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Everything posted by Panda88

  1. It is a separate node
  2. My understanding is the program will execute on a change of state - meaning it will only run once the state change I'll see if I can figure out how to make it control - it does make sense but I am not 100% how to make it a control vs state
  3. I need to implement finger - it is not supported yet - I only use the other garage controller - if you are willing to help test it I can add the code for finger
  4. It is there already as garage controller - I am using it - it is called toggle - you cannot specify open/close - only toggle Unfortunately it is not easy to combine in same node, as the GarageDoorSensor is a generic door sensor in the API - I do not know if it is an open/closed door or a garage door when I get the info from the cloud.
  5. On the motion sensor - How would you use a control? - I can only see it react to a motion event You cannot really query a motion event - it does not check the sensor - only checks what is cached in the cloud
  6. This is what mine looks like - Do you use the "finger" - I have not looked at that as I do not have one
  7. It is there already as garage controller - I am using it - it is called toggle - you cannot specify open/close - only toggle Unfortunately it is not easy to combine in same node, as the GarageDoorSensor is a generic door sensor in the API - I do not know if it is an open/closed door or a garage door when I get the info from the cloud.
  8. Dropped minor release to add setting for temperature unit in Config (TEMP_UNIT) - K/F/C Other minor bug fixes
  9. Not currently, but it should be easy to add - I'll take a look at it
  10. Tesla changed the cloud authentication method so I took the chance to update the code of the Node server - it is now called TeslaPW
  11. To get the credential go to app ( 3 vertical bar in upper left corner) click profile ->Advanced Settings ->User Access Credentials Copy UAID and Secret Key and insert to config in the Yolink node server - and then restart node server Hope this helps
  12. Bob On the weatherflow - how do I add my personal key for my tempest station - I do not see how to do it - I did generate the key but not sure how to add it the the node server Thanks
  13. Thanks Manual upgrade works
  14. Hi I am trying to upgrade my polisy - it says there are 75 packages to install. I try to execute the upgrade and it fails - I se nothing in the log indicating it is failing and why? Any suggestions - I did try to reboot etc. There are some log entries on ISY failing to connect and retrying but it seems to work as I do get the info on ISY Any ideas?
  15. thanks Just to be clear - the program should be enabled - but no IF statement that can trigger?
  16. Hi I am trying to get a 1 hour timer runnig - I can start it at mid night easily - but is there a simple way to get a program to run after boot to get the tick counters running again Thanks - and happy New Year
  17. Thanks Currently running cloud - so that is easy to try
  18. I also see the issue with temperature displaying in F - but you program the variables in C My question is the conversion handled correctly - i.e. if I check for 0C it compared to 32F and not 0F? I installed a few days back - should I still try to reinstall? Thanks
  19. Thanks The logic may not be 100% correct but I get the idea and can work from this Are the system variable documents anywhere?
  20. I am on latest beta of v5 5.16 Thanks
  21. Hi Is there a simple way to check on a range of dates/months without specifying the year Say From Nov 20th to Jan 1st (every year) enable Xmas lights or similar I can probably do this through a node server, but it would seem natural to do this using a built in option Thanks
  22. Thanks Are there better thermostats to use with the ISY994 - that will support remote sensing - I only have a single HVAC control point, but want to control the temp from different rooms (one at a time) Longer term I may want to try to control airflow, but that is the second step My thinking was that I can emulate the thermostat behavior in one of the two modes in the ISY e.g. in simplistic way when remote is control its room temperature - I do not really care about the temp in the other room when remote is controlling (if not in control the main runs as normal thermostat as the two thermostats are not linked ): prog1 if temp.remote is "too low" then setpoint.main =+1 prog2 if temp.remote is "too high" then setpoint.main =-1 The alternative is to make the remote master and sense temp with an main the sensing node. The issue here is updating the remote setpoint. - Not sure how reliable that will be from the ISY Any other suggestions - or alternative thermostats to consider.
  23. Hi I have been searching the forum but cannot seem to find the recommended way to control a two room thermostat setup. What I am looking for is a way to control one room's temperature during the day and another during the night - from the same HVAC (full house). I have two thermostats (2441TH in the one room controlling the HVAC and 2441ZTH in the other -ZTH is 5V powered - not battery). My idea was to use the 2441ZTH's temperature in an ISY program to control the setpoint of the 2441th - during the time where the ZTH is used to set temperature. However, it seems difficult due to the 2441ZTH implementation. it seems it only updates control on temperature changes and often needing multiple degree changes - even when on 5V supply. What is the best way ? - I wonder if it is better to have the ZTH as master and use 2441th to control setpoints during the time where TH is controlling (or is that also an issue of sending commands to the ZTH to change setupints)? I do not see a way to switch master on/off on ZTH fromthe ISY In general, what is the best way to acheive my goal when using two thermostats ? Any recommendations?
  24. Tried the fix andit recovered my broken unit
  25. Thanks If I use a backup to enable it, can I then go back and restore a new backup afterwards (where I am now) and still have the node remaining? I have too maby changes after then removal for it to make sense unless above works Thanks
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