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Everything posted by dbwarner5

  1. LOL.. I needed to do that to be able to explain to friends (and remember it myself) as things keep getting more and more complex.
  2. @kentinada hope that continues to work for you. If it does, can you mark your post as the Solution? thanks.
  3. @kentinada I have two sets of beams that go across my driveway, one at top, one part way down. They trigger an insteon module so that I can tell if someone is coming or leaving. If arriving, after dark, then the lights brighten at hte porch / door, spots go on, etc. and an optional Alert across the sound system of Driveway Alert. Other lights depending on current status, like the shower if on, will blink to notify someone in there who wont hear the alert that there is someone entering. etc. They absolutely have worked great. I have the receivers at a pole barn, one on each end, and the transmitters spread at angles on the other side of a circle drive where I had power. https://www.amazon.com/Yohii-Security-Infrared-Detector-Alignment/dp/B07CSHT8RB/ref=sr_1_6?keywords=laser+beam+alarm+system&qid=1703100195&sr=8-6
  4. @kentinada To overcome this delay, I have set my radius fairly wide. This gives the phone a chance to "catch up". However note that I also have driveway sensors so nothing gets triggered directly unless the driveway sensors trigger within 5 minutes of the geofence registering a trigger. Other non time important items such as turning on the fireplace in the morning, dont need the driveway trigger, just the geofence to say one of us is home and to come on. I just switched from Alexa geofence to UDMobile and so far have had zero issues. Hopefully your issue is something in the phone.. have you also tried to reset network services on the phone?
  5. Just wanted to comment on this NS. I have been using it since its release and have had ZERO problems with it. It works perfectly. If anyone has any doubts about this, dont.. Its been one of the best NS I have in terms of ease of use and dependability. Great job @Goose66
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  6. In your first post you said: In an attempt to diagnose the issues this morning, I adjusted the thermostat values both in the Admin console and locally at each thermostat. However, I noticed that each thermostat reverted to a heating set point of 72°F shortly afterward. This behavior persisted even after I disabled all three programs. In your next post you said: As a side note to cover all of the bases, while the RCS thermostats have the ability to run an autonomous internal schedule, the feature remains disabled. So if the ISY programs are disabled and the temps still change back, that would lead me again to the thermostat. Have you double checked that the feature really is disabled? Conversely, another test would be to unplug your ISY and see if the thermostats still make the adjustment locally, to absolutely rule out a local issue and bring it back to an ISY issue. From there one thing I noticed through some of hte updates / migrations, some of my programs got corrupted. Simply modify ing them or hitting Update on any line will allow you to resave them and possibly eliminate any corruption behind the scenes.. Good luck.
  7. @William Olsen I would concur with Dennis that my first point of investigation , since your programming doens look overly complicated, is to double check the thermostats themselves for thier own programming / settings. If you manually adjust the thermostats, does it also revert back, or only if the ISY adjusts it?
  8. nope.. thanks. All set..
  9. @Jimbo.Automates I dont see it in the store.. thanks.
  10. Thanks @goose.. So for now ratdgo, w/o HA, can't be added to the AC is my take away. So I will wait on the NS and see how it works for others. Would hte NS connect directly to the ratdgo w/o the user needing to deal with MQTT? thanks!
  11. @Goose66 is this all that is needed to get it running and nodes showing in the AC? I guess it would be good to get someone to do a quick simple bullet point of hte steps for those of us that dont know / understand or have ever worked with the MQTT side of things. thanks
  12. Was running Just upgrade by pressing Upgrade packages. Usual message of four beeps (got six), eventually asked to reboot by pressing the reboot button in AC. Reboot just completed. All is perfect @Michel Kohanim and UDI!
  13. From goose above, it looks like you would set the ratgdo MQTT IP as follows: If your are using the public MQTT broker on Polisy/eISY, it is the local IP address or hostname of your Polisy/eISY and port 1334
  14. I have the same need but havent tried to address it yet. The simple question @Javi is, if I have a geofence set up in UDM on my phone and also set one up on my wife's phone which starts from the same backup, will these be considered two different geofences? My guess is yes if I name them differently, then I can accomplish the above, but to your point if I replace her version with an updated backup on mine, it will replace her geofence with mine and wipe hers out since it wont exist on my phone. Currently I have been using Alexa's geofence to trigger a vairable in ISY and was going to do that for my wife's phone as I know those would be separate.
  15. forgot to mention, that under the Configure tab of that icon, I have set the following. This makes it green. I have all my favorites display green if they are in the state I like them in, and red if not. Also for the colors, they have to be inputed currently in ASCI format. here a web site with the codes: https://www.ascii-code.com/html-color-names
  16. very easy.. set up your Favorites screen in UD Mobile. Here is my main page with my ELK security system highlighted on top. If I click on it I can adjust it anyway I want.. The second shot is the setup of that icon.
  17. Thanks @Goose66. Am not familiar with the MQTT broker on Polisy, or what it even means. How does that connection take place? Do I need special knowledge to set that up within the Polisy? Thanks.
  18. Goose, can you clarify that I understand this correctly: Ratdgo hardwired to GDO, and then configured to connect to Pollisy over LAN which needs to have the MQTT plugin running and then the MQTT plug in will report the Ratdgo nodes in the ISY? Thanks. By the way , according to the developer, RATDGO stands for Rage Against the Garage Door Opener. Brilliant!!!
  19. probably has battery sensors that after reboot report a blank until their state is changed.
  20. this is exactly how I do it for three doors.. wired sensors to elk for door closed sensor and elk output to an extra remote, soldered to provide the closed contact as controlled by ISY.Works well, but not at well as the myQ NS did. Challenge for me is at a pole barn where I dont have elk wires and insteon signal is not always dependable, z-wave too far away but I do have wifi so may explore other options that are wifi related.
  21. has anyone tried this? looks like it has broad compatibility.. I have their light switches in a second home connected to smartthings / Alexa.. for an ISY install, it would be controlled through Alexa then ISY. https://www.amazon.com/meross-Compatible-Assistant-SmartThings-Notification/dp/B084Z5QZR2/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=meross%2Bgarage%2Bopener&qid=1700526837&sr=8-3&th=1
  22. I am not sure on that particular device and which to choose for Alexa.. A simpler method may be to write a program to do what you want with your security system and then make that a spoken to Alexa so that when you say turn on "House security" it runs the program Then statement.. no IF statement needed. this is how I do a lot of Alexa related things.. Where I may have complex programs in ISY, I will have a simple one that is only for Alexa to initiate the complex programs. In this manner you can keep things really simple between the two interfaces. Here is an example for controlling my awning.
  23. easiest way is to simply create a routine in Alexa with the trigger being voice "open living room blinds" which then turns the isy device on.
  24. @Khouse I you simply changed the spoken in the portal in question #2, then you need to go to the Alex app, find that spoke / device and delete the old one. Since that spoken is still in the Alexa app, the only way to get it to go away is to delete it. Changing it in the portal wont do that nor will discover new devices. As for point #1, I have never had that problem as long as I follow these steps, in order and hit save after each one. -go to portal as shown above, - create your link by selecting the ISY device / scene or program etc -Add the spoken or multiple spokens (each one will show up as a separate device in Alexa) -When done, be sure hit save and back all the way out of the portal to the main screen -Ask Alexa to discover new devices. Good luck!
  25. Same here ... polisy.
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