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Everything posted by Scottmichaelj

  1. I was seeing a high rate of scene failures in 2.7.10 so I waited for the 2.7.11 alpha to see if that would fix things. However it still seems when doing a scene test regardless of the amount of devices in it the scene fails. If I turn the scene on manually the scene works fine (or so far as a few tests). Using 2.7.6 my scenes tested fine (as I can remember) but with the larger scenes that have over 20 devices I would get a missed device here and there. It happened daily on my sunset scene, there was an issue with a different device each day. Hoping for better luck with the newer firmware the scene seems to make work more reliable manually but now I am not able to do a reliable test. Anyone else have issues with the "scene test" in level 3? Also if you try and right click on a device under "My Lighting" that if its just the last device or next to last showing in a long list of devices it doesnt work? You have to scroll down to move the device higher then it allows you to right click on it? Happened in 2.7.10 too. I can replicate everytime I login so its a bug for sure. I can only right click on the 4th to the last device listed under my lighting. It seems to be a bug preventing you to click on the last three devices shown. One more question, not sure if its doable (or maybe its there and I just dont know it) but is it possible to have a way that programs can set all devices in a scene to a specific level? For example I have a entry with 3 switches - I would like to be able to have the program set all the switches in the scene to 50% at sunset instead of having to set them individually line by line. I know there maybe an issue for just devices that are ON/OFF but maybe those could default to on if requested to be set at 1% or more. I am aware you can "adjust a scene" but it still is just by device not "all the devices" in the scene.
  2. After purchasing my ISY I began to think how great it would be to be able to have the ISY send a wake on lan signal to my server from my remote. I already had a macro that allowed me to turn everything on via one button but nothing for the server to turn on. So I emailed the suggestion to the ISY support team, then after a couple emails back and forth with them, then within the next couple firmware updates the Network Module was included! And I have to tell you that the Networking Module is the best money I ever spent after purchasing my ISY! Plus it doesnt help that it was my idea! heheh I use the networking module three times a day if not more to wake up my media server in my home. I have the ISY wake up the server on a daily schedule to have "juice" podcast catcher go out and download any new podcasts (Revision3 fan!) that have been released. Once its completed the task the server then powers itself into standby mode. Then at night when I sit down to watch TV on my Windows Media Center PC I use a Philips Pronto remote to send a "Wake on Lan" signal to wake up the server that then allows me to watch my podcasts or stream anything else on the server to any PC in the home. Its also is nice to stream music stored on the server though our whole house music distribution center system. Again i can hit one button that has a macro on my Philips Pronto then it send a command to turn on everything I need and listen to my music including the server its stored on. I feel this is a much better way to do things rather than keep the "server" on 24/7 - it helps save electricity and still being green. I hope everyone else is enjoying it as much as I am!
  3. I followed this program exactly as you listed and tried it tonight, however it doesn't work properly. I did make some changes and it now seems to work ok. I had to raise the ramp rate to 6.5 because it would go to 50% or so then drop back to 15% causing a flicker effect. Not sure why that's happening but it does. Also dumped the whole scene thing all together. Thanks for the help, I always forget how the 'Else' works and other ways it can be used. If From 10:00PM To Sunrise + 30 minutes (next day) And Control 'MBath - WC' is switched On Then Set 'MBath - WC' 15% Else Set 'MBath - WC' On
  4. Its my fault that this thread is falling off topic but MikeB I just tried your suggestion and your right that remote works with the PC in S3. However you need to make sure that the USB will wake the computer from S3 and also on my motherboard you need to make sure the settings are set to allow the PC to wake on USB too. My old PC was having issues with waking up automatically somehow and I never figured it out so I was always shutting it down and pressed the power button to get it back on was the only fix and I never looked back into this after upgrading it. See how easy it is to get stuck in your old habits! You made my day today MikeB! Thank you! Back to the original topic of adding the feature to turn on a server would be nice for watching videos that are stored on a server or listening to music which I do, would great to be able to do it with the ISY!
  5. Which remote are you using the Microsoft MCE remote like this one? http://www.newegg.com/Product/ShowImage ... %20Control If so what button are you pushing to turn it back on with? If memory serves me right the USB is powered down in S3 - did you have to make it wake from USB in the device manager for the remote to work? What button are you pushing to tun it on ? The top right one where it says PC?
  6. I have seen a couple threads talking about this before and did a search but couldn't find them. What I am specifically looking to do is in our main bathroom if its during the day turn the lights to say 100% but if its 2am in the morning only turn the light level to 15% or so. So using 2.6.14 (or earlier) has anyone found a good way to be able to set an on level based on the time of the day? If so could you please explain how and/or the code?
