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Everything posted by Panda88

  1. I verified the battery level is not show - something happened to the valve controller in my code - it used to be there - probably a bad checkin I have never seen a message from the Yolink app when controlling devices, but I may have missed it - or you may use a different setting
  2. The battery level should be there but let me verify later. It is only 5 level that exist
  3. It is an error that occurs with this type of device - I am told it is a special device type (class c) - I think what is happening is the device is queried (short or long poll) and does not reply (because is it busy with something else) - I guess it is to preserve battery. It is just a guess. I could look at excluding the short poll from class c devices - but I not even sure where to figure out what type the deviceis implemented as - My guess for Yolink it is battery power devices that can get control instructions, but just a guess. I have no idea why the node server is sending an email - it cannot do that from the code (there is no email support in the code). It must be coming from somewhere else. Do you use the yolink delay function in the valve controller (I do that in case the internet goes down while valve is on - the delay timer runs on the device so it will shut off evenif there is an outage of the internet / power outage.
  4. Try 0.8.90 - should fix the issue
  5. I think the ISY restart is only needed when you modify the message text - new fields will be added on the fly. Things may have improved since I worked on it
  6. Yes - As @Bumbershoot mentioned above - at the bottom of the configuration page of the node server (PG3 page) there are TTSn and NBR_TTS (TTS = Text To Speech) fields. You can enter the messages there. I believe if you increase NBR_TTS the TTSn fields should get generated automatically (you may need to restart the node - I cannot remember how it was handled) but you can also add them manually. Note, you need to restart the node server, and more importantly you need to reboot the ISY after changing the message text. It is an issue with the ISY - it only read the configurations at boot so if you change the TTS field it does not update until after a reboot. - I believe new fields works, but existing fields being changed does not work The payment is a question for @bpwwer I believe On a different note - I have had issues running 2 node servers with the same UAID - I have not tried it recently so it may work now, but I had issues in the past and stopped doing it -
  7. I think I released the beta using the same node so it should be possible to install it and replace the existing one (and then do the same again with the released one) - that should prevent having to redo all the AC work Let me know if it is not the case and I can try to do the release again into the beta store I am travelling this week, so no easy access to my system so a new release would have to be next week
  8. Thanks Bob I think it is working now - I can update from configuration now - but it will not go back to YoLink App
  9. This is what I expect - I cannot change the name in the phone app using the API so I wanted the phone app to be the main source I will look at making it possible to change names from PG3 - but it will not reflect back t the phone app.
  10. The node takes the name from the YoLink app - The name does not change right away when you change from the YoLink App - Probably not synchronized at their servers I can try PG3x - I am doing development on Polisy (PG3) but I do have an eISY to try it on I do not believe the code updates the name, if changed in the PG3 interface - Maybe I should look at that
  11. I updates node info - it is a minor change addressing when you have a very large amount of devices installed - I cannot test if it works, as I do not have enough devices to test it
  12. it would be guessing - but is looks like a calculated 0 (not yielding exact zero)
  13. Correct - it is an attempt to limit simultaneous quering when you have a lot of devices - The YoLink MQTT disconnects if you querry too often - no other changes
  14. I have not had this issue - it may be an issue with your specific unit Glad it is working again
  15. As far as I am aware it should be ok to try first. It is the same code. When you purchase there will be an option to replace the existing (trial) node. Just PG3 handling the trial and it should be registered the same in PG3. I have personally done the same with other node servers without any issues. I cannot really try myself as as a developer of the node I am treated differently
  16. I tried to add some code to try to reconnect - I am not 100% sure how the node fails without log, but I gave it a try It is under beta test TesleEV_Beta (0.2.55) - let me know if it works - I have no way to test as I do not own a car I also updated how I believe car is sleeping works now (API changed) Let me know if this works and/or has errors
  17. Bob is likely the better resource to ask here
  18. Did you try to upgrade PG3 - There have been some issues with not being able to delete files in some versions
  19. Hi 0.3.68 New release with support for Utility Season, Utility Period and Utility cost (added to status node) - Kept config parameters for periods - The added info comes directly from Tesla - likely from App when you select utility provider
  20. Did you try to upgrade from the AC - I heard there was a bug the prevented deletion of files in a prior version
  21. OK - I'll think about how to do this
  22. Do you haver a screen shot and log - It is always difficult to predict how the node fails, so If I can determine the failure, it should be possible to add the automatic reconnect
  23. Does it come back on0-line later There are some limitations as to how often you can send commands to yolink Can you enable debug and send me a log where it happens (as a file preferably)
  24. Panda88

    Yolink Remote

    I think you should just use DON / DOF - Fast on and fast off are representing double clicks from Insteon devices used in programs - not scenes (as far as I understand - I am no expert here). It is not related to speed - it is 2 different click types.
  25. Panda88

    Yolink Remote

    Can you try to erase the FOB and the 4 sub keys (there may actually be 2 sets of 4) in the nodes in the PG3 browser interface (and in the AC) to be sure. and then restart the node server. It looks like the keys somehow did not get installed correctly. I have seen this before when upgrading the node and/or PG3 What are you trying to achieve with the scene? Can you show me the setup pf key4 (the yolink key4 line/device)
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