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Everything posted by macjeff

  1. I rebooted again and its working I downloaded a log file earlier so see if this helps. Notification_3-22-2023_73720-AM.zip
  2. Says something about threads can only be started once. All I did was reboot PG3. Jeff 2023-03-22 09:33:58,336 MainThread udi_interface INFO polylogger:set_basic_config: set_basic_config: enable=True level=30 2023-03-22 09:34:02,071 MainThread udi_interface INFO __init__:<module>: UDI Python Interface for Polyglot version 3 3.0.55 Starting... 2023-03-22 09:34:02,537 MainThread udi_interface.interface INFO interface:__init__: Initialization received from Polyglot V3 3.1.18 [ISY: 5.5.9, Slot: 15] 2023-03-22 09:34:02,540 MainThread udi_interface.interface INFO interface:__init__: Connect: Network Interface: {'addr': '', 'netmask': '', 'broadcast': ''} 2023-03-22 09:34:02,543 Interface udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_startMqtt: Connecting to MQTT... localhost:1888 2023-03-22 09:34:02,547 MainThread udi_interface.interface WARNING interface:start: No node server version specified. Using deprecated server.json version 2023-03-22 09:34:02,549 MainThread udi_interface.interface WARNING interface:db_getNodeDrivers: controller not found in database. 2023-03-22 09:34:02,551 MainThread udi_interface DEBUG Controller:init_typed: enter 2023-03-22 09:34:02,552 MainThread udi_interface.custom INFO custom:_save: Sending data customtypedparams to Polyglot. 2023-03-22 09:34:02,553 MainThread udi_interface DEBUG Controller:init_typed: exit 2023-03-22 09:34:02,554 MainThread udi_interface.custom INFO custom:_save: Sending data notices to Polyglot. 2023-03-22 09:34:02,555 MainThread udi_interface.interface INFO interface:addNode: Adding node Notification Controller(controller) [None] 2023-03-22 09:34:02,555 MainThread udi_interface.interface INFO interface:setController: Using node "controller", driver "ST" for connection status. 2023-03-22 09:34:02,626 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_connect: MQTT Connected with result code 0 (Success) 2023-03-22 09:34:02,628 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_connect: MQTT Subscribing to topic: udi/pg3/ns/clients/00:0d:b9:53:2c:34_15 - MID: 1 Result: 0 2023-03-22 09:34:02,638 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: Exception in thread 2023-03-22 09:34:02,638 MQTT udi_interface.interface ERROR interface:_startMqtt: MQTT Connection SSLError: [SSL: BAD_LENGTH] bad length (_ssl.c:2488), Will retry in a few seconds. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/udi_interface/interface.py", line 530, in _startMqtt self._mqttc.loop_forever() File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 1756, in loop_forever rc = self._loop(timeout) File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 1181, in _loop rc = self.loop_write() File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 1577, in loop_write rc = self._packet_write() File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 2464, in _packet_write write_length = self._sock_send( File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 649, in _sock_send return self._sock.send(buf) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/ssl.py", line 1174, in send return self._sslobj.write(data) ssl.SSLError: [SSL: BAD_LENGTH] bad length (_ssl.c:2488) 2023-03-22 09:34:02,639 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: Publish 2023-03-22 09:34:02,661 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: : 2023-03-22 09:34:02,662 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: Traceback (most recent call last): 2023-03-22 09:34:02,662 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/threading.py", line 980, in _bootstrap_inner 2023-03-22 09:34:02,666 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: self.run() 2023-03-22 09:34:02,667 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/threading.py", line 917, in run 2023-03-22 09:34:02,670 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs) 2023-03-22 09:34:02,672 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/udi_interface/interface.py", line 616, in _sendThread 2023-03-22 09:34:02,674 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: self._mqttc.publish(topic, json.dumps(message), retain=False) 2023-03-22 09:34:02,675 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 1257, in publish 2023-03-22 09:34:02,679 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: rc = self._send_publish( 2023-03-22 09:34:02,680 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 2693, in _send_publish 2023-03-22 09:34:02,687 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: return self._packet_queue(PUBLISH, packet, mid, qos, info) 2023-03-22 09:34:02,687 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 3016, in _packet_queue 2023-03-22 09:34:02,695 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: return self.loop_write() 2023-03-22 09:34:02,696 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 1577, in loop_write 2023-03-22 09:34:02,701 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: rc = self._packet_write() 2023-03-22 09:34:02,702 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 2464, in _packet_write 2023-03-22 09:34:02,708 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: write_length = self._sock_send( 2023-03-22 09:34:02,709 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 