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Everything posted by telljcl

  1. Thanks Michel - I'll check level 3 event viewer, but only programs I see running "Then" are ones that are supposed to be. As far as I can tell, anyway. It takes a while of ISY "Up time" before this issue arises.
  2. Not sure at all what's going on, but to my knowledge nothing about my setup has changed. Noticed Alexa / Portal was not working a few days ago, but that has since started working again, but around the same time I noticed my ISY is not communicating with Nodelink. No ip addresses etc... have changed. It seems the ISY gets "busy" with something after it's been running awhile after reboot, and eventually (takes hours to maybe a half day to get to this point) begins refusing communication from things like Nodelink. The ISY itself gets very sluggish responding to things, if at all, and if you bring up Admin Console it says "busy" at the bottom continually. Any ideas on what could be going on? I'm on the latest 5.0.16c, and have been for months. When first booting ISY and then launching Admin Console, it takes about 5 minutes for the ISY to finish being "busy" (checking device states?) then seems to work properly ("busy" at bottom left not lit, says "ready".... for awhile, anyway, before the above happens). I"m not sure it always took this long on boot, but maybe. I know when I first click the "programs" tab, it takes about 45 seconds to load that page, but I have a lot of programs. That's nothing new. FWIW I have a Polisy, and one test node I put on it that the ISY communicates with, but I don't use it and it isn't in any programs or otherwise used. Was hoping Nodelink would run on Polisy but that doesn't look to be happening - don't really have a use for it so perhaps I should delete node and shut down Polisy, but it has been in this configuration for months. Thanks!
  3. Good to know - thanks for the clarification. I wish it was possible to replace dimmers with on/off and vice versa (in those cases where you weren't using the dimming function), but I could see the issues which could arise in programs, but if you replaced an 8 button with a 6 I could see similar problems (but maybe you can't - I did 6>>8).
  4. Makes sense, but usually the option box won't show devices that aren't the same (like replacing a plug in dimmer module with a plug in on/off module). Since it showed up in the list of devices that were "OK" to replace it with, I assumed it was OK, but maybe you're right and I should just delete and reinstall. Don't have much in the way of interconnectivity with that device.
  5. An old 6 button keypadlinc finally went out, and via the Admin Console I added the new 8 button, then used "replace with" to replace 6 button with the 8 button I just added to the system. All seems to work, but my 8 button KPL is now showing as a 6 in Admin console. Any way to add the missing 2 buttons for a total of 8? Thanks!
  6. Thanks for the input. I need pretty simple, some of this is probably going to be more time than I want to put into it. I ordered the $15 gizmo from Amazon - it may be workable for my needs.
  7. Thanks - do you happen to have a link to a similar circuit or diagram that shows what you're saying? The resistor would have to be a value such that whatever voltage makes it through is the trigger point you are looking for? Thanks!
  8. Thanks for the info. I actually have a CAI WC8 board I bought for temperature input some 3-4 years ago probably, but it's in my parts bin. I initially hooked it up and found it fairly easy to configure and use, but don't remember anything about it now. If my little memory of it serves, I probably don't want to get that complicated. Also, in the mobile location I need to monitor voltage in, I need a super low current draw monitor or one that uses its own battery I can change or recharge a few times / year. I really just need to have some type of notification, event, trigger etc. when voltage drops below a certain point. I don't even really need an actual value, just a trigger when it is "not OK". I was wondering if there was a gizmo out there that would convert / report DC voltage level as resistance on a 10K thermistor scale, so you could read voltage with a temp. sensor that has a 10K thermistor input. Thanks again. Edit: Something like this thing might work, triggering a wireless Insteon on Elk module of one kind or another. Looks like current draw is fairly minimal, but probably more than I'd like. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YTVK1JK/ref=sspa_dk_detail_0?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B07YTVK1JK&pd_rd_w=DHhVH&pf_rd_p=45a72588-80f7-4414-9851-786f6c16d42b&pd_rd_wg=QaVQ7&pf_rd_r=9NTHF80CW6P063XAY8VD&pd_rd_r=ee0e6d11-80b7-460e-a828-2f302fa112e5&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzNlkzV0MxNTQzTjhOJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMDk1NzkwS0pWS0w0V0EyUTQzJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA2MTEwMjA3MjBJWERRTktTQUcmd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWwmYWN0aW9uPWNsaWNrUmVkaXJlY3QmZG9Ob3RMb2dDbGljaz10cnVl
  9. Wondering if there is a simple and cheap device that has a battery (or can be powered by one) and can transmit periodic DC voltage readings either to the ISY or something else that the ISY can communicate with (ELK for example)? I wouldn't need real time data, maybe hourly or even 2-4 x daily would suffice. Thanks for any help.
  10. I didn't realize I had to back up the ZW board and also backup the ISY. I had assumed backing up the ISY also backed up my ZW config. Fortunately for me my ZW network isn't very complex, and I really only have ZW for locks. It all still shows up in my topography, it just doesn't work, so I can pretty much do it manually - only 4 or 5 locks and 4 or 5 repeaters so the locks work. A few programs to lock those doors under certain conditions also - that's about it.
  11. Thanks - ordered another ZW board. I have my old 300 series board but that likely would cause me to have to rebuild the ZW network etc... so I'm hoping a duplicate board to the one I have will go in and not require all that - I hope. Apparently this one just decided to die in conjunction with the FW update (or maybe it went out within the day or 2 prior - I can't be certain that it went out at exactly the time I updated...)
