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Everything posted by telljcl

  1. Looks perfect. Any idea if this will also act as a shorting button ? I'm not sure I want to replace all 4 openers as my 23 year old ones work perfectly (though a little noisier). I did want a quieter one below my bedroom. I would wager these new ones will never last that long. Would like wall buttons to all be the same Thank you!
  2. Replaced a garage door opener (old school, with momentary button on the wall). New Chamberlain unit has a "smart" wall switch with motion sensor and programming buttons. Still just 2 wires going to motor unit, but shorting the wires will not open or close the door. Obviously there is some kind of a data bus on these 2 wires but I really don't want to mount these huge buttons (4 of them) on the wall where I don't really have space. Don't care about motion sense and light buttons etc.. Just want to open and close with the "old" buttons. Anybody know a way to do this? I prefer to keep it as simple as possible and avoid running additional wires. BTW, its a "MyQ enabled" Chamberlain WD832KEV http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00APL6Q0W?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00 Thanks for any insight!
  3. Lots of options and I welcome all the advice. I'm looking to keep it pretty simple (no new programming if I can avoid it) but I did order an Aeotec and a Webcontrol board with some temp sensors. I plan on following the guide posted earlier to get that thing working to monitor 6 or 8 diff temps. What is the preferred wire for extending temp sensors? Shielded? It's 3 conductor so should each conductor have its own shield or will UTP wire work OK? Thanks!
  4. So let me see if I have this straight - the Webcontrol board using cheap temperature sensors IS reliable and fairly easy (no reboot issues, programming work-arounds etc...) to implement with ISY, but the humidity sensors (what part #?) do NOT work reliably at this time? And these (that apparently aren't reliable) can only be soldered to about 10' of wire max away from the board? Is the humidity accurate if you solder / attach the sensor directly to the board or is it that the board and sensor combo do not work together (without modification / fancy programming / special circumstances etc...) ? Thanks and sorry if I'm slow to get this
  5. Larry, Interesting stuff on webcontrol board and sensors. seems relatively simple. I would assume you could locate temp / humidity sensors at the end of a wire (20-30 feet maybe?) from webcontrol board or do they need to be attached directly to the board? I'd like to use one board and attach several sensors a short distance from it. Couldnt find the "2420 or 24b20" sensors you mention on ebay? Thanks!
  6. Those Aeotec multisensors look interesting. Can't seem to find the recessed mounting option for them anywhere at the moment. Appears they are working reasonably well for people. Might have to try some out (maybe for other uses as well). Any other suggestions? Remember I can use the ELK also, so any sensors / modules for that could be used. Thanks!
  7. Thanks for the info. Absolute accuracy may not be that important in this case as long as the variability of said accuracy is minimal. Also, I'm really (in this case) just wanting to read if the humidity is high enough that a shower exhaust fan needs to come on, then go off when the humidity is down again. What are the resources you recommend? Thanks
  8. I've got thermostats that relay this info to my ISY, but they aren't cheap. I've also got an ELK which has modules available that can do temperature (don't have any), but they aren't cheap either. Prefer a hard-wired solution (I use many ELK alarm sensors for automation tasks because they are reliable) but maybe there is a z-wave device that is cheap and easy to integrate into ISY? (I have zwave module but no zwave stuff). Thanks for any insight.
  9. Thanks. Major point I discovered is that the ISY was causing either all or most of the issues. I have spent so much time studying this I'm about to pull my hair out. Finally ran tiny bits of programs and it wasn't controlling network resources (thermostat) properly or at all. I was getting completely random (and at odd times) commands, or mostly - no commands working. I could (until the very end) "Test" the network resource (which have been set up and working fine for many months) and they would work - but not in programs reliably or at all. I put "wait" periods in between the commands to no avail. Then the "test" button would not work - couldn't even click it eventually. Short answer is I killed power to ISY and re-booted and all of a sudden I don't seem quite so stupid. Everything works, or if it doesn't a little bit of study will find it. I wasted probably 8 hours trying to figure out why all of a sudden I couldn't seem to understand things before realizing this. I'm sure I had some errors still as well, but this was clearly the thing that was causing me not to be able to zero in on it. Whole thing was like trying to solve a complex equation with a calculator that was overclocked by 200% and was spewing bogus data most of the time but I assumed it had to be correct. Live and learn. Thanks for all the help - I'm still no expert, but I've used this thing for quite a while and things have gone just fine.