649, in _sock_send 2023-03-22 09:34:02,712 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: return self._sock.send(buf) 2023-03-22 09:34:02,713 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/ssl.py", line 1174, in send 2023-03-22 09:34:02,718 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: return self._sslobj.write(data) 2023-03-22 09:34:02,719 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: OSError 2023-03-22 09:34:02,719 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: : 2023-03-22 09:34:02,720 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: [Errno 14] Bad address 2023-03-22 09:34:05,763 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_connect: MQTT Connected with result code 0 (Success) 2023-03-22 09:34:05,765 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_connect: MQTT Subscribing to topic: udi/pg3/ns/clients/00:0d:b9:53:2c:34_15 - MID: 8 Result: 0 2023-03-22 09:34:05,766 MQTT udi_interface.interface ERROR interface:_startMqtt: MQTT Connection error: An exception of type RuntimeError occurred. Arguments: ('threads can only be started once',) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/udi_interface/interface.py", line 530, in _startMqtt self._mqttc.loop_forever() File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 1756, in loop_forever rc = self._loop(timeout) File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 1164, in _loop rc = self.loop_read() File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 1556, in loop_read rc = self._packet_read() File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 2439, in _packet_read rc = self._packet_handle() File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 3039, in _packet_handle return self._handle_connack() File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 3138, in _handle_connack on_connect( File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/udi_interface/interface.py", line 322, in _connect self._outThread.start() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/threading.py", line 894, in start raise RuntimeError("threads can only be started once") RuntimeError: threads can only be started once 2023-03-22 09:36:24,610 MainThread udi_interface INFO polylogger:set_basic_config: set_basic_config: enable=True level=30 2023-03-22 09:36:27,246 MainThread udi_interface INFO __init__:<module>: UDI Python Interface for Polyglot version 3 3.0.55 Starting... 2023-03-22 09:36:27,285 MainThread udi_interface.interface INFO interface:__init__: Initialization received from Polyglot V3 3.1.18 [ISY: 5.5.9, Slot: 15] 2023-03-22 09:36:27,287 MainThread udi_interface.interface INFO interface:__init__: Connect: Network Interface: {'addr': '', 'netmask': '', 'broadcast': ''} 2023-03-22 09:36:27,289 Interface udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_startMqtt: Connecting to MQTT... localhost:1888 2023-03-22 09:36:27,292 MainThread udi_interface.interface WARNING interface:start: No node server version specified. Using deprecated server.json version 2023-03-22 09:36:27,293 MainThread udi_interface.interface WARNING interface:db_getNodeDrivers: controller not found in database. 2023-03-22 09:36:27,294 MainThread udi_interface DEBUG Controller:init_typed: enter 2023-03-22 09:36:27,295 MainThread udi_interface.custom INFO custom:_save: Sending data customtypedparams to Polyglot. 2023-03-22 09:36:27,296 MainThread udi_interface DEBUG Controller:init_typed: exit 2023-03-22 09:36:27,297 MainThread udi_interface.custom INFO custom:_save: Sending data notices to Polyglot. 2023-03-22 09:36:27,298 MainThread udi_interface.interface INFO interface:addNode: Adding node Notification Controller(controller) [None] 2023-03-22 09:36:27,298 MainThread udi_interface.interface INFO interface:setController: Using node "controller", driver "ST" for connection status. 2023-03-22 09:36:27,344 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_connect: MQTT Connected with result code 0 (Success) 2023-03-22 09:36:27,346 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_connect: MQTT Subscribing to topic: udi/pg3/ns/clients/00:0d:b9:53:2c:34_15 - MID: 1 Result: 0 2023-03-22 09:36:27,355 MQTT udi_interface.interface ERROR interface:_startMqtt: MQTT Connection SSLError: EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:2488), Will retry in a few seconds. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/udi_interface/interface.py", line 530, in _startMqtt self._mqttc.loop_forever() File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 1756, in loop_forever rc = self._loop(timeout) File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 1181, in _loop rc = self.loop_write() File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 1577, in loop_write rc = self._packet_write() File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 2464, in _packet_write write_length = self._sock_send( File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 649, in _sock_send return self._sock.send(buf) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/ssl.py", line 1174, in send return self._sslobj.write(data) ssl.SSLEOFError: EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:2488) 2023-03-22 09:36:30,439 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_connect: MQTT Connected with result code 0 (Success) 2023-03-22 09:36:30,441 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_connect: MQTT Subscribing to