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Michel Kohanim

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Everything posted by Michel Kohanim

  1. MikeB, There are no drawbacks. The only "problem" we have found is with certain routers (such as ActionTec), if you use a static IP, and then try to use the ActionTec as the gateway/DNS, it will not let your traffic through. Other than that, we have not had any issues. With kind regards, Michel
  2. MikeB, You are 100% correct. You can use a cross over cable if and only if you setup ISY with a static IP address. With kind regards,
  3. MikeB, Thanks for the update. We are currently retesting the migration step for any inconsistencies. With kind regards, Michel
  4. Hi Mike, Apologies for a tardy reply. It will be implemented, for sure, in the final release of 2.5. Unfortunately, it will not be part of next code drop. With kind regards, Michel Might want to reset the device or try to manually get that button out of toggle mode. Which reminds me - I'd still like the ability to change the toggle mode on the load buttons of a KPL when in 6-button mode. With the current firmware, this has to be done manually at the switch.
  5. Hello Jason, Yes, indeed it's quite nice. Please let us review the security ramifications and figure out what would be the best way of enabling this so that everyone can use it. Thanks again for your suggestion/feedback, With kind regards, Michel
  6. Mark, Thank you so very much for the feedback. This is a know GUI bug which is already fixed and will be included in the next release of Beta (by the end of the week). As far as your original (migrated) schedules which run against My Lighting, please do not do anything with them; they will continue to run. With kind regards, Michel
  7. Mr. Hart, This is an excellent idea! My only concern is security: if you can send ISY and email so does everyone else in the world by simply knowing your ISY's email address. I think we might be able to solve your requirement with our new HTTPS/HTML feature to be out in November. Thanks so very much and please do look for our new features by November. With kind regards, Michel
  8. Anders, My pleasure! You are correct and that's precisely why we are not pushing our UDMobile. I am impressed with your solutions. We shall have our HTML/HTTP(S) based version by November and we would be very interested in your feedback. With kind regards, Michel
  9. Mark, Excellent. Please do let us know if you run into this issue again. Thanks and with kind regards, Michel
  10. Mark, Have you upgraded to release 2.4.8 (= 2.5 Beta) yet? With kind regards, Michel
  11. siegeld, First of all, apologies for the inconvenience. To program a RemoteLinc (drop it into a scene), you should first hold the Bright and Dim button on the RemoteLinc for 10 seconds to put it into programming mode. ISY comes up with a dialog instructing as such but not on releases before 2.4.5. So, please do be kind enough to let me know which release of ISY you are running. Please note that 2.4.5 is a minor version which is not automatically notified. Again, with sincere apologies, Regards, Michel
  12. Mr. Anders, It seems that you are already familiar with AJAX and possibly Java. At the moment, we do have a JSDK (Java SDK) which allows you to create applications/applets. JSDK allows you to do everything we do from our Admin Console. We do not support AJAX (yet) simply because we have a lot more security hooks than a simple HTTPS. Furthermore, we maintain the state of each session for each client, and thus, we make sure the clients are alive otherwise we close the session. We do communicate with external web services from within ISY, but that piece is not configurable. Do you have any specific feature in mind? If you are interested, here is our Developer Forum Thanks and with kind regards, Michel
  13. Hello All, I just wanted to let you know that 2.5 Beta is now available. Thanks and with kind regards, Michel
  14. Hello All, 2.5 Beta is now available with the following enhancements: 1. X10 Support 2. Enhanced Triggers/Schedules 3. KPL Relay, OutletLinc, SWL 2.0, and INSTEON thermostat (beta) support 4. Full integration with ELK For details on the New Triggers/Schedules read the Wiki http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/index.php?title=New_Triggers/Schedules&oldid=1667 Please contact tech@universal-devices.com for instructions. With kind regards, Michel
  15. Mr. Nichols, First of all, apologies for a tardy reply. To be honest, we never thought about it and now that I read your post, it makes 100% sense: we are doing things backwards! Your requirement has been added to our list and shall be reviewed and implemented as time/resources permit (after 2.5). Release 2.5 Beta is ready and is being sent to a select few who are interested in our Beta. If you are interested, please send an email to tech@unviersal-devices.com. In short, these are the new features: 1. X10 support ... you can trigger X10 devices or use them as triggers 2. Trigger schedules and schedule triggers 3. Add wait, repeat, random to your sequences + a lot more. Thanks so very much for your feedback, With kind regards, Michel
