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Everything posted by macjeff

  1. This was a known issue on 5.5.6 of course if you upgraded while the admin console is open you will get this. Once on 5.5.7 it should not happen. if it does I would open a ticket. As just mentioned it has to do with the amount of connections and traffic. I was able to reproduce by just disconnecting a network cable. I can’t make mine do it anymore. also if you have not done a total reboot of EISY and update packages a second time please do. I know on polisy that was needed.
  2. Clear your Java cache. Then use the start Java app to get a new version of everything and it should be fine after that. You have to do this every time the ISY is updated from now on so that admin console up to date to match.
  3. I wish they would alert you on screen. Sometimes I can’t hear the beeps since polisy is on another floor. I have to run really fast after hitting upgrade packages. Lol
  4. Anyone else having these Z wave issues?
  5. even something as simple as pulling the network cable for a minute or so would crash it. If anything was connected and it dropped connection (sometimes it would be the second drop) then it would restart ISY. I am on beta and its fine. I have not tried the official 5.5.7 yet. And with all the issues last weekend, I will wait until Monday most likely.
  6. also does not matter port 8443 or 8080. Michel is aware of the issue and could not do immediate fix. They will work internally on this. I will update here (or he will) when fixed. But for now make sure you choose file exit in the admin console on mac and pc(though PC you really have to end task to cause issue), dont force quit UD Mobile, and dont run homebridge unless you understand that touching it in almost any way will cause your ISY service to restart.
  7. I have a screenshare with Michel today. We will get to bottom of this!!! For now leave Homebridge off or if you start it DONT restart it. Here are my findings.... 1. Mac- Hitting command q or quitting admin console causes ISY on Polisy (not sure about EISY) to reboot almost instantly . Fix is to go to file and exit in admin console before quitting 2. PC- Since mac does a full quit it and PC does more of a minimize when you close it does not crash, HOWEVER, you can cause the same issue by ending task with task manager when using Admin console. ISY will restart. 3. Homebridge- Restarting computer, stop service, restart homebridge all crashes ISY. 4. iOS- Some apps other than UD Mobile (it works fine) will cause ISY to restart. Its all due to the way it disconnects. It needs to unsubscribe correctly from the ISY or it crashes.
  8. I know. I run the same node server I had to go into admin console. Go to the actual Tempest device. Not the forecast data and not the actual node server I right click on it and choose query and it comes in. Not sure why it’s not auto populating though. It used to
  9. I had same issue but clicked on TEMPEST and hit query for that (not the Node Server query) and it came in about 5 seconds later.
  10. Just did the same thing on a PC. Difference is a PC does a graceful disconnect but a mac does not. To emulate what a mac does when you quit you can do END TASK and the problem does happen. Also if anyone runs homebridge when restarting it, same problem happens.
  11. I have many notes servers and one left on PG2 but the rest on PG3
  12. Update on my last post. The issue is Latest JAVA update on Mac with latest os 13.2 The fix is simple. DONT just quit the ISY launcher. Go to file and EXIT and you will be fine. if you dont it may reboot IOX. I confirmed on a second mac.
  13. ** Anyone who did this, the problem is fixed. What I did is go back and change BACK to latest in the text file (from quarterly) from previous post. then go to Admin console and upgrade packages. wait until its TOTALLY finished updating and then reboot Polisy one more time. You will end up on 5.5.6 (From 5.5.5) and everything else updated also.
  14. So I had the issue and fixed it as instructed. I am back up again but my IOX keeps restarting itself. I even stopped pg3 totally and same thing. Power cycled. New Power supply (I tried it but if it was that it would cause the entire polisy to reboot) Tried Everything. Sent logs to tech support but all I see is Queue Full. I keep refreshing the portal to see the green light (That will go grey when it reboots so its an easy way to tell.) I also have a program on startup that lets me know but it takes a while since it has to Query on startup first. Its not open up to the outside world and nothing else connecting to it but the admin console (pg2 i guess but as I said pg3 is stopped) I might be onto something though. I had it working fine for 45 min with the admin console open. I closed the admin console and within a minute IOX restarted (but not the entire polisy). I have a support ticket in and will update that but any ideas I will try. not 100% sure the admin console has anything to do with it but I did not have it open that long before. Very Strange.
  15. That would be a question for Bob who wrote PG3. I think he monitors this. Also I have sent all this to my support ticket and we shall see what they say. Until I find out more I would not run any updates. I will post here when I know more.
  16. It looks like the fix came from Chris so I credited him but I did elaborate a lot on the fix with exact instructions. But thanks to @shbatmalso so that everyone is credited
  17. Thanks to @Chris Jahnand @brians I think I have a fix SSH into the Polisy (If you dont know how to do that or not comfortable please do not continue) at command prompt type cd /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/ then type sudo ee FreeBSD.conf and when asked enter your password then change the word latest to quarterly so it looks like this FreeBSD: { url: "https://pkg.FreeBSD.org/${ABI}/quarterly", enabled: yes, priority: 1 } then hit the escape key hit a for leave and then a again for save once saved and back to prompt type sudo pkg upgrade -f mongo-c-driver type y when asked . should say this Number of packages to be reinstalled: 1 Number of packages to be downgraded: 1 once that is done type sudo reboot you should hear a beep and then another beep when the restart process is over And your back online!!! *** After talking to tech support I will update this post if anything needs to be done for long term fix.
  18. it worked on the backup unit. Going to type up a fix (slightly altered) and post it once I do mine
  19. Yours might be different. It happens when you upgrade packages and admin console goes away too. Only pg2 and SSH comes back. Are you going to it via a URL like this (replace <IP> with IP of your Polisy https://<ip>:3000/dashboard it will probably warn you its not secure but ok that and you will be fine. Thats because it does not have an SSL cert. which is not needed locally. If you still cant get in I dont know. If admin console is working it does not sound like the same issue.
  20. I am not savvy enough but they are not using the api. Every time I bring it up they change the subject. I am not the programmer and we are not in any position of control so I have no pull.
  21. We actually write software for Pentair screenlogic and intellicenter and I have asked them several times to share the APIs. I am not sure why but I’m working on it constantly one day hopefully they will say ok.
  22. Also tried a stop and start
  23. Rebooting should restart it but I also did sudo pkg udx restart
  24. Already tried that. I think it’s some sort of permissions issue where the files aren’t linked correctly
  25. same here but if I just go to https://<IP>/ I get the Pg2 website
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