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Everything posted by dbwarner5

  1. Rachio gets great reviews and has a plug in for ISY
  2. dbwarner5

    4.0.8 Discovery

    Check your custom inputs.. it should look like this, with your IP address and RATGDO information.. you added the word local.. not used in this format.
  3. I had the same problem and didnt reboot it. But in the Advanced tab under UDM, I have conditional colors adn icons and labels : shut, open, closing, opening etc. So there is always that method.
  4. @Goose66 ReFlashed today. Ratgdo devices (2) were NOT recognized. Had to use two custom parameters and then Discover to find them: -gdodevice0,;ratgdov25i-ca0567 -gdodevice1,;ratgdov25-30f318 -error message was: STOP button does NOT work on either door under devices. For those with programs and want to make the change, this is an easy way to update all your programs and not lose anything. 1) Install new version 4.0 2) name the devices in the device tree similar to old names but slightly different 3) go to programs and do a FIND / REPLACE using the old name as the find, and new modified name as replace. 4) delete old nodes 5) rename new nodes to your original names. ie: -my original name was Pole Barn North Door. -New temp name PBNorth Door -Find: Pole Barn North Door --> Replace: PBNorth Door --> replace in all programs -Back to Device tree, Delete original nodes Pole Barn North Door -select PBNorth Door and rename to Pole Barn North Door. Cheers.
  5. I currently get notifications of motion via the ring app. I would love to be able to control these via "snooze" with the ISY. Does the API allow access to these settings? Would this be a feature enhancement of the current Plug-in? Thanks
  6. @javi.. thanks. in that case, I can actually just use my current method and have a 'trigger" program that simply runs the THEN or hte ELSE of the target program. no need to add more variables. Example: Trigger program: Disabled. IF: If <trigger program> is False Then: Run Target program Then Else: Run Target program Else Then set up the Trigger program as a Command, run IF. I think this would much easier. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything else. Thanks.
  7. @Javi what is the easiest way to have a tile in favorites when touched toggle between running the THEN and the ELSE. Currently my work around is to put in the IF statement: If <program> is false, and then disable the program, and have the favorite set up as a Command with the same program selected to run the IF. Below is an example of a sprinkler zone that I can turn on /off manually via a favorite. However I have other programs that the IF statement contains other items and it needs to stay enabled. This technique only works for a disabled program. Thanks! Love the power of UDM! Sprinkler Lake 1 LD - [ID 0166][Parent 0150][Not Enabled] If Program 'Sprinkler Lake 1 LD' is False Then Set 'Elk Controller and Outputs / Sprkl Lake 1' On $I_Sp_Counter = $I_Sp1_Lake_1 $I_Sp_Counter *= $I_Sp1_Percent $I_Sp_Counter /= 100 Repeat While $I_Sp_Counter > 0 Wait 1 minute $I_Sp_Counter -= 1 Repeat 1 times Run Program 'Sprinkler Lake 1 LD' (Else Path) Else Set 'Elk Controller and Outputs / Sprkl Lake 1' Off
  8. @FerventGeek Since you will be movig from PG2 to PGx, I would also suggest going to each NS in PG2 and takeing a screen shot of the Config page as you will need to repeat all of those in PGx Because I was paranoid, I also did a back up of Net Resources, a screenshot of Polisy setup, a download of Spokens (Alexa), a download of all my variables Good luck!
  9. In the AC under Configuration, there is a reboot button. In UD Mobile, under the Admin tab, there is a reboot option. Both of these assume the Polisy is operating. If you cant access it then power cycling is the only way.
  10. This may be too simple an answer, but have you recently done a Sync? Try going on UDM to Settings, / Systems / I on Pol (My Lighting) / --> Yes to pop up question. Then delete all unused databases. I have found that a few times when I have that type of behavior, doing a sync "resets" everything and then status shows up quickly.
  11. Default tile type
  12. @Javi I have a favorite that reports the % chance of precipitation from my Weatherflow nodeserver. I want the symbol to display various icons based not the percent chance of rain. My initial setup was: -a cloudy icon on the "Edit Favorite" screen, replacing Default -an umbrella icon on the "Mapped Values" screen when the % is >= 40% The result is that the icon ALWAYS shows the cloudy icon, regardless of the %. However if I change the "Edit Favorite" screen icon back to DEFAULT, and add the cloudy icon as a mapped value for % <40%, then the icons correctly represent the conditions: --> cloudy for <40, umbrella for more. Is this expected behavior? It seems like if you change from the default icon, then the conditional icons do not report. However if the defualt icon is left as default, then the conditional icons report correctly. This doesn't seem to be intuitive. Thanks,