topic: udi/pg3/ns/clients/00:0d:b9:53:2c:34_15 - MID: 9 Result: 0 2023-03-22 09:36:30,442 MQTT udi_interface.interface ERROR interface:_startMqtt: MQTT Connection error: An exception of type RuntimeError occurred. Arguments: ('threads can only be started once',) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/udi_interface/interface.py", line 530, in _startMqtt self._mqttc.loop_forever() File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 1756, in loop_forever rc = self._loop(timeout) File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 1164, in _loop rc = self.loop_read() File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 1556, in loop_read rc = self._packet_read() File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 2439, in _packet_read rc = self._packet_handle() File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 3039, in _packet_handle return self._handle_connack() File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 3138, in _handle_connack on_connect( File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/udi_interface/interface.py", line 322, in _connect self._outThread.start() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/threading.py", line 894, in start raise RuntimeError("threads can only be started once") RuntimeError: threads can only be started once 2023-03-22 09:37:42,214 MainThread udi_interface INFO polylogger:set_basic_config: set_basic_config: enable=True level=30 2023-03-22 09:37:45,389 MainThread udi_interface INFO __init__:<module>: UDI Python Interface for Polyglot version 3 3.0.55 Starting... 2023-03-22 09:37:45,440 MainThread udi_interface.interface INFO interface:__init__: Initialization received from Polyglot V3 3.1.18 [ISY: 5.5.9, Slot: 15] 2023-03-22 09:37:45,443 MainThread udi_interface.interface INFO interface:__init__: Connect: Network Interface: {'addr': '', 'netmask': '', 'broadcast': ''} 2023-03-22 09:37:45,446 Interface udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_startMqtt: Connecting to MQTT... localhost:1888 2023-03-22 09:37:45,450 MainThread udi_interface.interface WARNING interface:start: No node server version specified. Using deprecated server.json version 2023-03-22 09:37:45,451 MainThread udi_interface.interface WARNING interface:db_getNodeDrivers: controller not found in database. 2023-03-22 09:37:45,453 MainThread udi_interface DEBUG Controller:init_typed: enter 2023-03-22 09:37:45,455 MainThread udi_interface.custom INFO custom:_save: Sending data customtypedparams to Polyglot. 2023-03-22 09:37:45,456 MainThread udi_interface DEBUG Controller:init_typed: exit 2023-03-22 09:37:45,457 MainThread udi_interface.custom INFO custom:_save: Sending data notices to Polyglot. 2023-03-22 09:37:45,458 MainThread udi_interface.interface INFO interface:addNode: Adding node Notification Controller(controller) [None] 2023-03-22 09:37:45,459 MainThread udi_interface.interface INFO interface:setController: Using node "controller", driver "ST" for connection status. 2023-03-22 09:37:45,525 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_connect: MQTT Connected with result code 0 (Success) 2023-03-22 09:37:45,527 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_connect: MQTT Subscribing to topic: udi/pg3/ns/clients/00:0d:b9:53:2c:34_15 - MID: 1 Result: 0 2023-03-22 09:37:45,536 MQTT udi_interface.interface ERROR interface:_startMqtt: MQTT Connection SSLError: EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:2488), Will retry in a few seconds. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/udi_interface/interface.py", line 530, in _startMqtt self._mqttc.loop_forever() File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 1756, in loop_forever rc = self._loop(timeout) File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 1181, in _loop rc = self.loop_write() File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 1577, in loop_write rc = self._packet_write() File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 2464, in _packet_write write_length = self._sock_send( File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 649, in _sock_send return self._sock.send(buf) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/ssl.py", line 1174, in send return self._sslobj.write(data) ssl.SSLEOFError: EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:2488) 2023-03-22 09:37:45,539 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: Exception in thread 2023-03-22 09:37:45,557 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: Publish 2023-03-22 09:37:45,558 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: : 2023-03-22 09:37:45,559 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: Traceback (most recent call last): 2023-03-22 09:37:45,560 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/threading.py", line 980, in _bootstrap_inner 2023-03-22 09:37:45,564 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: self.run() 2023-03-22 09:37:45,565 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/threading.py", line 917, in run 2023-03-22 09:37:45,568 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs) 2023-03-22 09:37:45,569 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/udi_interface/interface.py", line 616, in _sendThread 2023-03-22 09:37:45,572 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: self._mqttc.publish(topic, json.dumps(message), retain=False) 2023-03-22 09:37:45,574 