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Everything posted by telljcl

  1. Very good to know - thanks!
  2. I do have an ELK, and have various sensors etc... driving ISY programs, so this could certainly be an issue. I don't have ELK providing any voice feedback though, other than programs residing solely on ELK. I've got a lot to learn here apparently, so I'll appeal again for any basic links on how to convert over to Polisy and away from the ISY. My system consists mainly of Insteon, with Zwave where there was no alternative (locks, a few watt-counting modules), an ELK (alarm features plus controls some valves, garage doors, etc...) and Alexa integration via the ISY portal. So I'll need to figure out how to put all of this together on the Polisy some how. Thanks for all the detailed responses provided here!
  3. Yes indeed - it helps a lot! Thank you for taking the time to post it!
  4. It does appear to me that Insteon is down and/or out, but I always defer to experts on the forum such as yourself. I'm asking for information here, not trying to supply it to others in this case, because, as you point out, I don't know much about it. So, no, I don't want to move on to bigger and better things as you mention, just trying to get a handle on the current landscape and learn what I can do with my present system (which works pretty well, as I mentioned), or learn what options are available should I not be able to replace failing modules etc... Could you be so kind as to point me to a resource link for running "ISY" on the Polisy, restoring a ISY backup to it, and then using my 2413s (or my spare which I re-capped some time ago) with it?
  5. I used to use "Venlink" for PC, then I think "ioguy", IIRC, changed it to "Nodelink", which I still use on PC, but I read off and on about issues with using it with Polisy, and why ioguy said he was running into issues, but apparently that has been rectified - good to know for sure. As far as "ISY on Polisy" - what does this mean? Can I replace the ISY with Polisy, and still use programs etc? If this is possible, is there a way to use another PLM instead of the 2413s (I think that is the one), since they are hard to come by and apparently also discontinued? Sorry for basic questions - my system has actually been running pretty well for years now (excepting zwave wonkiness) so haven't been keeping up. Thank you
  6. I have a large number of insteon devices, and have been using it since it's inception - 15 years maybe? Don't have many spares left in my inventory, either. ZW has been very hit and miss for me (mostly miss - I have the ZW500 board in my 994) and I don't think that is a viable alternative as my Insteon devices die off. I bought a Polisy when they came out to run an app to control my Venstar T.Stats instead of running it on my PC, but the app never came out for Polisy so I haven't used it. So - what is the future, if any, for ISY / Insteon / Polisy? I see something about running ISY FW on the Polisy? I'm way out of the loop I guess, so any help bringing me to the present WRT the whole situation would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
  7. Thanks - can't access the .pdf though.
  8. ... Ok so I unchecked "Automatic writes to battery powered devices" and then unchecked / rechecked "Automatic device writes" and now it went through and cleared all the write icons (except the wireless ones - expected). So I guess the other PLM I have may be OK - I'll give it another go.
  9. Thanks all. The PLM shows connected, and has the ID of my old one (which I put back in and did a "restore"). The links work, but most (not all, strangely) show the green "need to write update" icon by them. I'd expect maybe on the RF only devices, but I only have a few of those and the icons are showing on most of the wired devices, but as stated, some of the wired devices don't show the icon. Everything works, though. I've power cycled the ISY a few times but it keeps coming back with the green icons. At this point I'm thinking the Amazon replacement may be OK (V. 2.5), since it had the same issue. I didn't try to control anything though when I changed to it - seeing all the icons made me switch back to the original.
  10. Well that's good to know. In making sure I replaced the unit properly, should this procedure work correctly? 1 - Unplug old PLM. Unplug ISY 2 - Reset "New" PLM. Plug in New PLM to power and ISY (which is OFF). 3 - Power on ISY, wait for initial bootup etc... (which takes a while), then click "Restore Modem". This process works when I am using my old modem after resetting it, but appears to not work with my replacement unit, and now isn't working with my original unit (probably since I tried the other unit prior). Any insight on this process would be greatly appreciated!
  11. My second one in 10 years or so is going out - will work for a week or so then stops. A reset of PLM and a "Restore PLM" via Admin console brings it back... temporarily. Bought a replacement PLM 2413s from Amazon just 3 weeks ago, but I can't get it to work - when powering down ISY and installing new PLM, then powering all back up and doing a "Restore PLM" I get green "write" icons by most of the devices, but nothing ever happens. So I think this one is bad - it was a "Warehouse Deal", so maybe that's why. Anyway, I can't seem to find one anywhere - I must have missed that these were being discontinued? Anybody have a source, suggestion or alternative unit to recommend? Possible to use a USB version somehow with the ISY? Maybe I didn't go the through the "Restore" process correctly trying to use the replacement 2413s I think is bad (but might not be)? EDIT: ... Now I can't get my original (that works for a while) unit to "restore" to the ISY - does the same thing the replacement unit was doing (green "Write update" icons by all the devices, but nothing seems to happen... Thanks!
