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Everything posted by Panda88

  1. Posted 0.5.5 on beta site Trying to improve connection stability - improved QoS strategy There have been a few outages from YoLink side the last week or so
  2. On controller functionality in scenes on IoP I have been looking at emulating switches (and outlets for that matter) as controller for ISY/IoP. Unfortunately there is no way to identify a key press vs a state change - My assumption is only a key press should result in a control event for a scene. I could have the device send (DON/DOF - control for scene) on all changes of state but it is not emulating what Insteon does. Not sure how to move forward on this - Any inputs My current thinking is to let sensors send DON/DOF but not to enable it for switches/outlets - Garagedoor controller can send both DON and DOF when pressed (as there are no other ways to control it - although it is not a keypress per say) That said programs are an easy way around this Let me know
  3. Did a quick release of the retrying to connect on error 5 Give it a try to see if it helps NO other changes included
  4. It is the same error - it is somehow losing the credentials - I am trying to add a fix for this - but I am looking at improving the nodes DON/DOF behavior (A few days is my hope)
  5. no problem - I will assume it is the same issue
  6. I saw you restarted it Do you have a log from last night to ensure it is the same issue - It is likely an issue on YoLink side, but I can try to see if there is a way to handle it I may issue a beta release you can try - in order to not effect other users I am looking at supporting fast on off etc. Still working on the possible use scenarios
  7. It suddenly complains about authentication error (nothing seems to happen before that) - not sure how that happened Maybe I need to handle that case differently - complete disconnect and reconnect (not sure) - right now I am just trying to reconnect as I was told by the yolink people It seems it came back online at the end of the log file There is still a race condition when the node server starts - I am trying to find a way to get a more controlled startup (not relying on sleep) - but I am still trying different ways
  8. Got it I think the push is offered by the Phone - you subscribe to a push and the push is send to the phone that then wakes the app etc. I do not see a way to do this using the API - I can see if a SW update is pending from the API but not push a message - I get the info when polling data
  9. Is it the estimated range you are looking for? Any other fields - e.g. estimated full range? Let me know and I can give it a try in next release
  10. Log File shows authentication error - Maybe try to generate new credentials and restart
  11. What devices are you using? Do you have a log file - It works fine with my devices - I think you need to restart the ISY session for it to take effect
  12. I released ver 0.5.1 - It fixes a delay for the motion sensor (bug on my side).
  13. Just uploaded version 0.5.0 Probably have some bugs - Let me know if it can remain on-line I'll keep testing the coming days, as I am sure there are still a few bugs (did a lot of rewrite to the core), but hopefully someone will try and let me know of issues
  14. I think I found the issue with power strip - mine does connect without issue now
  15. Just a quick update - I think I found my issue and I am updating the code What I have done to test is disconnect my ethernet cable and then reconnect it to make sure the node server recovers after it is reconnected Any other ideas on how to test it? Thanks
  16. yes - if you poll often the car never goes to sleep (I am told) - Unfortunately I do not have a Tesla so I cannot experiment Setting the long polling interval to a large number allows the car to sleep - you can wake the car (from the ISY) if you want data updated
  17. I am trying to figure out why the connection to the YoLink API is lost - I am also working on a way to detect a disconnect and re-connect but I really hope to find the root cause
  18. I hope Bob can help this issue
  19. Not that I am aware of - it appears the YoLink is loosing the connection - I am trying to discoven when it happens and reconnect
  20. Hi I have been working on some improvements (keep fingers crossed) - I believe the issue is the same as I have been trying to fix - but have been travelling lately - I'll try to fixes once back next week and then release once my local build seems to work
  21. Panda88

    Release: 0.1.9

    It should be ok - just realize you cannot control the power wall when only connecting locally You can look at readme on how to get the online token
  22. Panda88

    Release: 0.1.9

    Hi Somehow the requirements.txt files was missing in the latest distribution - it forces the install of the tesla_powerwall module and after that it hopefully works Let me know if this solves the issue
  23. I have not given up - I am travelling and will not be back until early August - I have some code ready but need to test it locally so it will have to wait until I am back
  24. I think CLITEMP must have special properties on ISY - I changed it to generic value - hopefully that allows the unit to update I think you thinking is correct on the long and short poll I found that I did not wake the car before different commands - I hope it is fixed now I may have had a typo (capatalize) in the online command - see if it works now 0.1.15 releasing soon
  25. 0.1.13 released - should fix temp setting issue
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