for dimmers you'd use "Not Off" where as relays have the option for On Jon...
  19. In the admin console > Help > About what does it show for firmware and UI version? Some versions have both Status and Status(Old) and you'd need use Status. Jon...
  20. UDI is having a sale on Z-Wave Assembly Kit regularly $79.00 now until 5/01 $44.50 Jon...
  21. jerlands

    Scene Falures

    For the devices that failed the scene test right click > Diagnostics > Show Device Links Table when finished click Compare. Foyer 3-Way Front Door (1B 40 19 1) Foyer 3-Way FR (1B 3F D6 1) Kitchen Keypadlinc - G (33 DA 21 7) If Compare is the same as PLM links Table open Event Viewer to Level 3, activate each of the devices a couple times, copy to clipboard then paste into message. Jon...
  22. I had thought the Z-Wave version was in effect the same thing as issuing "Delete Modem?" Jon...
  23. I think the idea is since the dryer is (or should be) fed from it's own breaker the clamps go on the 2 feed lines from it and not on the entire panel so only the dryer is monitored (but this requires opening the panel.) The only other way I see is into the dryer itself and connect where the insulation is removed from the cable? Jon...
  24. jerlands

    Scene Falures

    For the Event Log I copy then paste into word before posting For the Error Log I open in Word, copy then paste For Event Viewer copy to clipboard then paste. If you want to upload a file select more "More Reply Options" next to Post button. Jon...
  25. I'm thinking this might be handy for adding into two scenes but not certain at this time of an application? I'm using 5.0.2 and anxiously in wait of the next drop I'll test it again when that happens. Jon...
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