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Everything posted by dbwarner5

  1. Have you done a sync lately from the settings in UDMobile. I have found that if I have made changes in the AC, sometimes it can be slow to populate until I do a sync.
  2. AS always, there are many different approaches to things. My ecobee is in a home that I use, rent and can be vacant. While I am sure the ecobee can do all these modes, I get tired of learning new systems and relying on me doing something separate / in addition to all the other things I have to do to "set" the whole home in the mode it needs to be in when I leave it, or a renter leaves it etc. The other home with two thermostats are not ecobees, but older Honeywells with Zwave. No way to link them natively, so the isy is perfect, and because one is much smaller and upstairs, it requires different offsets to the main level one so as to not do "all the work" or vice versa. Again, ISY manages that really well.
  3. I often get caught up in the "battle of controllers" : ISY, Alexa, Ecobee etc.. As a result, whenever possible I default to using the ISY for control. So in both of my houses, even though I have "smart" thermostats, I basically never touch them and let the ISY do all the temp management. When either home is in "Vacation" mode, then EVERYTHING to do with the house being vacant gets managed on one controller.. the isy --=> security, temperature, water pump, random lights at night, etc. This has helped to keep my sanity around trying to remember which controller is doing what. A few other temp related examples of isy vs thermostat control: -if I tell Alexa to set the thermostat at house 1 to set the AC temp to anything above 80, isy takes over and runs the fan 30 out of 60m minutes, and holds indefinitely the tempt 85.. But as soon as I ask Alexa to set the temp to anything below 80, isy takes over and adjusts the temperature to the schedule I like which includes 4 or 5 adjustments between 11pm and 8am to keep the house circulating and cooling. -at house 2, I have two thermostats. if I tell Alexa a temp for either one, it will adjust the other one automatically to be in sync. (upstairs / downstairs). and depending on the outside temp it will adjust them either plus 1, even of minus 1 as I have noticed they run best this way at certain temps. -using seasonal input, temps and schedules and modes adjust automatically. All of this would be a nightmare to do on a thermostat. cheers!
  4. @Javi ISY 5.8.0. PGX 3.2.18 There are no allow isy access parameters for those two PI..
  5. @Javi Javi, see screen shots of when I click on Ring and ecobee.. and when I click on ELK--> I get nothing.. just a blank screen with a spinning wheel. I have restarted my iPhone with same result. Thoughts? thanks. All other ~10 PI are working as expected.
  6. Had to check the new box "Allow ISY Access by Plugin". Then wa able to get the elk working again. However @Jimbo.Automates there is still no access via the beta plugin page on UDMobile.
  7. Well here’s the problem with that. The plug in environment is not stable yet. for example this morning I woke up and three of my plugins are not connected. trying to restart the elk plugin through UD mobile and all I get is a spinning wheel before I even can get to the restart screen my ecobee PI responds with a long error message when I click on it the only way I can reset things is through the main pgx page directly. I can go down the rabbit hole again for why each plugin decides to fail but sometimes I don’t have the time and just need to get them working again.
  8. Am I missing something? -can connect to pgx plugins via UDmobile -can connect to pgx directly IF I open a port on my router, but I get hacked when I do this and it causes the plug ins to quit and restart 1-2x /day -can connect to ISY AC remotely via the UDI address via launcher -->my.isy.io/isy/xxxxxxx as shown below -can NOT connect to PGx via the UDI address of https://my.isy.io:3000 which comes up when I use the launcher. -Settings in portal seem to be correct?
  9. Its there now.. thanks..
  10. Hey @Jimbo.Automates. the example isnt showing up? thanks
  11. thanks @Goose66 that did the trick!! you guys are awesome!
  12. looks like they got Alexa working again. I have increased polling times, and restarted, but plug-in still is reporting back false for service connection.
  13. access method is both.. Alexa and plugin.. both are not working, so assume the problem is on their end. tried to call but the hold time >1 hour and now they are no longer accepting calls, just asked to call again tomorrow.. lol
  14. Update. must be an iaqualink issue as my Alexa skill wont connect either. I hope they havent gone by way of the MyQ service!
  15. Posting here as there is no specific pgx forum for this plug in. Updated to 3.31 python. Have restarted PI several times. Wont connect to service. I can connect to their service directly thru the web. any help? log packages included. iAquaLink_2-26-2024_75453_AM.zip
  16. I do this all over my house using two programs. Here is an example. Works just fine. Never have the lights turn out if I am making motion. This is a battery MS II. Office Motion On - [ID 0122][Parent 0132] If From Sunrise - 1 hour To 9:30:00PM (same day) And ( 'MD Office' is switched On Or 'MD Office' Status is On ) And ( 'Office Desk' Status is Off Or 'Office Cans' Status is Off ) Then Set 'Office' Fast On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Office Motion Off - [ID 0176][Parent 0132] If 'MD Office' Status is Off And ( 'Office Cans' Status is not Off Or 'Office Desk' Status is not Off ) Then Wait 10 minutes Set 'Office' Off Wait 1 second Set 'Office' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') And here is second way I do it>... Exercize Motion on - [ID 0138][Parent 0139] If 'MD Exercize Room-Sensor' is switched On Or 'MD Exercize Room-Sensor' Status is On And ( From Sunrise To Sunset (same day) ) Then Repeat Every 19 seconds Set 'Excer Cans' Fast On Run Program 'Exercize Motion Off' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Exercize Motion Off - [ID 0106][Parent 0139] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Wait 5 minutes Set 'Excer Cans' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') And in all cases, I also have a "delay" program so that if someone turns the light off manually, the MS doesn't turn it back on right away..so that they can exit the room w/o triggering it. Here's what that program looks like for each of the cases above. Office Delay on - [ID 011B][Parent 0132] If 'Office Cans' is switched Off And ( 'Office Desk' Status is not Off Or 'Office Cans' Status is not Off ) Then Disable Program 'Office Motion On' Else Wait 7 seconds Enable Program 'Office Motion On' Exercize Delay on - [ID 0100][Parent 0139] If 'Excer Cans' Status is not Off And 'Excer Cans' is switched Off Then Disable Program 'Exercize Motion on' Else Wait 12 seconds Enable Program 'Exercize Motion on'
  17. @slimypizza Have you considered trying to use the plug in on Eisy? It looks like it can do what you are trying to do directly in the Eisy vs HA.