  12. Fixed as of this morning and working like it did before.
  13. Any ideas on how to report this to Amazon where somebody will actually be able to fix it back like it was? Thanks
  14. Thanks - at least I know it isn't on my end only. Tried the "open / close" but forgot it doesn't work quite the same way so that's a no go...
  15. Still doing the same thing... Thought Amazon might resolve, but hasn't happened. Will try changing from a "raise / lower' to an "open / close" and see if it is any different... The value and state is always correct when looking at the Alexa app (or of course within the ISY), but verbal responses from Alexa when she calls the variable by name are what is corrupted.
  16. Thanks for your response. Yes, device state is correct within Alexa app, and the name is normal as well. I've tried renaming it to something different, then back, and as mentioned, deleted it all from Alexa and ISY portal and re-added it all back - no change. I hadn't changed anything when it started adding all these characters after the correct name of the device. About 3 or 4 days ago it started. Anyone else seeing a similar issue?
  17. Venstars have inputs for std. 10K thermistor remote sensors, as well as options to use wifi remote sensors which also have onboard and remote thermistor terminals. I suppose this would work? One thing I like about the venstars - they are very configurable - deadbands, #stages, temp. calibrations, remote sensor capable etc... I'm not against using something else, but just hadn't even considered using more of what I already have.
  18. Thanks very much for the details. I'm new to floor heat, but it looks pretty simple as it's just 120 or 240 on / off with a sensor in the floor somewhere. I have Venstars for my HVAC units, and I like the way those work (local control via ISY (thanks to @ioguy) as well as internet / app). I didn't think about using those, but I guess it wouldn't be too difficult and in fact would be nice not to have to route line and load voltage through the thermostat's physical location. Could just put some 24v coil relays in to control floor zones I guess?
  19. I have a state variable that I ask Alexa the value of, and also tell her to set, which has worked perfectly for quite some time. It is set as a "raise lower" device in the ISY portal, with 0 being "off" and 100 being "on". I can say "What is xxxxx set to" or say "Set xxxxx to 85", and it worked perfectly. A few days ago she started saying: xxxxx (the expected name) and then about 10 seconds of various characters and symbols read one at a time, very fast, then the percentage the variable is set to at the end. Deleted the variable from Alexa, also from ISY portal, added back, still same thing. The value is reported or recorded into the ISY just fine, but Alexa reads it aloud with a gibberish description after the actual name I have it called in Alexa / ISY. Any thoughts on why this is all of a sudden happening? Thanks!
  20. I realize this is an older thread but was wondering if there is anything new - either with the work that @simplextech has done with the NUheat or clone thermostats or other (hopefully local) systems that will play nicely with ISY and / or Polisy? Getting ready to do a fairly involved renovation and looking at the best way to automate / monitor / integrate floor heat with my ISY and connected devices. Thanks!
  21. Great ideas! Thanks for the varied approach solutions. I haven't gotten into Arduino (too many boxes, servers, interfaces, adapters, bridges... already - just can't get excited about learning another one), so that is above my pay grade at the moment. The @KeviNH suggestion looks close to what I was thinking. I have an Aeotec multisensor but it seems to pretend it is there even when I unplug it, WRT queries from the ISY. Maybe I need to experiment further with it. I have Zooz relay ZW box that does report as "gone" if I unplug it, but that is a larger more power hungry box for this purpose. I'll try the syntax used in the example. Regarding @larryllix's I/O lincs and garage doors, I already have ELK sensors on each door, so I know when they open and close etc... so predictively I can be fairly certain of what's going on using the timing of opening and closing of a particular one, but for various reasons I want to be more sure.
  22. Want to be able to know if a specific vehicle is there or not. Seems like a wireless (zw or insteon?) Device in the vehicle where I could check "is responding " in a program, (since if car is gone it would be out of range) would work but zw devices I have don't seem to work with the "is responding" function. I'm sure there must be something easy I'm missing? Thanks for any help.
  23. I hate z-wave, but have it to accommodate some locks and now this high amperage switch. I want to replace a non-HD Aeotec power-monitoring switch in the same location with this one. I can add this switch no problem from my desk (near the ISY), but it won't work when located where it can't be directly reached from the ISY itself. Most of my locks and several other Zwave devices are actuated via a number of Aeotec repeaters or other ZW switches acting as repeaters, since they are distant. I tried pairing the device from a distant location where other zwave items work, but it won't communicate from there through the mesh back to the ISY. When adding the Aeotec HD switch when near the ISY, the ISY gives me a message (after the pairing starts) about needing to switch on "secure adding" and then turning it back off after pairing, which I've done. It won't pair w/out doing this. If there is a way to force the Aeotec HD switch to pair to the ISY in non-secure mode I haven't found it - apparently it only will pair in secure mode? I guess I could try deleting my repeaters and re-pairing to the ISY in secure mode, but they barely work as is, and I've heard secure slows things down even more and reduces the already miniscule range. I'm out of ideas. Any suggestions? Thanks!
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