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Everything posted by dbwarner5

  1. @whywork Its a bit easier to go to UD Mobile, under settings / plugins and you should see there if there is an update needed and if you open the plug in, there will be an option to Update. But it still requires you to go look,
  2. Check the "children" under the main lock and users should be present. This access control is also used in programing. if you dont have it, then you may need to do a "interview" to get it to show up properly. See screen shots below.
  3. @JP It's in UDMobile....starting on any screen, click on the bottom right gear icon for settings. scroll down to Controller, select it, and then select your EISY.. On the next page, scroll down and you will see PROGRAMS AND VARIABLE SETTINGS, Click on that and you can adjust.
  4. very similar. I also use most of those strategies, but still got way up and had to revert all of my basement scenes (low importance) to programs as there are over 20 switches for each scene. I use programs to notice if a switch for example over the pool table is on and then is switched on, the whole basement goes into "playing pool" scene. Same for other focal points in a large game room. Was in the high 900's and seeing issues when I had all these in scenes, even with the program being the trigger ie, no controllers. Now I am in the high 700s so that is good so that I can occasionally add a new scene or two. Cheers.
  5. @CoolToys To larry's point, I label all my Integer variables with the letter I in front so that if am using that variable, I know it is NOT going to effect the program's IF statement. If it doesn't have an I, I know its a state variable (which are my majority). On a separate thread, I recently covered some of the Programing logic in the ISY. check this thread.
  6. @gregkinney I understand the frustration. My son, who has a computer science degree from Univ of Michigan, just refuses to get his head around it. lol. It does call for often "isolating" certain activity you may want in a separate program w/o an IF which gets called to run the THEN, so that if you have waits, there is no IF to reevaluate and therefore no chance the program will stop before completion. Often a tripping spot for everyone.
  7. @gregkinney this page is an excellent reference page to better understand how programs "execute" in ISY. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Scope,_Precedence_and_Execution_Order#Statement_Execution_Order --> Statement Execution Order Within the Then or Else clause of a program, statements are executed from top to bottom in the order in which they occur. When a statement calls another program, the called program begins executing, and the calling program immediately continues execution with the next statement in sequence--it does not wait for the called program to complete before continuing. A series of statements within a Then clause (or within an Else clause), up to the next Wait or Repeat statement, are atomic. In other words, all such statements are executed before the conditions of the program are retested. The program's conditions are reevaluated each time a Wait or Repeat statement is encountered, and at the end of each iteration of a Repeat loop. What this means is that if a program's Then clause changes a condition which causes the program's overall condition to become false (or if the program's Else clause changes a condition which causes the program's overall condition to become true), the current atomic statement group will complete, and at that point execution will transfer from the Then clause (or the Else clause) to the Else clause (or the Then clause). Therefore, if a Then clause (or an Else clause) contains no Wait or Repeat statements, the entire clause is atomic, and will complete before the program's conditions are reevaluated.
  8. What are you using at the summer house as a controller? is it another eisy? At a second house, I use SMartthings and meross or kata wifi.. not ideal, but meets my needs just fine for that house. (aeotec has a smartthings hub that includes zigbee and zwave with very broad integration capabilities, but far less programming control)
  9. this may be a bit of a wish.. there is a limit of 1000 "devices in scenes". So for example in my basement I have ~20 switches.. if I put tougher 10 scenes with those 20 switches, I have used up ~ 200 of the 1000. I had to replace all my basement scenes with programs (much slower) to avoid overloading this limitation And to be clear, this limitation is with the PLM, nothing else. (disclaimer, I may not have all the correct "technical aspects" of the above, but the concept is relatively close to correct)
  10. Ok.. I tried once more by changing it to 90, then back to 84 and VOILA! it worked.. Strange.
  11. Have tried to delete the 84, put in 80, saved it, stopped and restarted PI.. then did it again, but deleted the 80 and put in the 84, saved, stopped restarted. Still not working. Thanks.
