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Everything posted by Panda88

  1. I have been playing with this for a while. What I would suggest is to average - maybe make 10 measurements some time apart and then decide if a large percentage indicates water is low However, I found that the continuous on/off drains the battery quickly of the leak sensor (when close to needing to fill). What I ended up doing may be a little elaborate. I took a Yolink Siren (without siren - essentially a programmable power supply) and used that to enable the sensor of the water leak sensor (open or close the connection through the cable. Then when I need to make a measurement, I enable the sensor (power on siren) and get a reading (or multiple) from the leak sensor. After that I power the sensing (siren power supply) off again (so it will always read open / close when not in use - thus not sending status change to the HUB). It takes a transistor and a few resistors so it may not be for everyone. I run the above on a schedule so it only fills the pool at a certain time of day when needed.
  2. After you specify TTS. There is a parameter for number of TTSses You need to restart eisy after saving the tts. It may no longer be needed but earlier releases required it
  3. Hi A new node supporting Netatmo's latest authentication is uploaded in the beta area. Please give it a try and let me know if the authetication works NOTE - the node server only works under PG3x - PG3 does not support udi's authentication handler (which is used) You still need client_ID and client_secret but the node server will now take you to the Netatmo website where the data access is approved and then returned to the node server - suggest to install from PC. The node server supports multiple weather stations (can be selected until configuration)
  4. The location of the UAID etc moves around with updates in the Yolink app - Difficult to keep up with this
  5. I replied already - you need to generate UAID and secretKey in the yolink app and copy them to the configuration of the node server
  6. Only the alarm is control I believe it should appear under status
  7. you may have to press update Profile
  8. I think you just clock the yolink node, click what you paid and do reinstall here (not new slot) - it just copies the latest code over
  9. from the node server click log -then select debug (on right side drop down) Reboot - wait a little and then select download log - send to me as private message
  10. Just checked - I must have made a mistake checking in the editor file at some point so the info was lost. If you force a reinstall it should work - I did not update version as I have been working on other stuff SelfcheckState-0 = Not recommended SelfcheckState-1 = Recommended SelfcheckState-99 = Unknown As you can see the self check is note for you to perform it (I guess)
  11. I do not know how self-check works to be honest - I have never seen it fail. 1 / 0 seems like a node problem in setup files - I can check - but my smoke detector is no longer on-line so I need someone to help check it afterwards For control vs. status. Controls can send actions (trigger other devices) - status you need to check and make your own actions afterwards. The idea is you can trigger on a smoke event but not on a temperature reading
  12. you can send me a log file - enable debug please - and I'll see if there is anything The devices show up separately from the node you show (as stand alone devices)
  13. i hope to be able to start looking at it the coming week - I have a new items to close and then I can focus on this one
  14. My thermostat is set at 41F as heat point (permanent) - it shows correctly in node, and on thermostat. However, temp shows 160F on node server but 61F on the actual thermostat. Another thermostat works fine (running auto). Is there a bug or has something changed - I think it worked fine before Also - how it away mode working - It seems it only toggles on - how to disable it? Thanks
  15. Correct - I meant to say that I do not believe the password resets the UAID etc (it has not in the past)
  16. I am aware and on my list - I just got a beta for oauth support in the ISY needed to use the new API. I have not started to test it yet - I'll likely do another (simpler) nodeserver first before addressing the tesla one (I do not have a tesla to test on so I need to make sure I understand the use of the new oauth API before starting the tesla solution
  17. I am trying to throttle the calls to match the new limits, but my count does not match what their server uses for throttling. Also if a device goes offline it shows up as being throttled ?? I did try to introduce a throttled state in each node, but not sure how well it works - There are likely still some bugs as the logic has had to be changed and that introduces bugs On the use of UAID - there is no relationship to the login - unless the reset the access when passwords are changed - you can likely see in the app if the password is revoked You can also send a log (PM) and I can take a look
  18. I am not aware of any progress - there is a new cellular enabled HUB being released - there were rumors that it would support local API but I doubt it will be available at launch.
  19. Panda88

    Loving YoLink!

    Hi I think all of these should be there already (besides RF level/strength) - I can add the RF strength but in my experience, it does not change if the devices are stationary (it should not). I cannot rule out there is a bug but it is intended to show this. Note, the node cannot keep testing to see if the device is off-line - as it only queries the cloud status (it would drain the battery if checking the device all the time), so I have to wait for a notification that the device is off line send from the cloud. Also, this is difficult to test as it does not happen often. If you can get me a log (debug mode enabled) showing when the device is offline I can see if it behaves like the node server expects (for offline status) There are 2 fields for battery and Status should show the connection status (Name may not be well chosen - I'll think about a better name next time I fix a bug) )
  20. You may need invite from service@yosmart.com
  21. If you are not trying to integrate YoLink onto an ISY, it is not the correct forum - there is a discord channel for Yolink - Yolink-power-user-group
  22. I think the thinking should be - trust the YoLink temp sensor to send updates when something changes. Even if you query the temp sensor, I believe you only get data from the cloud - If you were to query the temp sensor for data, battery would run out faster and you would get no real extra info (as temperature has not changed). Note, there is an update every 1 hour (I believe it is) It may be possible to get info on when last temp sensor measurement was made but time is not handled easily in the ISY. I could look into it, but need to understand the use case. The node/device being on-line shoudl be a similar indicator - again - I do nto believe I can force a reading from the temp sensor - it is only reporting the cached data from the YoLink cloud server (as YoLink believe their device will send data when something changes)
  23. The yolink sensors send updates when changes happen so updates (timing) depends on the situation. I doubt you need to do something extra in your case. I do not know the update rules for humidity but you could ask service@yosmart.com There is currently no difference between update and query - besides query can be rub at a higher level causing all devices to be queried
  24. Can you message me you whole log. I can see if there is something happening before the issue?
  25. You can also try a reinstall. It may install files again
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