  18. here is a link on how to set up the geofence in UDMobile
  19. I do not have Blink cameras so am unfamiliar with what capabilities with the Plug-in are available. However, if you do have the plug-in and if you can arm it via the AC, through a program, then its very easy to tie you geofence into this. Example: -Geofence turns a variable from 0 to 1 when you leave. -program IF monitors the geofence variable and the THEN arms the blink cameras -ELSE unarm the blink.
  20. A workaround that is possible is as follows: Look into Konnected at https://konnected.io. This system allows older wired alarm systems to become wifi. Get a smarthings hub on Ebay and then all your old alarms zones can become aviaalbe in Alexa, which then the ISY can communicate with. Ideally, it would be nice if someone wrote a Plug in for it as I am sure you are not alone in having an older wired alarm system that you would like to integrate into ISY. In a second home where I do not have an ISY, but it had an old wired alarm system, I have installed this and it works great, just using hte smarthings app and Alexa.
  21. I think your programs are running correctly, just the logic is wrong, @gviliunas points out the easist way to fix. What is happening is that at sunset -35 minutes, the first program goes false, running the ELSE. So 3 minutes go by and then the lux variable changes to 0. This triggers the ELSE in the second program which turns off the lights, regardless of what the LUX value actually is, because the variable turned to 0 in the first program. It seems like you expect the lux value to overrule the time condition, which wont happen. If either are false, the first program will turn false due to the AND. After you think thru this a bit, feel free to post your changes and others can comment if you are still having problems accomplishing what you want.
  22. See screen shots below. This is in the UDMobile app on an iPhone.
  23. The Eisy does not have native ability to directly communicate / control the plethora of Wifi devices hitting the market. However if the device has a public API, then programmers can develop a "plug-in" or Node-server for that line of devices. This plug-in can then be used by the Eisy to control the device like any other device in your device tree. If you go to the PGX "store" you will see the current list of plug-ins that have been developed and see if the product you want has a plug-in that will create the bridge between the Eisy native capability and the new wifi device. https://polyglot.universal-devices.com The last option, though sounds like you are not interested in, is to have Alexa or Google Home become the interface between the Eisy and the device, assuming the device is Alexa / Google Home compatible. This is a more laborious method and can come with frustration as Alexa for example changes their interface often etc. The downside to what you want to do (replace z-wave with Wifi), is that since it is not native to the Eisy, you will always be dependent on an internet connection for the Eisy to communicate to that company's servers thru Plug-in which utilizes the public API of that device. Still to come are Matter compliant devices, which the Eisy will have the native ability to control. But these are not on the market in any large degree yet and the Eisy isnt yet ready to manage them yet either.
  24. sorry I missed this question. I have them hardwired to an insteon Open / Close Sensor.
  25. Smarthings devices will show up in Alexa. So you can write a routine in Alexa to turn them on / off / level etc. then using a variable in ISY you can trigger the Alexa routine to run based on the conditions you want. Or theoretically, you could set up a separate variable for each smarthings device in ISY and then tie each one to a routine in Alexa for that particular device. Then all your programming would be in ISY. However, this may be a lot to ask of the interface between Alex and ISY if you have a dozen etc devices that you want triggered all at once. Here is an example of something similar. I want to control something that Alexa has access to, but ISY does not. Specifically a music playlist from my Amazon Music account. In your case it would be a smarthings device. So in the ISY, I first set up a variable, in this case called $Supper_Music_trigger_alexa. Then in the portal I set up a "motion" to trigger based on this variable and a nonsensical spoken . My program then looks like this: Supper and dinner music - [ID 032D][Parent 0013] If ( 'K Island Cans' Status is 65% And 'GR wall sconces' Status is 69% And 'Stairs up Upstairs' Status is 24% And 'Sunroom' Status is 78% ) Or ( 'K Island Cans' Status is 25% And 'GR wall sconces' Status is 69% And 'Stairs up Upstairs' Status is 24% And 'Sunroom' Status is 80% And 'K Table at island' Status is 70% ) Then Set 'Kitchen Sound' Zone On Wait 2 seconds $Supper_Music_trigger_alexa = 1 Set 'Kitchen Sound' Volume 15 dB Wait 1 minute and 15 seconds $Supper_Music_trigger_alexa = 0 In this case, after my specific IF conditions are met in the ISY, it will change the variable to a 1, and then reset it to a zero, so that the next time I want the Alexa Routine to run, it will see a "change" from 0 to 1. If I wanted to "turn it off", I wouldn't do this, as the zero would be tied to a second Alexa routine condition for the variable to be 0. Here is the Alexa routine that gets triggered when this variable changes from 0 to 1: This is one way to do it. I am sure there are others, but hopefully you get the idea. In my case it's pretty funny because I actually initiate the conditions of my IF by giving an Alexa command of Turn on supper, (or dinner --> different lighting) which then turns on a scene in the ISY, which then sets the lights that triggers the above IF to turn true, which then triggers the variable to make the Alexa routine run for the music.. lol. Here is a Wiki on Alexa / ISY that may also help. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/ISY_Portal_Amazon_Echo_Integration_V3#Devices
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