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Everything posted by jerlands

  1. Couple things you can check.. First, UI and Firmware should always be the same (Help > About in admin console.) Issue "Show Device Links Table" for device and compare (right click > Diagnostics.) If link records don't match try Restore Device. Open Event Viewer to Level 3, operate the device locally and observe Hop Left=(x) count. x= 3 or 2 indicates good comms and less = poor comms. Jon...
  2. Alexa doesn't support push notifications at this time but possibly in the future. The only response you can get right now is OK Jon...
  3. You could call a program that sends an sms notification or use network resource to pushbullet or the like. You could also do this using IF channel but IFTTT is slow. I'm not real sure though how you want the notification? Jon...
  4. If you can install two dual-band devices in near proximity but on different legs it may bridge. You can look at your breaker panel and observe which leg the breaker is on in relation to the other. The 120v breakers will be on one leg and alternate legs vertically and horizontally as shown below. A B B A A B B A The best way to bridge IMO is using either two range extenders, lamplincs, on/off modules or a combination of any as they have more powerful RF transmitters than hardwired devices. Jon...
  5. Yeah, no Dot! Maybe the Echo's getting updated by mistake Jon...
  6. I'm still at 3077 Jon...
  7. Glad to hear but what did you do? Remove a couple scene/devices or upgrade? Jon...
  8. Failed to add device, reason 1 <<-- 994i has a limit of 255 node links, 994i Pro has a limit over 900. If you don't have the Pro you may have reached the limit. Jon...
  9. There are a few threads on the forum discussing the problem but you might resolve this first as it's causing a lot of traffic Jon...
  10. Post your revised program. Jon...
  11. Scenes are very easy to create and is the ISY equivalent to manual linking. No programming required but you have the option to extend scene functionality through programming and the admin console (user interface.) Jon...
  12. jerlands

    New to ISY

    The ISY Portal is the easiest way to configure proxy server and avoid setting up certificates which you'll need for IFTTT. A feature of the portal is Network Resources that affords a REST interface. Jon...
  13. Mobilinc is a popular and useful phone app but also available is Mobilinc Connect which is a proxy/portal server hosted by the developers of Mobilinc (Mobile Integrated Solutions, LLC.) As Teken points out ISY supports only one of the two portals at a time, ISY Portal or Mobilinc Connect. Include the ISY UUID in your support request to remove MobiLinc Connect module Jon...
  14. Thanks LeeG... I was looking at Sat 03/26/2016 06:28:08 PM : [LNK-END ] 02 65 06 : : Unexpected, ignored (65)? Jon...
  15. It appears ISY isn't able to communicate with device 02 54 04 and being a new install I suspect your electrical legs aren't properly bridged (see Paul's post #2.) A better means of determining issues is to open Event Viewer to Level 3, attempt link then copy to clipboard (clipboard icon) and paste into message post. You'll be looking at Max Hops=3, Hops Left=(x) where 3 or 2=good and less indicates poor communication. The most reliable method of linking devices is to connect to extension cord and plug into same outlet as PLM, factory reset then link. This ensures good linking and proper operation of device. Jon...
  16. Review the Wiki instructions for Portal Installation. Apparently something's not configured correctly. You might review your Network Security settings (requires Dashboard also downloaded from release thread bottom of post.) Jon...
  17. The java application (.jnlp file) is the UI (admin console) and is listed in the release thread for download (scroll post.) The java application runs independent and leaves desktop icon whereas the java applet is tied into browser resources. Jon...
  18. In Help > About is your Firmware version the same as your UI version? If not they should be the same. Go to release thread for Firmware and download the java application file (.jnlp) rather than using the java applet (need to clear Java Cache first.) Jon...
  19. jerlands

    New to ISY

    This isn't typical for a new PLM. Are you sure there's power to the outlet it's plugged into (and the PLM should be plugged directly into a wall outlet not on a powerstrip.) Unplug power to ISY, unplug PLM and wait 30 sec., plug PLM in and wait 30 sec then plug power in to ISY. Any change? Jon...
  20. Exact same problem here. offline since 0301am and reboot got it back. Echo reported devices as offline in my case. Jon...
  21. That's odd because my ISY was offline this morning at 0301am (CT and time run for query all.) It showed connected in admin console and after hard reboot (removed power for 10 seconds) it came back online. Jon...
  22. jerlands

    New to ISY

    You can have Mobilinc and use the ISY Portal with it. You can't use Mobilnc Connect (portal) and ISY Portal at the same time. There are events you can monitor and control using network resources, IFTTT iOS channels, IF channel or Maker Channel but Mobilinc would offer the most reliable and expedient means. All depends on what you want to do? Jon...
  23. I'm currently working but Portal shows online since Friday March 25th 5:17:21pm. Jon...
  24. jerlands

    New to ISY

    You should probably remove the Hub and factory reset all devices you had linked to it because ISY does everything and more the Hub can do and the extraneous links in the devices can cause problems. If you purchased Mobilinc Connect then you'll have to contact UDI support with your ISY UUID (Help > About in admin console) and have them remove it before you can use ISY portal. The ISY Portal allows easy integration for Echo but Mobilinc Connect also has this feature. In my opinion the ISY Portal is more versatile but if you decided differently UDI is usually very compliant with refunds but I don't know about Mobilinc Connect refunds. Jon...
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