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Michel Kohanim

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Everything posted by Michel Kohanim

  1. @Whitehambone, most probably because something else is changing it to bluetooth. In short, the output does not change automatically. Can you please check the logs? With kind regards, Michel
  2. @Whitehambone, Unfortunately, there's no local playlist. You upload zip files containing your files, and they will end up in the path as defined in the configuration. We can definitely consider adding local playlists. This said, does anyone actually download large audio files rather than playing through spotify, youtube, etc.? With kind regards, Michel
  3. @Techman, Did you make sure that they end with _t for the filename? With kind regards, Michel
  4. Based on the log you sent, 2024-03-29 18:36:08,218 Command udi_interface ERROR audio-player:processCommand: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'tmp_sounds/iox48.Freeze_t.mp3' I will have to take a look. I think it's not considering the case where two instances share the same path. With kind regards, Michel
  5. @PHope, I used the actual VLC program (with UI) on eisy and it does the same exact thing. http://live is not secure, so it will not be opened. cbcradiolive is reporting 30 second length. It might be FreeBSD specific issue but I doubt it. With kind regards, Michel
  6. Ah, two instances have their own directories! So, you will have to upload all the same files or make them both point to the same directory (as long as they have the same permissions). With kind regards, Michel
  7. @garybixler, did you upgrade everything and reboot? With kind regards, Michel
  8. Please reboot after this upgrade. With kind regards, Michel
  9. Please go to the Store, click on Audio Player and let me know what version you see. Also, have you already upgraded your packages ? With kind regards, Michel
  10. Very odd. And you are not notified of an available update? With kind regards, Michel
  11. Everything released including YouTube: With kind regards, Michel
  12. @Techman, when exactly did you do the update? With kind regards, Michel
  13. Hello everyone, This plugin is a very simple plugin that allows you to import your own YouTube playlists and play them through eisy. IMPORTANT: Since this plugin is still in beta, please send your email address (the one you use to login to your YouTube account) to support@universal-devices.com and request to be added to the beta list. Instructions: Upon successful installation, click on the Authorization button in PG3 page for this plugin. This is a secure authorization process through Google such that neither UD nor eisy need to capture your credentials. Once the authorization is successful, please restart the Admin Console and you should be able to see your playlists. If playlist is empty or not complete, please restart the Admin Console. For Bluetooth, you need the Bluetooth plugin. With kind regards, Michel
  14. Hello all, Fixes intermittent connections. With kind regards, Michel
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  15. @Techman, Please install 1.3.3 and let me know if the problem persists. Please note that eisy does in fact have problems with some of the older generation BT speakers/headphones. For instance, JBL GO2. With kind regards, Michel
  16. @Riggins44, Please define "work with LMS". What exactly should it do? With kind regards, Michel
  17. @garybixler, 1.3.3 fixes this issue. With kind regards, Michel
  18. @garybixler, Please upgrade to 1.3.3 and let me know if the problem persists. With kind regards, Michel
  19. @PHope, Very strange. This said, I think I know the issue: these streams are generated by VLC player. We'll take a look. With kind regards, Michel
  20. Hi All, With kind regards, Michel
  21. Hello all, I am pleased to announce Version 1.3.3: -Prereq: -- Please make sure you upgrade your packages as file upload requires PG3x -Enhancements -- Remove file using the Admin Console -- Upload a zip file (through PG3 dashboard) -- Volume now sticks across playbacks -- Volume now also works for TTS -Fixes -- Fixed UD Mobile parsing issues . -- Random disconnects when multiple instances are running Enjoy! With kind regards, Michel
  22. Apologies for radio silence. Almost all issues have been resolved and we're now testing: Bluetooth service: - Fixed pair/unpair issues (some older speakers still have problems) - Pair to the last known paired device after reboot/restart Audio Player: - Upload a zip file with your mp3 files directly from PG3 (need an updated PG3 which is not out yet) - Remove files using the Admin Console - Volume control sticks + also works for TTS - Fixed random disconnects in the case of having multiple instances running YouTube (Beta) - Extract your playlists from your YouTube account - Play or Shuffle Play - Previous/Next --- Need volunteers. If interested, I will need your email address. Please send to support@universal-devices.com with subject YouTube Plugin. With kind regards, Michel
  23. Thank you both. Almost done and it's very simple (get your playlists and play them) and awesome especially through BT speakers. With kind regards, Michel
  24. @macjeff, Thank you. It all depends ... currently in development. With kind regards, Michel
  25. We'll be fixing it shortly + the ability to upload files (zip) directly from PG3 + YouTube support. BTW, we do need 9 volunteers to test our YouTube plugin. Any interest? With kind regards, Michel
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