  7. I too have been actually looking for some way to turn my PC on or off via remote, be it IR or some other way. This maybe another good avenue to look into. For me I have a Home Theater PC located in my Home Theater room with a blu-ray player in it. I have a Phillips Pronto remote with RF so it would be nice that I could sit down hit a button and then the computer would turn on. I don't need off because in Vistas Media Center (which is only want I use) has a "shutdown" button from the menu. So when I am done with the movie I can just hit shutdown and it will power off. So I have been looking for some way to be able to turn it on from the remote. Let me know how you make out.
  8. So is it safe to buy a 4.0 Switchlinc Dimmer v.35? Sure - I have about 25 for sale! PM me if interested! LOL Honestly I would wait until this gets ironed out.
  9. Maybe its just me but your answer is still confusing as in one sentence you are say that there is a bug that was found and fixed but in another you say scenes being fix is another issue. The question is, the people like me who are having issues with scenes and v4.0 switchlincs is the new firmware 2.6.14 supposed to fix things? Simple yes or no.
  10. Michel believes they have located this bug! Thank you for your patience, Rand So is it a bug in the ISY or Smarthome hardware? You quoted Burak's statement, as it discusses motion sensors - so its not clear if Michel found a bug for Burak or found a bug that we are all seeing with scenes. Can you clarify? Michel can you confirm?
  11. Sub - no it was a tad bit better using the older firmware but it still didn't work reliably on any firmware so far. I actually replaced my PLM and removed all the scenes and started new (which took me hours) and no changes. I have a couple stubborn 4.0 ones too that wont work in scenes at all and some that intermittently work. I tried i1 commands only with no success either. If I am not mistaken are scenes still done via X10 commands? I noticed when I added a access point past 4 my X10 fireplace Universal Module PUM01 doesn't work - unplug the access point and it works again. I am now wondering if this maybe the issue with my scenes? Its strange though I can communicate, query and control the switchlincs in the ISY but the scenes wont work.
  12. Well after downgrading my firmware and then upgrading back I have found that its my v35 (v4.0 Smarthome) Switchlincs that are not working properly in scenes. I can communicate with them all fine by using the ISY, selecting the switch under "My Lighting" and then on/off work fine. I can query them as well with no problems. I can even add them to scenes in the ISY however they are just unreliable. I have one scene with about 10 devices in it and I have tried numerous times and cant get the scene to turn on properly. I have not done it the old fashion way with manual scenes and to be honest I wasnt good at that anyway that's why I have an ISY! I am not sure if this is an ISY issue with firmware now using the newest Smarthome 4.0 switchlincs.
  13. I already tried that and it didnt work. Any other ideas? Or just go for it?
  14. FWIW Tonight I went to backup my ISY fw2.6.13 to downgrade back to fw2.6.7 to see if that would fix my communication, program and scene issues however it failed due to "could not retrieve the configuration file /config/82.und" - once you hit ok then it says "failed to backup" - Any ideas? Maybe this is why I am having issues?
  15. I have added two new switchlincs however funny enough those are not giving me any problems. Are switchlincs causing issues with the .13 firmware? The scenes that are having the issues were existing with no new hardware is what is now giving me problems. If I select the items under "my lighting" they seem to work fine - however when in a scene thats when things dont want to work. I am not sure if the commands are sent out too fast from the ISY/PLM and thats maybe why things are not responding properly. I also have noticed my sunset program is not turning on items that I never had had issues with. Then when I turn the "missing items" on from a KPL or directly under my lighting they do turn on and work. I been testing some programs out by adding a wait command to see if it improves the reliability and these missing items from not working, but you cant do this with scenes. I am just grasping at straws though to see if I can find something that works. I have 6 access points in my 3500 sq ft home and have tested them in ALL my homes plugs and it doesn't seem to improve communication at all regardless where I put them. I am thinking about maybe buying more access points so I have at least 1 per room but that's going to get expensive quick. I am running rev2.75 v64 firmware on my PLM - I think I am going to get replacements for those then 2 of the 6 access points are rev1.0 so maybe getting them all up to 2.75 would be best. If that doesn't work maybe I will down grade back to 2.6.7 and see if things improve again.
  16. Has anyone noticed communication issues with .13? I upgrades from 2.6.7 and it seems my devices don't seem communicate as well as they use to and scenes sometimes miss turning on devices that I normally never had issues with. Something is sure different, I just cant seem to put my finger on it.
  17. The brighten command works fine for me and will turn on the KPL Led button when going from an off state to say 25% - its just the Dim to off that I need a program to run as a query to turn off the KPL Led, which I think is strange.
  18. Thanks Sub those changes worked perfectly. Its too bad that you have to have a program run another program. Its getting to the point that you start forgetting what does what and the list of programs is growing and growing! Then a bug is fixed programs then stop working....ahh the joys of this stuff. Shows you how much we love to play and tinker I wonder still since no one said anything more but is this a KPL Smarthome Device bug or a bug in the ISY? Does anyone know?
