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Everything posted by Panda88

  1. Hi A while back I erased one of my control outlest on EZflora (I did not havea need for it then, and did not want it to show up). Now I would like to restore it. Is there an easy way to restore it wittout reinstalling EZflora. E.g. I erased the control of port5, so only port 1-4 and 6-8 show. How do I get port5 to show? Thanks Chris
  2. Can anybody provide a link to the thread with suggested modifications - my 2413 just died - it must be pretty old as it has survived more than 3 years Thanks Chris
  3. I wonder if WB uses GMT time (8 PST is midnight GMT) Do we see rain picking up after 4pm, but before midnight? I really wonder if one could simple make the daily summary at midnight GMT and then use that for calculating the irrigation - and temp etc probably needs to be done differently - Does anybody have experience with a private weather station feeding WB? will that also reset @ 4pm?
  4. would it be possible to use an alternative to weatherbug - there are several other options
  5. I am referring to a later switch between 19:02 and 20:12. It seems rain count is reset - I normally assume that the rain count is reset @ midnight, but here it seems to be much earlier - thus I get wrong rain count Am I missing something? Chris
  6. Do we understand what happens at 2/8 around 8pm - it is like rain is reset - but it does not happen the day after Chris
  7. I must have had a reset as well - the reported rain was about 1/10 of actual - in Bay Area
  8. Thanks I am trying not to use secondary controller (raspberryPi) sitting between the ISY and the alarmsystem I did try this and did not find raspberryPi to be stable enough for this Chris
  9. Hi Just wondering if there still is a plan to integrate other home security systems other then ELK . There were promises about DSC and Honywell in the past. I am at the point of replacing my home security system and would really like to integrate directly into ISY (mostly react on security systems states - e.g. not turn AC on if window is open etc) I would like a wireless system (for easy of deployment) so DSC and Honeywell are clear options - ELK less so. The alternative is z-wave integration using 2GIG and Simon Xti, and then have ISY be a parallel Zwave controller - not sure how successful people have been with this sofar. Any update/suggestion Chris
  10. I did not try without - I think it was 5k6 naturally the gnds of dsc and iolinc will also need to be connected
  11. I have an iolinc connected to dsc and it works fine. You need to add a resistor between iolinc input and iolinc 5v (pull up). Naturally you need to set the dsc to output the desired state on the PGm pin Chris
  12. Do you know if one can buy waterproof sensors compatible with the CAI board? Christian
  13. Thanks I guess this is exactly what I need Christian
  14. Hi Does anybody have a suggestion of components to enable monitoring of pool temperature. I want to get the temperature (Wireless sensor?) and read it into the ISY. I assume this must happen through the network interface, and maybe using an raspberryPi or similar board computer to present it My idea is to control the pool pump run time based on weatherbug data and pool temperature. Should allow some electrical savings Thanks Christian
  15. Hi Has anybody experiencing issues with rain fall in weatherbug/climate information We have had significant rain the last couple of days, but all stations report 0.0" - this naturally screws up the irrigation system. I have my system summarizing in the evening and running in the early morning the following day if needed. If this is common, does the irrigation solution really work? Christian
  16. I am running 3.1.14 Tried to reset the synchrolinc and still the same issue Any ideas? Christian
  17. Lee Thanks I have tried several outlets, and the result is the same. I did manage to get it to show up once, but it never fully worked, so I removed it to try again. It is possible to disable he IR - I am currently not using it. It is likely coming from an LED close by Any other ideas - do you think the unit may have gone bad? Christian
  18. Hi I am having problems getting my new synchrolinc to linc. Here is my log - does anybody have an idea what is going on. Mon 12/19/2011 20:52:17 : [ 18 7E EA 1] Writing High Water Mark at Link 0 Mon 12/19/2011 20:52:17 : [18 7E EA 1 ] Querying engine version Mon 12/19/2011 20:52:17 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 18.7E.EA 0F 0D 00 06 (00) Mon 12/19/2011 20:52:18 : [ IR] 02AA Press Mon 12/19/2011 20:52:18 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 18.7E.EA 0F 0D 00 06 (00) Mon 12/19/2011 20:52:18 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 18.7E.EA 0F 0D 00 06 (00) Mon 12/19/2011 20:52:18 : [ IR] 012A Press Mon 12/19/2011 20:52:18 : [ IR] 0155 Press Mon 12/19/2011 20:52:18 : [18 7E EA 1 ] Failed getting engine version. Reverting to i1 Mon 12/19/2011 20:52:18 : [18 7E EA 1 ] Using engine version i1 Mon 12/19/2011 20:52:18 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 18.7E.EA 0F 28 0F 06 SET-MSB(0F) Mon 12/19/2011 20:52:18 : [ IR] 012A Press Mon 12/19/2011 20:52:18 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 18.7E.EA 0F 28 0F 06 SET-MSB(0F) Mon 12/19/2011 20:52:18 : [ IR] 00AA Press Mon 12/19/2011 20:52:18 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 18.7E.EA 0F 28 0F 06 SET-MSB(0F) Mon 12/19/2011 20:52:19 : [18 7E EA 1 ] ** Not added ** Remove device links failed" Mon 12/19/2011 20:52:19 : ---- All Remaining Device Added ---- Mon 12/19/2011 20:52:19 : [All ] Writing 0 bytes to devices Christian
  19. Lee I do not think it is a power line problem - but I'll try. I can query the device and get the correct state. Does the ISY only update on changes of state or does it query every X min? Thanks Christian
  20. I wonder if it is as simple as status should be control (only execute once key is pressed) I have a similar problem, but probably different. My sensor state does not update - I wonder if is is some of the settings on the IO linc. E.g. I start up the console, and the sensor shows OFF. I run a query, and it updates to the correct state (which is ON). I have a program and it executes as if the state if OFF. Christian
  21. Hi Does anybody have any experience using weatherbug data to control run time (duration) of a pool pump and pool robot cleaner. I have installed timing control using ISY, but I think it must be possible to change the run time of the pump and robot based on the weather (temperature/sun light etc). Do you have any reference on how to determine the run time? I assume there must be a minimum run time, plus some extra time for more sun light and higher temperature. Christian
  22. Lee, I finally got it working I did a factory reset and it started to work - the LED is on when light is off - I have version 5.2 Thanks a lot for your help Christian
  23. Lee, The wiring is correct I'll double check LED status and compare it against the voltage tonight Christian
  24. Lee The motion sensor head works - the light turns on on motion - The sense line is connected to the InLineLinc, Does this not indicate the sensor is working? It also works without using the InLineLinc just wired normally. My understanding is it is the sense line controlling the light - is that not correct? I'll spend some more time to look at the forum to see if I can find any ideas - otherwise - I may just go with a separate sensor. Thanks for your help Christian
  25. Lee Is is the kit sold by smarthome http://www.smarthome.com/2494MSWH/In-Li ... ite/p.aspx Actually, I could not get it to work initially, so I used the original inLinc as a controller elsewhere. I bought an new InLinc as I also got a isy99 in hope it would work now. If this combination is not feasible can you recommend a different sensor type that will with with InLinc Thanks Christian
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