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 1257, in publish 2023-03-22 09:37:45,579 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: rc = self._send_publish( 2023-03-22 09:37:45,580 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 2693, in _send_publish 2023-03-22 09:37:45,588 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: return self._packet_queue(PUBLISH, packet, mid, qos, info) 2023-03-22 09:37:45,589 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 3016, in _packet_queue 2023-03-22 09:37:45,597 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: return self.loop_write() 2023-03-22 09:37:45,598 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 1577, in loop_write 2023-03-22 09:37:45,602 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: rc = self._packet_write() 2023-03-22 09:37:45,604 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 2464, in _packet_write 2023-03-22 09:37:45,610 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: write_length = self._sock_send( 2023-03-22 09:37:45,612 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 649, in _sock_send 2023-03-22 09:37:45,616 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: return self._sock.send(buf) 2023-03-22 09:37:45,617 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/ssl.py", line 1174, in send 2023-03-22 09:37:45,621 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: return self._sslobj.write(data) 2023-03-22 09:37:45,622 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: ssl 2023-03-22 09:37:45,623 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: . 2023-03-22 09:37:45,624 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: SSLError 2023-03-22 09:37:45,625 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: : 2023-03-22 09:37:45,625 Publish udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: [SSL: BAD_LENGTH] bad length (_ssl.c:2488) 2023-03-22 09:37:48,616 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_connect: MQTT Connected with result code 0 (Success) 2023-03-22 09:37:48,618 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_connect: MQTT Subscribing to topic: udi/pg3/ns/clients/00:0d:b9:53:2c:34_15 - MID: 9 Result: 0 2023-03-22 09:37:48,619 MQTT udi_interface.interface ERROR interface:_startMqtt: MQTT Connection error: An exception of type RuntimeError occurred. Arguments: ('threads can only be started once',) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/udi_interface/interface.py", line 530, in _startMqtt self._mqttc.loop_forever() File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 1756, in loop_forever rc = self._loop(timeout) File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 1164, in _loop rc = self.loop_read() File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 1556, in loop_read rc = self._packet_read() File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 2439, in _packet_read rc = self._packet_handle() File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 3039, in _packet_handle return self._handle_connack() File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 3138, in _handle_connack on_connect( File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/udi_interface/interface.py", line 322, in _connect self._outThread.start() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/threading.py", line 894, in start raise RuntimeError("threads can only be started once") RuntimeError: threads can only be started once 2023-03-22 09:42:10,821 MainThread udi_interface INFO polylogger:set_basic_config: set_basic_config: enable=True level=30 2023-03-22 09:42:13,468 MainThread udi_interface INFO __init__:<module>: UDI Python Interface for Polyglot version 3 3.0.55 Starting... 2023-03-22 09:42:13,510 MainThread udi_interface.interface INFO interface:__init__: Initialization received from Polyglot V3 3.1.18 [ISY: 5.5.9, Slot: 15] 2023-03-22 09:42:13,512 MainThread udi_interface.interface INFO interface:__init__: Connect: Network Interface: {'addr': '', 'netmask': '', 'broadcast': ''} 2023-03-22 09:42:13,515 Interface udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_startMqtt: Connecting to MQTT... localhost:1888 2023-03-22 09:42:13,519 MainThread udi_interface.interface WARNING interface:start: No node server version specified. Using deprecated server.json version 2023-03-22 09:42:13,521 MainThread udi_interface.interface WARNING interface:db_getNodeDrivers: controller not found in database. 2023-03-22 09:42:13,523 MainThread udi_interface DEBUG Controller:init_typed: enter 2023-03-22 09:42:13,525 MainThread udi_interface.custom INFO custom:_save: Sending data customtypedparams to Polyglot. 2023-03-22 09:42:13,526 MainThread udi_interface DEBUG Controller:init_typed: exit 2023-03-22 09:42:13,528 MainThread udi_interface.custom INFO custom:_save: Sending data notices to Polyglot. 2023-03-22 09:42:13,529 MainThread udi_interface.interface INFO interface:addNode: Adding node Notification Controller(controller) [None] 2023-03-22 09:42:13,536 MainThread udi_interface.interface INFO interface:setController: Using node "controller", driver "ST" for connection status. 2023-03-22 09:42:13,598 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_connect: MQTT Connected with result code 0 (Success) 2023-03-22 09:42:13,599 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_connect: MQTT Subscribing to topic: udi/pg3/ns/clients/00:0d:b9:53:2c:34_15 - MID: 1 Result: 0 2023-03-22 09:42:13,610 MQTT udi_interface.interface ERROR interface:_startMqtt: MQTT Connection SSLError: EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:2488), Will retry in a few seconds. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/udi_interface/interface.py", line 530, in _startMqtt self._mqttc.loop_forever() File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 1756, in loop_forever rc = self._loop(timeout) File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 1181, in _loop rc = self.loop_write() File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 1577, in loop_write rc = self._packet_write() File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 2464, in _packet_write write_length = self._sock_send( File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 649, in _sock_send return self._sock.send(buf) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/ssl.py", line 1174, in send return self._sslobj.write(data) ssl.SSLEOFError: EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:2488) 2023-03-22 09:42:16,694 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_connect: MQTT Connected with result code 0 (Success) 2023-03-22 09:42:16,695 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_connect: MQTT Subscribing to topic: udi/pg3/ns/clients/00:0d:b9:53:2c:34_15 - MID: 9 Result: 0 2023-03-22 09:42:16,697 MQTT udi_interface.interface ERROR interface:_startMqtt: MQTT Connection error: An exception of type RuntimeError occurred. Arguments: ('threads can only be started once',) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/udi_interface/interface.py", line 530, in _startMqtt self._mqttc.loop_forever() File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 1756, in loop_forever rc = self._loop(timeout) File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 1164, in _loop rc = self.loop_read() File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 1556, in loop_read rc = self._packet_read() File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 2439, in _packet_read rc = self._packet_handle() File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 3039, in _packet_handle return self._handle_connack() File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 3138, in _handle_connack on_connect( File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/udi_interface/interface.py", line 322, in _connect self._outThread.start() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/threading.py", line 894, in start raise RuntimeError("threads can only be started once") RuntimeError: threads can only be started once
  3. I had another nodeserver updated yesterday. When I updated it, I had the same issue. I had another (nonrelated) issue and had to restart pg3. They all came back with versions. @stevehoyt Did you try restarting pg3? Not update- just restart it from the menu in Pg3
  4. I assume when a new update comes out for the ones that are not showing it, it will alert you have a new version. I also view by date and can see that way if a new version has come out most of the time
  5. The latest version of Polisy is for EISY only so you should be at the latest I have a DEV polisy. I did not have KASA on it. I installed it. Watched it come up and SAID VERSION for about 5 seconds and then it goes away and just says production. Not sure whats going on. Strange. But I confirmed its not my polisy or pg3 for sure or an upgrade issue
  6. I am running on Polisy and 3.1.18 is the latest for Polisy. Are you running on EISY? If so then yes there is an upgrade. I am only running ONE of your other nodeservers (WirelessTags) It shows version for me. See screenshot I also just updated one other nodeserver and it shows the latest version so its not an update issue.
  7. thanks for your message. we will have to see what @bpwwer says about this. May be a bug or may be intentional. If intentional then how can we tell what version we have. I dont see it anywhere else?
  8. It does not show version number. I confirmed its the correct installed. Before this it showed 3.0.18 and now no version but it is 3.0.20. I attached screenshot and log. See it just shows production and not the version number. Kasa_3-20-2023_84549-AM.zip
  9. What does this mean for the Node Server.... Authentication update Dear Netatmo developer, As of today, when you refresh an Access Token using the associated endpoint https://api.netatmo.com/oauth2/token, Netatmo servers respond with a couple of tokens : an Access Token and a Refresh Token. If the previous Access Token is still valid, the newly returned access token is identical but its expiration time is extended for 3 hours. In any case, the refresh token is not renewed. Starting from the 17/04/2023, this behavior will change to to be compliant with the recommendations of the RFC of the OAuth2 Authorization Framework (section 10.4) and improving the security of the data of our users. When refreshing tokens, Access Token and Refresh Token will be automatically renewed and former tokens invalidated. What does it means for me ? If you were already updating the tokens provided when refreshing your tokens, this change will not impact you. If you do not update the refresh token when refreshing your Access Token, your users will be disconnected after 3 hours as the former tokens will become invalidated. To fix it, you need to update the tokens as soon as you get the newly generated ones. Sincerely, Legrand - Netatmo - Bticino