  19. Could you give me an example of the code for that? How often should it check it? There is no other way? Any ETA of resolving this in the new firmware release or is it a bug in the actual smarthome kpl product not the ISY?
  20. I am trying to figure out how to get the KPL LED to turn off if I dim to off on a lamplinc device. Below is my code - I am using it with 4 IR buttons (on/Bright/Dim/off). When I use "Fade Up" the KPL led in the scene turns on - but when I dim the device to off the KPL LED stays on. The device shows off in the Admin console. What else do I need to add in the code to make the KPL led turn off if I dim it off? Thanks in advance for the help. If IR 'TV : Channel +' is Held And IR 'TV : Channel +' is not Released Then Set Scene 'My Lighting' Fade Down Else Set Scene 'My Lighting' Fade Stop
  21. So how would one use a KPL secondary button to run a program? For example in my master bedroom I want KPL button B to run the program "all off" to turn all insteon lights off. I have the button in nontoggle mode so it doesnt stay lit when I hit it but having a hard time getting the program to run properly each time. Heres what I have is this correct or is there a better way? IF KPL MB-B is switched on or KPL MB-B is switched off THEN Set scene 'My Lighting' Fast off ELSE No actions Thanks in advance!
  22. I have not had any luck controlling a group of lights properly with fade up/down and dim stops within a scene. I have kinda found a work around by making a scene with a preset of the desired brightness for each light. Then when I hit the IR code with the universal remote - the ISY then activates that scene at those levels. But there are drawbacks - like if a light is off then it turns back on and if you want multiple lights to dim after a certain time frame like I do then you have to do multiple scenes activated at time delays. I got fade stops to work with just an individual light with 4 buttons - on/off/dim/bright - this is how I have things setup for the master bedroom. I must say this doesn't still work as good as the X10 commands using dim. I am actually thinking about going back to X10 commands because of this. I dont think this an issue with the ISY but with the PLM modem not being able to issue mutiple commands at once. I could be wrong. The other thought is maybe the size of my home vs the distance from each light being dimmed, although my home is only 3500sq ft. By the time the ISY issues the command to the PLM then sends it out, then turning around and sending out the stop command the lights are out, since this happens in milliseconds/seconds. I have not played with the dim rate of the lights because I like where they are right now, but maybe another work around would be to make the time it takes to turn off each light longer therefore it would get the stop command. This is all just speculation but overall it might just depend on each users personal setup/preference. Hope this helps. BTW I am using a Pronto TSU9400 in the living room, another one in the bedroom and a TSU9600 in my home theater room with one RFX600 RF module that is in a central location with the ISY/PLM so I can send commands from anywhere with the remotes.
  23. Well sorry for not replying sooner I was away on vacation for two weeks! I needed a rest then when I got back I went on some business trips so I am now back home... So after doing some testing I found out this - If I set my remote up for pressing the "2" button on a NEC remote for my ISY99 IR I found the program does not work properly. Some lights turn off right away when they should dim just a bit then delay off. However when I manually run the program from the admin screen on the ISY through a web browser the program works fine. It appears to be only when receiving an IR - Anyone know hy could this be? A bug maybe? I am using firmware 2.6.3 - Seems only to do this with delays.
  24. I tired this however fade stops dont work well for some reason on scenes for me. Can you think of any other way to do this? I had a similar scene in my Home Theater Room where when I hit the "HTR Off" button on my pronto remote then my ISY99ir would fade the lights down then wait 5 mins before turning off so I knew that the command was recieved - it worked a couple times but then became unrliable and finally stopped working all together.
  25. I maybe missing something because I am new to having a ISY99/ir - however in the programming section of th admin console I dont see where I can program a scene to dim to a certain preset level. Heres what I am aiming for - Each night at sunset I want certain lights to go on in my home. Easy enough I have already made a program for "sunset" and turn on all the insteon devices I want on. Then at say 9pm when I usualy sit down to watch TV I want all those lights to go into a (nite mode) and dim to 50% or what not. Then at 10 when I am really settled in for the night watching TV I want to have all the lights dim to say 25%. This way if I am not home it gives a "looks like there home" appearance. However here is the kicker - if I am home and I turn off a light say in my kitchen I I dont want it to turn back on and dim it to 50% at 9pm. I want it to do a query and if its off then leave it off. I am doing this now for our entry light and I have it query - but I have 3 programs for this one light not including turning it on at sunset with the others. One to dim at 9 if on another one to dim again if still on at 10 and then one for off at 11. Maybe I have to but I dont want to make a seperate 3 programs for each light that was turned on at sunset. Do I have to do this? Do I setup maybe a "dim night" scene then inside that scene put the levels I want then select it "on" from the program? What am I missing here?
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