  10. So I've tried to incorporate a few of the above suggestions but wanted to see if someone could check these 2 program screen shots and see what is wrong with them. One program is supposed to determine a "Flag" value (state variable in this case) of 0 or 1 depending on the 3 state variables in the "If" part. The second program is supposed to start a long, multi-program chain (run program 1 - program 1 runs program 2, etc...) based on the variable value set in the 1st program. If the "Flag" variable somehow changes during the long execution of multiple programs, will the execution stop or does it continue regardless once the "Then run program 1..." starts? I'm getting either unpredictable behavior or when I tried using integer variables I was having trouble getting the programs to run when conditions warranted. Thanks for any help - I'm trying to get this but I just must be thick-headed I guess.
  11. Thanks - my fault for not understanding how the programming works. If programs don't / can't function as subroutines, what would be the proper way to run a "subroutine" or the ISY equivalent? So you are saying that there is no way to perform actions (say, check status of this before changing the value of that) in any sort of order, other than a simple "IF: $A=5 THEN: make $B=2" ? All the programs I want to run in order are "disabled", which (seems) like they would run only when you called them to run. I guess I'm trying to perform an equation, and that's tough to do if you can't control the order in which various parts of it are calculated. The results are different every time. In trying to control and sync multiple thermostats there are a lot of conditions to check and they are constantly changing - maybe it just isn't possible to accomplish with the ISY, but I could do it manually if I ran around and set this to that if this other setting was set a certain way etc... Which is what I always assumed the ISY could do. I still have to assume that it must be possible - It appears I just probably don't have the kind of time needed to acquire the programming skills required to do it (even though I've had an ISY for 4 or 5 years and have lots of (simpler) programs that run constantly and without issue. A little frustrated but I appreciate your help. Any suggestions appreciated.
  12. I've got a program which calls for the running of other programs - maybe 10 or 12 in a specific order, calculating and verifying in a way that requires the order to be proper. I use the "move up / down" button to organize the programs. Example: If: $A = 1 Then: Run First program Run Second program Run Third program... I'm getting some unpredictable results, and I notice in the "Summary" page of "Programs", the time of execution does not seem to be in the same order the programs were listed to be run. They all run sometimes in the same second, or very close, but are not listed in the proper order even after sorting by time (execution or finished time). Is there some reason WHY the programs wouldn't run in the order you specify? Do I need to put a "wait 1 second" command between listed programs to get it to order them properly ? I've been fairly frustrated with the ISY programming logic lately - This appears to be another thing I just don't understand. Any help would be appreciated - Thanks!
  13. Wow - my logic and that of ISY programming are way out of sync! I just thought it would run if it was in that time period. I guess I've only used specific times before, and not run into this. Larry - thanks - that makes sense. So can I "tabulate" a variable that another program is using to make a decision or do I have to use a second variable to equal the one I'm adding up so it changes to the proper value all at once ? Hope this makes sense - see above.