  10. Thanks. Just curious.
  11. in pg3 Node Server list it shows Timedata was updated last night 2/28/23 at 23:14 but when I check its the same version that i have had for a while. Is this due to just a reupload of the same version?
  12. You might be onto something. I tried healing network and 4 devices failed after it had to retry 1/2 of them at least once. Tried again and different ones failed. Rebooted and healed fine with no retries. Tried the locks and they all worked perfectly the first time. After that the status started getting slower each time I locked and unlocked. Oh and when I rebooted I had the admin console open. The locks all showed no status. Slowly they all came in one at time within a minute (And I was not doing a query on restart) I will update my ticket with this post
  13. I really dont know because I have not tried in years but this is an OLD lock- at least 5 years. You can still buy it but they dont make it anymore.
  14. actually the other day I rebooted it and come to think of it it was better after that has gotten worse but it was never perfect
  15. yes with what they call digital keys you can get through the Yale app which I used at the beginning but have not touched since going to Z wave in the ISY
  16. Yes and yes. The Access Control node seems to show the last activity. Like my front door was last unlocked by me and it says Manual Unlock. And the ISY last locked the Basement Lock and it says RF Lock. I just locked it with ISY and watched it lock and this one was bad. Took about 45 seconds to change to locked in ISY even though it locked it. Again this all worked perfect with ZOOZ module on 5.5.7. I converted to the Zooz to Z-wave. I also re-interviewed the devices and UDI did a remote session and took logs. At least it works and shows status. Just not fast enough on the status part
  17. Mine is YRD446-ZW2-605 and I have 5 of them The 446 is the lock and the 605 is the zw module and it does the same on all 5 locks so its not a lock issue.
  18. Anyone else see issues like this. I have Yale Assure locks with Z-Matter board. I was on 5.5.7 with zooz and this was not an issue. So its actually z-matter with 5.5.7 thats causing it. Lock locks fine within seconds. Manual lock sends instant status Lock from admin console locks instantly but status takes 6-10 seconds (Sometimes longer but thats rare) That would be fine except when you lock with Alexa it checks again in 5 seconds so its like this Me- "Alexa Lock Front Door" Alexa- "Locking hang on...." Alexa waits 5 seconds Alexa should say "The front door is locked" Alexa says "The front door is unlocked" BUT ITS LOCKED. So I do it again and it says locked. The issue is the stays us coming in 1-5 seconds after she checks so when I say it again status is already updated. ***Note I have shown this to Chris and he has looked at it happen via screenshare. Just looking for others who might have the issue.
  19. I will just delete the programs then.
  20. It used to have option in programs for sensor or probe online. Now it does not so when those commands disappeared I guess the ID of the command changes. So now my programs were all messed up because it chose something else like Moisture or Temperature. It was just an online 0 or 1 or true false. But thats gone
  21. I got the issue. When this was updated last they removed the OFFLINE for all the sensors. So the programs are all messed up. Like 245 is Strawberry Water Sensor Probe is Online is False but now it says Strawberry Water Sensor Probe moisture is False which makes no sense. I changed it to 0% but even that would not be correct as offline would probably show the last value. 251 is Outdoor Weather Sensor module online is false. Now says Outdoor Weather Sensor Temperature is false. so I changed those to 0 also which again will probably not work. can you fix? ISY-Events-Log.v5.5.7__Wed 2023.02.22 02.53.28 PM.txt
  22. see image. Is this normal NS 20 is this one.
  23. Sorry. so many post today I just misread it I hope the issue was just a cache issue or something. Fingers crossed!!!
  24. Is this with EISY? I have 100 slots on Polisy and over 25 installable and running fine. Michel saw all mine yesterday and never said a word about a limit.
  25. I’m thinking that one of your solutions pf clearing Java cash and rebooting hopefully cleared it. Please update here if no issues by tomorrow. Hoping that’s all it was
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