  12. Thank you - great suggestions. I have already: I opened the case and reseated the ZW board. Manually updated to 16B again. No change. I haven't tried to restore the .14 backup (which I did make) so I guess I can give that a shot. EDIT: Just gave that a shot - still the Z Wave module is dead... Thanks
  13. .14 --> .16B update = "Z Wave Dongle Not Responding" Update seemed to go w/out issue before I noticed this. I had 4.55 Z Wave FW I think before upgrading, so understood I didn't need to do anything as far as upgrading that prior to general ISY FW update. There is an item below the "Z Wave Dongle Not Responding" for "Upgrade ZW Firmware" which I have not tried - looks like only option there is? Tried a ISY reboot, same issue. Tried power-cycling (twice) and have same issue. EDIT: Tried the "update firmware button" under the "Z Wave Dongle Not Responding", and it won't work because ISY can't communicate with the module in any way - can't reset it, can't initialize, etc... so it finally gives up. Seems updating the ISY FW killed the Z Wave board? Help!!
  14. I've picked up another 994izw pro for backup purposes (also another Insteon PLM to go with it). I'd like to set it up as a backup to my primary ISY. How should this be done, and how do the "Modules" or ISY Portal work in this regard (do I need to re-purchase these again for the backup unit?) Unsure how this all would work. Thanks for any direction.
  15. Thanks - just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something.
  16. I have a number of programs that are called by Alexa routines so I don't have to say "Turn on" or "Turn off", I can specify the syntax (Alexa, close the garage door...) Apparently the way I've been doing it, the "if" line in the program is ignored (most of my programs were only "Then" lines, so I didn't notice). I knew that if you don't use Alexa routines, you could run THEN or ELSE by saying "turn on" or "turn off". So I had to make additional programs for each program I wanted to run, with the THEN line reading "Run program xxxx, IF". So this works, but doubles then number of programs. I'll add that in the ISY portal, my programs are set to show in Alexa as a SCENE currently. Is there a way to somehow have the program, when called by an Alexa routine, to run a particular part of the program (the IF line in this case.)? Thanks!
  17. I see some newer ZW+ devices (Aeotec, for instance) can receive FW updates "OTA". How does this work exactly, and can the update be delivered by / through the ISY, or must it be done some other way? I see Aeotec sells a USB controller that they say can update FW of their devices that are ZW+, but I wonder if I would need it ? If so, would I have to un-link my ISY from my devices to use the stick as a controller in order to update FW? Any clarification would be welcome - thank you.
  18. Curious about how / why people are doing this, and what possibilities might exist. Also, multiple ISY's communicating / interacting at different locations (comm across internet -vs- LAN)? Any comments or direction to a thread or link would be apprciated!
  19. Thank you - I guess I should have been able to figure that out, but I appreciate your help.
  20. I've been using an ISY of one flavor or another for years, but it just occurred to me that I don't know why most of my devices in Admin Console main page are pink, but some are black. Some devices in scenes are red, others black. I'm sure it's really simple but could someone please enlighten me? Thanks!
  21. So I ordered a Kwikset Z-Wave plus handle / lock in one unit to try. Apparently any Z-Wave plus features won't be usable until (or if) ISY ever implements a "plus" upgrade? Would this even be possible in FW, or would another hardware radio card be needed?
  22. Great feedback all - thanks for the info. The Schlage looks like they have an older version around that doesn't have an alarm function (which I wouldn't need / want), but I wonder - these appear to be being phased out. The sense referenced above is probably overkill but I'll check those out as well.
  23. Looks like there are a few z-wave units that will work as far as the mechanical part goes. So being unfamiliar with z-wave, you can plug in a few range extenders, adopt them into the ISY and that should bridge the distance issue (since I don't have any z-wave devices ATM)? Thanks for the info.
  24. My Morninglinc / mii lock unit is pretty iffy, but still works. My Morninglinc Insteon module, however, refuses to connect with my new PLM. Tried the wiki routine of pressing buttons on unit etc.., but ISY won't add it - always sees it, then after apparently adding it, says "there was a problem..." and the device isn't added. Seems like many locks are Z-Wave, which I have in my ISY, but don't really have any zwave devices. I have a few I bought to test it a year or two ago, and it does work, my ISY is pretty far from where this lock would be - seriously doubt I could rely on zwave w/out putting some other device or devices between ISY and lock area? Or maybe there is a better alternative? I need a lock with a knob / handle in this location so the deadbolt only units are out. Thanks for any guidance.
  25. I've got Alexa control of many ISY devices and scenes, but recently went about creating some Groups (rooms in my case). Purpose being so I can say "Turn out the lights" and Alexa will turn out lights assigned to that group / room and I won't have to name the lights. So I have a particular Echo assigned to the group, and an ISY scene (which I can call specifically via Alexa, no problem) assigned to the group, but when I'm in that room and say "turn out the lights", Alexa says which one, or can't find a device called lights... or something to that effect. For example, an ISY scene I'm trying is called "Garage lights". I can say "turn on garage lights" from any Alexa and the lights in that scene go on like you'd expect. I can add that scene, and the Alexa I'm speaking to (the one in the garage in this case) to the Group, but when I say "turn on the lights", it doesn't work. Must be missing something simple - thanks for any help. EDIT: Figured it out - had to change the ISY portal settings so that Alexa sees the scene as a "light"
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