  12. upon further investigation, it doesn't seem to be going to the right port. From the log: wc:fetch_data: Fetching data from URL: 2024-10-28 13:30:27.713 Thread-76 (poll) udi_interface ERROR wc:fetch_data: Error fetching data: HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=80
  13. I have two Web8 controllers. I have installed 2 plug-ins with different IP addresses etc. At first they both worked. Had a lock up on my eisy. Upon restart I could not get web8 RIGHT, to work at all. I am remote, so I went directly into the web8 to ensure it was connected. It is and I could access all the screens w/o problem. Went back into PGX, erased some of the config values, put them back in, and it still shows as Disconnected, but it did retrieve my temperatures. I have stopped and started it a few times, no changes. attached is the log fyi. The other plug in shows a 1 in the ST driver vs zero in this one. Thanks. WebControl8_10-28-2024_13416_PM.zip
  14. @gschoffstall I keep both the admin.jnlp and the start.jnlp on my desktop. When I am local, I only use the admin shortcut as it is so fast to open up the login page. I use start when I am traveling and need to use the portal route instead.
  15. @gschoffstall try this and seeif you get anything.
  16. I have found that sometimes the AC Finder can be really really slow in "finding" my eisy, even if I put in the address manually.. One thing you may try is to put this into a browser: http://192.168.xx.xx:8080/admin.jnlp where the 192.... is the INTERNAL address of your eisy. This will download a file called admin.jnlp. Clicking on this downloaded file should open you up immediately to the login for your Esiy.
  17. @CoolToys Not sure about the bedroom yet, but a couple of points about your programing that yo may need to watch out for: Occupied_Guest_Edit and Occupied Guest Check - looks like they should work together. Auto Late Arrival Auto Off - [ID 0010][Parent 0001] If $sLate_Arrival is 1 Then Wait 10 minutes $sLate_Arrival = 0 Set 'Garage Drive Spots' Off Wait 20 minutes Set 'Kitchen Under Cabinet' Off Wait 10 minutes Set 'Downstairs Office Lamp' Off --I would move this line $sLate_Arrival = 0 to the last line. Each time a WAIT completes, it rechecks the IF statement, so this program will never complete. After the second wait, it will evaluate as false. The last program looks solid.
  18. Are your bedroom lights the only ones that are acting up? is it one Insteon switch? or several? If it's one, it may just need to be factory reset and restored from the AC? (you have probably done that, but just checking the simple things) I have one light that is through a micro module.. it has its own spirit.. comes on / off whenever and however it wants.. nothing will be running.. I have factory reset it to no avail.. luckily is a light I can live with being random. Need to buy a new micro switch for it sometime. Another trouble shooting thing you could try is: set up a new program that if the bedroom light comes on (during the night or when your bedtime variable is set), then send a notification, email, or turn some other obscure light on. Or it could just be a blank THEN and just see if the program turns true. This will test if the ISY is actually recognizing that the light is on, or if it's something "local" in the switch itself?
  19. @CoolToys From a problem solving perspective are you familiar with the Find/Replace command in the AC? It's a great way to find a variable hidden in a program, or a program being called from another program etc. You just pick what you want to find and then hit the find button repetitively until all instances are found. It wont replace anything unless you press the replace button. This has saved me many many times. Also you said above "Last night both "sEarly_Morning" and "sNight" were "1" which should not happen. That program is here too. I manually changed them both to zero and hit bedtime. This morning they are both still zero." If I understand your programs, at 4am, sNight goes to zero, and at sunrise +4mins, sEarly_Morning also goes to zero. So unless you checked these variables BEFORE sunrise+4min, then they would both be zero as you noted. If you checked it before that then they should be 0 and 1. So I am not sure what the question is anymore.... After some more trouble shooting, if you could try again to explain what you are running into adn when posting programs, right click on the program and select the bottom option of "copy to clipboard", then when you paste it into this forum, the complete program gets inserted. Good luck!
  20. (on a Mac, if you copy something on your phone, you have access to paste it immediately from your computer clipboard. super easy! )
  21. Again, this is for a hue spot light in the ceiling. the switch is an Insteon switch. Switch is always on to give power to the hues. Insteon program turns it back on, if turned off, after turning hte hue off.
