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Everything posted by telljcl

  1. I'm trying to determine the status of an ApplianceLinc (responder only, I gather). If I go into ISY admin console I can "Query" the status and it will update to the correct status, but if I manually press the button on the ApplianceLinc, no status update is reflected in ISY (I guess because it isn't a controller.) If I control the ApplianceLinc with the ISY, obviously the status shows properly. Shouldn't I be able to make a program to "Query" the status of this device at a particular time and then do something based on the (correct) status of it? I can only seem to issue a "on" or "off" command to it, but not just "query" this particular module, in case somebody has pressed the local button on it (which makes the ISY's status then incorrect). Searched but couldn't seem to figure it out. Thanks for any help.
  2. Thanks for the insight. I don't envision replacing every switch, but ultimately would consider expansion (as most people do in residential settings) above and beyond the "basic" things we'd wish to control initially. The Insteon stuff in my home doesn't receive what I'd call a pounding, but I'd guess that probably 25% of the modules / switches / etc... have failed within 5 years. Some under warranty, many not. So that must be considered when calculating payback on a system designed to save energy, time, effort etc... We may do a trial run with one main building using one ISY and see how it goes for a year - that may be one way to ease into it.
  3. Thanks - obviously using multiple ISY units and controlling them from a single unit in programs is above my pay grade, but its good to know it is possible. I guess there are no "commercial grade" switches / power load switching devices like the Smarthome Insteon units? They just don't last in my experience.
  4. Thanks, but I was hoping to avoid having to use Insteon, or rely heavily on it. What can be done with Zigbee, and also is ZWave available yet? I have tons of Insteon modules in my home and they go out periodically and have occasional communication issues - the RF is terrible. I hate to wish all that on our school - but if we had to go primarily Insteon, would it be possible to use 1 ISY for each building (or maybe several buildings), and have the various ISY units communicate with each other, i.e. run programs that could control devices that were linked to other ISY units? Thanks!
  5. In looking at automation possibilities for a school, is there a system like ISY that can be integrated into an existing complex, without much dedicated control wiring etc...? A system that could use a combination of wireless technology as well as powerline or hard-wired controller / responders? The campus has numerous buildings, all added at different times - some are 35 years old, others are LEED certified. I love the flexibility my ISY gives me at home, but would like any leads if anyone has them. Thanks!
  6. Thanks! So to be clear, the 994i-Z is a 994i with a zigbee radio installed, (which I presume works with something out there now) And when the Z-wave dongle is ready, I can remove the zigbee radio card from the 994i-Z and install the new Z-Wave "dongle" in its place? That simple ? Thanks for your time, as I just ordered the 994iZ model and need to know if I should cancel - I don't mind the extra expense if that would be the only issue.
  7. Is there any disadvantage (aside from extra cost) to getting the 994iZ ? Will it support the Z Wave dongle also and can the Zigbee radio be "disabled" or just not used? What is the ETA for the Z wave dongle solution ? Or for home use with various Z wave thermostats (hopefully including the Honeywell) MUST I get the non-Z version of the 994i ? Thanks for your help!
  8. I'd like to know if anybody knows if these 2 will communicate properly? I've got a 99i that I'd like to upgrade to a 994iZ if so. I've got a house full of the non-Z wave Honeywell thermostats and these would be a simple replacement with no re-learning required by the family. I have a number of Insteon programs in my 99i and hopefully I can now include control of the thermostats based on various conditions ?? I assume that programming mode now includes a "Z Wave" option in addition to "Insteon" for setting up actions or checking status ? Thanks for any help!
  9. I see... I guess its counting the 15 seconds also. Good to know how to make a more accurate timer for situations that require it. Thanks!
  10. Nope - The last program above advances the "minute" clock about every 45 seconds (seems maybe even like about 40, but don't see how...) So I've gone back to the original, as most of the lights I want to track are long-term "on" times. Thanks - this is interesting.
  11. Thanks for the sample programs - I'm never sure how exactly the logic works (great points here about the differences in each of these examples). It appears to me that the most recent post above would give the most accurate time count, but then again I am no ISY genius. I'll change the programs as I had just started running them written like the first example posted. Thanks!!!
  12. Wanting to do a little analysis on multi-fixture "On Time" to see if LED prices are low enough to consider. Is there a (relatively simple) way to start / stop a timer, with the "On" or "Off" of an Insteon device or Scene? Thanks for any help.
  13. Don't know if this a known issue, but I just installed a Morninglinc RF module, and it would only work by pressing the "set" button and the "start linking" command within the console. Putting in the address of the module directly (like I've done with the 50 or so modules already in the system) would not work. I did the proper "link devices / save links" check box, but something about putting in the address did not work. It went on for an hour or 2, and then gave some kind of error. Pushing the "set" and choosing "start linking" worked immediately, and it works fine. Just an FYI.
  14. Can't figure this one out. Have imported lighting file from ISY to Elk, and can control all devices by ELK. When doing so, the ISY immediately shows the adjusted state. ISY and ELK seem to communicate normally in all other ways that I am aware of - can see ELK status across top of console etc... Whenever I physically push a button or in any way control the Insteon network (including ISY) the status or change never makes it to ELK, yet I can control any device from the ELK. I've reset both devices, deleted and re-imported the .xml device list, made sure to check all 6 serial port boxes in Global settings in ELK (5 were checked already - I checked "log" also). I am testing without ELK RP being connected, so thats not it. In the ELK lighting setup, the "option" box is checked for all devices, and the "format" is set to default-"serial expander" Any Ideas? I must be missing something simple. Thanks!
  15. Similar to my post about remotelinc, my IRlinc receiver shows up in ISY, and I have scenes assigned to some of the buttons, and IR commands do turn lights on / off as it should, but in ISY there is no response from the IRlinc device, and there seems to be no way to communicate with it. It shows status, and the only option at the bottom of the ISY screen is "reset" which gives a "failed" error box on screen. The status for each of the buttons shows the last state that the IRlinc put that scene into. If I turned off or changed that scene using another device in that scene, the changes do not show under IRlinc. IRlinc does not appear to be "updated" by other devices which are part of a scene that the IRlinc is in, and only reports what itself was set to last (directly by IR control). Hope this makes sense. My IRLinc is showing in ISY as a 2411R V.40. Thanks.
  16. I think I have my Remotelinc set up properly, and it is involved in 1 scene. But its status in ISY always shows as whatever the last command it transmitted was. I use it to turn ON / OFF garage lights, but only occasionally. The status for "Remotelinc - button 1" will show "ON" even if the garage lights are off (scene controlled by other controllers). The remotelinc status will go to "OFF" and stay that way if I turn the scene off using the Remotelinc. Is there no way to query the remotelinc etc..., and is this normal behavior?
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