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Everything posted by dbwarner5

  1. so if I want lightning data in the ISY, I should set up a second station as remote and it might pull it from the Tempest server? Thanks.
  2. See below.. app shows lightning, lightning is happening, but NS doesn't show it. All other values match.
  3. I have three technologies: Luma by Snap, RING, and an old Wansview camera. Understand ring wont work. Was able to get Luma to work, but not the Wansview... will keep trying. GREAT ADDITION!
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  4. @kzboray per Javi post, I think its pretty simple in that you can have your "toggle" program be as the following, and wehre it is DISABLED, and in THEN adn ELSe, just call your other program's Then, Else and eliminate the if there. This is an example of what I use for a Toggle. works perfectly. Set UD mobile to run the If. Replaced THEN and ELSE with Run Then Living Room KPS8 Lights Scene 1 And Run ELSE Living Room KPS8 Lights Scene 1 If you still need the other buttons as a trigger use control in that if statement. Rus Bedroom LD - [ID 0378][Parent 0377][Not Enabled] If 'RussoundCtl_1 / Bedroom Sound' Power is Off Then Set 'RussoundCtl_1 / Bedroom Sound' Zone On Else Set 'RussoundCtl_1 / Bedroom Sound' Zone Off
  5. BACKUPS --> New lesson after 15 yrs with ISY. For years I regularly did backups, especially BEFORE any Firmware / Software update. What I neglected to do was a backup IMMEDIATELY AFTER any firmware / software update. Typically, I would wait until after I made some changes somewhere in the AC and then do a backup. This time, I almost got burned by that. I did the upgrade to 5.6.4 and then added a whole new line of programing related to the newly released BETA Russound NS. Then I did a backup...... IT FAILED due to a corrupt file. Yikes, hours of variables and programming down the drain? However through the awesome support at UDI and @Michel Kohanim, the corrupted file was replaced and I can do a back up again. Lesson learned.... always do a backup before and immediately after so you know it works, before you make changes.
  6. @macbannai Glad you got it working.. one thing to note for future NS, I have found the blue banners can take a while to go away.. sometimes 5-10 minutes, or going back to the dashboard and then back to the NS. So I wouldn't worry about them initially if they are still hanging around after you have solved the issue it requested. Cheers.
  7. I have had no problem with Hue NS and PGX. I am running version 0.1.11 The custom config has: bridges [""] I can't remember if the first time I had to press the bridge button. I also use resources to directly get to the Hues. But in My Lighting, I can control them via the NS.
  8. Not sure either but after a third reboot, my IOX started going crazy. It turns out it enabled over 50 disabled programs so loops were generated and all hell was going on until I could systematically disable them all again.. All is up and running as expected for now. thanks!
  9. Rebooted Pollisy.. all is working again. Now need to figure out what went wrong on Polisy......
  10. It may be a problem with my Polisy as now the AC isnt loading properly.
  11. @bpwwer NS was working fine yesterday. Open the AC today and nothing is showing up. Have restarted the NS a few times as well as the AC. No change. Attached is the log package. The value for Power is showing 0 for all zones on the NS, yet that is not the case. Some are on, some are off. thanks. debug.log.zip pg3-current.log.zip
  12. Same here... @bpwwer let me know if you need a tester. etc.
  13. Bob thank you!! I just got it loaded on my end. Appears to be working but will test further. I have a MCA-88... all zones recognized etc. Set up took a few trials.. Port is NOT designated in the RIO or my Router anywhere so tried 5000 and found that 9621 per Gary's set up worked. You may want to add that to the config info. Lastly, I had to go to the Russound set up page and change the protocol to RIO to get it to work. I use ethernet, not serial. Will keep you posted! thanks so much!
  14. The simplest thing to try is to rebuild the scene. Next step would be to then do a reset to default of the switch and re-writing the whole switch and then recreating the scene again.. delete the scene first. If you have the scene in lots of programs, name it slightly different when you recreate it, before you delete it, and then use the Find/ Replace in programs to replace the old scene with the new scene, then delete the old scene.
  15. @Techman @landolfi Zwave answer can be found here in the wiki. Worked for me, via advice from @Javi https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Eisy:User_Guide#Can't_connect_to_ZMatter_Z-Wave_board_/_dongle
  16. Same here.. no Z-wave since the upgrade.
  17. @bpwwer Hi bob, any update on your timing to complete the PGX version of the RussoundRIO NS? Now that PG2 is gone, my house isnt the same without this interface. I do have a laborious work around using Alexa, Russound Skill and variables that can work, its not reliable and I undid it all when the PG2 NS was working. So am trying to evaluate your time frame vs my time / effort to recreate the Alexa linkage. Would be willing to pay an initial "developers" fee to help if needed!! cheers.
  18. Just upgraded from 5.6.0 w/o any apparent issues. Was notified at completion with a request for a reboot. Nice addition. No more guessing. THANKS MICHEL and team!
  19. Whenever I open the AC, I see this: A simple click on the Controller followed by a query, rapidly fills them in. Why? Am on elk NS 3.7, PGX3.1.27, Polisy 5.6 Thanks
  20. Thanks. I opened a ticket to understand what these errors mean as this seems to be the original of the problem: 5/30/2023, 09:19:59 [pg3] error: uncaughtException: read ECONNRESET Error: read ECONNRESET at TCP. onStreamRead (node: internal/stream_base_commons:217:20) 5/30/2023, 09:19:59 [pg3] error: uncaught ECONNRESET exception: Error: read ECONNRESET at TCP.onStreamRead (node: internal/stream_base_commons:217:20) 5/30/2023, 09:19:59 [pg3] info: Caught SIGTERM/SIGINT Shutting down. 5/30/2023, 09:19:59 [pg31 info: Stopping running NodeServers...
  21. Wow.. that's a huge bummer. I wish I had known before I did the "upgrade" (whenever pg2 disappeared) as this is clearly a downgrade losing pg2 RussoundRIO. I have migrated all my other NS to PG3/X and am happily supporting the developers, but this is a very unpleasant surprise as I have lots of things tied into my whole house audio system via the RussoundRIO NS. @bpwwer hope things can settle down enough for you to port this over! let me know if you need test cases. Thanks.
  22. @bpwwer Bob, a separate question, I did the upgrade from PG3 to PGX. Now my one RussoundRIO NS on PG2 is no longer working and I can no longer access PG2.. was this a result of the upgrade or is it something else? Best solution is to port RussoundRIO to PG3/X but havent see that addressed yet. thanks.
  23. Ok Thanks Bob. I will keep an eye on it and maybe reboot the Polisy one more time. What is also interesting is that it is almost instantaneous that it shuts down and then starts the restart procedure. If it persists, will open ticket. Regards...
  24. @bpwwer yes i get all of the above. What i dont get is why is PGx telling the NS to shut down? I am not telling it to do anything. These disconnects, reconnects, as shown on the logs appear to be directed by Stopped by Polyglot. Why?
  25. @bpwwer Here are my PGx and system logs in case that would help? pg3_5-26-2023_62259-PM.zipsystem_5-26-2023_62303-PM.zip
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