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Everything posted by Panda88
The latest YoLink node server does support the speaker - not as elegant as I would like, but there are some limitations with regarding to text in the AC (you basically need to predefine you text (announcements) and then you can pick them in the AC) -
did you reboot PG3 after the upgrade? I am not 100% this will work, but if you do not start AC - could you erase the node in PG3 - that should free up the node slot) and you can reinstall in the slot - I have done it before with success - you may need to refresh the program and save afterwards - but no editing should be needed
In my case, there is an option 2/3 way up on the install page to install in existing slot - do you not see this?
It should be 0.6.15 - it shows in store as 0.6.1 but it is a bug in PG3 - when you enter the node you should see 0.6.15
Just released the YoLink server to the production store I finally found the issue causing the server to sometimes disconnect - YoLink has a limit if maximum 5 connections and I somehow did not release the connections so after 5 connections the node server can still talk to YoLink but it was ignoring the requests - I think I found the correct way to handle the disconnects - It has been running for 2 weeks now, and I have been trying what I can to break it but it keep coming back I also added support for the smart lock - It actually works well and is very reasonably priced I am charging 10$ for the node - mostly to provide some cash to UD - (they take about 1/2) - rest will be used to buy new YoLink devices and rest will be donated to a good cause - I do this mostly for fun My next devices will be the IR remote controller and the new dimmer switch
Did you try to run an update modules from the AC - if not try to contact Michel - he helped a similar issue I had
Sorry - it is an issue with having to update the version number multiple places (and remember to do it everywhere) when releasing the node. There are at least 3 places that needs to be in sync. BTW - you are correct - I did not update the run-time display of the node number to latest version I think PG3 compare that to the number in the node store to determine if an update is needed I did update the node number now - but I'll be looking to add a sleep parameter to the status node to update the car state so a new version will be required
Thanks - What about the node version besides purchase options in the developer page? I try to update both - My impression is it actually uses the node version for checking - you can show different version under purchase options as I understand - I may be wrong
Thanks It is a slightly different behavior than I would expect - I had expected the car to set online to False (and my code is working that way) - it almost looks like an issue connecting to getting data from the Tesla Cloud. The sleep feature is there indirectly with time since last update fields (assuming they work correctly) - but I can add a dedicated sleep state in the status node - with offline, sleep, online, and unknown states - does than make sense? I feel it is too much to say the node is not online - as it is after you wake the car - I see the connection as the indicator - not the car Do you have a little longer snippet of the log so I can see what happens next
Sorry - it is an issue with having to update the version number multiple places (and remember to do it everywhere) when releasing the node. There are at least 3 places that needs to be in sync. BTW - you are correct - I did not update the run-time display of the node number to latest version I think PG3 compare that to the number in the node store to determine if an update is needed I did update the node number now - but I'll be looking to add a sleep parameter to the status node to update the car state so a new version will be required
Thanks - I can update the app to use 'battery_range' Should not take long - look for 0.2.8 shortly
The range is a bug - I converted the miles to km for both miles and km - 0.2.7 is released The short poll currently supposed to check if car is on-line - if it is, it will poll car data - if not, it will use the cloud data without waking the car - Naturally this I what I believe the car is doing - There may be a bug. Naturally, I could use cloud data only - but then there is likely some delay - even when car is online (I have no way to check this as I do not have access to car) I would imagine plugging the charger in would wake the car - I am not sure
Just released 0.2.6 - some new functionality - A reboot of IoP is probably needed to enable all
Just released an update - I hope it fixes the disconnect issue - I think over time I was consuming the 5 connections that are allowed by Yolink - I believe I disconnect before reconnecting now - but it could mean a few sec of no connection (only happens when link is down anyway) Also added support for smart lock
Just released a node to control Blink Cameras Mostly to control arming and disarming, but one can also take a snapshot and a video on demand - Node can email pictures by email (as they get overwritten) - videos can be viewed in Blin App (I'll look into email videos as well) there is a bug in the API - it cannot handle special characters in the camera/Syncunit names I would love to support automatic notification if motion is detected, but have not found a way yet - Yo can poll for motion, but do not poll too often or blink will throttle the connection
- 1
Moved server to production store - Added support for email pictures
I believe it occurs if you enable 2 way authentication
It should report if the auth key is missing - I think it is only needed first time you log in with the credentials I remember adding it once (get it from the app) - but I have never seen it again so I really do not remember what I did - sorry SYNC_UNIT is the sync unit (module name) - the cameras registered on that unit will show as sub-nodes - it is a separate node in ISY - not under the controller . You can specify NONE for the sync_unit - it will list all the cameras you have under a syncunit namesd NONE - it is not optional - I either need a list of sync_unit names or NONE Send a log file and I can see what is happening
Uploaded a beta version of a Amazon Blink camera control node server Primary function is to control arming and disarming of cameras, but it also allows taking pictures and videos Might be a few bugs left - still ironing them out
I am not using the IP address directly - I do an updateProfile() that may read data from ISY/IoP and that will fail in your case. Other nodes may not do that - just guessing I am doing the same as you - so I have no magic setting - I do not think you can use local loop on the IoP connection ( - it would be nice, but I think I tried and did not make it work
Looks ok - maybe restart AC and see if that helps
It should not take that long - do you have a log file?
It does look like an issue to connect with PG3 - I have noticed the same with another node - when uninstalling and reinstalling that node it went away (ping node) I'll see if I can figure out why this happens
Looks to me like the node server is doing what it is supposed to do - it is getting commands and updating values - not sure why it does not get to ISY . I'll need to dig deeper, but it may be related to 3.1.10