  22. Here are the programs that I "waterfall" with. I dont have a time out, but I do have a 1am reset on these. Hope this makes sense.. I have five different settings from the same switch, in sequence. Mbed Doug reading 1 SD - [ID 01C8][Parent 01CF] If 'MBed Reading Doug' is switched On And 'MBed Reading Doug' is not switched Off Then Resource 'Doug's Reading on bright' Enable Program 'Mbed Doug reading 2 LD' Disable Program 'Mbed Doug reading 1 SD' Mbed Doug reading 2 LD - [ID 01C9][Parent 01CF][Not Enabled] If 'MBed Reading Doug' is switched On Then Resource 'Doug's Reading on full bright' Enable Program 'Mbed Doug reading 3 LD' Disable Program 'Mbed Doug reading 2 LD' Mbed Doug reading 3 LD - [ID 01CA][Parent 01CF][Not Enabled] If 'MBed Reading Doug' is switched On Then Resource 'Doug's Reading on Blue Dim' Enable Program 'Mbed Doug reading 4 LD' Disable Program 'Mbed Doug reading 3 LD' Mbed Doug reading 4 LD - [ID 01CB][Parent 01CF][Not Enabled] If 'MBed Reading Doug' is switched On Then Resource 'Doug's Reading on Red dim' Enable Program 'Mbed Doug reading 5 LD' Disable Program 'Mbed Doug reading 4 LD' Mbed Doug reading 5 LD - [ID 01CC][Parent 01CF][Not Enabled] If 'MBed Reading Doug' is switched On Then Resource 'Doug's Reading on green dim' Enable Program 'Mbed Doug reading 1 SD' Disable Program 'Mbed Doug reading 5 LD' This one resets the loop when I turn the switch off. Mbed Doug reading Turned off - [ID 0350][Parent 01CF] If 'MBed Reading Doug' is switched Off Or 'MBed Reading Doug' Status is Off Then Run Program 'Mbed Doug reading off' (Then Path) Set 'MBed Reading Doug' Fast On Mbed Doug reading off - [ID 01C2][Parent 01CF] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Wait 1 second Resource 'Doug's Reading Off' Run Program 'Mbed Doug reading reset loop' (Then Path) Mbed Doug reading reset loop - [ID 01CE][Parent 01CF] If Time is 1:00:00AM Then Wait 2 seconds Enable Program 'Mbed Doug reading 1 SD' Disable Program 'Mbed Doug reading 2 LD' Disable Program 'Mbed Doug reading 3 LD' Disable Program 'Mbed Doug reading 5 LD' Disable Program 'Mbed Doug reading 5 LD' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  23. @bpwwer I know this topic has been covered before. Any thoughts on trying to accomplish back engineering for this? I was just reminded today why I would really appreciate a Plug in for this: I am traveling and have my Elk alarm set to Away mode. The Roomba set off the motion detectors today and the alarm went off!.. I have to remember to manually set up a program that disables the alarm when the Roomba runs. But it's going to be hit or miss as the Roomba kinda does things on its own time line etc. Having a natural link between the Eisy and the Roomba would allow for automatic disarming etc. cheers, Doug
  24. I do something similar for my back deck lights. They are "checked" into correct settings, but if I want them to STAY off, they would come back on as you said. So I set up a trigger program that says IF light is on and is turned off, Then Decklightsstayoff =1. Then in my original program, I add that variable to the IF statement so that it wont run if the variable is 1. Some more needed than above to fine tune things and reset the trigger etc, but hopefully this gives you the path to go on. If you need more, let me know and I can show some programs. Cheers.
  25. Nice summary. I have hues and the plug in. They are in so many scenes that I hate to have to go and see each of their settings for each scene and then add them to a new scene. But someday maybe. One other idea you may consider is to run a "waterfall" of programs that change the hue bulb every time the light switch is hit. For example, the first one turns on the defined scene you have. then a program is then looking for that switch to be on AND switched on., and then changes its color / brightness etc, disables itself, and enables the "next" program in the water fall. You can add time elements as well which will force it to reset to the first color if no body has hit the switch recently, etc. I have this set up for a. pari of hues and it works well. cheers.
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