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Everything posted by Panda88

  1. Panda88

    won't update....

    Try now - I did forget to update the version number in the code - you should be running the latest already but update message should disappear now
  2. Panda88

    won't update....

    Let me check if I forgot to update the version in the code - it is a manual process
  3. 0.1.22 available - fixes issues related to cloud only operation as well as a fix for a change in keywords in the Tesla_API
  4. I did find a bug - I am testing now - I'll release a little later - it also fixes the instant solar power
  5. We have not managed to get the control working yet - effort with UDI - we are still looking but not sure what is not working correctly - sorry
  6. Can you send a log file with debug enabled - my guess it is it not connected to the local IP Christian
  7. We are working on getting a updated node server working. Tesla is slowly moving to a new API I have released a new node server for Tesla power wall. UdiTeslaPW2 that uses the new API Still working on teslaEV. Tesla added an additional layer of security when controlling the car and this needs to get implemented
  8. it is the intend, but 98 represents the No Support The older cameras shows DONE once installed but they remain the same when you take the camera off-line
  9. I have not found a way to know if the camera is on line or not ( the older cameras) So i reply there is no support. Any suggestion is appreciated
  10. thanks - you log shows your network name already - so it does not excercise the portion of the code that is supposed to add the possible networks I have access to my system again so I can experiment a little to figure out what is going on - I tried it once and it worked, so I did not test more
  11. the code is supposed to populate the network names automatically - can you send me a log file (debug enabled) and I'll try to understand what is happening Yes - entering the key manually should work as well . if there is more than 1 network create a key per network
  12. They should be shown in the configuration. Maybe try a page refresh or restart.
  13. New node released 0.4.8 Note, the structure is changed so reinstall is likely required
  14. Still working on getting the control portion working. There is a 2nd layer of security added and Michel is looking at how to help support this
  15. Panda88

    Release Info

    You can update now - it should work with the current release but you can also wait. My understanding is the bigger will get updated automatically when the new PG3x released I personally would wait
  16. Panda88

    Release Info

    Updated version to 1.1.0. Supports python 3.11 which the next release of PG3x requires Will still work on PG3 but not sure how long it is possible given PG3 runs older version of python. It is suggested to upgrade to PG3x (testing will be on PG3x going forward) No other changes introduced
  17. I have released a new version of the tesla power wall node server. It uses the official Tesla API and requires PG3x to operate If the current node server works well, there is no need to update, but there is a chance Tesla will force people to update by making new requirements to log onto the power wall (They have done it with the cars). Limited new functionality - mostly reorganized the data and added a few more options
  18. I think I have found a way around this - Still need some more testing, but I can get past the login
  19. I did play around with this but no luck so far - it requires changed deep in the API - I was hoping for a new API to be released
  20. It is a common issue in the API - waiting on an update to the API I have been using Alexa to control in the mean time Sorry - I do not understand the low level communication used by Blink needed to fix this
  21. I am running into some issue with controlling the car. There is s new protocol on top of api and ort is written in a language not supported by Polisy - looking for a solution but it may take a little time
  22. Panda88

    Release Info

    Updated to version 1.0.9 Minor fix to improve cases where tokens are lost - not easy to test (and it should not happen often)
  23. I am working on it and is getting close to release it (beta) There are quite a bit of changes from the original API so it takes time If someone wants to take it over I am more than happy to support that
  24. It looks like an issue at the Yolink server - did it work before? Did it come back - it should keep trying Do you have a full log I can look at?
  25. Just to follow up - it seems the authentication has changed - waiting for update to API
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