  16. siegeld, Unfortunately, INSTEON does not allow sending preset dim levels to a scene. As per philosophy: that's why each device belonging to a scene already has a preset DIM associated with it! We would've it loved if your scenario worked as we do get a lot of requests for that functionality. With kind regards, Michel
  17. alf, Hello and apologies for a tardy reply. With respect to your question, we do have pre-2.5 (beta) release coming out shortly (early next week) which allows you to do as you described below + a lot more. With kind regards, Michel
  18. Dave, Thanks so very much for the quick feedback. Here's what's going on: - For devices that may never be controllers such as LampLinc, InlineLinc, and lately OutletLinc, ISY solely depends on the linkages as they are made during the linking session; i.e. ISY does not create a Master link in the device and a Slave link in the PLM. As such, if these devices are not part of any other scenes, therefore they will not respond to All On/Off command issued from the PLM. - ISY does create master/slave links when a device, regardless of its type, is put inside a scene and, therefore, all the devices that are already part of a scene will respond to All On/Off command. To test this scenario, please create a dummy scene and put one of your non-responding devices inside that scene. Please ldo be kind enough to let me know of the outcome. Again, thanks for your feedback, With kind regards, Michel
  19. Hello Dave, Thanks so very much for the update. May I humbly ask a few questions: 1. Did you import existing links from a previous installation? 2. Did you do a File->Restore Devices (not individual Restore Device)? As far as your question, here's the only reason why an INSTEON device would respond to on/off from the device page but not from All On/All Off: When you are on the device page, ISY is sending a direct command (through the PLM) to the device. This does not require any linkages to be set in the device and, thus, it works. When you send an All On/All Off command or when you send a group command (from the scene page in ISY), then the following conditions should be met: 1. The PLM should have an existing link for that device 2. The device should have a slave link for the PLM (device is acting as a slave) So, if any of the above conditions are not met, then the device will not respond to All On/All off. Now, here are more questions: 1. Would you be kind enough to inventory the list of devices that do not respond to the All On/All Off command? 2. For all those devices, would you please let me know if they already belong to a scene (you can check that out by looking at the device page and to your right you have another tree which shows whether or not this device belongs to any groups) After receiving your input, I'd be in a better position to recommend a corrective measure. I believe the issue is due to some existing links which cause a conflict with the PLM. Again, thanks so very much for the feedback, With kind regards, Michel
  20. Hello All, Apologies for the long silence as we've been heads down with the 2.5. Rand, Thanks so very much for your quick responses. As usual, you've been instrumental in making ISY a better product. MikeB, I am not sure why previous releases of SL do not have any feedback. riceman and marksanctuary, Thank you so very much for reporting this issue. This must be a bug which we are going to analyze and find the root-cause + resolution. At the moment, it seems to me that you have a defective PLM ... as such, please do be kind enough to report any other anomalies. In the meantime, we are going to test all new releases of SL + KPL. Again, thanks so very much to all for reporting this issue and apologies for the inconvenience. With kind regards, Michel
  21. Hello Dave, If you have SwitchLinc versions above 2.4, you should immediately see the feedback (when you do anything on the switch). For SwitchLinc version below 2.4, you will never get the status back and thus you would have to manaully query. Unfortunately, at this point, the only thing I can suggest is to get an upgrade for your SwitchLics. Thanks and with kind regards, Michel
  22. linuxguy, You are correct: ISY can turn on/off the load but we cannot set the timer. With kind regards, Michel
  23. MikeB, Apologies for the misunderstanding. In that case, this is a BUG simply because the scheduler task has to run all the schedules in its queue. With kind regards, Michel
  24. MikeB and jbev, Here's what happens: Since ISY shows that the schedule was actually run, therefore I conclude that the message was sent out but due to a lot of network activity (programming your RL), the destination device(s) did not receive the message. Is this a scene schedule or a device schedule? With kind regards, Michel
  25. wjoel, Thank you for the update. When you say "Admin Console doesn't show", does it imply that you get the splash screen with the Universal Devices logo and "Please don't close this window"? If so, plus the fact that you can get Admin Console using the remote URL in your own network, leads me to believe that at the remote location you have a router which blocks Java applets. If you wish, you can send your remote URL to tech@universal-devices.com and I can tell you whether or not we can access it from here. With kind regards, Michel
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