  14. Still struggling with my programming here. I seem to be having several issues, stemming from variables that I think should be "changing" in real-time actually NOT changing, so my programs don't work right. For example: (all are now "state" variables) IF: from 12am to 11:59:59pm, same day Then: $den temp difference cool = $stat den indoor temp $den temp difference cool -= $stat den cool setpoint I don't get the proper $den temp diff cool number all the time. It always works if I manually run the program. Also, do any programs that act on the value of $den temp diff cool "see" the moving number as it is being calculated? I.e. before the calculation is "finished"? Because I feel like that may be happening as well. Similarly, I need a number to constantly be calculated so the result can drive program starts. IF: from 12am to 11:59:59pm same day Then: $Number of High TD Units Running = $AC Den is High TD $Number of High TD Units Running += $AC Upstairs is High TD $Number of High TD Units Running += $Kitchen is High TD Doesn't seem to provide a correct number of running units most of the time. The units are "high TD" as determined by the below program: IF: $AC Den Cool Temp Diff >=2 or $AC Den Heat Temp Diff >=2 THEN: $AC Den is High TD=1 ELSE: $AC Den is High TD=0 Again, all of these variables are "state". Any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong or a more streamlined approach? Thanks for any help.
  15. I'm not sure how I've been able to have programs that work for so long not understanding this properly - lucky I guess. I've changed the variables that I need to rely on most to State - didn't take that long with the search / replace feature. Things seem to be 100%. Thanks!
  16. Well that explains a lot also. I've never professed to be any kind of expert on ISY - far, far from it - but it's amazing I'm just now figuring this out. I've been lucky I guess. Just wish I could somehow change some of these variables over easily. Edit: search and replace... Nice. Thanks!
  17. Well that explains a lot. I've got about 70 variables and things seem to work pretty well - maybe I'm lucky in how I'm using them. I'll need to go through it all (that's going to take a while...) and see if some i variables need to be changed to s. I know I've got programs that use integer variables in the "if" part - not sure why they've been working... Thanks for the clarification.
  18. Thanks - sorry for lack of info as I'm still changing a few things. It is not a state variable - should it be? Not sure of the difference. Thanks
  19. Edit: Still testing - couldn't seem to delete post...
  20. Thanks - So the "TLS" checkbox in the email settings of the admin console doesn't matter - only whatever is set in the "dashboard"? I couldn't get gmail to work on its "more secure" option with any options enabled in the "Dashboard", so I had to leave those alone and use the basic security (in the admin console - TLS checked - port 587) and turn off (in google account security) "enhanced security". I'd like to be able to enable the higher security in this google account if possible - perhaps you can indicate what the ISY settings (in "dashboard" and "admin console") should be to make this work correctly? Thanks!
  21. Thanks Michel. I do have a PRO, but am not sure (even after reading link) how to change email server authentication / login security. I only see TLS checkbox (admin console). I see the server / client TLS 1.2 etc... in the dashboard, but does that affect email? I couldn't get it to work with googles "more secure" setting. I ended up just using another gmail account where I don't care about the security and then I can leave the google sign in at less-secure. I would like to know how to configure this though, if it's possible. Thanks.
  22. Maybe this is something to do with Google security, but all of a sudden I can't send emails from ISY. Haven't changed anything, password the same etc... Tried re-entering pw on ISY. Can access gmail just fine from web. Is this happening to anyone else? EDIT: Nevermind - you have to enable "access for less secure devices" on security settings. I changed it for something else. Guess I have to change it back.
  23. Xathros - Thanks. But won't the below program set the thermostat to 75 anytime (and all the time) while the Inline Linc is "off"? I only want to trigger something on the change of status - does ISY only update "status" when there is a change? Thanks for your help! If Status "inline linc" is OFF Then Thermostat setpoint = 75
  24. I'm trying to write a simple program that adjusts the thermostat when the ceiling fan is switched ON, and another to put it back when the fan is switched OFF. Works great except if the ceiling fan is turned "ON" or "OFF" without using the keypadlinc button (say, remotely via ISY console or Mobilinc etc...) The fan is controlled by an Inline-linc in this case, which is linked to a keypadlinc button (and a scene). I can't specify the usual "If CONTROL - Inlinelinc - is switched "ON" .... I guess because there is no button on it to be turned on. I can use "status" but that isn't useful to determine time-of-change as far as I know. What would be the way to detect if this inline linc is turned on or turned off - by button press or remotely? Thanks for any suggestions.
  25. Thanks for all that info!
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