  13. agree. that would lessen the amount of tiles needed.
  14. Here are some ideas for you I also have conditional formatting for Heat mode --> Red with wavy lines for each of the modes and the state If you would like to see more detail on how to set up "advanced configuration", let me know.
  15. I think you may be missing something. Here are some screen shots of my thermostats in UDMobile. Make sure that the display node you chose is the correct one. I can then click on Display status and choose each one. Am in the process now of changing hte icons / colors for conditional reporting based on the status.
  16. If nobody responses with a solution, you should open a ticket and then post the solution after it is fixed.
  17. Your programs look good. I do something similar but it's a combination of the above comments. -a keypad turns on steady if there is a door open ( I have three) -if winter time, (heated garage), the door will shut after 20 minutes with a voice warning from elk and a chime warning in the garage and lights blinking -- total delay ~20 seconds. -in non winter time, it will stay open until bedtime routine. -I also check to see if the door actually shut. I attempt it 2 times. And if it doesn't shut successfully, the keypad button will blink quickly and a voice announcement declares an error. -Keypad button will also blink slowly if the service door is open, which requires manually intervention. -All three doors can be shut or opened individually via Alexa or opened or shut simultaneously via Alexa. For added convenience, I have an echo dot in the garage so can open / close any door as I am walking around the garage. Lastly, I also use geofencing and driveway sensors to open the appropriate door for myself or my wife when we come home. As added information, I get a pushover anytime a door is opened or shut and have an optional elk voice announcement of the same inside the house that I can toggle on or off (usually have it on in the winter time due to heat to ensure things shut etc).
  18. @Goose66 This whole thread started when MyQ broke general access to their API. I just noticed that Ring and MyQ are teamed up such that I can now access MyQ in the Ring app. Since we have a Ring NS, can that be a work around to get access to the MyQ data in the Ring app?
  19. Am a bit confused by your pricing.. at OpenSprinkler web site, I can purchase the main module with ethernet A/C for $175, and then two 16 zone expander for $100 = $275 for 40 zones. You would only need one controller.
  20. Am currently using ELK outputs with ISY programming to run my sprinklers. Am intrigued though with OpenSprinkler. Know lots of people that have had great success with Rachio https://rachio.com however, I am not sure if this system is local or remote. While there is nothing wrong with my elk / isy setup, I havent spent the time to program in rain / sun / evaporation rates etc. Rachio I know does a great job of incorporating this into its programs. any comments anyone?
  21. Others may correct me, but if the motor is an AC motor, then it should work fine as an AC motor can handle varying current. ie: ceiling fan with an old fashion pull chain. However it its a DC motor, you will ruin it and should only use an off on.
  22. @Javi something is still off.. conditions = Rain Likely, then set icon to umbrella.. it's not changing.. see screen shots. Same issue with the icon to its right.. Precipitation 50%.. should change to an umbrella.. if >40%
  23. @ Javi.. I just changed another weather icon to if chance of precipitation >40%, use umbrella. The current % is 50%.. umbrella is not showing. I am wondering if the new icon rule wont show until the value changes and it is re-evaluated? maybe that was the problem above as well, adn when the conditions changed, then the icon changed? I will keep an eye on this one to see if when the % changes, if the icon changes too. You may need a line of code that "evaluates" the conditional rules whenever that screen is closed out? See screen shots.
  24. only one weather ns... but today, its suddenly worked for "thunderstorms likely".... will keep an eye on it as conditions change to see if the icons follow suit. I have a different icon for each weather condition.
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